nine | "as long as there's weakness, there's chance of death"

"Don't tell me you're scared, Your Highness."

Obsidian let out a chuckle, his fingers tracing daintily over Hoseok's jaw, traveling down his neck. Hoseok's breath hallowed, his heart jolting in his chest as Obsidian's fingers brushed his birthmark, which almost seemed to pulsate at his touch. Noticing the Prince's reaction, Obsidian raised an eyebrow, a look of concern washing onto his face.

"Something wrong?"

Hoseok quickly shook his head, though his hand went instinctively to his birthmark, and he accidentally brushed his hand against Obsidian's, who immediately laced their fingers together and set it down. He smiled good-naturedly, leaning closer to Hoseok, leaving them inches apart. Hoseok could feel Obsidian's cold breath hit his lips, but he found that the first instinct he thought he would have— pull farther away, wasn't igniting in him.

He found himself mesmerized as his eyes locked with Obsidian's, watching as his eyes began to wash into purple. Hoseok watched as Obsidian's eyes wandered to his lips, noticing Obsidian's fangs begin to peek out from his lips, tongue tracing down his bottom lip.

"May I steal a kiss from you, my dear Prince?"

Obsidian's voice sounded so sweet, so melodic— heaven in Hoseok's ears. It was as if he caught in a trance, though it was one he didn't mind. Something about having Obsidian trace his thumb over his bottom lip sent Hoseok's body ablaze, and he could feel himself responding to Obsidian's touch— no matter how strange that sounded. Hoseok nodded numbly, feeling his eyes fluttered close as Obsidian closed the gap between them, his thumb carefully tilting Hosoek's jaw towards him.

The feeling was unlike anything Hoseok had felt before. It was explosive, the contact sending adrenaline shooting through him, his chest buzzing with indecipherable emotions. But, just as quickly as their lips had touched, the feeling was gone, Obsidian's lips latching themselves onto Hoseok's birthmark, the tip of his fangs grazing lightly as his tongue ran over Hoseok's skin.

"The name's Min Yoongi, darling. Remember it."

Hoseok only nodded, managing to ask, "Will it hurt?"

"Only upon contact," Yoongi murmured into the Prince's neck. "Don't worry. I'll give you a treatment fit for a Prince."

Hoseok gasped as Yoongi's fangs slice through his skin, embedding themselves in him. He writhed at the sudden pain in his neck, his body jerking at the feeling, so much that Yoongi's arm wrapped around him, holding Hoseok in place, as he greedily drunk the satisfying yet craving inducing royal blood. Without realizing it, Hoseok had surrendered himself to Yoongi, and the life of the boy was now in Yoongi's hands.


Hoseok felt himself arch towards Yoongi, his open arm slinging automatically around Yoongi's shoulder, his head tilting to give Yoongi better access. The vampire took it as a sign to continue, sinking his fangs deeper. So entranced and captured, Hoseok was in his bliss that he let himself loose, becoming a needy, moaning mess in the hands of Yoongi, whom he'd only met a few hours ago.

All rationality left his body. If Hoseok's father were here— if Seokjin were to see how vulnerable Hoseok had left himself to their enemies, Hoseok knew he would be finished. It would be seen as a betrayal, and direct disobeying— not to mention the vampire's lips had touched lips only meant for his love bound. Yet, with his mind overcome with pleasure as Yoongi drank to his contentment, such thoughts were cast away, and all Hoseok wanted was more.

For a split second, Hoseok was glad that Jungkook had convinced him to disobey the orders given to him. He knew he'd never get a chance like this, and now that he was experiencing it— it didn't matter that he had become prey. To know and live to tell the experience of being bitten was something to remember. At least now, he could understand why there were humans rummaging these parts. He could understand why Jungkook loved being on this side of town.

It was thrilling. Adventurous. Exciting.

"Accept, Jung Hoseok."

The words came and went through Hoseok's ears, sounding clear as day but tinged with cloudiness. There was no need for hesitation, not when Hoseok was too far in himself to grasp what he would be signing up for if he said anything but what Yoongi was looking for, his fantasy could end, and that's the last thing Hoseok wanted.

Hoseok awoke with a start, hand flying immediately to his birthmark, which was pulsating out of control. He struggled to control his breathing, feeling his heart running at a beat that should be unknown to man. He felt hot, bothered, and completely disoriented, almost as if he were a deer stuck in headlights.

