Chapter 11: Galuna Island (Arc 1)

It was the middle of the night as we see Grace in her room sleeping but something seemed to be wrong as she turn her body side to side while letting out some groans like she is having a dream.

This goes on for sometime until something smashed onto the floor, costing her to wake up and sat on her bed as she is breathing heavily and look around. She sees what was dropped and it was a snow globe as she leave her bed and approaches the broken snow globe and reach down to clean it up when she stopped and seeing a reflection of a women in the water as she step back a bit.

She was shocked and confused as she looked around to see if this was a trick but realised it was not so she approaches to her draw, pulled it open and then stare at the object as she reach into it and then takes the object and pulled it out as she stared at it while she said.

Grace: If you are alive somehow. Then I will do my best to find you....and bring you back.

On her hand was a Magiphone but was all white rather then gold as she knew she couldn't do this this on her own so she believed they will be ready to take on a dangerous mission in their lives.


(Next day)

We see the Magirangers making their way to their base as Grace called apon them for something very important. We see them walking through the trail leading then to the tree as they wonder wonder it could be.

Arthur: Wonder what Grace has something important for us?

Noah: Who knows but I hope it's not trouble.

We see Y/n looking a bit worried to which Amy ask him.

Amy: Hey what's wrong?

Y/n: It's Lucy. I went to her place to visit and when I knock at her door there was no answer. I was about to head to the guild when Grace called us.

Amy: (smile) Well either way I'm sure she'll be fine.

Y/n: Yeah guess so. Anyways let's see what Grace has to say.

They agree and soon arrived at the tree and we cut to them enter the meeting room where they see Grace there as she look at them and says to them.

Grace: (smile) You all arrived here just in time. Today is a very important mission and I wanna be sure that you all are ready for this.

Y/n: (smile) Of course. The Magirangers are ready for anything!

Grace: (giggle) Love your spirit Y/n.

Noah: So what is it that is so important?

Grace: You see. I had a dream but more like a vision of something evil and dark. A creature in fact.

Sophie: You mean the creature just like Lullaby?

Grace: Yes however this one is more deadly and dangerous. I was given visions of it although i have no idea what it looks like. All i do known however that the creature is located in a island called Galuna Island.

Noah: (shocked) Galuna island?!

Y/n: What is that island?

Noah: One of the most cursed islands in all of Earthland. Legend said that anyone goes to that island never came out.

Arthur: Yeah and some report seeing monsters at shore.

Grace: Indeed but I believe there are secrets on this island then we must find out and this creature must be responsible for it.

Y/n: If that's the case then it's up to us to find it and break the curse.

Grace: Indeed. Today I will assist you on this mission. Remember, this mission is extremely dangerous so we must be ready for anything, understood.

They all agree and once that Grace turns and reach out her hand and summons a portal which she tells them.

Grace: This magic portal will teleport use to the shores of Galuna Island. Let's not waste time.

Y/n: (smile) Right! Let's do this Magirangers.

Noah, Arthur, Amy and Sophie: (smile) Right!

(Sometime later)

We see them exiting out the portal and once everyone was out the portal closes behind them and they stood St the shores of Galuna Island as they look around to see no one around them.

Y/n: (smile) Huh this isn't soo bad.

Arthur: Yeah keep telling yourself that.

Noah: Strange. I don't hear anything. No birds, wild animals or anything. It's like this island is empty.

Amy: Let's hope there's no gaint insects on this island.

Sophie: Same.

Grave looked around, feeling this darkness as she turns to the forest as Y/n walked up to her.

Y/n: You okay Grace?

Grace: (smile) Do not worry. I am okay. Come on, let's explore a but until we find something.

They agree and they move into the trees. They walk through the forest as they look around and there were still no sign of life anywhere as they continue walking while keeping their guard up for anything.

Grace: Can I ask you something Y/n?

Y/n: (smile) Sure.

Grace: I wanna know......who were your parents and what were they like?

Y/n: I'm not really sure. But I do know my parents were kind and show me the world of magic.

Grace: I see. Do you miss them?

Y/n: (smile) Yeah but they will always be with me no matter what.

Grace: I bet they will.

Noah: Everyone, look!

They stop and turn to see Noah pointing at what seems like a structure so they walk towards it and it looked like a ruined building with the walls filled with ancient writing only to what it remains.

Sophie: It seems these were written many years ago.

Arthur: Can you translate it somehow?

Sophie: Maybe. Give me a second to try to translate them. You know if Levy were here, she'll love to try translating these writings.

Noah: Bet she would.

Y/n: (smile) You know I actually overheard her and Lucy talking about Lucy's book and Lucy allows Levy to read it someday.

Noah: Lucy is an author?

Arthur: Huh never knew she can write books.

Amy: You sounded like she doesn't do much in her free time.

Arthur: I'm just saying!

Noah: How come she didn't ask us to read her book.

Y/n: Well to be honest she could be shy and Levy also loves books as well.

Noah: Good point.

Sophie: Hey guys, listen to this. "When night comes, the moon monster will rain down a spell that will turn all those who were human into horrible monsters. This is the fate of thid island and a fate that we can not escape, even if we try there is no escape from the moon monster."

