
When we get home all seams to be normal until Joey gets a call and from my room I hear him crying his eyes out. I sit up closing my homework because even though homework is very important to me Joey and Daniel are way more important. When I walk into the room I see Joey sitting by a window holding his phone "Hey Joey why are you crying?" I say walking over to him and then sitting on his lap "Oh God Ly you scared me. I thought you went with them to get the papers for Joe to live with us." He said wiping his eyes "No I wanted to be with you," I say nestling closer to him and I feel his hear beat "don't tell Daniel but your my favorite parent." I say looking at him "Ly I don't know how to tell you this but," he starts and I feel my heart drop "Ash is dead." And it all comes crashing down on top of me all at once. My sweet, kind, loving, intelligent, and God loving brother was dead. A million questions filled my mind. How? When? Were? Who? "What?" Is the only thing I can manage "He had a heart attack at school and it all was to fast ,and since he already had a very weak heart he died within five minutes. Before they could call me, Daniel, or even you." He says chocking on every word "Wait we'res Rowan?" I say quickly "She's in her room. I think she needs some girls to talk to." He says

M=Meghan L=Lyra
L: Hey Meghan could you come over Rowan needs some help and I think it would be better is she had to girls to talk to ,and your the closest thing we have to a mom.
M:Sure on my way
M: what happened btw?
L: I'll tell u when u get here

Half and hour later Meghan comes knocking at the door "Hey Ly what's up?" She says but then looking at my blood shot and puffy eyes she can tell I had been crying which was true. I tell her what happened to Ash and she cries too since she was our mother figure she always was there and had a strong connection with each of us all though she revealed to me that I am her favorite. "Rowan need a mom Meghan. You have to be here for her," I say taking her hands "promise me that you will always be here for me, Joey, Joe, Daniel, and Rowan." "I promise. Now let's go check on little Ro." She say. We stop at Joeys room and Meghan runs in and just hugs Joey. "Daniel will be home soon but I still have to tell him. You two go and talk to Rowan." He says putting on a very sad attempt at a smile but I decided not to complain so me and Meghan walk across the hall to Rowan's room when we open the door it breaks my heart to see my poor sweet, innocent, happy, and loving sister crying on her bed holding Ashes pikachu stuffed animal. "Hey Ro how are you holding up?" Meghan says sitting next to her while I sit on the ground. She launches herself onto Meghan's lap and cries, I take her place and rub her back until she calms down. After calming down Rowan I hear Joey and Daniel crying along with Joe. I guess even though he never meet him he still felt bad for Joey and Daniel.

When I excuse myself from Meghan and Rowan I go outside take out my phone and FaceTime Eden. When he picks up he does an impression of Joeys intro "Ahh good day everyone and welcome back to another FaceTime call with Miss. Lyra." He stops when he sees my blood shoot, puffy, and red eyes "Oh my God Ly what happened?" He says sounding concerned "Can you loop in Ali and Meg?" I say he nods and with in seconds there both joining. After them asking me questions I take a deep breath and say "Ash is dead," once the words leave my my mouth Eden puts a hand to his mouth, Meg gasps then also covers her mouth, and Ali starts to cry. "He had a heart attack at school due to his weak lungs and an allergic reaction." I say "Do you want any of us to come over?" Ali says barely able to say anything through her tears "You all can come over if you want." I say thinking that they're the best friends ever "Dang it I have basketball," Eden yells "Mom can I skip basketball? Why cause Lys little brother Ash just died. I don't give bikk about basketball practice," He yelled and with a response from his mom "I can go guys, Ly we'll all be our your house in a minute." When they all hand up I go inside to hear talking in the kitchen and when I go to see who it was I see Daniel at the counter crying.

"Hey Daniel," I say looking at him "Oh hey Ly," He says and looks to be on the verge of tears "its just hard you know." "I know Daniel more than anybody in this house what it's like to have your sibling dead or thought dead," I say going over and wrapping my small thin arms around him and he picks me up and kisses the top of my head "but just like every time you and Joey can pull through and you guys know that there's YouTube to help you. I know for a fact that they all loved Ash and are going to be there to help you." I say just then Joey comes down "Come on Joseph join the family hug." I say and Joey joins the hug. I love my family, friends, and home.

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