Chapter 1: I want to be a wizard!
Long ago, in the distant past, there was once a world filled with darkness. Filled with dangerous monsters and never ending nightmare that mankind have to survive all these years. The Hades Empire ruled over Earthland using the powers of dark magic and spells ad they rule Earthland and spread their chaos apon humanity and those that are good. No one was not strong enough to face the Hades Empire and many those have already lost hope.
But then five powerful and mystical wizards who each have bound by a legendary mystical wizard. The nature wizard, bounded with the mystical creature of a Minotaurs. The water wizard, bounded with the mystical creature of a Mermaid. The wind wizard, bounded of the mystical creature of a fairy. The lighting wizard, bounded with a mystical creature of a Garuda. And finally their leader the fire wizard, bounded with the mystical creature of a Phoenix.
All five wizards faced the Hades Empire and disbite their numbers against them, they have managed to defeat the Hades Empire and banished them underground where they will never return again. Earthland was now filled with the light of magic and many guilds were formed as the five wizard heroes watched as Earthland grows and evolve. But in time, the five wizards slowly and disappeared from the world including their history as well. But when one story ends another begins as we follow a new team of wizards that will protect the world of Earthland and it's good magic from threats from the darkness. For now we follow a young boy that will discover his destiny, his name is Y/n L/n also known as....MagiRed.
(Hargeon Town)
At nice town of Hargeon we see a train station making it's stop at the train station as we see the train carts open and passengers were making their way out of the train. We then see four people step out of the train and looking around as one person with yellow hair with a pretty nice face let out a sigh and said.
Arthur: (smirk) Finally we're at Hargeon at last. Look out ladies, your pretty man has arrived.
Then he hears a laugh behind him and turn to see another male person with Green hair step out with strong lioe body as he step next to Arthur and tells him.
Noah: (smirk) Yeah I don't think other ladies won't be interested with a pretty boy like you. What they really want is a strong man like me.
Arthur: (anger) You yeah! I'll show you that pretty is better then straight!
Noah: (smirk) Like to see you try.
The two share a rival glare until two girls one with blue hair while the other pink step in between them and tell them.
Amy: That's enough both of you. We're here on a mission not to see who is better!
Sophie: Yeah so just behave okay.
Arthur and Noah: Fine.
Amy: Say where's Happy and Natsu?
Sophie: Oh there they are.
They turn to see Natsu laying on the floor while a blue cat with a green bag on his back try to get him up.
Happy: Natsu! We're at Hargeon! Wake up!
Arthur: (sigh) Not this again.
They managed to grab Natsu out of the train before it can depart and sat him down on the bench as Natsu slowly move his head up and tells them.
Natsu: Th-Thanks a lot guys.
Amy: (smile) No problem. So where to now?
Sophie: This Salamander is here right Happy?
Happy: (smile) Aye! That's what me and Natsu heard. Say why are you guys here?
Sophie: Well we're wondering if we can find our team leader here. I mean there is four of us but we need all five to be a team.
Sophie then pulled out a small like device and shows it to Happy and Natsu.
Sophie: This Magiphone bounded with those who has a pure of light within them like us four. Maybe we can find someone here.
Natsu: Thinm you can find this leaded here?
Amy: (smile) Well we didn't came here for nothing! So let's go and find both this Salamander and our new leader of our team!
Natsu: Sure but.....give me a minute will you. I'm still a bit sick.
Arthur: We're not even moving!
Noah: Oh boy.
Somewhere at Hargeon we see a young blonde girl within the only magic store that is in town as we also see a person at the background looking at the stuff while he over hears both her snd store owners conversion.
Lucy: What?! You be meaning to tell me this is the only magic store?
Store owner: That's right. Not much wizards come by here you see.
Lucy: I came all this place for nothing. (Sigh)
Store owner: (smile) Now don't be sad. I have some stuff here that you may like.
He then pulled out a small box with a mirror on it as he tells Lucy.
Store owner: (smile) This thing is pretty good and pretty famous around a lot of girls. It allows you to change the colour of your clothes and other amazing things.
He then show her by chaning his clothes to purple, red and then back to his normal colour but Lucy was not interested and says.
