Chapter 15: The Hunt
Your heart was racing, all five of your senses were heightened to their peak it seemed, and your breath was sharp as you gripped the reins of your horse and followed the rest of the pack riding out of the walls. Even though you were waiting for this, fully expecting the kind of feelings that you rush through your body when you finally embarked on your first expedition, but even after thinking about all the feelings you'd experience, it was even more incredible than you had imagined it to be as you felt the wind rush through your hair and the warmth of the sun shine on your face. In another instant, you were cast in shadow while riding through the gate, before squinting your eyes when exiting the district and riding out in the open plains, into Titan territory. Riding pass the old abandoned buildings outside, you could feel how different the air was compared to the air inside the crowded walls. It felt lighter, easier to breath, cleaner than the smelly and heavy atmosphere you were originally surrounded by.
"Incredible..." You muttered in amazement before hearing someone call out to everyone.
"Ahead, to the left, a 10-meter class!" Hange called out as you glanced over at her for a moment before turning your head in the direction she called out. "I am very interested in seeing what's inside its stomach...But I'll leave it to the support team!" She said with a hint of sadness in her voice as you watched a few scouts fly by to intercept the wandering beast.
"So these things are even this close to the walls...?" You muttered while watching the support team distract and attack the Titan.
"Don't worry, this is almost routine every time we embark on an expedition. These Titans that usually roam around the wall are also pretty normal and easy to handle. You should be use to the sight of them by now." Sarah said while riding next to you as you turned towards her.
"Yeah, but just because I'm used to them, doesn't mean I won't be cautious for my friends..." You said before turning your head back forward as Sarah stared at you in contemplation.
"He's worried more about his friends than himself...A little arrogant, but I guess I'm not one to complain..." Sarah thought as she stared at the rest of her squad with deep care before continuing to ride ahead.
"Onward! Onward!!" Another officer called from behind as you took a quick glance behind you to see how your friends were doing, before turning back to focus on your part as you all began to exit the old town and enter the open plains.
"Go into long-range scouting formation!" Erwin threw out his left arm as the signal to everyone.
"Here we go!" Sarah said as all you scouts began to disperse and move into your specified zones to establish the formation.
"Pull back! You're riding too close to the center row!" Petra called out to you as you slowed down.
"Y-Yes, ma'am!" You called out before falling behind your sister and maintaining your speed to hold your position before a shot rang from afar and you saw a red smoke round. "A Titan..." You thought as you remembered that the red flare signaled a Titan in the path of the formation and that there were many more smoke rounds that followed on the right of the formation.
"Hey, kid! Pay attention!" Eld called out as you turned back and saw a green flare was fired to the left from in front of your position.
"R-Right!" You called as your squad began to veer left and follow the direction of the green smoke. "T-This is kinda tough..." You thought in frustration of being caught off guard more than once now.
After riding for a long period of time, you and the rest of the formation had covered a large amount of distance between Karanes and your current position. Midday had just come and you began to worry after not seeing any signal flares from the right flank. Just as you were about to say something to your sister, green smoke rounds filled the right flank signaling a change in direction.
"Green. Oluo, you fire it." Captain Levi ordered.
"Roger!" Oluo responded before firing off a green smoke round, and you glanced over at Eren who had nervous look on his face.
"Report!" You heard and everyone turned to see one of your comrades riding in your direction. "Message to pass along! Right flank recon has been destroyed! Our recon system is partially inoperative. Pass this on, to the left." The scout said before leaving to rejoin his squad.
"Did you hear that, Petra? Go." Levi turned to the girl on his left.
"Yes, Captain." Petra said before breaking off to head left as you all continued ahead.
"The right flank...That's Armin...and Jean I think also..." You said as you felt your stomach drop a little. " okay...!" You thought before gasping in shock as you saw black smoke rounds fire in the air on your right. "Black...?" You thought in shock.
"Aberrants?" Eren said in shock of seeing the smoke round before Levi spoke up.
"Eren, you fire it." Levi said as Eren turned back around to grab a smoke round. "What a mess. We let it penetrate deep into our formation." Levi muttered to himself as Eren fired off the black smoke round.
"It's almost here...The Titan." Eren thought as he continued to stare off in the direction of the right flank. "Beneath those smoke rounds, is there someone fighting?" He thought as you stared over at the black smoke rounds as well before turning back ahead.
