29) You Don't Deserve Love
Chapter - 29 ( You Don't Deserve Love )
Abhay is breaking Everything in his room. He doesn't know what he's doing and why? But he's feeling so anger. He should be happy as his plan got success but he's feeling pain which are giving him more frustrating feeling.
He went downstairs to the bar area and hold a bottle and gulping down full. He's drinking like mad, gulping a bottle like water and soon he finished 4 bottles and stumbled down on floor.
He again gulp another sip but soon laid on floor and start laughing and tears fall from his eyes.
"Piya" he whispered her name and fall unconscious.
Another side,
Danish's phone rings and he smiled seeing panchi's name flash on there.
He went in room giving last look all who're still tied there. He picked the call and Panchi laugh in happiness.
"Oh god Danish you should be there. That's bitch face is look amazing" panchi said and remove her fake make up which wearing she went to the party.
"Oww, now just take the Damm signature" Danish said and Panchi frown.
"Don't worry, I can do my work fluently. You don't know how much happy I'm seeing Abhay throw that slut Piya. And now my another work in pending... destroying Piya fully. Now do your work. Kill all those people" Panchi laughing and cut the call after ordering Danish.
Danish suddenly hear shouts and turn but froze to see Misha there point a gun towards them. He looks back and find the 6 men's already in ground. Kabir, Rishi are kicking them but they're busy in shouting for there's pain.
"Shocked?" Misha said.
Neha and Alisha comes there holding a chilly powder bottle in both hands.
When Danish left to attend the call, all looks at each other's. They're already after trying whole day open there's rope successfully but waiting for the right time.
As Danish left, Neha said that baby needs water and those men's are allowed it. She went to kitchen and comes back with chilly powder and throw them to all men's face.
Misha take the guns away and kabir, Rishi hold remain guns and start kicking them. Sid hold Angel to his arms.
Flashback end
"Now your time is finished" Misha said and shoot his another legs.
"Please I'm sorry please" Danish plead but then again shout as Misha shoot his right hand.
"Aaahhh" he shouted as Alisha, Neha throw chilly powder on his eyes then Misha shoot his another hand.
"Feel the pain Danish, I Beard more then this." Misha then shoot his forehead and tears Fall from her eyes. Finally her every culprit get the punish now only there's mastermind Panchi alive.
Kabir come and hug Misha. Then Misha smile and hug Sid then look at Angel, hug her tightly.
"We should go home" all nods at Alisha.
"Neha, Rishi you both come with us" Sid said and all nods.
Next morning,
A new morning, new day, new start for everyone life. But is this a new day for Abhiya?
Abhay open his eyes and hold his head.
"Piya....ahh my head please give me lemon juice" Abhay said but then he open his eyes and looks around. He reminds what happened and again a tear fall from his eyes. He wips the tears.
No Abhay. You did right.
He's about to go upstairs but the door bell rings.
"Bhai" Abhay froze hearing the voice. He looks behind and gasped in shock to see Sid there with Kabir, Alisha and Alina.
Alina run and hug Abhay, he's in shock why she's hugging him?
"Abhay that's our Misha" Kabir said and Abhay looks at her in shock.
Misha looks back and Alisha push the wheelchair and Sid comes in front of Abhay.
"I really miss you" Sid said and hug Abhay.
"Abhay Bhai, now the time comes and you should know all this. I know Piya is angry as I'm still alive but didn't say anything." Abhay looks at her confused.
Then Misha said everything happens the night and what Abhay saw all was panchi's plan. Alisha said about Piya being panchi's step sister that's why for money what sin panchi do.
"Where is Piya. She should meet a new guests of our" Sid said and looking at angel who's neha's arms. Abhay looks at angel, a tear fall on his eyes of guilty.
Abhay please trust me.
Abhay Sid Misha are Alive.
All is Panchi's plan I didn't do anything.
Abhay please trust me, I'm pregnant with your baby.
All her words are ringing in his mind making him froze. He comes out hearing Misha's worried voice.
"Abhay bhai where is Piya?" Misha ask at Abhay who's froze seeing her then at Siddharth. He sit on his knees and cried making all shock.
"Abhay where is Piya?" Kabir asked.
"I-i" Abhay's words stuck and he cried more hard.
"What happens?" Misha asked again.
Abhay said all this and a slap land on his cheeks.
"Misha" Alisha gasped in shock seeing this.
"Bhai how could you do this? You always said you love her but you can't trust her? Is this your love? Without trust there can't be love. You Don't Deserve Love Bhai you don't" Misha cried, kabir hold her.
"Abhay I thought everything is okay between you two. What happened? That girl forgave you after your sin...You Rape Her. But she still love you and always make you happy" Misha and Sid gasped in shock hearing Alisha, Misha looks at Kabir and he looks away, same with Sid. They didn't tell this about Misha and Sid as for them Abhay is there idol brother...more than father, a god. But today they're seeing Abhay with disgust.
"You can't be my brother. How could you Bhai how?" Misha shouted in anger and again slap Abhay, no matter... Abhay rape Piya due to drug effect but still he is also responsible of this, his inner beast only wants it. Panchi just give courage to that.
"You always teach me to respect girls. Where is my that's brother? A girl who did anything murder or anything but that doesn't mean you can do this with her. Never." Sid said and looks away.
Abhay is crying miserable.
"Where can be Piya? It's been hours. You throw her last night and it's morning" kabir voice made them more worried.
"Shit, panchi had still something planning with Piya. I don't know what exactly but she always says 'when Abhay throw her out..she will send her to the real place she deserves' " hearing Alisha all get shocked.
"We should go. We have to find Piya" Misha said and kabir nods.
"STOP" Misha shouted as Abhay is also coming with them.
"Please mishu, i-i want to rectify my mistakes. Please" Misha about to say no but kabir out hands on Misha's shoulder.
Abhay looks at Angel face, he can't believe his baby is alive, he left and sit in car with Misha-kabir. But then his mind again went there Piya's words.
'Abhay I'm pregnant'
That means Piya is pregnant now. How could I do this? What if something happens to them? Where can be Piya now? Please god if you want punish me but save Piya. I'm the devil but don't do anything with Piya and that unborn child. Please save my Piya. I can't live without her.
"But where we could find her?" Hearing kabir Misha thinks.
"Take khurana House, Piya can be there" Kabir nods and they went towards khurana house.
In Full time tears never stop from Abhay's eyes. He's feeling terrible now, his hands are shaking, his heart beat increase every second. He just hope his Piya is okay.
Precap :-
"27 Raiso " Misha Read the message carefully.
"What it can be?" Kabir said.
"That's a hotel in Andheri Nagar" Abhay said the moment he remember.
"We should go before panchi do something" Misha said, all nods.
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