51) Death Is Rule Of Nature
user857185 abhiya006 kirandeepkaur689 thanks you three for understanding my problems 😄
Note : for those who wants Abhay to died as I read comments, "it's Abhiya story. How will hero died?" And for those are not wanting to kill anyone just read the title of this chapter.
Happy Reading🤗🤗
Chapter - 51 ( Death Is Rule Of Nature )
"Piyaaaaa" Abhay shouted seeing Shayam to shoot.
All shocked and more Piya seeing Rajveer standing in front of her. Soon another shoots got heard and there's police shoot Shyam.
Rajveer fall on ground holding his chest where the bullet hit.
"Raj" all shout.
Abhay was shocked but soon comes out from his world and went near them.
Abhay's POV
Suddenly hearing all gun shoots in room who'll stay run outside and I take it as a chance to remove the waste belt bomb from there's belly.
"Uncle" both are smiling seeing me and crying continuously. I just remove all soon I heard "pee" sound of bomb showing that it gonna blast any time. I cover them and run outside and soon the bomb blast.
All happened so suddenly and bullet got on Rajveer.
I help those word boys who Start taking injured people. Piya looking at Rajveer who's already get faint. She's crying continuously. I took both Viyana-Piyush in my laps trying to make them Comfortable. They're crying hugging me.
We come to Elear Hospital and Rajveer taken to operation theater. Neil and Ayesha comes running.
"Please don't cry" Ayesha sit beside Piya trying to console her and Neil looking at operation room with teary eyes. He looks at me then kids who's still hugging me and crying.
It's been 3 hours Viyana and Piyush are crying hard and I'm trying to consult them but they're not stopping.
Neil and Ayesha also outside of operation theater looking at the light. Ayesha hug Neil and cried hard.
I look at Piya who's now sitting and silent tears are coming. Her hands and lips are literally shivering.
The operation room light gets off and doctor's come out.
Piya, Neil , Ayesha run towards doctor.
Piya : doc_tor ho_w's he? H_e's fin_e na?
Neil : doctor say something.
"Who's Neil here he asked for him" Neil hearing doctor's words run inside. Piya cried hard and Ayesha hug her. Both kids are smart enough to understand and they also crying I hug them tightly not available to stop my tears also.
Rajveer's POV
I smile at Neil who's crying looking at me. He runs towards me and sit in front of me.
Neil : Bhai look all this doctor's saying nonsense. I know you'll be perfect.
I hold his hand and a tear escape from my eyes.
Raj : now you're not alone. I know Ayesha will take care of you. Be Happy always, I know my brother is so much strong.
Neil : Bhai, stop this nonsense otherwise I won't talk to you.
Raj chuckled : I've to go. My time is complete.
Neil : Bhai what about Piya, Viyana, Piyush? How could you leave your family?
Raj : Because I know now there's someone who will take care of them and love them so much.
Neil shock : Bhai you mean Abhay?
Raj : Yes and I want you to take care Ayesha, never hurt my sister (Neil smile) Let Abhay do what he wants! I know he will not harm them. Piya will forgave him one day. I want you to accept that wholeheartedly.
Neil nods.
"I want meet Piya" I said and Neil left after hugging me. After some minutes Piya comes there. She's looking at me and crying..I pulled out my hand and she runs sitting beside me and hold my hand.
Piya : Rajveer you can't leave me. What I'll do without you? How will kids sleep without reading your stories? Who will take care of me? You have to be okay for all. How will Neil and Ayesha stay without your love?
Raj : Neil and Ayesha will take care of themselves. They have each other's. Death Is Rule Of Nature . Now my times comes and I'll have to go Piya. You're my strong Piya and I know you'll handle everything. I TRUST YOU.
Piya close her eyes then open, she hug him tightly : I love you so much please don't leave me. Please, I can't leave without you.
Raj hug her caressing her back : Piyai love you too. Don't break. Listen to me.
Piya looks at me holding my hand.
Raj : I'm happy that you love me but you know what you loves Abhay more than me ( Piya looking at him shock and about to say but Raj motion her to listen first) I know you'll say you hate him but remember one thing Hate and Love both are strong feelings and we Hate only the person whom deep inside also can love. You know before his coming you're becomes emotionless just living your life but the moment you saw him I saw a emotions, if it's hate then no problem..but I know deep inside imprint your love make you showing those emotions. You still care for him that's why hearing him in Mall you becomes so restless. I know it's hard... very hard...to forgave him and I don't want you to forgave him easily. But I saw his loves for you true and ONE DAY HE'LL WIN YOU. He is here taking care of you. Now my time over here I've to go to my Simran, she'll be waiting for me. You know that day she said,
Flashback of when Simran died,
Raj : you can't leave me Simu, how I'll leave without you. Please don't go.
Simran : I've to Raj, Please don't break. I know you're strong enough to handle our princess Viyana.
Raj : we promised to be with her together and you're leaving me mid way?
Simran : I'm sorry. But I promise I'll wait for you there till the time your works here not finished. Your Simran will wait for you Rajveer.
Raj : I've to go now. I know she's still waiting for me.
Piya looks at me and shook her head no.
I feel someone presence another side and smile, I knew it she'll be waiting for me. My Simran. I smile looking at her who's smiling standing in corner wearing the white gown which she wore our marriage day. I just looking at her eyes. I'll not make you wait more, she smile more as if she reads my mind.
POV ends
Rajveer's heart beats becomes slow Piya Shout doctor's name. He's breathing heavily looking at Simran and smile little. All runs towards inside. Piyush and Viyana hug him tightly.
"Alw_ays be st_rong. Do_n't stre_ss your mo_m so mu_ch" hearing his words kids cry more. Doctors are trying to work. Raj looks at Abhay who's standing near door teary eyes, he looks at Piya and kids then Abhay...the beep sounds of machine stop and all cried hard. Abhay close his eyes some more tears fall. He understands his hidden words which he said from a look.
"Take care of them" he looks back at Piya whom Ayesha is hugging. Doctor out white clothes on his face declared he's Dead. Kids are crying so much. Neil about to go to kids but before Abhay went towards them. They hug them tightly and both are also crying hugging them. Neil understand what his brother want to say.
Rajveer's soul look all them last time standing near room then hold Simran's hand smilingly who's then invisible from there.
Precap :
I stay till all the formalities won't full. Kids are still with me. I'm making them to eat something otherwise they'll fall ill. They're crying so much.
"Mr. Raichand" I look up and find Piya there.
"You should go back. Your Visa will be cancelled tomorrow" I look at her how she knows? But then I remember of course she knows.
"But" I said looking at kids who's sleeping on my lap.
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