"Don't worry, Eren." You called as he turned towards you while you caught up next to him. "They're gonna be fine. Let's focus on doing our part." You said as stared at you for a moment before nodding in agreement while you all continued ahead in the direction the formation was moving.
Continuing with the expedition, you couldn't help but notice that the formation was continuing East, and after riding in that direction for some time, there was something ahead in the distance that worried you a little. Ahead of the formation, there was a huge forest that had trees towering at about the size of the Colossal Titan's leg. Once reaching the edge of the forest, Captain Levi led you and the rest of the squad down the main path through the center of the forest, as it seemed like an endless road shrouded in shadows. You looked up in awe of the towering trees above you while Eren was beginning to get confused.
"Captain! Captain Levi!" Eren called out.
"What?" Levi asked with a hint of annoyance at his pestering.
"Well...We're in the middle of the woods! If the center enters alone, we won't know if Titans are approaching! It seems something's approaching us from the right...How are we supposed to dodge the Titans or protect the carts?" Eren asked with concern as Levi continued ahead unphased.
"Don't go on and on about the obvious...We can't do that anymore, of course." Levi said as you raised your brow at his response.
"T-Then why?" Eren asked as you were confused at this, but realized something as you stared back at the trees.
"The trees..." You said as Eren turned towards you. "...this is perfect terrain to deploy our ODM gear..." You said as Levi continued.
"See, all these big ass trees." Levi said as Eren looked around in realization. "It's the perfect environment for 3D Maneuver Gear. And try to use that tiny brain of yours...If you don't want to die, think." Levi finished.
"Yes, sir!" Eren responded as you smirked a little in surprise.
"Well, gotta hand it to Levi and the other scouts...I didn't think they'd plan this far ahead--huh?" You stopped your train of thoughts when you saw the nervous look on Sarah's face next to you. "...Fuck..." You thought as your heart sank seeing that Sarah didn't know about what was going on either.
"What the hell? Seriously? Damn it all...What the hell is going on here?" Oluo muttered under his breath as Eren watched the nervous look on his face before you two turned to see that the rest of the squad were completely on edge as well.
"What the fuck is this!? No one knows what we're doing here in the middle of this big ass forest!?" You thought as you turned back and glared at Levi. "Do you even know why we're here, Captain Short Stack!?" You thought in frustration as you all continued ahead into the unknown before a shot rang through the forest and you turned around to see a black smoke round behind you. "What?!" You gasped at the signal.
"It's from directly behind us!" Gunther called out.
"It's whatever was coming toward us on the right." Eld said before Levi spoke up.
"Draw your blades." Levi said as you turned to see him draw his blades out and hold them with his reins. "If we see it, it'll only be for a second." Levi said as you quickly drew your blades and continued forward in silence, waiting for whatever was coming to reveal itself to you all.
Hearing the sound of gas, you turned around as the world felt like it was moving in slow motion. You were wide-eyed when you saw a scout hovering in the air above the path looking behind him as your heart felt like it was about to explode. One second felt like an eternity as you waited and waited to see what the hell was following you all. Though, after the second ended, your answer was provided with clarification, just like Levi said. In an instant, the floating scout was struck with a skinless hand and exploded into a cloud of blood as a 14-meter Female Titan broke onto the main path behind you in a full sprint.
"What the fuck!?" You gasped in shock.
"Go!" Levi yelled as you all kicked your horses and began to increase your speed to further the distance between you and the skinless monster.
"Eren! Get down!" You yelled as you grabbed his head and pushed it down while watching the strange Titaness charge from the right, smashing a few trees while reaching down and barely missing you and Eren. "What is that thing!?" You yelled while watching it slide behind you all before going to chase after you all again.
"Faster, Y/N!" Sarah yelled while riding along side you as she stared at the Titan with fear seeing a horrifying smile and look on its eyes.
"It's fast! In these trees, there's no way to foresee and evade its attacks!" Gunther said in horror.
"It'll catch us!" Eld yelled in worry of how close it was getting.
"Captain, let's switch to Maneuver Gear! Captain!" Petra begged as Levi looked back at the Female Titan while remaining unresponsive.
"You won't escape!" You heard as you turned around to see two supporting scouts come from behind the Female Titan to intercept.
