T H R E E- Lake House
The wind whipping through my hair music blasting through the radio trying just to concentrate on where to go first but honestly we have no idea where to start or who to turn to I can't turn to my Father because he would probably just tell me nothing but lies Layla made a point earlier this morning before we picked up and left the house if I were to ask my father about any of it he would probably denied it sighing, trying to keep an clear mind "I'm hungry" hearing Joy say from back seat Layla nodded her head giggling "Food it is" stating as we see one of our favorite place to eat Chipotle turning the steering wheel to make my way into the parking lot.
I get a strange tingling sensation as if we're being followed I just shrug it off like it was nothing "You guys are fine" I kept repeating to myself knowing the fact that well we're running from Vincenzo,Arturo and Guido not going to lie part of me is scared on how Vincenzo is going to react once he finds out but the other part of me just doesn't care I'm doing this kind of for fun, hopefully he understands that through that thick skull of his as I park we open the doors and stepping out the car stretching because we've been on the road for at least 4 hours now.
As we wait in line the smell from the food hits our noses as our stomach starts to crumble even more from the smell "Move the line already" Layla and Joy spat laughing at them both at the corner of my eye thinking I saw someone watching us looking around seeing no one watching us everyone was messing with their phones or deep in conversations "Its nothing" telling myself as we wait for our turn to order our food which seems to be taken forever, hearing my phone start to ring reaching for it out of my hoodie seeing it my dad closing my eyes breathing lightly the phone continues to when Layla takes it out of my hand and declines the call as Joy laughs.
Shaking my head as Layla puts my phone back in my hoodie but some perv behind us whistles "Ass hole" Joy hisses as they guy just smirks before trying to slap Layla's ass without really thinking I grabbed him by the wrist an I twisted slowly as he looked shocked "Don't even" saying through my clenching jaw the dude backs up an steps out of line away from us, sighing hearing Layla and Joy laughing like crazy at what I just did yeah when we were growing up with my uncle at least we learned how to fight how to defend ourselves even knowing how to shoot a gun only if it was truly necessary.
Once we pay for our water and our amazing custom burritos which we always get we sit down and start to eat grabbing the hot sauce I start to smother half of my burrito in it, as Layla and Joy look at me like I've lost my damn mind or something shrugging them off as I take a bite of my burrito as they shake their heads and eat their burritos.
"Soo where do we even begin to find out the truth?"Joy asks as Layla nods her head as I sigh.
"I don't even know where to start to be honest, we all agreed not even to ask my father because he would probably just lie about it and ask who told me and I'm not telling him Vincenzo is back let that he's the new mafia king" Stating as I fold my arms in front of my chest as both of their eyes grew wide.
"Hell no!! If what Vincenzo , Arturo and Guido told all three of us is true then we need to see or hear it for ourselfs and whatever else information comes our way" Layla spats as I nod my head.
"Yeah but what if the guys catches us ? We did kind of run from the mafia King and his Hitmans"Joy spats as she points her finger back and forth to me and Layla.
"True they could be pissed off to no end and who knows what they would do to us"Layla says as she rubs her arm leaving me to sigh.
"Listen if they wanted to hurt us they would have last night when they were in the house correct? And I haven't seen anyone after us so maybe they are planning on how to catch us or even damn well find us, it's not like we're leaving a cookie trail to follow us. Yeah Vincenzo said he has he's ways but I don't think they even know where we are, plus if my memory is correct you both said that Arturo and Guido both kissed your ass's an that you both felt safe in thier arms"Spatting while shooting them a small glare as they both bit their lips.
"Oh hush what about you and Vincenzo aka the Mafia King? You said you felt sparks like you did when you two were little huh? Don't even try to turn this on us"Layla spat as she shook her head cause me to laugh.
"I'm not, but I think the guys will be okay"Saying while winking at them both as they burst into laughter.
"They have no idea who they are dealing with anymore"Joy stats as me and Layla nod our heads.
"No they don't so this is going to be fun would you both say"Saying as I lean back and wiggle my eyebrow up and down.
