Chapter 2
Yamaken closed the door for his office with a sigh. The day so far was taxing, Clarice was still the little viper she always was so he carried many bruises from trying to soothe her ruffled pride. Not that he did not like it. It was just tiring this way.
It had been hours, Mikasa had to have come back by now. It would have been a success. It always was, it was just as if he had gone instead. Except a man of his position could not go on each of these little transactions so she was his stand in.
One answerable to only him. She would be hated for it, distrusted for it, alienated for it. Meaning she only had him to turn to.
His father knew exactly what he was doing. All these years later and Yamaken found himself still admiring his father.
The intelligence he possessed, the strength, the charisma. All things Yamaken envied his father for possessing. The man seemed infinite, he never had just one plan no matter how fail proof it was. His ideals was what made them last so long.
His father was the guiding light for his generation now it was time for Yamaken to be one. It would not be easy. Yamaken winced just thinking about it. Right now, his position was very feeble but it was up to him to stabilize it.
Personally, he thought he was doing a good job. Nodding to a few lower-class men as they saluted him in the corridor he assured himself.
He was keeping the money flow on a stable slow rise that would be able to cushion any real fall. He was keeping the death count acceptable, he was financing where he should be and he was slowly making noticeable moves in the normal world.
Everything should be going smooth but he had a gut feeling about certain Dons. Their greed and mistrust was what could tear down their whole foundation they had worked hard for.
Turning the corridor to his wing, he was witness to Mikasa just getting ready to enter her side of apartments that she shared with her mother.
Her gaze flicked over him in distain before she slammed her door behind her. He felt a small splash of amusement wash over him because of her actions.
The night had gone well then. Her usual sassiness was back, how long it would stay because of the atmosphere she was about to walk into he could not guess.
Her one reason for staying and not running had to be the most depressing person he had ever met. Since he first saw, her all he could liken Mikasa’s mother to was living death. A real living souless body.
She did not cry or scream. She no longer begged, from the reports he received it was almost like she had died sometime back and her body was never given notice so her heart kept beating and her lungs kept expanding and contracting.
To live like she did and then go back to something like that. He did not envy Mikasa one bit. His life was hard enough as it was. He had to be thinking tirelessly. Then he had to be planning at least a few steps ahead.
Everything had to be prioritized. He had to know everything, sometimes it felt like everything was in his brain. He would not lie however, he loved it.
He did not have what people called friends in his life but he was not an island. In his board meeting he prepared to enjoy what was going to be a lovely morning.
Just because he was not an island did not mean he did not know and support individuals that in some cases were themselves a little island.
Mila, a little English troublemaker. From a past full of turmoil but in her adult life, she was making even more turmoil and she was in a place where no one could touch her but she could deal with his kind.
The word was that she a great trader but that was not merely all. The woman made her living off of her assassinations. Her art as she called it. He knew her last name but to actually use it. He learnt a while back that she seemed to loath her family name. So he never used it.
“It has been so long Mikasa kitty.” She called over the boardroom table as Mikasa poured him his blend of tea. A nod from him and Mikasa tilted her head for him.
“At least a year Lady Mila.”
“Ah really? A year?” Mila mused as the boardroom’s other members eyes were drawn to her. “Time flies so fast in this life. Or merely it is that life is so boring that we no longer notice the passing time.”
“I highly doubt that.” Yamaken snorted not bothering to browse the papers he had in front of him. “The reason we are here today is to discuss the results I have had since you have come to my aid since the retirement of my father.”
“A fine man.” Mila mused. Rolling his eyes Yamaken continued. Mila was in a playful mood, which suited well for the meeting. Once she was not made angry in any way, it would work out well. Vexing a woman who made murder her livelihood and called it art seemed not a smart thing to do.
“We have the situations in the West firmly controlled we can sit back in the shadows and let it virtually run itself without showing our hand too much. With my recent firm alignment with Mila I think we can keep all situations firmly bottled.” He finished.
