Chapter 9: To Rise Up Against Fear Itself
The Same Afternoon
Thirty Minutes Before
On the other side of the inner gate, the military was scrambling all over the place trying to provide aid and support to those who evacuated from Trost. There were people who needed aid from being trampled in the rush to evacuate. There were soldiers who were wounded or shell shocked and could no longer fight. The number of people on the other side of the wall was vast and among them, your mother and girl you rescued, Sarah, were sitting inside of a house that was filled to the brim with people who were waiting to be told what to do next for the evacuation process. Natalia was sat next to a window as Sarah was fast asleep on her lap with her arms wrapped around her to make sure she didn't fall. As she was sat there, Natalia felt Sarah stir in her arms and looked down to see her beginning to wake up.
"Miss Natalia..." Sarah muttered while rubbing her tired eyes.
"Something wrong? Are you feeling okay?" Your mother asked before hearing a small rumble coming from the girl's stomach. "You must be starving. Let's go find you something to eat." She said as stood up from her seat and carried young Sarah in her arms and out of the building they were in.
Walking out and in the middle of the street, your mother and little Sarah looked around to see if there was anywhere that was giving out food or rations. Natalia couldn't help but look at the entire area with a worried look on her face as all she could think about was the situation you and her three other angels were in. She held young Sarah's head closer to her and stroked her hair gently as Sarah had a troubled look on her face at the faces of horrified soldiers she would catch sight of. As they walked further down, they saw a temporary stand set up on the right where soldiers were handing out rations and other quickly prepared food to people and other soldiers. Natalia was heading in that direction, but before she could do that, there was a loud explosion that caught everyone's attention as everything came to a stop and people were frantically looking around. Being so close to the noise, Natalia turned around and saw a smoke stack rising up from nearby behind a house that was next to the wall. Soldiers rushed over and people did as well when they heard and saw where what sounded like canon fire came from.
"What was that?" Natalia muttered before feeling trembling in her arms and looking down to see little Sarah covering herself to try and hide. "It's okay. It's okay, we're gonna be okay." Natalia said as held her closer in comfort.
Looking back in wonder of what that explosion noise was, Natalia couldn't help but head over in that direction to see what the commotion was all about. She walked over to the area where soldiers were trying their best to keep any civilians out of, and didn't want to get to close to where the pushing and shoving was going on. She looked around to see if she could get a better view from somewhere else, and saw a parked wagon that people were ignoring, but gave a good line of sight to the area they sealed off. Natalia let out a deep breath as she walked over and climbed onto the wagon to look into the sealed off zone. She saw a huge cloud of smoke swirling around near the bank of the river and soldiers surrounding the strange could with their blades drawn. Wanting to look closer, she set Sarah down in front of her and leaned in closer to where she could hear the soldiers somewhat better.
"The smoke's clearing." One soldier mentioned the thinning out smoke.
"When you see them, attack." Another soldier said in a nervous tone.
"Let's end this here." One more soldier said with worry before Weilman shouted aloud.
"Don't move yet!" Weilman yelled as Natalia glanced at him, but flinched and turned back to the smoke where there was a large crash that kicked up dirt and more dust that forced all the soldiers to cover themselves.
As the smoke was clearing, Natalia could faintly make out something that was falling apart inside of the smoke. She felt nervous as she gripped the wood of the wagon she was stood on and watched carefully as Rico, the officer next to Weilman, spoke up.
"Captain, the next round will be loaded soon. Should we attack again?" Rico asked the completely shaken Weilman as the canon squad heard him from atop the wall.
"Wait for my signal!" Weilman cried out as Natalia was trying to figure out in her mind what was going on.
"Yes, sir." Was all that Rico replied with before standing guard once more.
"What's going on? Why are they in battle formation and a canon is aimed down here? Was that the sound of the wall being broken? But, then why aren't the Titans coming in? Is the hole too small for them to fit through?" Natalia went through the scenario's in her head over and over again.
"Looks like the next round is loaded. We can fire any time." Rico informed Weilman as the canon team waved their hands signaling the canon was hot and ready for another shot.
"Hey!" Natalia turned around and saw a Garrison officer climb the wagon and glare at her. "What do you think you're doing? Get the hell out of here!" He yelled at her as she glared back.
"What's going on? Why aren't you telling us anything? Was the wall breached? What was that explosion and why is a canon pointed inside the walls!?" Natalia demanded to know.
