Chapter 10: A mysterious arrival

It was a nice day at Magnolia as we see Y/n in his house, trying out new spells as he read through the spell book and once he read some od the easy once, he turn and pulled out his magiphone and press in a spell code and swing it at the wall. Then there was a flash which nearly blinds Y/n and once he open his eyes he sees that he summon some normal boxing clubs which he was a bit disappointed.

Y/n: No that's not right. Maybe I need to concentrate more or maybe I'm missing something.

He looks down at the book only to hear a knock at his door. He make his way over and open it to reveal Amy at the other side od the door.

Amy: (smile) Hey Y/n, how's your day been going?

Y/n: (smile) Oh hey there Amy. Nothing much, just trying out some new spells. You?

Amy: (smile) Nothing much. Just done some clothes shopping since I need some new set of clothes.

Y/n: (smile) Guess that make sense.

Amy: Anyways I just came down here just to see your going to the guild today?

Y/n: Sure, just let me grab my stuff and we'll head there right away.

He heads off to grab his staff while Amy smiles and thinks to himself.

Amy: (thought) He's such soo dreamy. Maybe this will be a good time to go on a date with him. It would be great.


(Short while later)

Amy and Y/n were making their way to the guild Hall and once there they noticed a crowd around something as the two wonder why was everyone gathering around. They spotted Happy was giving out bets to everyone as they walk over to him.

Happy: (smile) Hey Y/n and Amy! Wanna place a bet to see who will win?

Y/n: What do you mean?

Happy: You didn't know? Natsu challenged Erza to a fight and right now they are fighting right now.

Amy: Oh yeah I remember Natsu saying something like that to Erza.

Y/n: Yeah same here. Guess saving the day made us to forget about that.

Amy: (giggle) Yeah.

Then the battle started as Natsu and Erza fight while the crowd cheered as Y/n and Amy finds the other Magirangers, Lucy and Gray as they stood with them.

Arthur: (smirk) Erza is gonna win, no doubt about that!

Noah: (smirk) True but I bet Natsu is gonna win.

Arthur: Seriously dude? It's obviously Erza is higher rank than Natsu is plus, she's a S-Class. She'll beat Natsu down for sure.

Y/n: (thought) S-Class? Wonder what that is? Must be a special rank to highly skilled wizards. Still, it sounds cool.

???: That's enough!

Suddenly the fighting was interrupted by what seemed like a frog like creature wearing the high council uniform as she step into the crowd and said.

Council member staff: May I have your  attention please, I have been sent here by the magic council for a important business.

Everyone was a bit shocked and wonder why they are here all of a sudden.

Arthur: Great, what do they want with us?

Noah: No idea but I have a feeling it something to do with Eisenwald and Lullaby.

Sophie: Maybe.

Council member staff: I have come here to take someone to the magic council for crimes against the land. Erza Scarlet, you are under arrest.

Everyone was shocked even the Magirangers as they can't believe they arrest Erza for crimes that she didn't do.

Minutes gone by and everyone was inside the guild and they were in slince after Erza was taking.

Arthur: (angry) I can't believe those sons of bitches took Erza away after what she did. If not for her, all of us would have died and our guild masters would have been killed!

Makarov: I know it maybe frustrating but there ie nothing we can do now Erza is taking away.

Arthur: Yes there is, we should go and be by her side! Not standing around snd do absolutely nothing!

Noah: Arthur is right. Erza has not done nothing wrong and what they did is unacceptable.

Natsu: Yeah, we should go and get her out!

We see Natsu turned into a small lizard and trapped inside a glass cup as Natsu goes on uo say.

Natsu: We can't just let them take Erza away after what she did!

Gray: If they found her guilty then there is nothing we can do.

Arthur: You know that's bullshit and you know that!

Sophie: It ain't right for them to arrest Erza. If it's about Eisenwald then how come we're all not arrested? We were with her.

Grace: Perhaps the council may have other plans for Erza.

Then Grace enters the guild as she approaches the Magirangers and tells them and everyone else.

Grace: I can ensure you all that Erza will return to us without any harm. We just need to be patient and wait for hee return.

