Potion Making and Ideas
Cleo, Emma, and Rikki had made leaps and bounds in their training.
Cleo can now create tentacles of water faster with barely any hand movement, could move bigger bodies of water for long periods of time with the normal hand gesture while also holding it up in the air, and is also able to call upon wind by just focusing on it. No hand movements are needed.
Emma can control when she wanted something liquid to be cold or frozen, depending on how many fingers she uses. Her other gift of being able to freeze or call upon snow didn't require there to be any moisture or water in the air by simply pointing her palm up and focusing on an area. So long as she keeps herself hydrated.
Rikki still needs to use her hand movement but doesn't need to close her fist all the way for it to be completely hot. She can bring liquids to boiling point by barely closing her fist, evaporate water by having her hand half closed, and can create fire by having it loosely closed. Calling upon lightning also became second nature to her, now being able to call upon it by focusing on it and with some help of her hand gesture.
Harry and Hermione had the same mastery of their powers, but they had also gotten stronger and better in the use of their magic due to all the meditation. They even notice that they can communicate with the girls and each other via a form of telepathy.
Something the girls were now seriously working long and hard to be able to do.
Their spell casting was faster, they didn't need to perform the typical wand movements needed and could now cast silently, along with being able to cast some mild spells wandlessly. It was safe to say neither of them had expected such an outcome from meditating. At most they had expected their Occlumancy to get stronger; which it did. Neither could penetrate the other's mind, so they let their shields down one at a time and found themselves unable to even catch a glimpse of their memories due to how they organized and set traps in their mindscape.
They all have yet to learn a new power but they weren't that eager for that. All were happy with what they had accomplished, but not everything was fine.
The girls have been avoiding Lewis. They didn't answer his phone calls or responded to his text messages, along with completely ignoring him if they were in the same room or classroom to outright leaving the moment he even tries to say a word to them. Together or separate, they didn't pay him any attention, still upset and hurt about what he had done.
For his part' when Lewis saw the girls with Harry and Hermione or just one of them, he turns around and leaves as quickly as possible before they could see him. He knew he was being a coward but he didn't care. He'd rather wait a while longer than go talk to them and risk having them angered even more.
He also hasn't been able to get a hold of Charlotte and was beginning to worry. All he had gotten was a text saying she wasn't feeling well and would call when she was feeling better.
That was almost five days ago and still no sign of his girlfriend.
For her part, Charlotte had swam back to familiar shores and had dried herself. Wincing in pain all the while until her tail disappeared and she could get up.
What she didn't expect was for her legs to give out on her the moment she had taken a step forward.
Looking down she let out a shout of shock and fear, for her legs were the burn marks she had received from whatever it was that attacked her. Her legs had second to almost third-degree burns while her arms had first-degree burns. Touching them just caused her to hiss in pain and tears to fall. She knew she had to get treated for the burns, but what would she say to her mother?
How could she explain where she had gotten the burns? Much less how?
Charlotte couldn't walk up to her and say 'oh these? I got them from some nearly invisible water creature when I went swimming as a mermaid. Oh yeah, that's another thing, whenever I get wet I turn into a mermaid after ten seconds!'
No, that wasn't an option.
She managed to get inside her house unseen due to her mother being out and headed to the office for the med kit to look up ways to treat her burns. She let out a frustrated groan when she realized what she needed was water-based. Now a hospital or private doctor was out of the question. She would have to treat the burns herself. Thankfully her home had what she needed. Getting the items, she locked herself in the bathroom, let the water faucet run and began to slowly treat herself while in the tub as her tail appeared.
It had taken her longer than she would have liked but she had done it and now all she had to do was keep the areas clean and add the salve every so often. This also meant no swimming for her, coming up with a lie to tell her mother, hiding the burns from sight, and not being able to see Lewis.
Her anger only escalated at being in this condition by the things that attacked her and when she was healed, 'those things will know the wrath of a Super Mermaid!'
"Okay Cleo, let's go to the Potion's lab and get started on basic potion making. You girls are more than welcome to join as well." Hermione says to the group after having read some beginner's potion books with Cleo so she didn't feel alone.
"I'm good. Potions sound like Chemistry and I don't like that class." Rikki says as she looks at them with a smile and goes back to her book. Hermione turns to Emma.
"Sorry Hermione, while I do love the theory behind it; I'm not as devoted to the craft as you and Cleo are."
"Why is that Emma?" Cleo asks her, confused since Emma loved learning.