A soft chime sounded from the doorway of the room, causing Hoseok to tense. Yoongi strolled into the room, one hand holding towels while the other held a tray of water. Hoseok gazed suspiciously as Yoongi set everything down, offering Hoseok the towel first.

"You need it," Yoongi said, frowning as Hoseok shook his head. "If you don't take it, I'll more than happily dry your face for you."

With a glare, Hoseok reluctantly took it, wiping the sweat off his forehead. After he was done, Yoongi offered the glass of water, to which Hoseok gazed suspiciously.

"I'm a host, not a murderer, darling," Yoongi huffed. "I told you before. You are a guest. You offer no value if you are dead. I can't just bring you back from the Underworld, you know. Hades would smother me to pieces."

"How kind of you," Hoseok remarked sarcastically, taking the glass from Yoongi. "We wouldn't want you getting murdered by a mythical figure."

"Only to those who are of utmost importance." Yoongi winked, causing Hoseok to roll his eyes. "Oh, sunshine, don't say that. Hades hears everything, and it is insulting for you to call him a mythical creature. I mean, aren't I one as well?"

Hoseok took a sip from the glass, only then becoming aware of how parched his throat was. Yoongi only smiled knowingly, waiting for Hoseok to finish drinking before speaking once more.

"Nevertheless, I'm sure you're confused as to what that was," Yoongi said, pointing to Hoseok's head. "Don't worry, my dear Prince, this is what I'm here for."

"I wish you weren't," Hoseok murmured.

"My, my, don't tell me you wake up in a bad mood every morning, sunshine," Yoongi drawled, glancing at him amusedly. "Should I be concerned for myself? You are going to be here for the rest of eternity, after all."

Hoseok scrunched his nose, giving Yoongi a disgusted look. "I'll die eventually."

"That entirely depends on you," Yoongi answered casually. "Do you want to die?"

What type of question was that?

At Hoseok's seemingly judgmental gaze, Yoongi began to snicker, the tips of his fangs slipping out, poking his bottom lip as he looked at Hoseok expectantly, only causing the younger to become bemused.

"I'll say it again, darling," Yoongi's eyes hardened, a sliver of violet striking his irises. "Do you want to die?"

It was a simple question, yet one that Hoseok knew held more value than Yoongi was letting on. In hindsight, hearing this from something that couldn't die was a painful irony in itself. As a human, Hoseok would die eventually, but the way Yoongi was framing the question, it was as if Hoseok was being asked a life-changing question.

Perhaps Hoseok was being asked a question that could change the trajectory of his life. But, Hoseok was tongue-tied, unable to string coherent words at a simple question. No one in their sane mind would want to die, but it was one of the signs of being moral, a human. It was an expectation that Hoseok would die someday because, at the end of the day, he was one of them. If he didn't die from being killed, he'd die of old age, while these Purebloods would continue to live in their youth, fated to never die.

Did that mean Hoseok wanted to die?

"I am prepared to die." Hoseok finally answered though he didn't feel too sure of his answer.

A look of displeasure struck Yoongi's features. The violet in his irises darkened, taking over his obsidian eye color. In a flash, Yoongi pushed Hoseok towards the bed, posing himself on top of him, one hand grabbing both of Hoseok's hands while the other brusquely cupped his face. Hoseok could only stare shocked at the sudden hostility from the Pureblood, feeling the breath escape from his lungs the longer his eyes locked with Yoongi's.

"Are you prepared to die, Jung Hoseok?" Yoongi asked, voice menacing and riddled with taunt. "If I were to break your neck right here and now, would you be prepared for it?"

"I-i would."

Yoongi's displeasure only intensified, nails digging into Hoseok's cheek. Hoseok winced at the feeling, beginning to squirm under Yoongi's hold. Yoongi only dug his nails harder; lips turned into a sneer as his eyes glowed the brightest Hoseok had ever seen them. A strike of fear hit Hoseok at the change. What if Yoongi hadn't been messing around? What if Hoseok was about to die?

"I forgot the reasons why I loathe humans," Yoongi scoffed, bringing one of Hoseok's arms towards him, exposing his wrist. "Your naivety and your foolish sense of pride. Is that what fills your head, darling? Allow me to show you the consequences of your reckless response."

