Chapter 7: Frozen Heart Part 2
At The Batcave:
Alfred stood in front of a water tank that held Johnny. Alfred looked at the man who was floating in the water with tubes attached to his body. An air mask was strapped onto Johnnys' face with a mixture of anesthesia to make sure he wouldn't wake up "You're showing a lot of compassion for someone who would've done the opposite if the roles where reversed, Master Lynn. Are you sure it was wise for you to bring him here?" Alfred asked
"I don't kill, Alfred, and he needed help. I couldn't *ACHOO* just leave him there," Lynn replied as she sniffed and pushed some buttons. They then both looked at the tank as machines went off and Johnny was surrounded by bubbles. When they were gone, Lynn looked at a screen and saw that some signs where green "G-good, the chemicals ch-cha*ACHOO* changed perfectly, *sniff* oh god that's nasty," Lynn said while Alfred shook his head
"And with all the gadgets on your belt, you'd think there'd be one for tissues," Alfred stated as he walked over to her and handed her a handkerchief
"T-thank-you Alfred," Lynn said as she took it. Blowing into the piece of cloth, she handed it back to Alfred as he carefully tucked it away in his pocket. A red light started to go off as Lynn and Alfred looked at Johnny as the ice on his legs started to go away. Slowly, bit-by-bit, the ice melted away as Lynn smiled "It worked! He's pulling through excellently, nothing a hot chemical bath can't fix *ACHOO*," Lynn said as she whipped her nose
"You could use a hot bath yourself, shall I prep one for you?" Alfred asked
"Can't worry about a cold now, after the Batgirl drops her unconscious guest at Police Headquarters, Lynn Loud Jr.'s got a meeting... with Mister Ferris Boyle," Lynn replied as she walked over to the tube.
At GothCorp:
Ferris Boyle had a smile on his face as he stood up "Lynn Loud! It's been forever, how's life been treating you?" Ferris asked as he got up from his desk and shook hands with Lynn, who was in a red dress
"F-fine *sniff*, just a lot of things I won't go into detail about," Lynn replied
"You know, I'm surprised someone with your looks hasn't found someone yet... got anyone in particular," Ferris asked as Lynn and he chuckled
"You know I plan on staying single for some time, now *ACHOO* what's this I hear someone causing trouble for GothCorp?" Lynn asked as she sat in a chair. Ferris walked back to his desk with a sad look as he sat in his chair
"You got me! Some nut has it out for my company and I have no clue as to why!" Ferris replied as he threw his hands into the air
"Maybe an investor who lost *ACHOO* money," Lynn suggested as she grabbed a tissue, "or a pissed off ex-employee," she continued as Ferris shook his head. Looking back at her, he said: "There's only one man who'd hate GothCorp that much... if he were alive,"
"Who?" Lynn asked
"One of our scientists. An obsessed wacko. He was caught using company equipment for personal reasons. I had to send my security men in! There was a fight, an explosion, we lost him," Ferris explained as Lynn blew her nose
"What was he doing?"
"Wasting company money! My money! Look, Lynn! That "People Company" line is great PR, but when they weight slaves start acting like they own the place, it's time to pull the plug. Know what I mean?" Ferris stated as Lynn could do nothing but glare at him as the man smirked. The buzzer on Ferris's intercome started to go off as he pushed a button "Yes?" he asked
"Sir, the humanitarian committee is here," replied the assistant over the intercom as Ferris brushed himself off
"Oh my, I'll be right out!" Ferris replied as he stood up "We're hosting a ceremony tonight for Gotham's Humanitarian Industrialist of the Year. Guess who's winning?" he said as Lynn continued to glare
"I feel ill," Lynn mumbled as Ferris raised an eyebrow
"What was that? Sorry, I couldn't hear you," Ferris asked
"Sorry, it's just this cold. Congratulations on your award, by the way, I'm sure it's well deserved," Lynn said as she stood up and waved goodbye. As she walked out the door, she pulled out her phone "Alfred, I need you to look over the headlines for the past 3 years,"
At The Batcave:
Lynn as looking through new-headlines as Alfred stood next to her with a bottle of pills. Taking one out, Alfred handed it to Lynn with a glass of water "Thank's Alfred, you're a life-saver," Lynn said as she took the pill
"More than you give me credit for," Alfred whispered
"What was that?"