"It's like cooking. Which is among the few things I can't do even with a recipe." She states with a blush, causing Rikki to look at her with wide eyes and start to snigger. "Oh shut up Rikki."
"Well if you ever change your mind, let me know." Hermione states before turning to walk outside with Cleo following and entering the Potions lab. "Welcome to our Potions lab, Cleo. Please be mindful of everything. Don't touch anything without the Dragon Hide gloves and never come here when alone, understood?"
All Cleo could do was observe and do as Hermione said as she took in the Potions lab.
It was well-lit due to the natural lighting, and very well-organized. Vials, bottles, pitchers, and cauldrons adorned the walls as well as what she could only assume were potion ingredients. All separated in what she could only assume was alphabetical order. Depending on the names of the items. Cleo also found out that it wasn't stuffy or hot, she could breathe easily and not worry about a heat stroke from being inside the lab. The floor was clean and Cleo was happy to see she wouldn't slip and fall if any liquids were spilled.
"Hermione this lab is amazing! It's unlike any lab I've seen or read about. I just wish..." Cleo cut herself off before she could finish that sentence. Not that she needed to. From the looks of it, Hermione knew what she was going to say.
"I know what you wished would be happening Cleo. I really do, but I can't force him to talk to us or Harry to go and talk to him for that matter. Not yet at least."
Cleo nods and then heads over to a table station that was already set up.
"Right. Now that you've read a few chapters on beginner potions as well as Herbology, it's time to practice. You can ask any question you may have about the potion or the ingredients or voice any doubts, thoughts, or ideas with me Cleo and I will answer them to the best of my capabilities. Is that clear?" She got a nod from Cleo and continues. "Good. Now the potion we are going to be making is a simple one I did in my first year at Hogwarts. The Boil Cure Potion, but before you start to mix; what can you tell me about this potion?"
"As the name states, the Boil Cure potion is used to treat boils, pustules, hives, and other similar conditions. Though it may be a simple potion, it must be done carefully and perfectly in order to avoid accidents or injuries to oneself." Cleo answers and smiles a little.
"Correct Cleo. Now, can you remember the ingredients off the top of your head?"
"Umm...doesn't that depend on the book you're using?" Cleo asks as her eyes turn down, hoping Hermione wouldn't make fun of her.
"Very good Cleo. That is indeed correct." Hermione's response causes Cleo to look at her with wide eyes and Hermione smiles. "When it comes to Potions, one would think there is only one method to do it. I learned the hard way that isn't always the case.
"Potions is one of the branches that is ever growing and making discoveries to make old potions work better or be able to do them in fewer steps. That's why it's important to look at multiple sources and compare notes." Hermione says before bringing forth the ingredients. "These are the ingredients used in this potion," she waves her hand and a couple of books float to them and opens in the chapters of the potion. "These are the books that contain the potion. Same potion, same ingredients but different steps."
Cleo reads the steps on one book and then the steps on the other and frowns before looking at Hermione. "The second book has fewer steps than the first one and the time is cut by more than half."
"You noticed, good. Yes, the method I used was that of the first book. The method from the other book I came to find later on in my career. Needless to say, I was a little miffed that our Potions professor didn't teach us this. But that's neither here nor there, do you have any more questions?"
"Yes it says it requires a wand movement; are there any potions that don't require the use of a wand movement on the potion?"
"Actually yes. Many potions don't require a wand involved at all. The Boil Cure is among the few that do need a wand movement. Why do you think many potions don't need the use of a wand being involved?"
Cleo frowns as she thinks and looks at the cauldrons then the wand and finally, at Hermione. "Is it because Potions can be learned and done in the No-Maj world by No-Maj people, First Generation magicals, and even Squibs?"
"Correct again Cleo. You're doing amazing. Yes, though Potions is among the more volatile branches of magic, it can be done by a non-magical if they follow the recipe. Now, let's get you started in making your first potion. Don't worry about the wand, I'll handle that part."
With that, Cleo put on her dragon hide gloves and began to make the potion.
Half an hour later, Cleo had made a decent Cure Boil potion. She was happy with the result and so was Hermione.
"That was a really good first try, Cleo, though I'm curious as to why you didn't ask any questions during the process."
"I wanted all my focus to be on the potion and the ingredients as I prepared them. I thought any question would be a distraction to me as my attention would be divided."
"That is smart thinking and a good call on your part too. Potions require our full attention. Do you have any questions about the Cure Boil potion?"