Y/n:....She's right.

Arthur: What?!

Y/n: The magic council maybe jerks but they know what they are doing. They'll let Erza go soon but for now, we just have to wait.

Arthur: I hope so.

Noah: Agree.

Amy: Let's just hope Erza is alright.

Sophie: Same.

Grace: (sigh) Still, if only Natsu where here to listen.

Everyone: Huh?

Lucy: Um Grace, Natsu is the lizard in the glass?

Natsu: Yeah, I'm over here!

Grace turns and suddenly there was a cold wind blow Natsu out of his glass and suddenly there was a puff of smoke and everyone was shocked to see it was Macao.

Arthur: (shocked) Macao!?

Gray: (shocked) Where's Natsu!?

Macao: (smile) Sorry girls. I own Natsu a favour so I disguise myself to be Natsu so he can go and save Erza.

Elfman: That didn't is gonna get himself in big trouble!

Makarov: It might be too late to stop him now. For now, we just hope they're not gonna be in too much trouble.

Y/n hopes so as well and soon after that we see him going home when he come across Grace over the bridge and looking down at the water as he approaches her.

Y/n: (smile) Hi Grace.

Grace: (smile) Hello there Y/n, how is things?

Y/n: (smile) Very good. Being part of the Magirangers is the best. I've learning new magic every day.

Grace: (smile) I'm so glad for that.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah. Still, I'm a bit worry about Natsu and Erza, hopefully they are alright.

Grace: I'm sure they will be alright.

Y/n: Still I wanna know something. Natsu told me and Lucy a while back that he's been searching for Igneel. How did you or Makarov met him?

Grace: (smile) I'm glad you ask. You see, many years ago we found Natsu fighting off some monsters in the woods. Makarov and I took them down and seeing how strong he is with magic, we offer Natsu to join Fairy Tail which he accepted. He was funny when he was a kid but he had a pure heart when it comes to his friends.

Y/n: Even if he wants to fight them?

Grace: (giggle) True but Natsu is really nice and wishes to protect others just like you. He loves Fairy Tail and he'll never let anything happen to it.

Y/n: I see. What about Gray and Erza? Noah told me they were friends since they were kids.

Grace: (smile) Yep, they were a great trio when they were kids. But also funny as well, Natsu and Gray argue and Erza have to be the one to break them up.

Y/n: (chuckle) Yeah sounds like them alright.

Grace: (smile) Still, they grown up to be strong wizard's and I wish to do the same to you and to everyone else.

Y/n: (smile) Right, I'll won't let you down.

Grave: (smile) I know you won't.

Once that Y/n heads home while Grace watch him leave and then turns back to her own reflection as she smiled while she thinks to herself.

Grace: (thought) If only you were here right now, you would have been proud to see how much he has grown.

(Few days later)

Natsu: Alright! I'm free!

Natsu runs around the guild while others breath a sigh of relief as the trail was all a show so not Natsu and Erza were not punished to their crimes......Well accepted Natsu costing some damage to the trail room which cost them to spend more time in a cell.

Arthur: So it was all a show? Man, those Magic council jackasses are even more jerks to worry us.

Lucy: Just glad everything is back to normal.

Happy: Aye.

Y/n comes over to Erza who is a bit upset for what Natsu did as Y/n walked over and said.

Y/n: (smile) Here. I knew you like cake so I got some at the bakery.

He place the strawberry cake in front of her which immediately she was pleased and turn to Y/n.

Erza: (smile) Thank you Y/n. That is kind of you.

Y/n: (smile) No problem, figured that might make you feel better.

She smiled while her heart skip a beat a bit as she eats the delicious cake while he turn and walk over but then stopped as he feels something strong as he look over and ask.

Y/n: Hey guys, did you feel tha-

Suddenly his team fell onto thr floor while everyone else fall asleep all of a sudden as Y/n rushed over to them.

Y/n: Guys! What's wrong?! Are you all okay?! Answer me!

Then he heard a footstep and he turn around to be met with a cloak figure as he enter the guild Hall. He stopped and stare at Y/n as if he was surprised.

