Chapter 21: The Guild war (Arc 2)
At the guild we see there is only Mirajane there cleaning mugs and other things while the guild is silent. She looks sad since this guild used to be filled with guild members smiling and laughing but now it is silence.
Then she heard footsteps coning down the steps and then Arthur and Amy came down and walk over to Mirajane.
Arthur: Hey Mira doing alright?
Mirajane: Yeah doing alright. Things are quiet here isn't it.
Arthur: Yeah. You know I wished the guild would be quiet for once. I guess this came true but.....not the way I think of.
Amy: I just hope everyone is going to be alright.
Mirajane: Yeah same. With Makarov as well as Erza I'm sure they will be okay.
Amy: Hope so.
Mirajane: Where is Y/n? Isn't he here?
Arthur: He's checking on Lucy at the medicalcentre.
Mirajane: Right. I did remember her going to see Levy, Jet and Droy there. Poor Lucy.
Arthur: I'm sure Y/n will cheer her up. I know he does.
Amy: (smile) Same.
Mirajane: (smile) Yeah. Hey how about I make something for you two since you're here.
Arthur: (smile) We like that.
Amy: (smile) Yeah same.
We see Y/n in the medical centre and once inside he soon finds Lucy sitting next to the unconscious Levy along with Jet and Droy in the room. He walks in and knocks the dooe which gets Lucy attention.
Lucy: Oh hey Y/n. What are you doing here?
Y/n: I figure I check up and see how you and the others doing. How are they?
Lucy: They haven't woke up yet.
Y/n: Damn.
He walks up to Lucy as the two sat there together with the unconscious Levy. Y/n turn to Lucy to see her about to cry but he gently grab her hand as a sigh to tell her that everything will be okay.
Lucy squeezes his hand back as she wipe her eyes and then stelle Y/n.
Lucy: You know I was gonna allow Levy to read one of my upcoming books.
Y/n: You mean the piles of paper I saw at your place?
Lucy: Yeah. She loves books and thanks to Happy she knows about it.
Y/n: (light chuckle) That cat seem to drive you crazy.
Lucy: (small smile) Yeah especially Natsu. Do you know they break into my house?
Y/n: Do they?
Lucy: Yeah. Whenever I open the door they are always there. It's not just them but Erza and Gray will be there as well.
Y/n: Was the door unlocked?
Lucy: Strangely enough it was locked.
Y/n: Then how did they get in?
Lucy: I have no idea. I'm actually curious myself on how managed to get in.
Y/n: Maybe they climb through the window?
Lucy: Maybe. That is a possibility but hey I don't mind if you break into my apartment.
Y/n: (smile) Oh come on you know I would never do that.
Lucy: (smile) Yeah but I really don't mind.
Y/n: (smile)......Maybe I will.
The two begin to laugh which cheers Lucy up and soon they left Levy and the others be as they decided to do some grocery shopping since they are not sent to battle.
We cut back to Arthur and Amy as they sat there taking drinks while Mirajane are with them as Arthur set his mug down and as a thought.
Amy: Is something on your mind?
Arthur: Yeah. It's about Phantom. They pulled all this stuff just to get their attention?
Mirajane: It's how they are. The Phantom Lords do want to have us boiling.
Amy: That's true.
Arthur: Agree.
Arthur takes another drink and while drinking he turn to the whole room completely empty. He stares at the empty room and suddenly his eyes widen with realising as Amy and Mirajane were talking when they heard the mug his the floor.
They turn to Arthur to see he has a sudden realising on his face which Amy ask him.
Amy: You okay?
Arthur: This........This is......This is their plan.
Mirajane: Plan? What Plan?
Arthur: Think about it? How they wanted to get the guild so much attention it results to Levy, Jet and Droy getting injured! All of this was just to lower the guild member away from Magnolia so someone else would attack the guild!
Amy: That's crazy!
Arthur: I don't think so. Look everyone is gone the it is only five members here at the guild. If they would they would sent another team over and attack us!
Amy: (shocked) Holy crap your right. If that's true then that means-
Mirajane: The guild is going to be attacked!
Arthur: I'm calling Y/n to get over here now!
He pulls out his magiphone and calls Y/n.
We see the two walking through the street with bags of Groceries in hand as they were talking when Y/n's magiphone begins to ring however his hands was kinda full as well as Lucy's.
Lucy: Looks like someone is calling you.
Y/n: Yeah but I'll leave it until we free our hands.
Lucy: (smile) Alright.
They turn to a street and they were talking when suddenly drops of water came down and soon rain started.
Lucy: Rain? It was a nice day today.
Y/n: Wait.....something isn't right.
???: Drip, Drip, Drop.
They turn to see a woman wearing all blue with a umbrella as she walks up to the two and stop in front of them while keep saying "Drip, Drip, Drop."