"Reinforcements from the rear!" Petra said with some relief, but you all fell silent when you saw the Female Titan grab one of their wires and smash them against a tree with its back, spraying blood everywhere before grabbing the other wire and pulling the other scout to its hand before crushing them to a pulp.
"What the fuck!!!! What is this!?!?!" You cried out in fear as you all tried to ride faster and faster, but the gap was closing steadily between you and the Titan.
"Y/N!" Sarah yelled with worry while pulling your reins to try and pull your horse along with hers to go faster.
"Captain, your orders!"
"Let's go for it! It's dangerous...! We should kill it!!" Oluo suggested with a great amount of fear as Eld had enough and raised his blade.
"I'll rip you apart!" Eld said through gritted teeth as Eren grew a somewhat confident smile.
"Fool, you've run straight into hell. You're chasing a group of master Titan killers!" Eren thought before growing a shocked face when he saw Levi wasn't turning around whatsoever. "Captain Levi?" Eren thought in shock of how docile Levi was.
"Captain!" Petra was begging in pure horror of their situation.
"Give us your orders." Gunther pleaded.
"At this rate, it will catch up with us!" Eld yelled while looking back behind him before turning back to Levi. "We kill it here...That's why we came to this forest! Right, Captain!?" Eld asked to confirm his question, but Levi remained silent.
"Captain, your orders!" Eren was now begging as well as you glared at Levi.
"Can you at least say something, you short prick!? We're about to have our asses squashed!!! Tell us what to do, Captain!!!" You screamed at the top of your lungs while looking eye to eye with the terrifying Female Titan who seemed to be staring back at you as well.
"...Everyone, cover your ears." Levi finally spoke up while glancing back as you all raised your brows in confusion while he pointed a gun up in the air.
Pulling the hammer back, Levi fired an ear-piercing round that echoed through the forest and you groaned in pain from not being able to cover your ears in time. You all held your ears as the ringing noise persisted through the forest as you glared at him while covering your ears.
"A noise grenade?" Eren said in shock and confusion.
"What?!" You yelled at the top of your lungs as there was an aching ringing sound in your ears. "I hate that round!" You yelled as shook your head to try and get rid of the ringing noise.
"What is your job? To just let yourself be swayed by whatever you're feeling at the moment?" Levi asked while turning around. "No, it's not. Our squad's job is to keep the brat from getting a single scratch on him. Even if it costs our lives." Levi said while turning back ahead as Sarah and her squamates expressions all changed to serious expressions while looking over at Eren.
"It wasn't to keep watch on me?" Eren thought in surprise.
"We keep going on our horses, got it?" Levi said as his subordinates all seemed to grow calm.
"Roger!" Petra responded, a lot more calmer than earlier.
"Keep going? For how long?" Eren asked as he turned around in a great amount of concern. "And it's right on top of us..." He said before gasping in shock as more reinforcements arrived. "Again!?" He said with shock and worry. "The reinforcements! If we don't help, they'll be wiped out again!" Eren pleaded as Gunther spoke up.
"Eren, eyes on the road!" Gunther ordered.
"Gunther, sir!?" Eren gasped in shock of his order.
"Keep your pace up...Stay at top speed!" Eld was now ordering Eren to keep in line.
"But, sir...!" Eren tried to plead, but was too in shock of hearing what they were saying.
"We can't just let them die--!" You stopped yourself when you felt a hand get placed on your right arm as you turned to Sarah who shared the same look as her comrades. "...You can't seriously expect me to..." You said with an angered look.
"Why!? If Squad Levi doesn't defeat it, who will?!" Eren asked before the sound of crushing flesh smashing against a tree could be heard as you were trembling with rage while looking your sister in the eye. "Another one's dead...And maybe we could've saved him!" Eren cried out as the last reinforcement was struggling to keep their distance from the Female Titan. "One's still fighting...We could still make it!" Eren tried to beg to save the last scout before Petra yelled out.
"Eren, eyes back on the road! Keep going!" Petra demanded Eren to continue ahead as ordered.
"Are you telling me to look away? To abandon my comrades and run?!" Eren asked the hardest question to ask.
"Yes, that's right! Obey the Captain's orders!" Petra responded with shocking speed to the heavy question.
"I don't understand why we're leaving them to die! Or why he won't explain! Why!?" Eren asked as you tried pulling your arm away from Sarah, but she held on tightly as you two silently battled, one trying to fight while the other held her brother back.