"Oh yes it should be"Layla spats as before she takes a sip of her drink.
"But what if we see them before we find out anything then what?" Joy asks as Layla rolls her eyes.
"We have fun fuck it, like Aurora said if they wanted to hurt us they would have we can't go back on it now Joy so relaxs and let's just enjoy the little game that we are doing and trip along the way stop being so damn serious all the time okay"Layla hissed as she shook Joy causes me to laugh.
"Okay calm down let's get ready to leave so we can get back on the road plus I just got a text from my uncle saying we can use the lake house and he's not telling my dad where we are" Saying standing up grabbing my cup.
"We love your uncle he's always been the best"Both Layla and Joy squealed was caused me to giggle.
Walking out the Chipotle I got a weird tingling sensation like we we're being watched I've felt like this before but I shrugged it off but now I'm not scanning around I don't really see anyone watching us sighing before joining my friends who are jumping up and down and acting like goofballs in the middle of the parking lot, shaking my head I burst into laughter at them both while pulling out my phone to record their craziness Layla looks at me "I'm star" she says drastically as Joy bouse like a princess "Thank you" she says they both dance around shaking my head "Crazzy" stating as they both look at me placing their hands over their hearts and gasping "How rude" they both drastically say.
Shake my head pointing to the car as everyone in the parking lot was applauding their craziness rolling my eyes at the rest of the people opening the driver side door an jump in as they bow once again before getting in the car as they burst into laughter, starting the car I put in the address to Lake House that my uncle owns once it connects to the GPS in my phone pulling out the parking lot while Layla turns on her playlist and connects it to the stereo as she begins blasting the music rolling down the windows and enjoy the moment that us best friends are sharing.
As we get on the damn highway which I hate because of all the traffic lucky for us there is no traffic so I can speed as much as I damn well please as Layla yells at me for doing 90mph in only a 70mph zone shaking my head just focus on getting to the lake house to come up with a real plan on where to start an how to really begin on finding out the truth, Joy start to sing as me and Layla eyes grew wide "Don't sing!" Layla yells as Joy flips her off shaking my head looking in my rear-view mirro noticing a Camaro has been following us for sometime now maybe it was a coincidence that it has been but everything inside me is scream bitch no it's not it's Vincenzo he's found your ass's but my pride an stubbornness get's the best of me once again.
Smirking as I start to go a little faster "We don't wanna die" Layla says as wave her off seeing our exit that leads straight to the lake house noticing the Camaro is still some what behind me I do the unthinkable remembing that there's a back way to get to the lake house , turning the wheel hard which cause both Layla and Joy to yell "Fuck" sighing heavily as I get on the back road to the lake house as my two best friends look like their about to kiss my ass for what I just did "I'm dead" saying to myself as I wait for the blow out.
"What the fuck was that ?! Are you trying to kill us? We're already running from the fucking Mafia King aka Vincenzo and his Hitmen Arturo and Guido!! We would like to live a little while longer thanks!"Layla yell as Joy shakes her head huffing.
"I'm with her!! We know you love speed bitch fuck we wanna live before they get a hold of us!"Joy spats while Layla nods her head as I roll my eyes.
"First off there was a fucking Camaro that was following us for some fucking time!!! I had to fucking shake there ass off of us or did you want who ever is driving to follow us and possible hurt us? NO so I had no fucking damn choice but to fucking do what I fucking did!!! And another fucking thing do you two think if Vincenzo , Arturo and Guido wanted to fucking hurt us they would have done it all ready? Yeah Vincenzo is the new mafia king he would have fucking found us by now! And stop because I know damn well you two we're happy as fuck to see them after all these years! And you enjoyed having them kiss you and whatever else I'm not saying their life style is right because it's fucking wrong as hell but don't tell me you two didnt feel anything for them?"Spatting while rubbing my head while turning the wheel.
"I did... Arturo just seems different but once he held me it was strange I felt safe like nothing would hurt me"Layla says while leaning her head back as I nod my head.
"Same goes for Guido it's strang but good kind of strange"Joy says while leaning her head near Layla.