"I wasn't asking you nothing...I'm tellin' you to get the hell lost!" The solider reached and grabbed her by the arm as Natalia struggled.
"L-Let me go!" Natalia struggled and tried to break free from him, and in the process, Sarah was crying once more from being scared. "I said let go--!" Natalia was cut off when the sound of metal banged against the ground and echoed as that caught everyone's attention and the two of them turned back to the smoke.
As she watched, Natalia was wide-eyed and jaw dropped when from the smoke, Armin had run out and stopped in front of Weilman as everyone tightened up and the one with rifles aimed at the blonde boy. Armin raised his hands in the air and faced the Captain alone as Weilman spoke up nervously and with conviction.
"You've finally shown your true self, monster! I'll do it! I'll give the signal!" Weilman cried out.
"He is not an enemy of humanity! We are prepare to share all the information we have!" Armin provided the Captain with a proposal, but Weilman was having none of it.
"I'm not interested in hearing you plead for your lives! How can I believe you, when he's shown us all what he really is!? If you say he's not an enemy, then prove it! If you can't, I'll be forced to eliminate the threat!" Weilman demanded.
"There is no need for proof! The question isn't what we think of him!" Armin said as this confused Weilman.
"What did you say?!" Weilman shouted with shocked face.
"I'm told that many of you saw him! Then you saw him fighting the Titans! And you saw the Titans swarm him!" Armin yelled as the faces of the soldiers all became bewildered and shocked as they froze in their place like the same thing ran through all their minds. "That means the Titans considered him food, the same way they think of us! That is the truth, no matter what we may think or believe!" Armin yelled as the soldiers began to mutter with one another and it seemed Armin was pushing through.
"Armin? What's he doing here? Why are they facing him with their weapons? Where's Y/N? Eren? Mikasa?" Natalia wondered in worry as she couldn't believe that one of her children was being threatened as a monster right now.
"He's right..." One soldier said while slowly lowering his blades.
"A Titan as an ally?" Another did the same while questioning the thought.
"That's impossible." Another said in disbelief as his guard was lowered as well.
"But if we could control a Titan..." One more spoke of the idea as Weilman noticed the sudden change in his soldiers, and that he was losing control, resulting in his even more irrational decision.
"Prepare to attack! Don't be fooled by their clever lies!" Weilman shouted as Armin was struck with shock of how irrational the Captain was. "The Titan's actions have always been beyond our understanding! It's possible they could pretend to be human, speak human languages, and try to deceive us! We can't let them get away with anything else!" Weilman's cries of desperation and fear came over all his men as they raised their arms once again at Armin.
Natalia couldn't even begin to think of what to say as she saw the horrified and scared look on Armin's face. The face Weilman was giving was one of fear and horror as he breathed heavily and sweated like a pig. Armin looked back into the smoke that was becoming clearer and clearer as Natalia was finally able to see her three other children on their knees watching Armin. When Armin turned back, he didn't see looks of fear or nervousness, he saw the faces that believed in his ability to save the three of them as they signaled him to continue. Not wanting to let them down, Armin ground his teeth, turned back sharply, stood tall and with his chest out while raising his left fist and pounding it against his heart so loud, that everyone heard it as he yelled loud enough for everyone to hear.
"I am a soldier! I swore long ago to dedicate my life to the revival of humanity! If that pursuit were to cost me my life, I would be glad! If we use his Titan powers and the forces we still have, we could take back this town! With my final breath before my death, I shall wish for humanity's glory, and try to persuade you of his strategic value!" Armin yelled as he stood there in salute as everyone was too shocked by the brave and pure soul that just spoke to them, that even the soldier grabbing Natalia had let go unintentionally as he was too engrossed in the situation along with her.
"Captain Weilman, I believe we should consider--" Dietrich tried to get the Captain to reconsider, but was cut off by the irrational man's fury.
"Shut up!" Weilman yelled at Dietrich before turning back to Armin. "Their pleas are irrelevant. They are traitors! Anyone who violates the rules must be eliminated! That is my duty as a soldier!" Weilman thought as he raised his hand, and at the same time, you and Mikasa were reaching for your blades while Eren raised his hand to bite it and turn into a Titan again.
"DON'T SHOOT!" Natalia screamed in horror as Weilman was about to throw down his hand and signal to fire.