Lucy: I've already have those. What I really like is soke gate keys.
Store owner: Gate keys huh? Well I have one right here.
Then he opens a small box to reveal a silver gate key which Lucy really liked.
Lucy: (smile) Whoa a doggy!
Store owner: Yeah but it's not that useful.
Lucy: (smile) Yeah I know but i really want it. How much?
Store owner: 20,000 Jewels.
Lucy: (smile).......I'm sorry but what was that again?
Store owner: I said 20,000 Jewels.
She thinks she doesn't have that type of money but before she could think for anything someone place down 20,000 Jewels on the table and tells the store owner.
???: I'll pay that for her.
Lucy is a bit surprised by this and later we see the two walk out from the store while Lucy tells him.
Lucy: Say thanks for that but you really don't have to do that.
???: (smile) It's my pleasure. After all it's nice to meet a celestial spirit wizard like you here.
Lucy: (surprised) You know I'm a celestial spirit?
Y/n: (smile) Yep! The names Y/n and I know what type of wizards they are depending on their likes or their appearance. Since your interested with a gate key that you didn't care it's weak or not, then I predict that your a celestial spirit.
Lucy: (smile) Whoa your really are clever. The names Lucy, very nice ti meet you. So what brings you here?
Y/n: (smile) Easy! To be the best wizard ever and use amazing magic!
Lucy: You have magic?
Y/n: (smile) Yeah. Watch?
He point his finger over the bridge and shoots out fire which surprised Lucy. Ones he stopped he tells Lucy.
Y/n: (smile) But that's the only thing I can do. I usually use this to make children and other people entertain.
Lucy: So that's how you got a lot of Jewels?
Y/n: (smile) That and helping out the cooks at restaurants that.....I can't afford for the meals.
Lucy: (giggle) You must have to cook a lot of foods.
Y/n: (nervous laugh) Yeah I do.
Then they hear girls cheering and look down from the bridge to see a large crowd of girls at tne middle of town.
Y/n: Huh I wonder whats going on?
Then a group of girls ran by them from behind as one of them call out.
Female person: Salamander is here! Come on! He's here!
Y/n: Salamander? Wait, is he that amazing wizard from the magazines?!
Lucy: (smile) Yeah I think so as well! Wonder why is here? Who cares, let's go!
Lucy heads off with Y/n following behind her. Soon they made it as we see them in the crowd of girls as they squeeze through and they see Salamander showing off while the girls fall over kneels for him.
Y/n: (thought) Something about him doesn't sit me.
Y/n: I think we should leave Lucy.......Lucy?
He turn only to see Lucy staring at him with hearts in her eyes which Y/n immediately realised as she step forward but Y/n grabs her arm and call out to her.
Y/n: Lucy snap out of it! You've been controlled!
She then snap out of it and step back as she turn to Y/n.
Lucy: Y/n? What hap-
Arthur: Hello ladies!
Natsu: Igneel it's you! I finally fin-
Then Arthur and Natsu came out of the crowd and the two stare at Salamander and then the two ask.
Natsu and Arthur: Who are you?
Salamander: Who I'm I? I'm Salamander, surely you both heard of me?
Then the two just walk off only for his fan girls attack them and beating the two up for being rude while Happy, Amy, Noah and Sophie arrive to see this happen.
Amy: Oh boy.
Sophie: Should have gone a bit faster huh.
Happy: Aye.
Noah: (smirk) Sucks to be him.
Salamander: (smile) Now ladies take it easy for those two I'm sure they didn't do any harm.
The ladies stopped and fall over kneels for him ones again while he hands both Arthur and Natsu his autographs.
Salamander: (smile) Here boys. On the house.
Natsu: I'll pass.
Arthur: (smirk) Sorry but I rather get the ladies to line up so I can sign my autographs. How's about it girls, ready for my-
Then seconds later the two are seen in the trash after they were beaten once more while Salamander says.
Salamander: (smile) Well I'll be best leaving girls. Your all invited at my yacht at shore! Take care!
Thenhe summon a magic cloud with a snap of his finger and they fly away with his fan girls follow him while Natsu and Arthur watched him leave.