"That's because the Captain decided the reason should not be explained. You just don't understand because you're still green!" Oluo yelled at Eren as the young Titan Shifter gasped in shock of what he was saying. "If you get it, then shut up and obey!" He yelled as Eren gritted his teeth as he felt hopeless in this situation, but then remembered the one weapon at his disposal that would give him a chance to kill the Female Titan.
Eren stared at his hand with deep contemplation of whether he should unleash his uncontrollable power against their adversary or not. He sheathed his blades before raising his right hand slowly towards his mouth as he remembered the incident back in Trost, and how he trampled Titans left and right. This was his chance to end this farce here and now, to take down the Female Titan that was after him. He opened his mouth slowly and inched closer to bite his flesh, but before he could attempt his transformation, a voice called out.
"What are you doing, Eren?" Petra yelled as Eren stopped from biting down on his flesh as his teeth rested against his skin. "You're only allowed to do that if your life is in danger. You promised us!" Petra yelled as you turned your head to look at Eren as he was about to do it. "Eren!" Petra yelled as he stopped once again in frustration and she looked with worry at him.
"You aren't wrong." Levi said as Eren gasped while looking up at his back. "If you want to, do it." He said as it felt like time slowed down for Eren. "I can tell. He's a real monster. And it has nothing to do with his Titan power. No matter what power you use to suppress him, no matter what cage you put him in, he will never submit to anyone." Levi said as he remembered the crazed and bloodthirsty eyes Eren had in the cell after admitting he just wanted to slaughter all the Titans. "Eren, the difference between your decision and ours is experience. But you don't have to rely on that. Choose. Believe in yourself. Or believe in the Survey Corps and me." He said as you all stared at Levi as he spoke. "I don't know...I never have. I can believe in my own abilities, or the choices of companions I trust. But no one ever knows how it will turn out. So choose for yourself whichever decision you'll regret least." He finished as you all continued to head further into the abyss ahead of you while Eren unknowingly lowered his hand a bit from his mouth while staring back at the scout fighting for his life.
"...Tch!" Eren scoffed in frustration as he went to bite his hand again, but Petra pleaded one last time.
"Eren!" Petra called to him as he turned to her. "Have faith!" Were the only words she asked of him as he widened his eyes at her request while staring at her hand and you noticed he was in deep contemplation, like he was having remembering something important.
"What? Why are you so...?" You trailed your thoughts off as you noticed what he was looking at on Petra's hand.
Looking closer, you noticed strange bite marks on the same area on her hand that matched where Eren was going to bite himself. After that, you took a look at Oluo, he too had similar bite marks on his hand. Turning to Eld, you saw he had the same marks, along with Gunther as well. Slowly turning back to your sister to look down, you saw those same marks on her hand as you came to realize the amount of faith they were holding to each other, and how much they were depending on Eren as well. This was their promise to Eren, and it was his promise to them that they would believe in one another. Looking at Eren one last time, you saw him in shock with himself on what to do as there was deep turmoil in his heart about choosing whether to let the scout die or not. Your muscles loosened and you lowered your hands and head as Sarah took notice and let go of you.
"Eren! You're taking too long! Decide!" Levi raised his voice at Eren as the young boy shut his eyes and grit his teeth before speaking out.
"I'LL GO FORWARD!" Eren yelled at the top of his lungs, shocking everyone at his resolve to trust his comrades, and Sarah turned to you, seeing how troubled you were as well.
"This is what it means to be with us, Y/N...I'm sorry." Sarah apologized as you just snickered with your head hung low.
"Damn it Eren..." You said as they all turned at you, and even Levi reacted a little by listening in as you furrowed your brows. "...I'm getting tired of helping you so much." You said in frustration as you turned around as much as possible.
They went wide-eyed when they saw you fire your anchor from your 3D Maneuver gear and shoot it into the leg of the scout. He yelled in pain as you reeled him in and just in time as well he fell just under the hand of the Female Titan that would've grabbed and crushed him. He hit the ground briefly and was dragged up to your horse as you grabbed him and sat him behind you.
"Agh! My leg!" The scout yelled as they were shocked at your actions.
"What are you doing?!" Eld yelled in fury as you shot a piercing glare at him, making him tense up.