Just before he could give the signal however, a hand stopped Weilman and kept his arm raised in the air. As he was stood there with his eyes almost popping out of his skull, Weilman heard a voice come from behind him that was calm and almost lazy.
"Enough. As big as you are, you've always been as delicate as a newborn fawn." Weilman turned to see his commanding officer of the entire Garrison.
"Commander Pyxis!" Weilman spoke in shock as he saw not just him and his aids, but also reinforcements of the Garrison who arrived to the scene.
"Do you not see his splendid salute? I've just arrived, but messengers have kept me abreast of the situation. You go command the reinforcements. I think we should listen to them..." Pyxis spoke with a gentle tone as he watched the relieved faces of the four children in front of him as Armin dropped to his knees in exhaustion. "Have them report to me atop the wall. After that, leave us be. I wish to talk with them alone." Pyxis said before noticing you and your wounded arm that you held as blood covered both your hands and dripped to the ground where purple flowers were strangely planted. "Have the one that's wounded be treated and report to me once he is able. I'd like to have him there as well." Pyxis said as two of his men came to your side and helped you to your feet as one of them wrapped your right arm over their shoulder.
Natalia watched as you curled your left arm inward and walked away from your friends while the soldiers were being dispersed and the other three were taken and lead up the wall by Commander Pyxis and his aids. As soon as she saw you were being taken to a first aid station just on the road she was on, your mother instantly reached down for Sarah and took her in her arms, leaving the soldier that was trying to arrest her still in the wagon, confused on what was happening. She ran as fast as she could to try and catch up, and within a few more moments, she forced her way pass soldiers and civilians and called out to you.
"Y/N!" Natalia called out as you instantly stopped in your tracks and looked around before turning behind you and seeing your mother.
"Huh? Mom? Why are you here?" You asked as she rushed over and hovered her eft hand over your wound as she looked at you with worry.
"Are you okay? Why are you hurt? What's going on?" She asked as you sighed removed your arm away from the soldier that was supporting you.
"Right now the situation is too shaky to let anyone know, but we're risking something in order to try and save the town. That risk also involves the four of us needing to be there." You said as she took your hand and stared down at it with a worried look as you only held her hand in response. "Don't worry, I made you a promise. We all did..." You said as she stared up at you. "...We're definitely going to come home to you once we do what has to be done." You said as the soldier next to you placed a hand on your shoulder that signaled you had to leave. "Don't worry, I'll be okay." You said as she tip toed up and kissed your cheek for a few moments before standing back down and caressing your cheek.
"I'll always be worried about my babies..." She said as you nodded before turning around and heading off with the other soldiers to retrieve treatment. "...Michael, please watch over our son..." Natalia prayed as she watched you leave to fulfill the duty you were tasked with.
After receiving first aid for the flesh wound on your arm, you were rearmed and ready to go as you were escorted to the top of Wall Trost where Eren, Armin, and Mikasa were waiting, along with Commander Pyxis. While you were gone and being treated, Eren and the others gave Pyxis all the information that they knew about Eren's power, along with the basement that was abandoned when the Walls were first breached. You, Mikasa and Armin were all stood up while Eren was resting on his knees still exhausted from what happened before. Below you on the inside of Trost, there were Titans that were reaching up the wall trying to grab you all as Commander Pyxis walked along the edge, looking down at his invaded city. As he watched the burning city, he pulled out a circular flask from his inner jacket pocket and took a swig of something that you didn't know what it was. He took another few steps before stopping and looking down at the Titans that stirred below him.
"No luck, huh? I wouldn't mind being eaten by a really beautiful Titan woman." The commander said as you were a little put off by that last comment, but shrugged it off as quickly as it came. "I see. And if we reach this basement, we'll understand everything?" Pyxis asked as he continued to stare at the burning city.
"Yes...Will you believe me?" Eren asked.
"As long as you, yourself, lack absolute conviction, I can't promise more than that I'll keep it in mind." Pyxis said while turning back and tapping the temple of his head with his finger. "But I do recognize the truth of what I see. I'll guarantee your safety." He said as the four of you all eased up at the information he promised. "Trainee Arlert, was it?" He looked at Armin this time.
"Yes, sir!" Armin stood at attention and saluted him.
"Back there, you said we could use the Titan's power to reclaim this city. Did you really think so? Or was it just a plea to save your life?" Pyxis asked as Armin thought about what to say.