“Firmly in hand.” Mila sighed as she looked behind her to look at the tall male standing there. Yamaken was at a loss of what to call him. A bodyguard, slave, lover who knew. Although pet would have to be the closest thing to what that man was.
“With that in mind I would like to discuss the recent shipment that is to go up for sale in Alexandria.” His support from Italy Don Landers wheezed. The man was certainly getting on in years but was a firm direct support who dealt with no one but him.
“Ehh? Really? I think I want to go.” Milla laughed as her pet, guard whatever he was poured her coffee. “Miles, I think we should go. I want another cute puppy to play with.”
“Mistress, we bought a new bed to accommodate those you still haven’t lost intrest in. Can you not get rid of the others first?” Miles murmured making Yamaken grin.
“Good grief a bed to accommodate them? What is this a harem?”
“My own personal harem of course!” Mila giggled. “Then they retire and work tirelessly for me. I pick only ones perfect for my though. Cute puppies and kitties who barely know of the art potential they have inside them.”
“Oh please.” Clarice’s father snorted. “You call what you do art. You aren’t fooling any of us here.” Yamaken winced as the man spoke seeing Clarice sitting just a little behind him her face stony.
“I dearly hope that Yamaken sires a legion of bastards when he marries that little girl of yours.” Mila moaned as she accepted the cigar that Miles gave her. “Really what do you know of proper assassinations? Not the messy things you are fond of Mr Norvara. You need a pretty good killer but a pretty good actor too.”
Sitting back in her chair Mila puffed out the smoke. “Perfect Assasinations. When everything is a go and you are just waiting on the word. Anytime anywhere ready to clean up a problem with no room for error. That is what we provide. Sometimes it can be bloody or rather simple. Still I have the proper choice on that. And that is art in itself.”
“Thank you for your generous explanation.” Mikasa bowed from his side. “We will be needing more of your expertise in the future to keep going on so smoothly in the future.”
“Isn’t she just the cutest Miles?” Mila squealed sitting up. “I hope there is one just like you Mikasa. Yamaken is such a spoil sport not wanting to give you up but it’s okay. Not only can I wait on you but also I’m sure that there is something yummy at the sale.”
“Of course there is.” Norvara spoke up. “You might even want to seize yourself a little one or two to cuddle up like puppies.” The roar around the table echoed minus himself and Mila.
“I’m not some old doddering old man that would be rejected by society for his looks.” Mila said as she slowly squashed her cigar into the table. “What would I want a child for? I want something that can make a choice and have a will. There is no fun in growing a child to what you want it to be from the start. No challenge. Sounds like something a doddering old man with a grudge against fate would do.”
Yamaken delicately cleared his throat causing Mila to glance at him. he tilted his head in the direction of Mikasa causing amusement to bloom in her icy gaze.
“Sorry Mikasa. Yamaken you know for you it was a different case. I can’t have a cute little child body guard because simply I’m no longer a child and my tastes are far from childlike. Exactly why you leave the children to children like your father did.”
Shaking her head Mila leaned back. “Disgusting.” She muttered. Norvara twitched ever so slightly causing Yamaken to try and discreetly check his watch. Barely half an hour had passed he could escape this table in just another twenty minutes if he played his card right.
He could just sense the doom approaching. Clarice her father and their generations of brightness would greatly clash against the redheaded Mila and her trail of turmoil.
He knew the two did not like each other. He knew that Mila trusted and liked no one but still he needed to keep her. As troublesome as it might be. Some trouble could rise from the East and he needed Mila and her vast connections to be able to act quickly.
No one, Yamaken was convinced that no one was better than Mila and her teams. Out of her teams there had to be no better operator than Mila herself. Her favourite target had been men but she seemed to delight in her female targets as well.
Mila’s work could be called art. The methods of her killing were simple but from what he heard it was the process that made it art. Her beliefs was what made her name so fearsome.
