Chapter 13: Galuna Island (Arc 3)
We see a pirate ship sailing through the ocean and within the pirate ship we see the pirate crew inside and maintaining the ship while the captain is seen taking control of the ships direction while looking s bit nervous as he called out to his crew.
Male captain: Is everything in tip top shape?!
Pirate crew 1: No holes around the ship captain.
Pirate crew 2: Ships cannons ready loaded captain!
Pirate crew 3: Sails doing fine captain!
Male Captain: Th-Thanks good. I hope your finding comfortable here ma'am.
???: I will be as soon you will take me to that island as soon as possible.
Male captain: (nervous) O-Of could but....can I ask what for? The island we're going to is cursed and-
Suddenly a feet stomped onto the wooden floor and making the captain and his crew nervous in fear as the women behind him was no other then Erza who looks very upset and has a serious face as she explain.
Erza: I'm going there to punish some guild members for breaking guild rules. They will be dealt with by the time I arrive there.
Male captain: (scared) O-Of could ma'am! Right away! Full speed ahead men!
Pirate crew: (scared) YES CAPTAIN!!!
Grace stood there in shock while Gray looks angry as they stare at Lyon qs he revealed his face to them along with the Magirangers, Natsu, Lucy and Happy while Branken and Vancuria stood near Lyon while staring at them.
Grace: (thought) Lyon......why siding with them. I don't understand.
Arthur: Wait? You know this guy Gray?
Lyon: We were Ur'z student a long time ago. She taught us ice magic and how to master it.
Gray: (angry) And here you are, not only disrespecting Ur's sacrifice but working with the Hades Empire. How could you!
Lyon: Master Ur failed to destroy Deliora and so I will kill it with some help with these monsters. They give me the knowledge of defeating Deliora.
Noah: Or just using you and your cult to awaken Deliora so they can use him to destroy the world!
Amy: How could you do this!
Sophie: Ur died and your just gonna ignore her sacrifice?!
Lyon: You do not understand our past. But it will not matter as you all will die here.
Branken then summon Zoblis as they appeared in front of them.
Lyon: Yuka, Toby ans Sherry. Head to the nearby village and destroy it. They will pay bringing our guest here to this island.
Yuka: Of course Lyon.
The trio left whioe the Zoblis rushes towards them as the Magirangers were ready for battle.
Y/n: Lucy, Happy head to the village and warn them!
Lucy: Right!
Happy: Aye!
Grace: I will assist you two.
The trio left while Gray and Natsu stood with the Magirangers.
Y/n: Ready guys?
Noah, Arthur, Sophie and Amy: Ready!
Gray: Lyon is mine.
Natsu: (smirk) I'm all fired up! Let's do this!
The Magirangers pulled out their magiphones and then called out.
Y/n, Noah, Arthur, Sophie and Amy: Mahou henshin! Maagi! Magi! Magiro!
The Magirangers, Natsu and Gray charge at the Zoblis with Gray jump over the Zoblis and battle Lyon while the Magirangers and Natsu battle and Zoblis as Natsu and MagiRed striking blows and shooting out fires together with MagiRed summon his magisword and slash at the Zoblis.
They all took out the Zoblis until all were deafed. Branken is impress and decided to join in the battle as he summon his massive sword and swings it and about to hit MagiYellow onky for MagiGreen to create a vine wall to block Branken strike and then MagiPink creates a strong wind strike that cost Branken to slide slowly back but he was strong and break the wind and slammed his sword onto the ground, creating a crack that goes towards Magipink which the crack open ans she fell in.
MagiRed: Amy!
MagiRed leaps over the open crack while taking MagiPink's hand and pulled hee to safety as he carry her which she blushed and said.
MagiPink: My hero.
MagiRed blushes a bit while Branken was about to charge at them only for Natsu to punch him in the face.
Natsu: (smirk) Not soo tough now aren't we?
Branken wasn't effect by the punch as he grabs Natsu by the arm and then slammed him onto the ground.
Branken: and you call yourself a powerful dragon slayer?! Ha! That's pathetic! I cannot wait to add your skull into my collection.
Before he could he was clashed by Magiyellow as he shock him with electricity which cost him to stumble back. The Magirangers continues to battle Branken while Natsu gets up and looks over to see Gray and Lyon battle with Lyon getting the upper hand.
Natsu: Not soo fast you jerk!
He charge towards Lyon with his fist in flames bit Lyoj just pushed Gray out of the way and blast Natsu within ice magic, trapping him in a round ice cube around his body as he couldn't use his fire dragon slayer magic.
Natsu: Hey! I can't use my magic!
He then kicked Natsu which sent him falling down a hill as Gray turns and was about to charge at Lyon but MagiRed rushes over and grabs him by the shoulder.
MagiRed: We need to go now! They're too strong to-
Gray: (angry) No way! This is my fight!
MagiRed: But if you keep fighting like this then you will-
Gray: (angry) GET OUT OF MY WAY!
He then blast MagiRed with his ice magic which shocked the other Magirangers but this was enough for Branken to slash at them all, sending them flying and land hard on the ground.
Gray charge towards Lyon onky for Branken to grab him by the neck and lift him up in the air.
Branken: Your nothing but a failure to your master. Weak, pathetic and a fool. How does it feel that your own friend turn against you.