"And same goes for Vincenzo you all knew he was my first crush and he took my first kiss. We all had shitty ass relationships but it made us stronger, wiser and smarter so with that lets make our men work for our love, let them prove that they want us as bad as they say do"Saying while making a kissy face as they both laugh.
"You know your evil at time but I love it, let's do this shit fuck it I'm down for this crazy ass ride"Layla yells as she shakes her head around.
"Yeah let's do it"Joy yells as she jumps up and down.
"Let's show them who's in charge of this little cat and mouse game" Spatting as Layla and Joy cheer before bursting into laughter.
Twenty minutes or so down the road we finally pull up to the lake house I forgot how beautiful it was how peaceful this whole area is my uncle brought us up here when we lived with him there for a while thinking back on my uncle acted strange when my father came to bring us back home his face was full of anger and different emotions I couldn't understand then "Maybe he knows" saying to myself as I park the car in the drive way, smiling because of the great memories from this place Layla reaches over and presses the button open the trunk looking at her sideways like she lost her damn mind.
"Slow poke" she says as she gets out while slapping her ass shaking my head while open up my door as soon step out the fresh air hits my face as it was a welcoming gift shutting my door I perceived to the back of the car and grab my bags out of the trunk once all the bags are out I heard my trunk being slammed hard "Careful damn" hissing, as Joy throws her hands up in surrender shaking my head letting out a heavy sigh before walking towards the front door remembering where the spare key was under the mat and lift up the lose piece of wood and they're the key was picking it up I sway it back and forth and Layla and Joy grin before opening the door to let us in.
We throw our bags on the floor like we own the place laughing when I see Layla running towards the wine rack "Come to mama" she squirrels as Joy grabs the wine classes shaking my head as I make way to the balcony doors to open them as the fresh air hits my face I feel a sense of calm just suddenly come over me that I haven't felt in a few years ever since my dad came and got us an brought along Layla and Joy's family members I remember my calm just disappearing into a pit of darkness, leaning over the balcony hearing my two best friends living it up as they start opening the wine bottles shrugging my shoulders and defeat knowing that tonight is going to be a long night especially if they open the Italian sweet wine.
Praying that they didn't but to my surprise they did shaking my head "Long night indeed" saying to myself as I make way towards them if you can't beat them join them as I'm pouring my glass of wine something catches my eye a note from what it looks like grabbing it Layla and Joy looks over and see what reaching for "Bitch read it" they both say as I began to laugh.
To my sweet Aurora,Layla and Joy.
I know you girls are in search of the truth about your father Aurora go into my office there's plenty of files in there and I also know that Vincenzo is the new mafia king I've know for sometime, I'm sorry I never told you girls because truth be told your father Aurora held a lot of secrets and the old Mafia King Viktor was hot on his damn tail and baby girl your father ... You will learn the truth my loves be safe please and do know that Vincenzo , Arturo and Guido are not far behind you I know they will protect you girls don't be to hard on them.
Love Uncle Knoxs.
We stand there in shocked from what we read my uncle Knoxs left this note for us but how did he know that we were searching for the truth only one person came to mind "Vincenzo" saying under my breath as I look to my best friends who are look at me with worry shaking my head grabbing the bottle of wine making my way to my uncle's office with my best friend's right behind me, "Shit" they both say as we enter his office to see files sitting on his desk sighing sitting down in his chair while Layla and Joy sit on the couch begin to open files hoping that we find something anyting really that will lead us on the right path to finding out the truth about everything.
"Oh shit!" Joy yells which cause me and Layla to snap our head towards here "What?!" Layla asks as we wait for her to answer but she doesn't anwser she puts a file down in front of me and points to something that makes my eyes grew wide in fucking shock on the amount of money my father had stashed away for years ever since I was little before my accident even fucking after the fact.
"Mother fucker" Layla spats as she slams her hand on the table hard as I feel tears building up behind my eyes everything in my body went numb as I heard my own heart beat in my ears, Joy shakes me "Bitch don't" she hisses at me grabbing the wine bottle chugging it down every last drop as Layla jaw drops "Damn bitch" she says as we all burst into laughter before we continue looking through the files.