Arthur: Damn what a jerk.
Natsu: You tell me.
Then a hand reach out for Arthur as he look up to see Y/n as he smile at them and said.
Y/n: (smile) Hi there.
(Short while later)
We see them at a restaurant as Natsu and Happy were digging in a lot of food while the rest watched including the customers as well.
Arthur: Thanks for the help kid. That guy is really a jerk.
Noah: Or the fact you rush in when you seen a crowd of girls.
Arthur: Oh shut up!
Y/n: (smile) No problem and besides I already know he was no good when I saw his fingers.
Natsu: His fingers?
Y/n: He was using magic rings. One of them is a love ring that effects any women and make them fall in love for them.
Lucy: (smile) Yeah and I was one of those girls and I would have fallen for that if weren't for you.
Y/n: (smile) It's no problem Lucy.
Amy: (smile) Whoa your really are smart and nice.
Sophie: (smile) You really know many magic.
Y/n: (smile) Yep. I actually a wizard myself but I onky shoot out flames. Nothing else.
Arthur: (smirk) Whoa that's path-
Then Sophie shoots water at Arthur so he won't hurt Y/n's feelings.
Sophie: What he ment to try to say is that's great. Have you ever thought joining a guild?
Lucy: (smile) Yeah! I'm wishing to join a guild myself. What about you? Any guilf your interested with?
Y/n: I don't know. Its pretty hard to think which guilf to join. (Smile) Still it be great to join if I would.
Amy: (smile) That's the spirit!
Lucy: Say by away I wanna know why you all are here?
Noah: We're here to look for someone. You see Natsu and Happy heard there was someone named Salamander is here. We help him with his goal but-
Natsu: Turns out he was just a guy who's named Salamander. He doesn't even have wings.
Happy: Or doesn't shoot out fire.
Lucy: So he acts like a dragon or something?
Natsu: Oh no you got it wrong. Igneel doesn't act like a dragon, he is a dragon.
Lucy and Y/n:........Eh?
Happy: (smile) Yeah! He's a fire breathing dragon?!
Lucy and Y/n: (shocked) HHHHHHHUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHH?????!!!!
Natsu, Happy, Sophie, Amy, Arthur and Noah:.................
Then Amy blows the two away which crashed onto the wall so they stop arguing.
Amy: Yeah we might didn't thought about that.
Sophie: Agree.
Lucy sigh and place some money on the table and then tells them.
Lucy: Well I better leave. Here's for the food. Take care.
She then walk off whike Y/n also stood up and tells them.
Y/n: (smile) Guess I'll leave as well. Good luck and very nice to meet you all here.
He then walk out as well Sophie and Amy watch him leave.
Amy: (smile) He's pretty nice and cute.
Sophie: (smile) Agree. Maybe we can cross pass him when leave.
Amy: (smile) Yeah.
Night came over Hargeon as we see Y/n alone as he walk near shore while he looks up at the sky. He then reach his hand underneath his shirt and pulls out a small necklace that is a shield with a small red crystal in tne middle along with two swords crossed behind it as Y/n stare at it and thinks to himself.
Y/n: (thought) I'll try my best mum and dad. I'll be the best wizard that the world has ever seen.
He slide the necklace underneath his shirt and looks over to see the yetch being docked and suddenly remembered what Salamander told the girls earlier.
Y/n: (thought) Guess that's where Salamander yetch is at. Wait, is that-?
He then noticed someone climbing onto the board and suddenly realised it was Lucy wearing a dress. He have a feeling she's going to be in trouble so he rush over to the yetch and one's there he climb himself at the back of the yetch just as the yetch departed and set sail.
Y/n sneak his way through the yetch until he walk pass a window where he hears Lucy at the other side of the room. He then peek over to see Lucy and Salamander sat down on the couch. He watched as Salamander lifted some drips of wine out of his drink and tells her.
Salamander: (smile) Now open your mouth and take a drink.
She dose so and Y/n worries that he will drug her but she swipe the drips away and tells him.
Lucy: What do you think your doing? Your trying to put me to sleep aren't you?