He then punch Gray many times over and over and then throw him off the cliff which MagiRed sees this and leaps off after him.
MagiGreen: Y/n!
Magiyellow: We gonna fall back and regroup with Grace, Lucy and Happy at the village.
MagiGreen: Right.
They fall back as Branken watched them leave as Vancuria walked up next to Branken.
Vancuria: That went well.
Branken: You've could have been helpful and fight.
Vancuria: I figured you had it under control since your the high ranking general of the Hades Empire.
Lyon: Disbite theie defeat they will return.
Branken: Yes but they will be too late.
Lyon: Still we must not allow them return here again. Have your Zoblis protect the temple at all cost.
Branken: Sure thing Lyon.
He then turn and leave as he let out a little chuckle to himself as he walks off.
We see Gray extremely injured as he lay there on the floor. He groan in pain when MagiRed finds him as he come out of the bushes and rushes towards him.
MagiRed: You look injured. We need to get out of here and return back to the village.
Gray: N-No! I-I meed to stop Lyon and-
He try to stand up but fall back and groan in pain even more. MagiRed check his wounds and sees how hurt they are and tells Gray.
MagiRed: Your in no condition to fight Lyon
Gray: You don't understand what I've been through and the guilt I have to carry around with me all these years! You just.....don't understand me.
Gray turn away for a moment while MagiRed stare back at him and then he picked him up and carry with with one arm around Gray and they start walking through the forest.
MagiRed: True. I don't understand your past or Lyon's. However you can't go through this path alone. We are here for you Gray. Fairy Tail is with you and you just need to find faith with us.
Gray turns to MagiRed and then falls slinet for a moment and then ask MagiRed.
Gray: Do you evee feel that though?
MagiRed:......No but has a leader I'll be ready when that comes. I know the responsibility I've been given as leader but I'll be ready to take any responsibility that comes in my way. It's not only my responsibility to give hope and joy to my team but to my friends as well, especially you Gray. I don't know what happened between you, Ur and Lyon but as long we are together, we will over come this.
Gray is stunned by his words and soon he passed out. Shorty after that MagiRed come across Natsu still trapped in his ice body as he rush up to the two.
Natsu: Hey is that jerk asleep! I'm gonna beat him for kicking me off the cliff!
MagiRed: He needs medical attention. He's extremely hurt and we need to take him to the village.
Natsu: Fine but if he wakes up I'm gonna beat him up.
MagiRed: (chuckle) Noted.
???: MagiRed.
They turn and see Wolzard coming out of the darkness while riding on his dark magic horse called Barikion. MagiRed hands over the unconscious Gray to Natsu and tells him.
MagiRed: Take Gray back to the village.
Natsu: Okay. Be safe man.
MagiRed: I will.
Natsu then takes off as MagiRed turns to Wolzard as the two stared at each other.
MagiRed: You came here for a rematch do you?
Wolzard: Correct. The last time we met was interrupted but now, it's just you and me.
He then climb off of Barikion and then draw out his sword and slowly points his sword at MagiRed. MagiRed pulls out his MagiSword and gets into a battle stand. Wolzard stares at MagiRed for a moment and then he walks to the left while MagiRed walks at the red as the two walk around in circles as Wolzard telle MagiRed.
Wolzard: Your magic is strong. I'm impress how much training you gone through just to be ready to face me.
MagiRed: Not just that but to save lives and defeated the Hades Empire. Which I must ask why? Your a MagiRanger right? Why siding with them?
Wolzard: Because they show me the dark power of could have and you should as well. Join me and together we can be unstoppable.
MagiRed: I refuse! I'll never work along side you!
Wolzard: Then you will die here MagiRed.
He then he fired dark attacks from his shield and at MagiRed which cost an explosion but MagiRed leaps through the flames and leap towards Wolzard and clash blades at him. The two enter a blade lock and then Wolzard pushes MagiRed back which he lands on the ground and look up and moves to the left to dodge Wolzard dark lighting bolt attacks as sparks fly out every time MagiRed dodges them.
Then MagiRed leaps up in the air and shoot out fire at Wolzard but he blocks it with his shield. Then he blast his wolf attacks at MagiRed only to dodge his attacks and land towards him and kicks him back.
He slide backwards and stop just behind Barikion as MagiRed lands on his feet and stood up straight as Wolzard says.
Wolzard: Very impressive. But let me see how strong you really are against this! Uuza Douza Zanga!
Suddenly both him and Barikion turn big as MagiRed leaps away and watched as they not onky grow big but also combine together into the Wolkentausros.
Wolkentausros: This is my power! Let me see how you can beat me now!
MagiRed: (thought) Wow! I never know he can do that?! Well just because he can do that doesn't me he has luck on his side.
MagiRed: With pleasure! Maagi Magi! Magiiro!
MagiPhoenix: MagiPhoenix!
MagiPhoenix and Wolkentausros tower over the forest as they are seen in shore ad both MagiPhoenix and Wolkentausros pulled out their swords and then they charge at each other. MagiPhoenix let out a battle cry while Wolkentausros horse let out a cry as the two of them gets close and then both of them swing their swords at each other and their swords clashed as they begin their gigantic dual.
To be continued...................................
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