Mila clinked her cup on the saucer as she whispered into the hulking Miles’s ear causing Yamaken to sigh longing for the end of the meeting. Everyone wanted to know more about Mila but there was a great gap in her past spanning six years.
It was as if she had died and then came back for six years, but she was herself. However whatever those six years contained. It looked like it would be her close secret.
“Finally that farce of a meeting is over.” Mila groaned as she slumped back in her chair. Mikasa stifled her mirth at the display the younger woman was displaying.
“Only you would call it a farce.” Yamaken told her as he waved away his other bodyguard that had entered the room. Only one bodyguard per member was allowed in the meeting now it was over and the other members had left the guards waiting outside entered to their respective masters.
“It was a bit of a display in there if you ask me.” Mr Norvara complained as four guards entered surrounding himself and his quiet daughter.
“Fairy certain, that no one asked you. Besides you act as if I even wanted to be here.” Mila sulked as two guards joined Miles behind her.
“It was to cement in the minds of the others our alliance and the strong hold.” Yamaen sighed. “After not seeing each other for so long I thought this would be for the best.”
“I just saw you one month ago.” Mila sulked. “I’m not eager to see your surly face so often not like if I gained too much from it either, you had Mikasa kitty there away on business.”
“I try to thwart your attempts to get friendly with my bodyguard for my own benefit.” Yamaken told her dryly. “Heavens knows that you would eagerly steal her away and keep her all to yourself.”
“And leave a bloodbath behind.” Mila giggled. “They would rejoice because it would the last time so much blood would cover the ground as if clouds themselves carried it. I say, as a goodwill measure lend me Mikasa for a year won’t you?”
“No.” Yamaken grunted as he leaned back in his chair looking across the table to Mila. “She is not a pet for your amusement.”
“I’d treat her better than a pet.” Mila laughed and winked at her. Mikasa looked down at the table fighting her smile. There was nothing bright about her days but this woman.
“Why we need this woman as your support puzzles me as well.” Norvara snapped as he got to his feet gripping his cane. “Everyone knows that my full support will be towards him at the engagement and marriage to my daughter.”
“Exactly why he needs some power that won’t fall under that union right? Just in case for some reasons, in the future your hands are tied. Mine which won’t be tied will eagerly solve the problem.” Mila supplied.
“I bet you eagerly will swoop to the rescue.” Clarice said as she too stood up. “But father will always give his support no matter what so there will never be a reason for you and your dirty ways.”
“You know I just cannot wait for the day that a hit comes out for you. I can say that will be the first job I will so eagerly take and carry out in all haste before the client changes their mind. I might even do it myself if that would be the fastest way.” Mila growled leaning her elbows on the desk.
“You forget where you are.” Clarice breathed as she stood by her father’s side her eyes glowing with her fury.
“In my line of work my place is everywhere. Even in the case of you board members. If Yamaken says, we have a problem Houston. It is my job to make sure that the problem is fixed with the least bit of attention and fuss.”
Mikasa bit harder on her lip. These two women facing off against each other. They represented not Yamaken’s left and right arms more like and index finger and a thumb. Allies were hard to come by and something that he needed.
She felt he was better off with Mila because Clarice was just too tricky. At least Mila was honest and upfront with what she thought.
“Eagerly planning how you want to do away with us right?” Clarice tossed at Mila as she prepared to leave.
“I already know how, just waiting on a client so I can know when.” Mila smiled at Clarice and her father. “However if an ally was to tell me for the greater good to do such and such. Then I have no choice do i? Even if I want see a since penny from my efforts.”
“Disgusting.” Clarice hissed as she left the room with her father and their guards.
“Yes, truly disgusting.” Mila shook her head. “I hope the illegitimate children Yamaken sires are so much that a castle would have to hold them broadcasting your shame you little viper.”
“Is that enough now?” Yamaken spoke causing Mila to giggle.
“For now, I really don’t like her. I might even intervene if someone tries to kill her old man off. Would hate to attend these meetings regularly and have to see her face.”