"Well...Both." Armin said as Pyxis remained silent to listen to the young cadet. "What I meant was to have Eren become a Titan, then move that boulder to seal the destroyed gate. But it was just an idea...I thought I could get them to at least consider using Eren's power to find a way out of our predicament." He said as Pyxis hummed and turned back to Trost behind him. "Of course, I wanted to survive!" Armin made he sure his feelings were given.
"You wanted to survive. I can trust those words more than any others." Pyxis said before taking another swig from his flask. "Ahhhh..." He sighed out and turned around to walk towards Eren before crouching down in front of him. "Well, Trainee Jaeger?" He asked as Eren looked at him.
"Yes?" Eren asked in nervousness.
"Can you seal the hole?" Pyxis asked plain and simply as you were all a bit more tense at the question.
"Well...Well...I don't know. I don't know much more than everyone else here does. So...whether I can do it or not, I can't answer you for sure when I don't know." Eren said as he was unsure of his own power.
"Ahh, that's true. I'm sorry. I asked the wrong question." Pyxis almost chuckled at himself as Eren looked at him in confusion. "Will you do it? Or won't you?" Pyxis asked more seriously as this shook Eren to the core.
Eren was unsure and confused by what he meant, but then, Pyxis averted his piercing stare down behind Eren and the four of you turned around to look at the other side of the wall where the rest of humanity was still remained. Looking at everything behind you all, this quickly made you all realize the weight of the situation you were all in, as this was the deciding factor whether humanity would survive or not. Realizing all this, Eren clenched his teeth and found the conviction in his heart that he needed for the moment.
"I'll do it." Eren said as this piqued Pyxis's interest and Eren looked him eye to eye. "I'll do it! I don't know whether I can seal the hole...But I'll do it!" Eren said as this answer seemed to please Pyxis as he smiled and nodded at Eren.
"Well said. You're a real man." Pyxis said as if he were proud as he patted Eren on the shoulders before standing up and walking over to the edge behind you four and raised his hand to his men below. "I'll call my strategists. We'll develop a plan!" Commander Pyxis said as he waved down at his soldiers to come up.
"No way. That idea depends on so many assumptions, and he's just going to run with it?" Armin said in disbelief of the Commander.
"Maybe he's just drunk and going on a whim." You said while rolling your injured arm in circles to try and get used to the pain.
"I was just thinking the same thing. But there's no sense in doubting his decision. Commander Pyxis must see potential in something the rest of us can't see." Eren said as you were all perplexed by this assumption.
"Something we can't see?" Armin said in confusion.
"Also, I think there's a bigger issue that must be addressed before the plan can be executed. And the Commander fully recognizes it." Eren said as you sort of picked up what he was talking about.
"What do you mean?" Armin asked in confusion.
"The Titan's aren't our only enemy." Was all Eren said as this put you three off in a bad way and the Commander called out.
"There's no time to waste." You heard as you four turned to see Pyxis along with two of his aides, a male and female soldier. "I will need your help, young soldiers." Pyxis said as the next task that needed to be done was definitely going to be a difficult one.
Down below, the entire Garrison and all other available forces of the military were gathered on the road behind the inner gate. There were whispers and talks among the soldiers about there being a plan to take back Trost. The soldiers were obviously nervous, scared and didn't have any hope in the plan due to the obvious factor that no man could plug the hole of the size. The soldiers and even among the cadets were cursing the brass and hated the fact that they were all gathered to head back into the hell hole. Staring down at the mess below, you could hear the arguments of people wanting to abandon the mission and instead wanting to leave Wall Rose entirely. While that mess was going on below, you were walking with Eren and Commander Pyxis atop the wall to stand right above the gate where Pyxis would give his speech.
"They say that before Titans gained dominion over the earth, there was an endless slaughter of human life in wars over race ad ideology..." Pyxis trailed off as you walked by his side. "Then someone said, 'If a powerful external threat were to appear, humanity would cease its wars and unite.' What do you think of that?" Pyxis asked the two of you.
"We humans are pretty simple creatures, but we're also cunning. It's hard to believe there'd be such a force that threatens humanity to that extent, that those humans at battle would just drop all feuds to come together and face such a threat. We don't exactly work together for free..." You let your thoughts of the matter out in the air.
"I've never heard of that legend. Sounds naive...Almost silly." Eren spoke his mind on the ideology as Commander Pyxis chuckled at your responses.