"Nothing! Nothing at all... after this is done, Master Lynn, I would advise you take a week off," Alfred said
"Maybe... maybe... let me think about it," Lynn said
"It's not a maybe, it's a must! You need to spend time with your family, I'm afraid that you're starting to lose Master Lily," Alfred said
"What are you talking about? Lily is fine, she has good grades and sh-"
"She's been getting into fights at school and the other children are bullying her for having Merla! Saying she's the 'Murder Girl'!" Alfred shouted as Lynn stopped. Slowly turning her head to face Alfred, she asked: "What?"
"And it's not just because of Merla she's called that! She's also been called 'Suicide Swamp Brat' and 'Croc Skin'!" Alfred continued as Lynn took a deep breath
"After this is all done... I'm going to have a talk with the school, and take a week off," Lynn said as she turned her attention back to the screen "now! When Ferris mentioned that explosion, I remembered this headline from last year," she stated as the screen zoomed in on a headline. Alfred looked at the screen as he asked: "Does it say what cause the explosion?"
"That's the thing, it doesn't say. I suspect that's the reason for the cover-up. I won't know for sure until I check GothCorp's classified files," Lynn said as she started to walk over to the Batmobile
"Before you go, take this. You'll need it," Alfred said as he handed a canister to Lynn
"Knock-out gas?"
"Chicken soup, actually. You'll need more than medicine if you want to back at tip-top shape," Alfred commented as Lynn shook her head
"Alright, and while I'm out, can you take Lily out for dinner? Take her to Burp'n Burger, that's her favorite," Lynn said
"Should I get something for you too?" Alfred asked
"Please, and let her pick out a movie to watch tonight, it's the weekend," Lynn said as Alfred smiled
"With pleasure," Alfred replied with a bow as Lynn left.
At GothCorp:
A security guard tiredly looked at Security Camera's as he took a gulp of coffee. Setting the mug back down, a female security guard walked up behind him and tapped his shoulder "Mr. Boyle send me to fill in! Enjoy yourself at the party with his compliments," she said
"Really?! Wow, that's great!" the security guard replied as the woman sneezed "Hey, you alright there?"
"I-I'm fine, just go enjoy yourself," she replied as the guard shrugged and walked to the party. The woman looked around as she pulled up her shirt to reveal a utility belt. She pushed a button as a compartment opened up and she grabbed a card. Walking to a nearby door, she swiped the card and walked inside. The woman then pushed another button on the belt as something could be heard through the vents. Out from one nearby vent popped out a long box that opened up to reveal Lynn's Batsuit "I'm gonna have to learn how to make you more portable," Lynn said as she tossed aside her guard cap and put on the suit. Walking through the hall after sending the box back through the vent, she opened a door up to reveal a long corridor of file cabinets "Man, at least Ferris won't have a problem with people hacking his files," Lynn whispered as she activated her night-vision and looked around. Seeing a cabinet labeled 'D-F', she opened it and looked through the files, pulling out one the read 'Top Secret'. Going over to the desk at the end of the room, she set the file down and opened it to have pictures of a gorgeous blonde woman smiling at the camera fall out. The next picture she saw was the same women in a wedding dress holding hands with a man, who had his arm around her shoulder. Behind the picture was a medical report "Fries, Nora Mrs.," Lynn whispered "Diagnosis: Positive... Prognosis: Terminal," Lynn said with a sad tone. Looking back at the file, she found blueprints to some 'Cryopreservation Device'. Looking over the blueprints, she grabbed a DVD in the file and held it up. Looking it over, she saw a TV with a DVD player attached to it and she put the disc in. On the screen was the man in the wedding photo wearing a lab coat and holding a clipboard "My name is Doctor Victor Fries. I am recording what I pray would be mankind's first step towards immortality. Behind me, you see the CC-100. A cryogenic freezing chamber of my own design," Victor said as the screen panned over to show the woman in the photo inside the device, "I created it for the express purpose of freezing subjets stricken with inoperable ailments. Subjects like.. my own beloved wife, Nora. Once a remedy has been found-"
"OPEN THIS DOOR! OPEN IT NOW!" shouted a voice as a pair of doors in busted open with two guards and Ferris walking inside
"Get away from that equipment! Shut this stuff down!" Ferris ordered as a guard walked over to a computer
"STOP! This is my experiment!" Victor shouted
"Your unauthorized experiment! I ordered funding suspended weeks ago! I'm already three million in debt thanks to you!" Ferris sneered. Victor pleaded with Ferris as he said: " You can't stop it now! My wife is in there!"
