And the name will be ...........................................................
This will only be the video until I say it's over. Also forgive me I don't really know measurements and all that jazz so cut me some slack.
"Ahh Good day everyone! And welcome back to today's video with Rosanna!" I say pointing to Ro "For once Ro do you feel tall?" I ask "Hahaha yes Ly I do. So today we will be making a name reveal cake and let me just say I love the name. So lets get baking." She says and as we pour and mix we just talk "So Ro by now most people know you are on Escape the Night season 5 {lol I know it's four but Ly, Joey, and Daniel were already on season 4 soooooo yeah} and as I know you were the most requested person." I say looking at her as we crack the eggs "Oh yeah oh my gosh guys this season was so much fun to film. Now I don't wanna give anything away but let me just say there is a lot of drama this season." She says "Oh and by the way guys the way we're putting the name in is we are kinda baking a fondant CD cover of the name into the cake we made it off camera 'cause it would give the name away. Done with the eggs." I say Ro looks at me smiling and I just smile back as we put the cake into a pan with the "CD" in the center and then we pop it into the oven and while its cooking we just talk. About Escape the Night and other random stuff until the oven beeps saying it's ready for us to take the cake out "So now we are going to put white frosting on it and then music notes since he or she will be named after a song." Rosanna says and I start to laugh "Ro they already know that it will be a girl," I say giggling "but it's ok now let's get to work I'll frost while you make the music notes. Okay?" She nods and when we are done we end the video, Rosanna goes home, I edit my vlog about my new little sister and the baking, upload them, and then chill and watch The Amazing Race. Just as Joey and Daniel come in I scream "YES TEAM FUN IS OUT!" "And as you can hear Ly is watching The Amazing Race and Team Fun just got out. She hates them." Joey says talking to the camera while Daniel looks at the cake "Don't touch the cake Daniel," I say looking at him sternly and walking over to Joey "if you go to my channel me and Rosanna did a video making the cake to reveal the name. So go check my channel out to see that." While Joey is vlogging me and Daniel decide to have a name reveal party later so we start to invite people until we have a good sized party consisting Me, Joey, Daniel, Gabbie, Rowan, Shane, Ryland, Morgan, Garett, Drew, Tyler, Lauren, Meghan, Cat, Rosanna, Colleen, MatPat, Justine, Liza, Meg, Ali, and Eden and Edens little sister Finley who's Rowan's age. "Let's start to decorate Ly." Daniel says with a smile I personally don't like decorating but it's something me and Daniel can do together and I enjoy that "Yeah! Shall we?" I say with a smile he says "We shall!"
When people start to arrive I was there at the door to greet them when Rowan arrived we hugged I asked her about school, life with Gabbie, and most importantly boys "So are there any boys you like?" I ask and she just shoves me and blushes "What I'm just doing my big sister job. So are there any?" I respond she just blushes and runs off to find Joey and Daniel. There is a knock on the door and when I open it I see Eden and Finley "Hey Eden! Is this Finley?" I ask looking down at here Eden nods "Well I have a little sister who's the same age as you," I say looking down at her "Rowan come on over here please." As Rowan makes he way over I look a little at Finley she's very small, thin, one brown eye, one green eye, short but wavy chestnut hair, and a sweet smile "Hey Ly what's up?" Rowan says to me and Eden introduces Finley to Rowan and they go out to play in the front yard. "Hey Ly! Wow we haven't hung out in ages. So how have you been." Eden asks as we sit down by the door "Good, Rowan moved in its Gabbie, Joe went to collage, and I have been working on my YouTube channel. What does Finley like to do?" I answer then ask about Finley "Watch YouTube, she loves Joey actually so I didn't tell her that you were his daughter," He says and then rubs the back of his neck and asks "could she meet him I know it would mean the world to her." "Oh Eden you don't have to ask Joey loves meeting fans and will be happy to meet her." I say smiling as he gets up to get Finley. When he comes back I have gotten Joey and told him that Finley was a fan and wanted to meet him. Eden comes in with his hand covering her face "Eden what are you doing I want to go and play with Rowan." She wines and Eden just laughs and replies "Just hold on I want you to meet someone. Ready 3...2.....1.. look!" Just as he moves his hand Finley opens her eves to see Joey standing their and she just covers her mouth walks up to Joey and sticks her hand out and says "Hello I'm Finley, I just wanted to say that I'm a huge fan." "Oh Finley I don't shake hands with my fans I hug them!" Joey exclaims And pulls Finley into a huge hug which Daniel also joins in.
I decide to take out my camera and vlog the name reveal. "Well hello there psychopaths! It's Lyra and we are having a YouTube party to reveal the name for my new little sister. So just a few people are Shane Dawson!" I yell as I point the camera at Shane. "Or Gabbie Hanna!" I yell once again and point it at Gabbie who looks at me And sassily waves "And the woman of the house MeghanSan!" I yell once again and she waves and hugs me "So MeghanSan are you excited to have another kid?" "Well yeah I am? Are you ready for the late nights of crying and screaming?" She says laughing "I am I mean I use to fall asleep to screaming, yelling, and hitting. Oh that got dark real quick. I also hope we can collab really soon. Maybe you know HUNGERCRAFT!" I say and she nods. I walk around until I find Ro and we decide that it's time to bring the cake out. So we gather everyone and put Joey and Daniel at the head of the table and we give them the knife. "Ok so you'll cut through the cake and when you hit something hard pull it out and it will be the record cover of the song she's names after!" I announce and everyone whips out their cameras and starts record Joey and Daniel cutting open the cake. When they hit the center they both dive into the cake and pull out the CD. "Oh my gosh Ly that names perfect. Unique, cute, simple, but still very beautiful. Thank you!" Daniel says hugging me "Well what's the name?!?" Tyler, Gabbie, Shane, and Ryland all yell. Joey, Daniel and I all look at each other as then yell "SHADOW!" §§§§Yes it was originally Anna Sun but I live the name Shadow better§§§
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