"What I'll regret the least." You said as Levi widened his eyes at you said. "I don't care what you say...I don't care how much experience you have over me...I've seen too much death already to let another human die to those things." You said as Eren stared at you with shock while you turned to him. "Now we can both go ahead in peace..." You said as Eren couldn't believe what you just did.
"Y/N! You're falling behind!" Eld yelled as you noticed the decrease in speed due to the other passenger as you just looked back at the Female Titan who was about to catch up.
"Y/N!" Sarah yelled with fear as Oluo grabbed her reins to keep her from turning around or slowing down.
"Leave me, kid..." The scout tried getting off, but you held on tight with one arm as you stared back at the Female Titan who was barreling towards you and insane speeds now as you whipped your reins and your horse was moving a bit faster, but not enough.
"Target is accelerating!" Eld called out.
"Go! We will outrun it!" Levi yelled as he turned back to see how close it was to you now.
"Y/N! Hurry!" Sarah yelled as you continued ahead trying to move as fast as you could, but you knew the likelihood of getting caught now was almost inevitable.
"Sorry, Sarah...I just couldn't watch another man die...I thought I could have it both ways, but I guess I just got us both killed..." You thought as you just stared up and back at the Female as she was reaching out to you now. "Mom...I'm sorry...I'll be heading off to see Dad now..." You thought as you accepted your fate.
"Y/N!!!!" All of them except Levi called for you in horror as you began to close your eyes and prepared yourself to meet your maker.
Just as you were about to be grabbed by the Titan, you noticed something in the corner of your eyes. It felt like your life slowed in the moments before your death, and you glanced over to see scouts set up behind strange mechanisms with fire barrels pointed across the path. Widening your eyes as you stared down one of the barrels, you reacted just in time and pulled yourself and the scout behind you, off to dangle to the side of the horse, and the Female Titan took notice of the ambush box she entered and had a shocked look as a fierce voice echoed through the area.
"FIRE!!!!!!!" Commander Erwin's voice filled the air as multiple anchor wires were fired across the trap zone.
You gasped while just barely pulling yourself and the other scout with you off the top of your horse as you two ducked under one of the anchors that shot into the legs of the Female Titan. The only sound that could be heard were the sound of the anchor canons unleashing hell as the Female Titan covered her nape while being shot over and over again with anchor wires that held her in place. Managing to pull yourself and the scout back up, you and your squad turned around in shock as you watched the Female Titan get plastered and wrapped in wires before smoke from the canons filled the area and covered the ambush zone.
"Advance a bit farther, tether the horses, and switch to Maneuver Gear. You guys will be off on your own for a while. Eld, lead the squad." Levi said before getting up onto his feet on top of his horse and turning around. "Once you're a good distance away from the Titan, hide Eren. Take my horse. And you, come with me, you'll regroup with the medical units." Levi said before zipping off his horse and heading back.
"R-Roger..." The scout said through pain before patting your shoulder. "...thanks, kid." He muttered to your ear before zipping off as best he could while you continued ahead.
"He can't intend to take that Titan alive?" Eren asked as he looked at Levi squad for affirmation before Gunther spoke up.
"Well, Eren? See that? We caught that Titan!" Gnuther said as they all picked up on this sudden spark of spunk.
"This is the power of the Survey Corps! Don't underestimate us, fool. Well? Do you get it now?" Oluo asked as Petra was smiling in relief while looking at Eren.
"Yes!" Eren said as he was filled with excitement of what he had just witnessed while Eld and Sarah both slowed down to ride next to you.
"Do shit like that again, I'll kick your ass." Eld warned as you remained silent.
"You could've died, Y/N. What were you thinking?" Sarah asked as you just remained silent as she was waiting for an answer, but what you said was not what she was expecting.
"...I don't care..." You said as they were surprised by your words as you just continued ahead with a blank expression on your face. "You guys may be alright with killing your friends for a plan, but I'll do whatever it takes to keep my friends alive, even if I'm hated for ruining a plan." You said as Sarah was beginning to get worried about your state of mind. "Hate me all you want. I don't care. I'll do anything to keep my friends alive." You said before whipping your reins and riding ahead, leaving them in silence as they all watched you go.
"Y/N..." Sarah muttered as she lowered her head. "...I just don't want you to end up like Dad..." She said as she now felt bad for how she treated you in the moment as you continued ahead with a scornful brow while the leaving the mysterious Female Titan to the hands of Commander Erwin and the rest of the scouts.
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