Since Elijah had returned from the mortal world he couldn't get the slaughter out of his head, the killing had bothered him; it was that pitiful child. Elijah could have- no, should have, slaughtered it along with his parents. But he didn't. What was so special that a child is the thing to stop Elijah. Deciding he need to try and clear his head he went for a walk around the fade, usually Elijah would find an old part of history to sit and relax but this time he wandered the empty parts of the fade, walking along a large lake filled with black thick water Elijah tried to tune out the world but he couldn't help and think about the child. Did he tell anyone about the monster that killed his parents? Did anyone believe him? Was the boy safe? Elijah stopped suddenly why did he care if the child was safe he certainly didn't care if the child's parents were safe. Elijah was snapped out of his inner thoughts at the sound of pained yelling, quickly making his way to the direction of the sound he found a Pride demon trapped under a large rock pinning it's leg down. Elijah could tell this was a runt of a Pride demon but as Elijah was going to walk away and leave it to die he heard it's roar's turn to pained whimpers which made him stop. Clenching his jaw he took a deep breath before turning around and used his magic to lift the rock up enough for the demon to get out. The demon turned to Elijah and nuzzled him affectionately, purring slightly, Elijah looked down embarrassed but gently petted the demon before shaking his head and gently shoving the demon's head away.
"Okay, okay I get it, you're welcome" The demon gave one last purr before running away leaving Elijah with more confusion then before. Why did he help that demon? He should have left it to die, if it wasn't strong enough to help itself then it was too weak to be allowed to live. As Elijah made his way back to the palace he still had these confusing thoughts bouncing around his head. As he entered his bedroom he ran his claws through his hair letting out a deep sigh when he felt arms snake their way across his chest pulling him into a hug.
"Have you been avoiding me all day?" The voice purred, kissing his neck.
"No, I went on a walk and tried to clear my head" The voice sighed and moved from behind him to in front of him, their hand still wrapped around his neck.
"You're not still thinking about that family are you?" Elijah tried to look emotionless but the desire demon saw in his eyes it was still affecting him. "You need to let it go, it was just some humans, not worthy enough for you to think about" The demon then kissed his neck again, biting him slightly. "I think you need to blow off some steam" They purred again pulling him towards the bed but unlike the other times this happened Elijah stopped.
"No. Not tonight" This made the demon look at him in shock.
"What? You never say no" Elijah shrugged.
"Well there's a first time for everything" He sat on the edge of his bed as the demon eyed him angrily.
"Eugh don't tell me you feel pity for some humans, don't go and get soft on me" Elijah heard them slam the door close behind them as he rubbed his face and flopped back onto his bed.
Days passed, Elijah had been summoned by his father, this was a surprise, his father would rarely think of him let alone summon him. So as he arrived at the rift that the desire demon had shown Elijah he saw his father with several other demons.
"Ah, my son" The smile his father wore made Elijah uneasy, his father never smiled like that. "I heard about your little adventure into the mortal world." Elijah's eyes widened at this. "I must say I am impressed" This made Elijah more surprised.
"You're... impressed? With me?"
"Of course I am, I must admit I never expected you were capable of such a feat, in fact I think I've misjudged you"
"What do you mean?"
"I haven't allowed you to reach your full potential but now i know you are ready to work with me, as my son. We will need capable leaders if we are to take over the mortal realm" At hearing this Elijah's stomach knotted up.
"Take over the mortal realm? Why would we do that?" His father glared at his question.
"Come now you know what i mean? They are weak, pathetic creatures" Elijah couldn't understand why but with every insult Elijah felt a pang in his chest.
"You're wrong" Asmodaous looked at his son in surprise as he crossed his arms.
"Oh really? Why is that?" Elijah felt slightly nervous now.
"I just feel like there's some good mortals out there, who don't deserve this fate" Elijah was surprised by how calm his father was as he walked closer to his son. He was now inches from Elijah as he placed a hand on his shoulder and patted it gently.
"Oh, you don't understand why you should hate mortals, what they truly are" Elijah frowned in confusion slightly.
"You've never witnessed what they truly are, I never allowed you to. Perhaps i sheltered you for too long, but don't worry I will make you understand" Asmodaous's eyes lit up blood red as he raised his hand igniting it opening the rift behind Elijah. The demon prince felt a strong pulling sensation as he was pulled through the fade.
************Present time***************
The whole room stood in silence as Elijah stood with his arms held behind his back looking down.
It was Sera who broke the silence.
"Wow weren't you a right proper basted" Elijah nodded slowly.
"Yes, I wasn't the nicest person you would like you to have met, but I never want to be like that again. That me died as soon as I was banished." Elijah looked around the room, everyone seeming to have different emotions to this dramatic reveal. Elijah finally made eye contact with Syllia who seemed to stare him down before she sighed and looked to the two guards at the doorway.
"Get him ready for judgement"
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