Y/n: Who are you!?


Y/n: You got five seconds to tell me or I have no choice but to fight you!

He stood there in slince until he walks towards him so he pulled out his magiphone and called out.

Y/n: Mahou Henshin! Maagi! Magi! Magiiro!

He pulled out his magicstick and he charges towards the cloak figure and swings his blade at him but to his surprised, the cloak figure was behind him as he turns to face him only for the cloak figure to lift out his hand at MagiRed and immediately he was blown away and slammed into the wall and onto thr ground. He stood up to continue to battle when he heard.

Makarov: Stand down Y/n!

He sees Makarov barely awake but still able to tell MagiRed to stand down. MagiRed was confused until he noticed the guild mark on his shoulder as he make his way to the job requests board.

MagiRed: Who is this guy?

Makarov: Mystogan.

MagiRed: Mystogan?

Then he approaches Makarov and tells him.

Mystogan: I'll be leaving now.

Makarov: Remove your sleeping spell on your way out.

He noded as he turns to the door. Before he leave he stop next to MagiRed and turn to him. He stare at him for a moment and then said.

Mystogan: Your just like your father.

MagiRed: Wh-What did you say?

He doesn't say anything else and walks off, leaving the guild just as everyone woke up apart of Natsu.

Arthur: Damn it was that Mystogan?

Noah: Must be him. I swear I'm gonna get a headache if he does that again.

Lucy: Who is this Mystogan guy?

Gray: He's this guild member who doesn't want anyone to see his face. Whenever he comes here to take a job, he cast a sleeping spell.

Lucy: That's kinda creepy.

MagiRed: But I didn't fall asleep. I feel a very strong magic nearby but I didn't feel like I was tired.

Elfman: (shocked) No way! You must be one real man!

Arthur: Yeah, the only one who can stay be awake is Makarov.

???: He's not the only one.

Then they look up to see a blonde spikey hair guy on the second floor of the guild as everyone look up.

Elfman: Laxus?

Nab: Didn't notice he was here.

Noah: And here's another guest.

Laxus: (smirk) He's just sky, you should respect that.

Then Natsu woke up, stood up and called out to Laxus.

Natsu: (smirk) Okay Laxus, come down here and fight me!

Noah and Arthur: You woke up because of Laxus.

Laxus: (smirk) Hey MagiRed, you're suppose to be their leader? Please, your just a boy with less amount of magic. You must be lucky to see Mystogan but then again, he might have done it just to make you think your strong.

Amy: Leave him alone!

Sophie: Yeah, leave him out of this.

Laxus: (smirk) You all are just soo weak and pathetic, its the reason you all are down here while I'm up here.

Natsu: (angry) How's about you come down and proof it!

Laxus: (smirk) You come up here little man.


He rushes over, leap over the desk and was about to take the first step when he was suddenly frozen by Grace as he tells Natsu.

Grace: My apologies but your not allowed at the second floor.

Laxus: (smirk) Aw, that's a shame.

Makarov: That's enough Laxus!

Laxus: (smirk) Listen up new kid, you wanna know who is the only strongest guild member in the world?! Your looking at him.

He then pointed at himself while MagiRed sees him as a jerk. Soon after that Y/n walked over to Makarov and Mirajane and then ask them both.

Y/n: Say I wanna ask, why aren't we allow on the second floor?

Makarov: That's because it's where the S-Class job requests are kept.

Y/n: S-Class job requests?

Mirajane: (smile) Those jobs are for wizards that are highly trained or very strong. The jobs they take are very dangerous and those who are not S-Class will surely die.

Y/n: Guess that make sense. Say Mystogan mentioned about my father, how does he know about that?

Makarov: Hhmm, perhaps he knows about your father a long time ago. Mystogan is a mysterious man, who knows what he is doing out there but I won't be too concerning about it.

Y/n: Okay then, thank you Makarov and Mira.

He turns and make his leave as Makarov lower his heaf down while he thinks to himself.

Makarov: (thought) I wonder how long until he finds out the truth about his father. I just hope he can handle the truth.

To be continued...........................................

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