Lucy: Um hi.....can we help you?
???: Apologies of the rain. I must have ruined it for you two.
Lucy: Huh?
Y/n: Lucy I think she's a wizard and this is her magic.
Lucy: (surprised) Seriously?!
??? 2: Yes indeed you are very much correct.
They quickly turn and suddenly a man came out from the ground which cost the two to jump away as he came out of the ground as he stood next to the rain woman.
Sol: Forgive the lovely lady Juvia, she cannot control the rain no matter where she goes. As for me, my name of Sol and we are members of the Element 4.
Lucy: (shocked) Element 4!
Y/n: You two are apart of Phantom! What are you two doing here?
Sol: We are here for our target.
Lucy: Target?
Y/n: Whoever your target is we will stop you.
Sol: (smirk) Why the target is already here and not far from you.
At first Y/n is confused but he then turn to Lucy and the two realised that Lucy is their target.
Y/n: Why Lucy? What does she have that is important to you two?
???: Something that she hasn't told you or anyone else.
They quickly turn and they see Wolzard standing there as Y/n pulled out hid Magiphone, getting ready to transform.
Y/n: What are you talking about Wolzard?
Wolzard: I'm surprised that she didn't tell you anything about her. I figured someone that is close to you should have told you everything she knows.
Y/n: What do you mean?
Then a realising hits Lucy as she realised what Wolzard is talking about. Then Y/n had enough and calls out.
Y/n: Mahou Henshin! Maagi Magi! Magiiro!
MagiRed: I won't let you take Lucy.
Wolzard: Then let's see what you can do.
Wolzard pulls out his sword and he created a slash wave which MagiRed blocks and then he rushes towards Wolzard and the two begin to dual. The two clash blades and move around as sparks fly apon each clash.
Soon the two enter a blade lock and then the two leap back and once they land on their feet the two launch each of their magic attacks which creates a explosion which Arthur and Amy see outside.
The two rush over while MagiRed and Wolzard continue clashing blades at each other as MagiRed shoots fire at Wolzard which he blocks and then he double kicks his shield which cost him to slide backwards.
Wolzard slowly stood up while MagiRed stare at him as the two stared at each other and before the fight would continue he hear Lucy's cries and turn to see Lucy trapped inside of a water bubble which Juvia summoned.
MagiRed: Lucy!
He was about to rush toward her when Wolzard slashes him from behind which cost him to yell and collapse onto the ground.
Wolzard: Your care towards her is a weakness.
MagiRed: Let her go!
He was about to get up when he realised stones were trapping his arms and legs in place as Sol uses his earth magic to keep him down while MagiRed watches as Lucy begins to lose consciousness and soon she shut her eyes and falls unconscious.
MagiRed: Lucy!
Wolzard: You are a fool that Lucy has never told you about her past or who are family were.
MagiRed: What did you do to her family?
Wolzard: Nothing. The Phantom Lords have a job to bring Lucy to him by cost some damages to hee guild so we work together to get vengeance on our enemies. It's unfortunate that she didn't tell you everything about herself.
MagiRed: That being?
Wolzard: The fact that Lucy is not like you all. Not even close. Lucy is actually very wealthy and her father wanted her back.
MagiRed: (shocked) What?! She's......she's rich?
Wolzard: Correct. Her family is one of the most riches families in all of Earthland. They were the once that created the banks called "The Love and Lucky" and her father is a powerful man.....unlike you. This whole time you have been dated his rich daughter.
MagiRed is shocked by this as he stare at the unconscious Lucy as he wonders why she hasn't told him this. He was left speechless when he breaks out of Sol's magic and turn his blade to Wolzard and tells him.
MagiRed: Even if she is rich that doesn't change my relationship with her. I'll protect her from you and her father!
Wolzard: You don't have a choice.
Then Wolzard swings his powerful strike at MagiRed. This sent him flying and then he lands hard onto thr ground and as the result of it he dehsnhin as he lays there as he looks over as the trio stare at Y/n as Wolzard tells him.
Wolzard: This will be the last time you'll ever see her. Say goodbye.
Y/n: N-No....Lucy! Lucy!
And so the trio take Lucy away and soon they disappeared within the rain and soon the rain stops as Y/n slowly crawls after them only to find Lucy's Celestial keys as he grabs it and slowly begins to get up just as Arthur and Amy came around the corner and rushed over to Y/n.
Amy: Y/n you okay?! Where's Lucy?!
Y/n: They took her.
Arthur: What?!
Y/n: They took her guys. But.....I won't lose her. We won't let them take her.
Arthur: What should we do?
Y/n: Simple.
He forms a fist of determination while holding Lucy's Celestial keys as he then said.
Y/n: We're going to find where they have taking Lucy......and we're going to get her back.
To be continued...........................................................
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