"You two have warped minds like mine." Pyxis laughed while glancing back at you two.
"Even when that powerful threat has pushed us to the brink of destruction, we still have yet to unite." Eren said in disappointment of humanity.
"No, but it's high time we did so. Otherwise, we won't even be able to fight." Pyxis said as you noticed you were passing a squad of Garrison soldiers who were manning the canons, and one of which you knew, Hannes.
"Ah...!" Hannes and his men stood at attention when he saw Pyxis, but when he saw Eren, he was surprised. "Huh? Y/N? Eren?" He said in confusion as Eren noticed him as well, and Hannes smiled in relief. "He's safe, huh?" He said before raising a brow as Eren was signaling him with his hand in a downward motion. "Focus on the mission? How dare he address a superior officer that way? By the look of it, Mikasa and Armin must be safe, as well. But what're those two doing with the Commander?" Hannes wondered as he watched you two leave and follow the Commander who pulled out his flask and took another swig of his drink.
"Ahhh...You want some?" Pyxis offered the two of you as Eren actedout in respect.
"Yes, please!" Eren accepted the offer humbly and took a drink, but came to a stop with his mouth full and a troubled face. "Mphm! Pfffffffftttt!" He instantly spat out the alcohol and handed the flask over to you as he went into a coughing fit.
"Thank god I had my 'Problem Child' phase a little earlier than him." You said as you took a swig and held down the drink as you swallowed and huffed heavily. "Man, that burns...Must be some of that noble shit..." You poke in somewhat a croaky tone as you walked behind the Commander and handed it back to him as he smirked at your ability to take down the drink.
After a few more minutes of walking, you found yourselves atop the wall where all the soldiers were gathered and you could hear the chaos ensuing below. The fear that you saw coming from these soldiers was incredible, and it made you sad how much they didn't wish to fight anymore for the future of humanity, but instead run for their lives. Pyxis stood at the edge of the wall as you were a little nervous, seeing him have his toes dangle over air, but figured the Commander knew what he was doing as he cleared his throat and shouted louder than you thought was possible.
"ATTENTION!!!!!!" His roar seemed to echo all the way to Wall Sina as everyone who was stood down below on the road stopped what they were doing and looked up in shock of the Commander.
"...Holy shit..." You muttered under your breath as the Commander proceeded with his instructions.
"I shall now explain the plan to retake Trost. For this mission, our objective is to seal the hole where the gate was destroyed." Pyxis spoke with authority as his words caught everyone's attention and reaffirmed who was in command, thought most were shocked and looked in disbelief. "Let me introduce you to the one who will seal the hole for us..." Pyxis said as you and him raised your arms toward Eren who stepped forward for everyone to see. "...From the Trainee Corps, Eren Jaeger." He introduced Eren to the army below as Eren gave them a salute and stood at attention, and looking down below you saw some of your friends who were beyond shocked at what was happening. "He is the result of a top-secret project to turn humans in Titans. He can create and control a Titan's body. He will become a Titan, pick up the giant boulder by the shattered gate, carry it over, and seal the hole. Your job will be to protect him from Titans while he moves the boulder!" The Commander gave clear objectives of the mission as you glanced back to see Armin working with Pyxis's strategists.
"We don't have to fight the Titans?" Pyxis's assistant, Gustav, said in confusion as they looked at a map of Trost.
"E-Excuse me. I don't mean any disrespect by speaking up to a ranking officer..." Armin apologized, but he shook his head.
"No, continue." Gustav said, not bothered by Armin's speaking.
"Y-Yes, sir." Armin said as he marked the map for them and everyone's location during the operation. "Titans are typically drawn to pursue the largest number of people. If we can take advantage of that to lure them along the walls, we can draw most of them away from Eren without engaging them in direct combat. And by using the cannons against those lured away, we'll minimize our own losses. But since we can't leave Eren undefended, a small elite force should protect him. And we can't avoid engaging the Titans that come through the wall. The skills of the elite force will be critical." Armin laid out the foundation of the plan as Pyxis's strategists took every detail to heart.
"All right, understood. We'll take that into account and revise our plans." Gustav said in acknowledgement.
"But this will only work if Eren can carry that boulder and seal the hole. We are proceeding with the operation without certain proof that he can. I cannot help but feel doubt." Armin said to lower the optimism of the plan.
"Indeed, given the uncertainty of a crucial element, I do not relish sending many men to their deaths. But I do understand what Commander Pyxis is thinking." Gustav said.