"So bring her out!" Ferris said
"You can't interrupt the process now!" Victor shouted as Ferris glared. Ferris pointed at the container as he said: "Open it, now,"
"Yes, sir," said the guard next to him as Victor grabbed Ferris and shook him
"It's her only chance to survive! Stop this! Please!" begged Victor
"THIS IS MY EQUIPMENT!" Ferris shouted as he shoved Victor off him, "MINE! You hear me!? I have every legal right to use it or not use it as I see fit! I say this project ends now!" he continued as Victor looked at the guard trying to get Nora out of the vessel. Grabbing the guards gun, he pointed it at Ferris as he shouted "No! I won't let you kill my Nora! Stay away, you murderer!" Victor shouted as Ferris put his hand into the air
"Victor... I'm sorry... I lost my temper. It doesn't have to come to this! We can talk!" Ferris said as Victor started to lower the gun. Ferris then smirked as he kicked Victor in the stomach and into a table with chemicals and they mixed. A large cloud formed as Victor was in the center of it "Get out! Get out, now!" Ferris ordered as the guards escaped with him through the door. Victor crawled over to Nora's containment tube as he managed to bring himself up and shout "NORA!... Nora... Nora," as the screen turned back. Lynn glared at the screen as she whispered "My god,"
"Yes, it would move me to tears, if I had any left to shed," said a voice a Lynn turned around to see Mr. Freeze as he shot her with his freeze gun.
Lynn woke up to find herself upside-down. Her feet were frozen to the ceiling and her belt was missing. She then heard a blast as the snow started to blow around "The snow is beautiful, don't you think? Clean, uncompromising-"
"And cold as hell?" Lynn asked as Mr. Freeze looked at her
"Like the swift hand of vengeance,"
"I saw... what happened to your wife... there are no words for what I can say, except I'm sorry," Lynn said as Mr. Freeze looked away from her
"I'm beyond emotions. They've been frozen dead in me,"
"That suit, a result of the coolant I presume?"
"So you can learn, very good observation. A detective to the last," Mr. Freeze complemented as he slowly started to walk away. Putting away his gun, Mr. Freeze said: "I can no longer survive out of a sub-zero environment. Tonight I mean to pay back the man who ruined my life. Our lives,"
"Even if you kill everyone inside that building?" Lynn asked as he nodded
"Think about it, Batgirl. To never again walk upon a summer's day with a hot wind in your face, and a warm hand to hold. Oh, yes. I'd kill for that," Mr. Freeze replied as he walked away past his thugs "let's go," he said and they left. When Lynn was sure they were gone, she tried to move her hands to find that they were frozen together behind her back. Twisting her arms, she gritted her teeth as she twisted them hard enough for the ice to shatter. Taking several deep breaths, Lynn then started to swing back and forth and grabbed a large ice-cycle. Breaking it off the ceiling, she then started to break away the ice that kept her frozen to the ceiling. When it was all gone, Lynn fell to the ground as large chunks of ice fell on top of her. Taking several deep breaths, she whispered: "Note to self: Add winter augments to EVERYTHING!" as she sat up and slowly jogged to the exit. Once she got out, she saw a large wall of ice coming straight at her and rolled away, the ice missing her by the skin of her teeth. Making out to the street, she saw a large truck with a large machine on it, freezing the GothCorp building. Sneaking her way to the truck, she climbed on to of a cylinder containing coolant and looked down to see her belt and a thug operating the giant gun "More power!" she heard Mr. Freeze yell as she grabbed another ice-cycle and threw it near the hand of the thug. When the thug looked up, Lynn jumped on him and kicked him away from the controls. Grabbing her belt, she put it on as a thug snuck up behind her, but she raised her fist and knocked him out as he fell off the truck and onto the ground. Mr. Freeze turned around and fired his gun, but Lynn moved out of the way as it froze the computer. He then started to run toward a fire-hydrant as he said: "If you want something done right, you've got to do it yourself," and kicked it open. As the water shot into the air, he pointed his gun into the water and pulled the trigger, riding the water while freezing it. Mr. Freeze landed inside the building as he ran down the hall. Slowing down, he kicked down a pair of double-doors and looked around until his eyes set themselves on Ferris "The cold eyes of vengeance are upon you, Boyle!" he said as he walked toward the said man with his gun pointed at him
