History Maker

A/N I have exams at the moment so my update schedule is all over the place but here is this weeks update! It's HAPPY!!! Also, for all you YOI watchers out there, yes, this is based on the theme song because I MEAN ISN'T IT LIKE THE BEST THING ON EARTH?!

Magnus smiled, his gaze high and proud. The stage was bright, harsh but nonetheless beautiful. This was the first performance, at least, one that had any meaning to it. Rehearsals had been long and laborious but now, he was ready. He glanced around, hidden from the stage by a thick, velvet curtain, trying to find his partner. He wasn't a soloist, no, dancing alone was more of a chore for him- boring. So, when he had found that perfect partner, he hadn't held back from following the poor teenager around until he agreed to perform.

It was a prestigious role that he had offered, the dance company popular around the entire country. The boy had still been hesitant. That was, until, Magnus had offered him something much, much better- at least, in the boy's opinion. A number, a time and a place. A date, essentially. Signed, in small letters at the bottom, Magnus Bane.

It had been wonderful and there was no hesitation into starting a relationship. Now, after months of rehearsal for their first big show of the year, they were going to perform- together, just as Magnus had first wanted it. The boy, Alec, was beautiful at dancing and although had less experience than Magnus had, was no worse. They were a match made in heaven in the dancing world, limbs tangling in knots but neither falling. Well, not anymore, Alec had once been known for his clumsiness- it hadn't deterred Magnus at all. He knew potential when he saw it.

'Alec!' Magnus hissed, trying not to alarm the susceptible-to-hearing audience. Suddenly, shining blue eyes stuck out amongst the black and grey hues. 'You ready?' Magnus smiled, grasping one of Alec's hands, who was now beginning to tremble slightly. And although offering no audible answer, he nodded- that was all Magnus needed as confirmation. 'Let's do this then.' Magnus' smile was wicked, determined even and despite Alec being much shyer, he didn't look much different. They had had months of preparation for this, now was not the time to back out.

Magnus turned to left and Alec turned to the right, walking into the wings where the stage was now visible (and the incredibly large audience too). They nodded at each other from across the stage, a final act of reassurance from both sides, before they finally flew onto the stage under the cover of the darkness. The house lights went down and the stage lights lit up. It was time.

Alec began, his feet finding themselves twisted and tangled but he continued to move. He had Magnus beside him. Nothing could go wrong if Magnus was beside him. They began to move together, their bodies swinging to the music, a pop-funk beat that would build the tension for the rest of the show.

Their chests pushed together and suddenly, the beating of each other's hearts was louder than it had ever been before. Adrenaline pumped through their veins as they began to encircle each other, the audience gone from sight but nonetheless entranced by the blissfully skilled performance.

Magnus began to push away for the solo he was pushed to do, a cause of such concern- especially when it had come to their relationship. Alec never believed he was enough. Alec put himself down, further and further into he could no longer see the light of day and when Magnus had landed a solo in their pair dance, devastation was the only word to describe Alec's feelings.

But, as Alec watched the performance from where he backed up into the wings, he understood why they had chosen Magnus to do this. He looked beautiful. The lights played on his skin like children as his body moved like water, flowing into impossible positions. Alec was tired of never feeling enough. He shut his eyes and took a deep breath, he would be on soon. He smiled, he couldn't feel sad, not now. Your dreams have come true, he told himself, repeating the mantra again and again and again.

From the darkness, he emerged, Magnus awaiting him with small movements of his body to keep the attention. Alec wouldn't allow it, he wanted the attention. When you believe in yourself, you're unstoppable and Alec knew it. Their destiny had laid a path ahead of them and they were ready. Their hearts were on fire and the fire burned in their veins. Nothing could stop them now.

They were born to make history.

Their dance began again and by now, the audience must have been cheering. They had an entire night ahead but they knew this was what mattered. This was what mattered to them. The audience had been long-since forgotten.

Magnus smiled, his eyes shining like a thousand stars. He knew it was never too late. Alec had gone from nothing to everything right in front of his eyes and his motto suddenly had so much more meaning to it: it was never too late.

Both of their eyes shut almost mechanically as their arms flew up in the air and the flung themselves into circles and splits and jumps. Their dreams were coming true. Not only were they on a grand stage, dancing their hearts out to the audience, they had each other. That wasn't to say the path hadn't been rocky. In fact, their relationship had been less than stable at times. But, it was worth it. It was worth it all to see the other smile. They agreed on that much.

Suddenly, just as it had started, it finished. They were left panting, gasping for air like a lung-cancer patient but they were smiling. More so than they probably had. They looked out to the audience who were cheering whole-heartedly before the left, hand in hand, a look of minor disbelief on Alec's face and a smug smile on Magnus'.

Then, when they were almost off stage, Magnus stopped, forcing Alec to stop with him. With no previous warning, Magnus was down on one knee, a box in his hand. His slightly shaky fingers opened it and there lay a golden ring- their initials carved into it with beautiful, old-fashioned handwriting. 'Alexander Lightwood, will you marry me?' The silence hung, the audience entranced with the show- an entirely different one to the one they signed up for.

But, with no further hesitation: 'yes, Magnus, yes!'

They were born to make history.

word count: 1065

published: 25.05.17

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