"Yes...The first issue is one of time. Even as we speak, Titans continue to enter town. The greater their numbers in Trost, the worse our odds of success in retaking it." Pyxis's main entourage, Anka Rheinberger, pointed out another risk factor.
"And the higher the chance of Wall Rose falling..." Gustav spoke in unease in unease.
"And one more thing." Anka said as Armin and Gustav looked to her. "There's a limit to how much one can be motivated by terror." She said as the four of them looked to Pyxis who stared down at the terrified soldiers below.
As you were stood at the edge of the wall, looking down at your worried and scared comrades, you could hear the whispers of disbelief and confusion. Then after a few more things were spoken among the troops, someone broke out and yelled back, who you recognized was Daz.
"You're lying! I won't put my life on the line for a plan I can't even understand! What do you think we are?! We aren't...We aren't pawns for you to sacrifice!" Daz said as more and more followed his lead on the idea.
"A human weapon? He's lying!" One soldier yelled out as you clenched your fists.
"He thinks we're fools!" Another said in anger as your body began to tremble.
"He's telling us to die here, today! I'm leaving!" One last soldier said before turning his back and walking away, followed by more and more soldiers.
"Wait! You'll get the death penalty for this!" An officer below tried to stop Daz, but the cadet was having none of it.
"I'll spend humanity's last hours with my family!" Daz said before storming off.
"This is bad." Captain Dietrich said to Rico as Weilman looked around in shock.
"Yes. If we don't do something, there will be chaos." Rico said as Weilman snapped on those who were leaving.
"Ready to die, traitors!? I'll kill you right now!" Weilman yelled as he drew his blade and walked towards those who were leaving in a threatening pose.
"LEAVE THEN!!!" Your voice almost echoed at the same level of seriousness that Commander Pyxis's voice displayed as this shook everyone briefly. "IF YOU'RE SO DAMN TERRIFIED OF THESE OVERGROWN DAMN BASTARDS, THEN GO AHEAD AND LEAVE! BUT IF YOU DO, THEN YOU"RE JUST AS BAD AS THE MONSTERS WE'RE TASKED TO KILL!" You yelled as everyone's attention was on you, and even Pyxis was letting you continue. "IF YOU LEAVE HERE NOW, YOU TAKE THE FEAR THAT YOU FEEL TOWARDS THE TITANS AND CAST IT UPON YOUR LOVED ONES AND THOSE AROUND YOU! WITH THAT FEAR, HUMANITY WILL TEAR ITSELF APART BEFORE THE TITANS CAN EVEN GET THE CHANCE TO DEVOUR US! Is that what you want? DO YOU WANT YOUR CHILDREN TO FEAR EVERYDAY FOR THEIR LAST DAYS BEING EATEN BY TITANS!?" You yelled in anger and frustration as all those who were leaving stopped in their tracks, realizing the collateral damage that would ensue due to their leaving.
"I can't do that..." One man said as he imagined the scared image of his daughter being eaten alive. "My daughter is my...My last hope." He muttered as he turned back with the rest of the soldiers and headed back to proceed with the plan.
"I'll handle the rest, but lets work together on your skills on giving speech's for people to follow..." Pyxis said as you huffed heavily from expressing your feelings to everyone below as he turned back to the soldiers below. "Let me tell you what happened four years ago. About our attempt to retake Wall Maria. As I'm sure you're all aware, that operation was no more than the government's way of dealing with its inability to feed all of the unemployed. It was a culling. The reason no one speaks of it is because by sending them outside these cramped walls, we were able to survive within them. All of humanity, including myself, bears the weight of that sin! Because so few escaped Wall Maria, there was never any open rebellion. But what about now? If Wall Rose falls, the sacrifice will be more than just twenty percent. The territory within Wall Sina won't support even half the remaining population. If humanity falls, it won't be because we were devoured by the Titans." Pyxis said as images of humans fighting against one another flashed through your head repeatedly. "It will be because we killed each other. We must not die even deeper within the walls. I beg of you to die here!" Pyxis begged as you gave a firm salute with pride.
"For the sake of your loved ones! Glory to humanity! Devote your hearts!" You yelled as you pounded your chest with your fists, and the fire that burned in your heart was burning as bright as the sun itself and you readied yourself for the final operation to take back Trost, and strike back at the Titans.
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