"Bitchs I'm ordering pizza im hungry and I want pizza"Joy says while walking out the room leaving me and Layla shaking our heads.
"Yeah yeah make sure it's fucking pepperoni Joy!" Layla yells while I laugh.
"Roger that"Joy yells back as we shake our heads.
"Do you really think your father lied about everything because from what I've seen with the money part he was good but why get Vincenzo father to kill the man who attacked you? I honestly think he's hiding a whole a lot of skeletons in his closet and we are the ones to pull the bitchs out!" Layla says while folding her arms.
"I know what you mean, feels like my whole life has been turnt upside from all this shit to be honest. Saying while running my hand down my arm slowly.
"You know you got us so don't even stress it, plus now that Mr.Vincenzo is back he'll most definitely keep you company"Layla states as she sends me a flirtatious wink.
"Your horrible do you know that? Wait what about you and Mr.Arturo hmm? Oh Arturo oh Arturo come to me" Saying as I start to run out the room.
"Aurora your not even funny get that ass back here!!" Layla yells causing me to laugh.
"What the hell is going on?" Joy asks as she looks at the both of us, as we wink at one another.
"Oh Guido oh Guido come find me my Guido"Me and Layla chant as we run towards the back door.
"You two are horrible wait until I get my hands on you both!!!" Joy yells as me and Layla laugh.
After Thirty long minutes the pizza finally got here Joy paid the guy who looked kinda scared for some odd reason but honestly we we're too hungry to even ask him "Yum" saying placing the pizza down on the counter as Layla grab us plates while shaking her hips to the music that she had playing, gotta I admit it had a pretty damn good beat to it as Joy grabbed her slice of pizza she was swaying her hips to giggle grabbing my slice.
I started swaying my hips along with them "That's it" Layla squares as all three of us begin to sway our hips to the beat of the music while eatting our pizza gotta and that I've never done before it's kind of fun and a great workout, only eatting two slice of pizza we out the rest away running my hand through my hair start to think about the files again letting out a little sigh as Layla and Joy both look at me "well do this" they both say sending while giving hugs nodding my head "Yeah we will" saying as I them back tightly as we all begin to laugh.
All three of us went back to my uncle's office and started at the files once again we found a few names and places but now is the question how do we approach all of this with out being found out that we're trying to find out the truth plus keeping ourselves safe all in the process but I got a feeling that my uncle is right Vincenzo is not far behind us which could come in handy if we get into a tight spot which I'm hoping we don't, but even if we do we know how to defend ourselves but if we're outnumbered their ass better show up and protect our asses since they call us 'their girl's' agreeing to come up with a strategy in the morning and exactly where to go first but all three of us decided we should get some rest.
After we run back down the stairs and grab our bags as we walk up the stairs grabbing onto one another's arms and practically swaying up the stairs the whole house is filled with our laughter reaching our rooms we blow kisses to each other "Goodnight loves" Layla singles before shutting her door leaving me and Joy to laugh "Goodnight" Joy say as she walks into a room and shuts the door leaving me to open my door slowly before walking into the room.
Putting my bags down I make my way towards the French doors to let in some air but once I do my eyes widen seeing Vincenzo standing near the lake looking up at me "No way" saying under my breath seeing him smirking stomping my foot on the floor huffing as I watch his ass laugh at my actions but then I get a devilish idea slowly walking backwards I begin to take off my clothes as he walks foward some I can't tell what kind of emotions he's has if he mad or shocked but honestly I don't care, as my shirt comes off an I slowly began to take off my shorts I see him biting his lip "Sucker" saying under my breath as I've bend down showing a little cleavage with my hair covering my face some.
Leaning back up quickly rush into the room turning back "Goodnight Vincenzo" saying shutting the French doors while burst into laughter shaking my hips all the way to the bed before turning off the light hearing him yell "Goodnight mi Amore" but his tone was sweet yet a little pissed smiling turning off the light and close my eyes and head off into dream land where I hope the one dream I have comes true one day.
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