On the other hand of life, so, do any of you guys remember back in the day when I mentioned about my exams? Well I passed all of them lol and I did get into my sixth form so I am really happy. I'm taking Fine Art, English Literature, Mathematics and Sociology. Anyways, furthermore, I'm in the midst of progress tests so I've had to revise a tonne and I feel like dying lol but I'm getting there and sorting out my life.

I'm really trying to write at least 500 words a day so these can get done quickly- maybe an update a week? if possible.



"He is taking this differently than what I expected", Modravé mumbles, putting some more ice into the nutri-bullet cup, alongside with some protein powder and strawberries. Valentino nods in agreement and sighs, "He's been forcefully taken from his family and everything he knew - I'd be concerned if he wasn't acting the way he is".

"But he doesn't want to listen to me. I've tried, enough times, to get him to hear what I have to say, but he only rolls his eyes or cuts me off. He doesn't understand that I was merely saving him". Modravé says with strain, turning on the nutri-bullet and watching the contents blend. Once its done, he takes it off and takes a sip; happy with the taste.

"You could've done this under much different circumstances, Modravé. Could've befriended him beforehand-"

"I did!"

"What? Nearly hook up with him?" Valentino sighs and crosses his arms, leaning up off the kitchen counter. "Listen... The boy is merely a puppet in you play and you've got to learn to master him right, other wise it'll fail. If we are to our goal then we must keep him happy - must comply with him and also Nathaniel".

Modravé scoffs at the mans name.

"Nathaniel Tempet is a fucking beast. He's the head of the American Armed Forces, but he's-"

"He's there for a reason, and that is to call a truce with America and the Soviet Union, Modravé. You know what their trying to do, right? Their going to call a truce; then sign an agreement that gives America complete authorisation over weapons and other military convoys that run in and out of Europe - something Russia has secretly been running for years". Tells Valentino.

Modravé scoffs. "Putin wouldn't allow that".

"He wouldn't have a say in anything if he was dead", replies Valentino.

Modravé's eyebrows raise as he turns to stare at Valentino. "They're going to assassinate him".

Valentino nods. "A man, by the name of Glovich, has wanted say over Russia for years - so, he contacted Nathaniel, telling him of what might be available for America if they were to do him a 'favour'."

"I know this. Why are you reminding me of the story?"

"Because we have his son, Modravé. Do you understand how much of a halt to their plans that effectively does? Fucking hell... We better have all our men on standby for the amount of shit that's going to come our way".

"I have an alliance with the Soviet Union, they wouldn't dare defy me - Putin is the shit on the bottom of my fuckin' shoe", spits Modravé.

"Well he won't mean anything soon, will he? Fucking open your mind, Modravé! We must give the boy back!"

"NO!" Modravé shouts, his eyes wide and teeth clenched in fury. How dare Valentino! How dare he suggest such a thing!

"Remember something, Modravé..." Valentino speaks slowly. "Just because people perceive you as the front man of this operation doesn't mean you are. I run as much as a significant role as you do - without me you would've run this shit to the ground".

"And If I as well: you'd be fuckin' dead".

Valentino chuckles. "We are brothers, Modravé. Maybe not blood but I was the one who trained you; the one who protected you; the one who made sure your sanity didn't run dry." He walks forward, his footsteps drumming loudly in the dead silent room. Their faces are now mere inches from one another. "Learn to fucking respect me".

Modravé closes his eyes and clenches his fists. "You know I do".

Valentino smirks. "Your ego is too large".

"And your nose is too fucking large, dickhead".

Valentino clasps Modravé's head between his hands, before placing a kiss on his head. "I know he does a lot for you without even knowing. But, trust me boy, he is a switch in this whole entire entente between America and Russia, without him... war will come".

*change of scene* (my beautiful boy^^)

It's been tough, Cove can't deny that. His family are constantly on his mind and he knows that his father must be spending hundreds of thousands in order to guarantee his safe return. The though of his mother in constant distress because of him being gone makes his chest constantly ache in sorrow. He just wants to go home now.

He also hasn't seen Modravé all day, but that doesn't mean those words the man once spoke aren't running through his mind: you are mine.

Cove sighs in anguish.

Coughing into his fist and he looks around the extravagant bedroom. He's got to admit, the place is beautiful.

The whole room looks fit for the Queen of England. Three chandeliers hang from the ceiling, reflecting from the from the large mirror at the end of the room. The silk embroidered bed sheets wrap around Cove's legs, and the plush cushions make him feel like he's laying on a bed of clouds. This place must cost a bomb.

The door handle rattling snaps Cove out of his daydream and in walks Modravé, a white box on hand and a smile plastered on his devilishly handsome face.

Modravé can't help but picture this moment as if Cove is actually his willing lover, waiting for him to come back and be with him. But the thing with Modravé is: the things he pictures or imagines in his mind are far from the truth.

He walks over to the young boy and sits beside him, making the bed sink down slightly. "For you", he says, handing Cove the box. Cove takes it and opens it up.

Modravé is certain he saw a small smile tug at Cove's lips.

Laying in the box are various macaroons. "How can we be in Paris and not divulge in macaroons?" Speaks Modravé.

Cove tentatively takes a green one, topped with some cream and kiwi. Before Cove eats it, he glances towards Modravé who's watching him silently. Cove gestures towards the box, silently asking him to take one, and that's what Modravé does. Cove wants to roll his eyes when Modravé takes the same one as him and winks.

They both take a bite and Cove can't help but sigh in happiness. It just tastes so goddamn good. It's so sweet but has the slight sourness of the kiwi, but also a slight savouriness from the cream in the middle.

"Do you like?" Asks Modravé.

Cove nods and takes another bite while also picking out a pink one topped with strawberries, making Modravé's eyes shine in amusement.

Soon enough, Cove has already gobbled five macaroons down before Modravé takes hold of the next one and puts it back, shutting the box. Cove whines and childishly makes grabby hands at the retrieving box filled with angels from heaven.

"You haven't eaten a substantial meal so eating too many macaroon will make your stomach hurt", informs Modravé.

Cove huffs before standing up from the bed. "Would you like something better to eat?"

Still being annoyed at the fact Modravé stole his macaroons, he shakes his head no. Modravé raises an eyebrow and asks: "You haven't eaten properly so I advise you come to the dining area to eat".

"I don't want to eat with you", Cove whispers, staring at his lap stubbornly.

"With me, you say? And why is that?"

"Because you are my kidnapper... you have sexually and physically attacked me, oh and much I forget, try to rape me!"

Modravé snorts. "You wanted me".

Cove's jaw drops. "Since when?!"

"You were begging for it... gagging for it practically. How can you not remember, doll? You moaned my name as I played with your sweet spot; your face was twisted with pleasure and your mouth begging for more-"

"Shut up! You will not make me sound like some whore!" Cove screams, tears of shame pooling in his eyes.

"Oh, my dearest", coos Modravé, cupping the side of Cove's face. "I only divulge in the finest. Haven't you seen yourself? So pure and gracious in the way you carry yourself; eyes so blind to the bad and mind only open to the good. You are very far from a whore, doll. More like one of God's finest angels."

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