"Who-- Who are you?" Ferris asked as his teeth chattered from the cold
"Come now! Surely you remember your old colleague Victor Fries!" Mr. Freeze replied as he fired his gun as Ferris's feet. Ice started to form as Ferris was being frozen from the feet-up. Ferris panicked as he shouted: "NO! Stop! Please! I beg of you! Stop this!" as the ice was already at his waist
"You beg?" Mr. Freeze asked as he stopped and tilted his head, "In my nightmares, I see my Nora from behind the glass, begging to me with frozen eyes. How I've longed to see that look frozen on you!" he shouted as he went to pull the trigger again, but was stopped when his weapon was knocked out of his hand by a Batarang. Turning his head, Mr. Freeze was knocked away as Lynn jumped into the air and kicked him in the head. Mr. Freese stumbled backward as Lynn punched him in the head and landed a solid jab just under his chest. But Lynn was picked up by her shoulder and wrist as Mr. Freeze tossed her aside. Rolling on some snow, Lynn put-up her fists as she got ready for another round "The advanced circuitry that powers my suit also triples my strength!" Mr. Freeze explained as he walked toward Lynn. Lynn kicked him in the chest as he took the hit and grabbed her leg. He then grabbed her by the throat as he held her up in the air "Sooner or later, all who stand in my way must feel the icy touch of death!" Mr. Freeze said as Lynn reached behind her and grabbed the canister containing the soup Alfred gave her. She brought it down on Mr. Freeze's glass helmet as it shattered. Mr. Freeze's jaw quivered as he dropped Lynn. Grabbing his own throat as the warm air around him started to affect him, he started to fall as Lynn grabbed him and held him near the ground "I-It can't e-end this way. V-Vengeance w-will be mine," Mr. Freeze said as she shook his head
"No, justice will be the only thing to happen, Victor," Lynn said as she looked at Ferris, "A year ago, Ferris Boyle interrupted an experiment and in the process destroyed two lives. Here's the evidence," she stated as she tossed the DVD to a nearby reporter, who caught it. Lynn then set Mr. Freeze on the ground as she pulled out a small container of coolant and attached a mask to his face. Standing up, she walked passed Ferris and said: "Good night... 'humanitarian'," and left.
With Alfred and Lily:
"I want to watch this!" Lily said as she held a case up to Alfred
"As you wish, Master Lily, now go pick out your candy," Alfred replied as Lily ran into the candy aisle of the market. Lily smiled as she ran to the Candy Aisle of the store out of Alfred's sights "Master Lily! Don't run too far!" Alfred shouted as he heard Lily fall to the ground
"Oh, sorry about that, young lady," Alfred heard a man's voice say as he rushed to Lily and saw a man wearing blue jeans, black combat boots, and a black long coat. He also had a dark orange button-up shirt and a medical mask over his face. He also had glasses on his face to show green eyes and a baseball cap "Here, let me help you up," he said as he extended a hand
"Thank-you," Lily said as she grabbed his hand
"You're very much welcome," he replied as he saw Alfred "are you by chance her father?"
"What?! No, no, no, no, I'm just her butler," Alfred replied, "I'm sorry if she did anything wrong, right Mater Lily?"
"Don't be sorry! It's my fault, honest," the man said as Alfred sighed, "Well I don't know what to say, Mr?"
"Jonathan, Dr. Jonathan Crane,"
[Hope you enjoyed the chapter and sorry it took so long to finish this part]
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