Mikasa coughed in order to hide her snicker. Mila was still as fearless as ever.
“Mikasa kitty!! Be a dear and sit next to me.”
“Fine fine. Mikasa kitten I’ll put our snuggle time off for now.” Mila sulked. Miles whispered in Mila’s ear causing her to smile in response.
“We have some deep matters at hand don’t we Yamaken? If you were to accept old Norvara. He would gain quite a bit of power in this room.”
“Informative as always Mila.” Yamaken sighed.
“Information is needed for a good assassination. Lack of it can ruin the job or give you a right messy one.”
“You aren’t saying anything I myself haven’t already figured out.”
“You don’t have many big supporters here. Many bow to fear of your reputation and your little kitty there but that is not all. They bow to your skills.”
“That is enough, I need no more than that.”
“Still.” Mila continued I keep finding problems creeping up. First a found that a little bug was trying to dig up information on me.”
“A foolish task.” Yamaken huffed as he signalled Mikasa to pour tea for him again. “Out of respect I stopped when it seemed I was invading your privacy.”
“Well this little bug didn’t and do you know what made it so amusing? It was trying to discredit me. Took me a few minutes before I realised what I was dealing with. An experienced bug that had a bee in their bonnet for me. They served me well. I made a messy example of their little probes as a bit of an interview for a new client.”
“Took out the house, the car, the land and then the very street they were walking on. My client was delighted.”
“I bet they were.” Yamaken muttered. “So what do you plan to do about the bug?”
“Squash it very slowly if it insists on biting me.”
“Or I could look into the matter.” Yamaken offered. “Maybe even warn the bug that the Queen of a harem is not one to bite so eagerly.”
“What do I get in return of handing over the pleasure?” Mila wanted to now as Miles assisted her to her feet.
“An all day playdate with Mikasa at a time that I give.” Mikasa felt her eyes widen.
“Ohh! So naughty! I love it. The bug is all yours Yamaken darling. Ja’fa darling give Yamaken the information would you dear?” Mila’s tanned bodyguard stepped forward holding a box of some sort. He gently placed the box on the desk and bowed causing Mila to smile.
“Good boy, let’s be off. This meeting has to be the biggest bore I’ve ever had and I’ve been with royalty.” With her three guards at her heels, Mila took her leave.
“She doesn’t need any single one of those guards does she?” Mikasa murmured to Yamaken.
“Not one. Back when she used to actively do the jobs herself she entered a bloodthirsty as a concubine and worked her way up until she could slay the prince. She doesn’t need a single guard.”
“That is even scarier.” Mikasa said as she went and retrieved the box from where Mila’s guard had placed it.
“Isn’t it? I find her playful methods of trying to assure people that she is tamed scarier. A quiet beast is far more fearful than a growling one. You know where one is and what it is thinking. Can’t tell a bloody thing with the other.”
Alliances were tricky things. You had to know a lot about your partner as well as give them a fair measure of trust.
That was one sort of alliance. The types of alliances forged by something so simple as giving over a prized possession or person to the safekeeping of the other party was another.
To tell the truth Yamaken very much preferred the first sort of alliance. One could keep an eye of the ally and act reasonably when required.
Alliances forged by marriage were far too troublesome and delivered excessive much power. Besides, to think that he needed to do such a thing as marry for a stronghold alliance was laughable.
After the many years of being with his father, he knew rather well how to handle situations when he was against opponents who banded together for their own protection.
One did what he did. Mikasa was not enough to scare them into submission but he Mila would be. The rumours about that woman were all deadly and the sad thing was that the deadliest things about her were not even knowledge.
Back in the East, she had placed people in positions of power. People who knew very well, what she had done and that there was no price they could pay for it.
They owed her their lives, their people and even their country. Her warning to Clarice was not a bluff. In the case he had to the plan was already in place there was only his rule. No other one.
Mila the redheaded assassin. Alliances were tricky things but he had the gut feeling that this one would not be.
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