Amy: Moon monster?

Noah: Maybe these monsters can onky come out at night?

Arthur: Yeah but what's with the thing with humans turning into monsters? Can that be possible?

Y/n: Maybe but we are here for a reason and that is to find out what is going on, find the creature, defeat it and free this island from its curse.

Grace: That is correct. We all must do our part to unlocking the secrets and bring light to this island.

They agree when suddenly something came out of the bushes and 10 or 20 vloaked figures came out of the bushes with magic weapons ready as they get together and get into a battle stand.

Arthur: (smirk) Looks like we're got some company.

Noah: Agree. Let's transform.

Y/n: Right!

They pulled out Magiphones and press on the change code and then called out.

Y/n, Noah, Arthur, Amy and Sophie: Mahou henshin! Maagi magi! Magiiro!

MagiRed: Grace get to safety, we'll protect you.

Grace: That is kind of you but I wish to fight along side you.

She then pulled out her own Magiphone which shocked the Magirangers as she opens it and type in the change number.

Grace: Mahou Henshin! Maagi magi! Magiro!

MagiMother: The Sparkling Ice Element! White mage, MagiMother!

MagiRed: (surprised) Awesome!

MagiYellow: (surprised) I didn't know she had her own Magiranger form.

MagiBlue: (surprised) Still amazing!

MagiMother: Now, shall we battle these mysterious new enemies?

MagiRed: We're right behind you!

The cloaked figures charge towards them but MagiMother immediately froze the floor, costing some to slip and fell while some still charge towards them. The Magirangers charge towards them and they battle the cloak figures as they clash their weapons as they move around, dodging the cloak figures strikes.

MagiMother dodges the incoming swing and blocks another as she points her wound at them and shoot them with ice, freezing them immediately while the Magirangers took out the cloak figures one by one.

MagiGreen summon vines to wrap them up and tossing them away. MagiPink uses her air magic to fly around and getting behind them and knocking them out. MagiBlue blocks their attacks and blast them water and trapping one within a water bubble and throwing him away. MagiYellow clash their blades which he shock them with his lighting and then turn and shock more with hid lighting bolt.

MagiRed leaps up in the air and moves them back with his fire magic which cost them to step back and then they start to run away.

The cloak figures run away from them, realising they are too strong for them to beat as the Magirangers watch them running away.

MagiYellow: So who were those guys?

MagiGreen: Perhaps there are humans on this island?

MagiYellow: If so then why wearing a cloak? Would they be glad to see us instead of just attacking us?

MagiPink: Maybe they have something to do with the curse?

MagiBlue: Probably.

Then they heard something in the bushes which MagiYellow quickly turn around while he called out.

MagiYellow: Not this time!

He fired a bolt of lighting and zap someone but hid cries were familiar and to their surprise Natsu fell out of the bushes and onto the ground while sparks of electricity is seen on his hair.

Magirangers: (shocked) NATSU?!

Natsu: Ow what was that for man. Wait, WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE?!


Happy: Natsu!

Then Happy, Lucy and Gray came out the bushes and they were shocked to see the Magirangers while the Magirangers were shocked to see them.

MagiGreen: Mind telling us why you four are here?

MagiYellow: More important, HOW you got here?

Lucy: (nervous laugh) Well it's a very long story. You see-

Natsu: (smile)We took an S-Class job Request so we can get stronger and show Laxus whose boss!
Magirangers: (shocked) YOU DID WHAT????????!!!!!!!!!!


Happy: Well I was the one who stole it out of the board. It was pretty lucky if you ask me.


MagiPink: If Makarov or anyone finds out about it then you four will be seriously be punished for it.

Natsu: Well it's not like we can go back. The boat we came in destroyed. Say, why are you all here?

MagiMother: I brought them here for an important mission.

Natsu: Oh cool...........I'm sorry but have we met before?

Lucy: (slaps Natsu at the back of the head) You idiot! That's Grace!

Happy: (surprised) Wow she has a Magiranger form as well!

Gray: (surprised) That's pretty cool.

MagiMother: Thank you but let us not lose focus. If you are here for the same job as us, then we must work together. If you help us, I may convince Makarov to give you a light punishment once we return back to Fairy Tail.

Lucy: (sigh of relief) What a relief.

MagiYellow: Um guys.....Where's Y/n?

They look around, realising he's not with them when he heard him calling for them. They follow his call until they arrived to him and they walked up and they look up in surprised when they were face to face with a massive gate with a wall around it.

MagiRed: Looks like there is someone here then we thought.

Male villager: Excuse me!

They noticed someone above the gate as he called out to them.

Male villager: Who are you people?

Grace dehenshin while she step forward and said to the stranger.

Grace: Greetings stranger. My name is Grace and we are from Fairy Tail and I have the Magirangers. Hero wizards that will help you and your village anyway they can.

Male villager: (surprised) Really!? Oh thank the Lords. I'll open the gate for you all now!

He disappeared and seconds later the gate in front of them opens as they all look at each other and turn to the gate and then they go through the gate and entering to what they believe to be a village.

To be continued......................................

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