"Well...I do have a question but it doesn't just revolve around the Cure Boil potion."
This intrigued Hermione and she waited for Cleo to continue.
"I was wondering...why isn't there a method to make certain potions, not all of them that would be a nightmare, permanent?"
Hermione's eyes widen at the young teen's question. She had also wanted to know about that fact when she was younger and had asked her Potions professor about it; only to have him slam the door in her face with no answer given to her question. So she did what she does when she wants an answer. Research.
It took a while but she realized that if potions had permanent effects, there would be no need for Potion Masters or even have Apothecaries open.
Taking a breath she answers Cleo's question. "I asked that question in my first year and came upon the answer on my own." She says and starts to collect the potion with Cleo's help, "it's because if most potions had their effects be permanent, there would be no need for Potion Master or Apothecaries. Especially depending on what potion you are talking about."
"Well...how about something as an eye color-changing potion? Or a repellent potion?"
"I can see your point in that Cleo. Hmm...well no one has created a potion with permanent effects. The closest anyone could get to that would be making the effects last longer or stronger."
"So if I wanted to make a potion that would prevent me from turning into a mermaid after getting wet for certain events and occasions...I would have to always drink the potion beforehand?" Cleo asks in disappointment.
"Well there isn't a potion for that, only a charm but yes. You would have to drink the potion beforehand. But...if a potion like that were permanent you'd never turn into a mermaid or even be able to shower or bathe." Hermione states and looks at the girl's face falling in disappointment before her mind starts thinking of an alternative. "What if we can make something like that? But instead of a potion, it can be worn. Like the charms from our bracelets?"
Cleo's expression changed again and she smiles at Hermione. "Really?"
"Yes, but it will have to be stronger and more durable than a water-repellent charm. Not to mention it has to be able to be activated at the will of the wearer." Hermione starts pacing and muttering as Cleo cleans her station and puts the items away, looking back at Hermione now and then before she stops in the middle of her pacing. "Yes...yes it can be done! It'll be tricky and take time but I think I can manage! Cleo, you gave me a brilliant goal! If it works I can test it out as part of my getting my Warding, Runic, and Charms Masters! Maybe even my Potions one!
"Oh! You've finished putting everything away, good! Come on, we have to find Harry and the girls and tell them about this!" Without waiting for a word from Cleo, Hermione took the girl's wrist and dragged her out of the lab, closing and locking it behind them as they set to find the others and have Andromeda join in as well.
"So? What do you think of my idea?" Hermione asks after having them all gathered and hearing her idea.
The girls were thrilled with the idea of being able to have a charm that would help them stay dry at will should they get wet at an inopportune time. Andromeda was impressed Hermione had come up with such an idea by simply helping Cleo in making her first potion and wanted to help.
Harry was smiling like a loon and shook his head before speaking. "Leave it to you to come up with an idea while making potions Hermione." Said girl blushes and throws a weak stinging hex at his arm. "OUCH!"
"Oh stop being a baby. But seriously, what do you guys think? Is it doable?" Hermione asks anxiously.
"Yes, I believe it's doable Hermione; but it won't be easy," Andromeda states.
"Why is that Andromeda?" Emma asks with the girls nodding their sentiments.
"For starters, we have to do a lot of research on the repellent charm and how to modify it. On top of that we have to find an object small enough for you all to wear that doesn't call attention to it. That item must also be compatible with a rune and warding. We have to find a rune to help with making it possible for you three to be able to activate it at will since neither of you are witches, find a potion that can help and if there isn't one we would have to either modify one which is dangerous, to say the least or create a new one from scratch, and I don't believe I have to tell you how complicated that would now do I, Cleo?"
"No ma'am," said the girl answers and leans back on her chair, her hopes dwindling.
"That being said...it's a good thing the three of us know certain people that can give us a major helping hand, don't you agree Harry? Hermione?"
Both magicals look at Andromeda and then at one another before looking back at her again. "You mean our professors?" Harry asks.
"That's right, and you know you don't have to worry about letting them in on your secret if you don't wish. You're no longer Hogwarts students." Andromeda states, calming both Harry and Hermione down.
"If that's the case, we can't do this by Floo call or letters. We have to meet in person." Harry states and sighs before looking at Hermione. "Which means we are going to have to meet them, and they can't come here."
"We have to return to Britain for this." Hermione finishes, and neither she nor Harry is truly happy with that realization.
Finally another chapter. Thank you for being patient with me and showing support.
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