Salamander just smirked while Y/n breaths a sigh of relief while Lucy gose on to tell her.
Lucy: Look I want to Join Fairy Tail but i don't want to be your wife or something like that.
???: Who says your going to Fairy Tail?
Suddenly a dark smoke burst into the room and a female bat like monster appear which shocked Lucy and Y/n as she said.
Vancuria: The names Phantom spy Vancuria and your not going to Fairy Tail. Your going to be a slave at for our Empire! Along with many others we got.
Suddenly troop like monsters appear holding unconscious women while they growled as Lucy is shocked by this.
Lucy: (shocked) What are those things?
Salamander: (smirk) Just a deal I've made so I can still get illegal rings that the magic council band.
Lucy: Why you!
She was about to pull something out but Vancuria wipe them and holds Lucy's gate keys.
Vancuria: So your a celestial spirit wizard huh? Well you don't need these ones your a slave.
She tossed them out of the window as they splashed into the ocean. Lucy is shocked by this as she shakes and start to tear up while she said.
Lucy: (tears) So yo use magic to take advantage over others! Your the worst wizard alive!
Vancuria: There is no way to escape and there is no one ain't gonna save you.
Y/n: I will!
Suddenly flames shoot out which hit the Zobils which cost Salamander and Vancuria to turn as Y/n kicks Vancuria onto thr ground and rushes over and grab Lucy by the arm and they exit out of the room.
Lucy: Y/n! How did you get onto the yetch?
Y/n: I saw you got onto his yetch and I have a feeling you were in trouble so I sneak on board in hopes to save you.
Lucy is surprised and then without thinking she hugged him which Y/n blush as Lucy tells him.
Lucy: (smile) Thank you Y/n. Your my hero.
Vancuri: Aww how cute. It almost make me cry.
Suddenly the room exploded which made Y/n and Lucy duck found as the crowd of people run while Vancuria, Salamander and Zobils approach them as Y/n gets in front of Lucy.
Vancuria: You two will be slaves for the Hades Empire.
Y/n: No matter what you do to us! I'll do anything to protect Lucy and everyone else!
Vancuria: How heroic. Prepare to die.
She charge up her dark magic when suddenly a strong wind blows her and her forces back as Arthur, Noah, Sophie and Amy land in front of Y/n and Lucy which surprised them both.
Lucy: (surprised) It's you guys!
Sophie: (smile) Yep. Say Lucy catch!
Sophie tossed Lucy's gate keys to to her which she catched while Noah tells them.
Noah: Okay guys. Ready!
Arthur: (smirk) Yeah let's do this!
Amy and Sophie: Same!
The four pull out Magiphones and press up the numbers and then call out.
Arthur, Noah, Amy, Sophie: Mahou henshin! Maagi Magi! Magiiro!
Then the four transform in front of Lucy and Y/n as they watched as they transform into their ranger forms which surprised the two.
MagiGreen: The Howling Earth element! The green mage, MagiGreen!
MagiPink: The Blowing wind element! The pink mage, MagiPink!
MagiBlue: The Shaking water element! The blue mage, magiBlue!
MagiYellow: The Galloping Thunder element! The Yellow mage, MagiYellow!
MagiYellow, MagiBlue, MagiPink, MagiGreen: Mahou Sentai Magiranger!!!
Lucy: Mahou Sentai Magiranger?
Y/n: (surprised) Wow soo cool!!!!
Vancuria: Attack!
The Zobils charge at them while the four charge at them and battle them. Both Lucy and Y/n were amazed by this as they battle the Zobils which angers Vancuria and turns to Salamander.
Vancuria: Do something Bora!
Bora: Don't call me that!
MagiGreen: Your Bora! The wizard that was kicked out from his own guild.
MagiYellow: Ha! Guess your ladies in your guild didn't help you! You suck!
Bora: (anger) How dare you!
The four dodges his attack as they step back and then MagiBlue called out.
MagiBlue: Time for you all to wash away! Attack element water!
At first nothing happened but there was a large shadow over them and they all turn to see a massive wave coming towards them.
Lucy: (scared) AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!
MagiBlue: Whoops sorry!
