My Teacher: Mr Bane
The bell rang and the students flooded into their classrooms, a hoard of bustling teenagers not ready to learn. Alec, on the other hand, was rather excited. It was now his second week at this high school and so far, he was loving it. He hadn't had to talk to a soul, no one bothered him and more importantly, he had his favourite teacher- Mr Bane.
Mr Bane, despite his glamorous appearance, was rather good at teacher across a board of subjects so it had just so happened that he taught Alec: Science, English, French and Art. Alec loved all of them and he could no longer be sure whether it was because of his perfect teacher of his love for the subject. In all truth, he really was horrific at art but with Mr Bane, or Magnus, by his side, he didn't mind.
It had even gotten so far that they called each other by their first names. Of course, many teachers call Alec, well, Alec but Magnus was different. Alec was the first name he remembered. Alec was always the first name it called. And, it seemed that Alec wasn't the only with an obsession.
Alec now sat in one of Magnus' lessons, English and just let himself wallow in the sound of Magnus' voice reading some of the most known, most beautiful, poems of the twentieth-century. Alec was only brought out of his reverie when Jace, his one, and only friend, nudged him on the shoulder.
English, sadly, was the one he didn't quite enjoy so much because no matter how close he was with Jace, he was oblivious in so many ways. The fact that Alec was gay, for one, and his obvious crush for Magnus coming along with it. So, whenever Alec zoned out in English, Jace had made it his duty to wake him up before the teacher noticed. Magnus did notice and he never cared. In fact, he loved it.
Although, this time, when Magnus turned around, something that had never before happened. It took some confidence from Magnus and even some of his reputation. 'Alec! Stay after class, I won't have you falling asleep in my lessons.' Snickers echoed around the room and Alec blushed heavily. He knew that Magnus hadn't seen him zone out nor had Alec been asleep. Magnus wanted to talk to him; it was as if his dream had come true.
Alec sat through the lesson with his arms folded, leaning back in his chair. He feigned boredom for the sake of passing time. He looked around, knowing it was impossible to really get in trouble now, and began to observe what he saw. There were a horrifying number of people on their phones and Alec could barely contain the rage he felt that they weren't listening to Magnus. How was even possible? Even so, they would be the ones to fail so he no longer cared. They were the drop outs, that much was clear.
Then, there was the group of giggling girls tucked away in the corner and Alec couldn't believe he hadn't heard them in the what he thought was a silent classroom.
Alec turned around, skipping over the shy kids that he would probably be accounted under and focused on Magnus once more. 'Class dismissed!' He called only a few seconds before the bell rang. The students bustled out like a hoard of bulls but Alec stood still, observing his surroundings again until the very last student had left.
Magnus smiled at him and peered out the door and locked it, a smirk on his face. 'Alec.' He smiled brighter and approached Alec, who gulped nervously.
'Magnus.' He swallowed thickly and withheld the smile he wanted to let out. He watched Magnus' movements, his cerulean eyes focusing on Magnus' lips. Magnus looked up at him, tracing his sight line and knew that he no longer cared for subtlety.
Without hesitation, Magnus' lips were on his. Alec wanted to laugh, his one dream had come true. Yes, wasn't he still kissing a teacher? Wasn't this illegal? Did either care for the law anymore?
Alec pulled away first, breathing heavily, a glowing smile on his face. Magnus was the same. 'We can't do this.' Alec breathed but neither really cared for his words. They were there to be considered but they had spent enough time in the shadows considering the outcomes. Now, it was the for them- no matter how illegal is was. They laughed in the face of danger because even after a single kiss, they knew this could be something. The flutter in their stomach said it could be something. Their rapid pounding of their hearts in their chest said it could be something. The smiles on the faces added the final touches. This was something, already. They hadn't noticed it: the flirting, the smiles, the stares. They were both too oblivious but that obliviousness was what made the game all the more fun. If it could even be called a game anymore. This was something more.
One kiss in and Alec was ready to say those three words. Not that he did, he hadn't the confidence for that. And, neither did Magnus but that didn't stop him from leaning in and whispering in Alec's here: 'stay after every class.' Alec chuckled and threw his arms around Magnus.
'I don't believe this is happening.' He smiled into Magnus' chest and felt the happiest he had been in a while. They had no care for the consequences as long as they got the now. The now was all that mattered.
'Me neither, me neither.' Magnus murmured, knowing that this could already be love.
And, it really was. Because, a year later, Alec had left school and was now waiting for Magnus in their shared apartment. 'Hurry up, Mags!' He called out, laughing at his continued skill of being late for every event. Magnus was always one to make a grand entrance. Magnus stumbled out of the bedroom disappointingly gracefully and went to wrap his arms around Alec, who sat on the sofa, from above. He kissed his hair and smiled, looking at the view of New York they had from their apartment.
'I love you.' Magnus murmured, kissing his head once more.
'I know, Mags. I love you too.'
word count: 1037
published: 28.03.17
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