Without waiting for a response, Yoongi bit down Hoseok's wrist, causing the human to scream in agony. Yoongi only sunk his fangs deeper, his weight forcing Hoseok to stay in place. Slowly, Hoseok's eyes fluttered to a close, body going limp and drawing what he expected to be his last breath.

Unfortunately, Hoseok awoke to a different scenario.

He didn't know exactly where he was— only that he was alive. He looked down towards his wrist, which seemed to be intact, no sign that Yoongi had bitten him. Looking around, all Hosoek could see was that he was standing in a void. Everything was dark, with no sign of life anywhere— not even Yoongi.

"There is no set reality."

Hosoek jumped at the sound, whipping his head to the left, where Yoongi had appeared. Yoongi gestured towards the space around them.

"To you, this is nothing," Yoongi hummed. "To me, this is infinite. One second, we stand in a void. The next, we stand in a forest."

In the blink of an eye, the scenery changed upon Yoongi's command. Hoseok's eyes widened as he found himself standing next to trees, the piney, soft aroma alerting him of where he was. Hoseok could hear the wildlife rummaging through the seemingly endless reality.

"Reality is whatever I want it to be," Yoongi smirked, shifting their scenery once more. "Because there are infinite realities, anything can happen to anyone, including to you, my lovely Prince. I knew of your existence before you were born, and all the ways you could die are at the palm of my hand."

"The ways I could die?"

"You say you are prepared to die but are you truly?" Yoongi responded, gesturing to the scene before them. "This is one of many possibilities. Would you be prepared to die at the hands of your presumed lover?"

Hoseok blinked a couple of times, not wanting to look at the screen. "Seokjin wouldn't kill me."

A ghost of a smile flashed across Yoongi's lips. "Wouldn't he? See for yourself."

"W-wait, Jin, what are you doing?"

There stood a Seokjin that Hoseok couldn't recognize. The Seokjin in the scene looked nothing like the Seokjin he knew. The Seokjin there was devoid of emotions; his coffee eyes hardened, with a permanent frown on his lips. He was drenched with blood from head to toe, and from what Hoseok could see, there was not even a flinch at the sound of his name.

"You don't want to do this."

Hoseok could hear himself yelling. He watched as Seokjin tied Hoseok's arms behind his back, propping him against the pole. When Seokjin was done, he pressed a kiss against Hoseok's cheeks before stepping away. At the flicker of his wrist, Hoseok from the presumed reality was doused with gasoline. Hoseok looked as the vision of himself sputtered at the taste of gasoline in his mouth, his eyes broken and pleading.


Seokjin unsheathed his sword, pointing it at the top of Hoseok's chest. He said nothing as Hoseok begged for his life.

"I'm sorry, my love."

Seokjin did not flinch as he embedded the sword into Hoseok's chest, taking it out just as quickly, not moving a muscle as Hoseok's blood spilled the more he continued to strike at Hoseok's chest. When he was done, Seokjin wiped the sweat and blood off his face, gesturing for a match.

"You'll be remembered as a hero," Seokjin whispered as he lit up the match, setting Hoseok's body ablaze. "Our sacrifice will not go in vain."

"He wouldn't kill me."

Hoseok's voice quivered as he whispered the words. He could feel himself shaking, haunted by what he had just been forced to see. Yoongi only watched the boy's reaction, eyes snapping back and forth from the vision to Hoseok, expression completely discernible.

"In this reality, he would, Hoseok," Yoongi responded, dissolving the vision. "Did you not hear him? 'Our sacrifice will not go in vain.' He wouldn't be saying 'our' if he didn't mean to kill you. Tell me, Hoseok, if this was your affirmed reality, your fate, would you be prepared to die?"

"This wouldn't happen," Hoseok repeated, glaring at Yoongi. "He would do everything he could to save me. I know it. This reality wouldn't happen. He isn't evil. N-not like you are! You want me to die, don't you?"

Yoongi only smiled. "I'm the evil one, aren't I? Took you away from the love of your life, keeping you enclosed for the rest of eternity. I'll entertain you, darling. Do you know why in that reality, your love, Kim Seokjin, sacrifices you?"

With a wave of his hand, changing the scenery once more. This time, they were in Hoseok's home— the palace— more specifically, the dungeons, and the first thing Hoseok noticed was his father. Next to him, Yoongi, confined into chains, stowed away behind bars.

"You're the last of your brothers alive."