Then the waves hit the yetch and sent them back to shore. The yetch was flipped over as Lucy and the others get up while Happy fly over to them.
Happy: (smile) Hey all. Here for a swim?
Lucy: Happy! Thank god your here. Wait, since when you can fly?
MagiYellow: Ow. You do realise we're at a ocean right?
MagiBlue: Yeah sorry about that. Hey where's the spare Magiphone i have! It's gone!
MagiGreen: You mean the Magiphone that is for our new leader?
Lucy: Leader? What are you- hey there's Y/n!
In the distances Y/n came out of the rubble and coughs while he stumble his hand around amd land on something which he pick up. He picked up a Magiphone as he stood up and looked at it while a blast sent Y/n flying and he land hard onto the ground.
Bora: It's your fault they are here kid. Now your gonna pay.
He looks over to see Bora walking towards him as he looks at the Magiphone and stood up as he opens up the magiphone which suddenly glow.
MagiBlue: Guys he has the Magiphone!
MagiPink: And it's glowing! Can he be!
MagiGreen: Wow it must be!
MagiYellow: You gonna be kidding me!
Y/n sees the numbers of 1 0 6 glows which ment this is the code to henshin. He looks at Bora and press onto the codes and then called out.
Y/n: Mahou henshin! Maagi Magi! Magiiro!
Then he transformed as Bora steps back while the rest watched in amazement as Y/n transforms inro MagiRed in front of them.
MagiRed: The Burning flame element! The Red mage, MagiRed!
Everyone was shocked by this while Bora just smirked and said.
Bora: (smirk) You think you can beat me? Take this!
He fires a blast at MagiRed but then Natsu gets in front of him and punches the blast away. His fist was in flames which amazed MagiRed.
MagiRed: (surprised) Wow! Your a flame wizard as well!
Natsu: (smirk) Yeah but I'm also a Dragon slayer as well. A dragon slayer from Fairy Tail!
This shocks Lucy and MagiRed as Natsu turn to Bora and tells him.
Natsu: You try to name yourself a fairy tail guild member so you can kidnapped more people. Your going pay for using our name like that!
MagiRed: Yeah! Let's do this!
The two charge towards Bora and they battle him. Bora block and dodges their attacks but Natsu quick strike some blows at him whioe MagiRed land a kick at him and then dodges his spell attacks and then shoot flames out of his hand.
Then both Natsu and MagiRed leap up into the air and strike a double flame punch at Bora, sending him flying and crashing through his yetch as MagiRed and Natsu rushes through the hole and once at the othersidd the two dodges Bora's attacks as the two split apart and rushes towards him.
Natsu: (smirk) Let's see what you got kid!
MagiRed: Right!
He then pulled out a magistick that started into a sword and then leaps up and them he calls out.
MagiRed: Phoenix flame slash!
Then he strike Bora many times with his Magistick and while Bora steps back Natsu leaps up and light up both of his fist with flames and then called out.
Natsu: Fire dragon: Iron fist!
He then strike the final blow at Bora that sent him flying and one's he land on the ground he blows up while MagiRed and Natsu looks away from the explosion as Bora is defeated.
Soon they return back to the rest as MagiRed changed back to normal as he was amazed by this.
Noah: (smile) Looks like your our new leader then.
Y/n: New...leader?
Noah: (smile) We have been looking for one for a very long time and now finally, we found one.
Amy: (smile) It be great working along side you Y/n.
Sophie: (smile) Yeah agree.
Arthur: Same here I guess.
Y/n: (nervous smile) W-Well I have no idea what just happened or what you all are talking about.
Noah: (smile) Maybe you should come with us.
Y/n: Where are we going?
Natsu: (smile) To Fairy Tail of course! Come on, let's go!
Happy: (smile) Aye!
Lucy: (smile) Whoa Fairy Tail. I can't wait! What do you say Y/n, your in?
Y/n was confused by all of this but he smiled and node as they all head to Fairy Tail while on top of the cliff we see Vancuria watching them leaving Hargeon as she stare at Y/n and feels like there is something familiar with Y/n. Still she deployed her bat like wings and take off as she flies back to base to report this to her master.
To be continued...............................
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