Hoseok's father's voice boomed, a cocky smirk planted on his lips. The Yoongi from the reality scoffed, thrashing against the chains he was placed in.

"If I'd known the way to your demise, I would have killed you off a lot sooner," Micah grinned, walking towards Yoongi. "Turns out, there was a reason you wanted to keep my son by your side."

"You'd really sacrifice your own son like that?" Yoongi breathed, looking up at Micah. "Just to get rid of me? I gave you everything you desired, asking only for Hoseok in return."

Micah's gaze turned to stone. "I'd rather lose my son to see you fall than lose my son to a bloodsucker like you."

Hoseok watched in horror as his father opened the cell door. He grabbed Yoongi and forced him up, forcing his head to look outside. A maniacal smile spread across Micah's lips as he forced Yoongi to see the scene happening outside.

"And you get to have front row seats to his death," Micah murmured, bursting into laugher. "You couldn't save your brothers, and now you won't be able to save the most important thing in your miserable existence. To think that despite everything you told him, he still chose to abandon you."

"You don't have to do it," Yoongi whispered. "I can disappear. I won't bother you. Just keep him alive. Please. I promise you'll never hear of me again. I'll give you anything you want. Just save him."

"You ceasing to exist is the only reward I need."

Hoseok gazed towards Yoongi, whose eyes were stuck watching the reality. His jaw was clenched, his hands enclosed in fists, eyes shooting daggers at the scenes unfolding. While Hoseok could say that Yoongi could be lying to him, even he could tell that what was happening was something that Yoongi could feel.

The next thing Hoseok heard was Yoongi's ear-splitting scream, a sound that resonated through his ears. For the first time, Hoseok could see the pain in Yoongi's features as he watched himself writhing in agony, his porcelain skin beginning to crack and bleed as Hoseok was killed. Micah let Yoongi's body go, walking away from the cell, leaving Yoongi to die.

"You can't be killed," Hoseok said as Yoongi dissolved the vision.

"Anything can be killed," Yoongi replied monotonously. "As long as there's weakness, there is the chance of death. The Sun, silver, stakes kill regular vampires. Anything can kill humans. Pureblood vampires? We only have one weakness."

One weakness?

"In this reality, I tell you everything there is to know about us," Yoongi said, pressing his lips together. "I trust you, and you betray me. Your betrayal causes my brothers' deaths, mines, and your own. As you could tell, I was unable to save you, even when I offered your father everything I could to keep you alive."

"Why would you do that?" Hoseok asked, flabbergasted. "I am nothing to you. Why would you try to give up everything?"

Yoongi's eyes softened. "You are everything to me, Hoseok. I may be the evil one, but know that I'd sacrifice everything to make sure no harm comes to you. Your human lover and your father? They'd sacrifice you to get everything they want."

Hoseok was rendered speechless by the words. It wasn't possible that Yoongi, a bloodsucker, was telling him the truth. Not from everything he knew about Purebloods. There was a higher chance of Yoongi trying to manipulate him than him being honest with Hoseok. If Yoongi was honest with Hoseok, he had everything to lose.

But, what if Yoongi was telling him the truth?

What then?

"Of course, that's only one of many realities," Yoongi straightened up, his cocky demeanor making a return. "I could show you more pleasant ones if you'd want. Still deaths, of course, but not as...traumatizing."

Hoseok shook his head. "I don't want to see myself die over and over again."

"You don't have to die," Yoongi breezed. "You could always choose eternal life."

"I'm not becoming one of you," Hoseok scrunched his nose. "Why would I want to?"

Yoongi shrugged. "You won't have a choice when your life depends on it."


Yoongi walked towards Hoseok, placing both hands on Hoseok's cheeks. Hoseok stiffened, startled at the cool hands touching him, though he didn't move away.

"I'm not spilling you all my secrets, Prince," Yoongi chuckled, smirking widely. "Did you not see how it ends up? I could give you all the information you seek, but if your loyalties continue to lie to your father and human love, I'm afraid I must keep them. Now, sleep, my dearest sunshine. Hopefully, this time you'll have a restful one."



Yoongi's voice was the last thing Hoseok heard before he slipped once more into unconsciousness. 

a/n: starting to get real complicated now <3 if you're confused, don't worry, you're supposed to be confused. you only know as much as hoseok is told, so you're supposed to figure stuff out with hoseok. theories are more than welcome doe so uh if you have any i would love to see (:

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