Chapter 5: Tension Part 2
Lynn awoke with blurry vision and a metallic taste in her mouth. She moved one of her arms to wipe a warm spot off her lip and looked to see blood. Rolling over, she groaned in pain as she spat out some more blood and tried to crawl out of the building. Taking deep breaths, she managed to get out, but everything was double. Lynn tried her best to focus as she crawled toward the Batmobile, her stomach dragging across the street. But she collapsed as Lynn was in too much pain to continue. Pressing a button on her belt, she said: "A-Alfred, n-need p-pick-up," as she heard a car rolling by. Reaching for her batclaw, she fired it into the air as it latched onto the bridge above her and pulled herself up. She shot into the air and hung there as every bone in her body screamed not to move.
On The Ground:
Clyde and Ying reached the scene as the ladder touched the break "She's still here," Ying said as she saw the Batmobile. They got out of the car as Clyde whistled impressed "Check it out... is that an Anti-tank rifle?" Clyde asked as he looked at it and tapped the glass "that stuff's thick," he continued as Ying looked over at the truck in the building. She caught Clydes' attention with a hand wave as she pointed at it. Clyde nodded as they both drew their weapons and slowly made their way toward the armored vehicle. When they made it over to the truck, Ying peeked inside and saw the two guards were on the floor, one was out cold while the other was bleeding badly "Are you alright?" Ying asked as she rushed over to the guy still awake
"Oh yeah, he's fine, just bleeding like a gutted pig," Clyde commented as Ying shot him a glare
"I-I'm fine, wh-where is he?" the guard asked
"He?" Ying questioned
"Y-yeah, he was huge! H-He wore a b-black mask a-and a le-leather j-jacket,"
"You still think this is the bat?" Clyde asked with a raised brow
"T-the Batgirl! S-she w-was t-taken down!" the guard said
"Y-yeah, th-threw h-her li-ke a r-rag d-doll,"
"This can't be good," Ying said as she looked outside and saw another hole. She got up as Clyde went to call an ambualnce and inspected the area. Kneeling down, she saw small pools of blood "Can't be no more than 10 minutes," she whispered as Clyde came up behind her
"So if a guy were buff enough to send Bat's through a solid brock wall-" he began
"She couldn't have gotten far, nobody can walk away from this," Ying commented
"Well, where did she go?" Clyde questioned as he looked around. As they began to walk away, Lynn tried to muffle a cough as more blood spat out of her mouth, and a large drop fell down to the pavement. It made a tiny splash, but it was enough to make Ying turn around and look up... and only saw the open sky past the bridge. As Clyde made his way back to the car, he grabbed the com and said: "Dispatch, requesting all points bulletin on mass suspect in the vicinity of Rogers and Engal Heart. Be advised, perp is extremely dangerous," as Ying then grabbed it out of his hand
"And send units to all area hospitals. We're looking for any new admissions with multiple fractures and lacerating wounds," Ying spoke as she placed it back in the car, "if we find the patient, we find the Batgirl. Come on, let's secure the scene," she continued as down the street. Alfred was climbing down the bridge ladder with Lynn on his back. Walking over to his personal car, Alfred placed Lynn in the back seat as she groaned in pain. Taking his place behind the wheel, Alfred started up his car and started to pull out of the alleyway they hid in. As he did, he looked over at Clyde and Ying looking at the Batmobile as he somehow managed to hear Clyde say: "Could be license and registration in the glovebox... IF WE COULD GET THIS THING OPEN!" as he tried to pry the driver's seat window open
"Oh dear," Alfred said as Lynn touched another button on her belt and the Batmobile sped off, making Clyde fall to the ground and faceplant into the ground. Alfred then quickly drove off as the Batmobiles' autopilot drove itself back to the Batcave. Alfred was making a b-line to the nearest hospital. Lynn was grinding her teeth as Alfred said: "We're almost to the nearest hospital, ma'am,"
"M-merely a-a flesh wound," Lynn replied as she coughed even more
"You're suffering from internal bleeding! Not to mention from when I was carrying you I could feel your ribs snap against my back! You! Are! Going! I may've been a field medic in the military, but I-"
"ALFRED!" Lynn shouted
"You need serious medical attention!"
"No! Hospitals!" Lynn managed to say as she continued to cough, wincing at everyone. Alfred gritted his teeth as he replied: "I'm afraid it's out of your hands, Master Lynn," and stopped at a light across the street from the hospital, "see? We're near- *Whow! Whow!* there," he continued as he saw some GCPD cars pull up. Closing his eyes and banging his head against the steering wheel, he made a right turn in the opposite direction on the hospital.
"What's this I hear about the cops combing the hospitals for the Batgirl?" asked the old man with purple glasses as the man wearing a black scarf and fiddling with a briefcase shrugged
"I've got no clue, I thought this guy was supposed to take care of our problems," the scarfed man said as Bane stomped his foot, causing the place to shake. He crossed his arms as he said: "If I didn't break all the Batgirls bones, I can guarantee I broke her spirit,"
"So you... raped her?" asked the old man wearing glasses as Bane picked him up by the throat and started to choke him
"Listen well and listen good you Maldito Bastardo, I may be a mercenary, but I've got standards. Unlike you," Bane threatened as he tossed him into the wall "besides... she's earned my respect, despite it being a loathing one,"
At The Batcave:
Lynn sat on an operating table with a mask attached to her face. Her suit was removed as Alfred draped a towel over her breasts. He washed his hands and put on gloves while pushing a small table over to where Lynn laid. Medical supplies laid on the table as he reached for a pair of medical scissors and sighed while pulling down a light "Being summoned to pick you up has never been a good omen, Master Lynn. Almost like the time I had to track you down after you ran away from home to try to find Master Lincoln... after his kidnapping," he spoke as he pulled over an air tube and started to pump anesthesia into the mask "rest for now, and try not to think about much," he whispered as Lynn's vision began to go blank.
In Dream World:
Lynn was walking down a dark alleyway. As she looked around, she heard something and turned around to see nothing "Why?" she heard a voice as she turned to face the voice in front of her to still see nothing "Why didn't you save me?"
"That voice!" Lynn said to herself as the voice echoed
"Did you forget about me?" said the voice as Lynn looked to her right and saw... him. A little boy with white hair, freckles on his face, wearing an orange shirt and blue jeans "Why didn't you come to save me?" he asked as Lynn shook her head while walking toward him
"I-I did try to save you! I promise!" Lynn cried out as a giant pair of hands with chains around them appeared above him, "LINCOLN!" Lynn shouted as she ran toward him to save him. But she didn't make it as the hands grabbed him and took him into the darkness. She slowed down as tears fell down her eyes "Why didn't you save him?" said another voice as she turned to see a young woman with short brown hair in a pixie cut, a purple t-shirt with a white skull, torn crew neck, and triangular sleeves, a plaid skirt, a white belt, and high purple boot. Her eyes were covered by shadows as Lynn saw tears flowing down the persons face "WHY DIDN'T YOU SAVE MY LITTLE BRO?!" she shouted as she started to run away from her
"LUNA! STOP!" Lynn cried as she chased after her, only to find it getting harder and harder as she did. Looking down, she saw that she was up to her waist in water as she continued t chase after Luna, who wasn't affected by the deepwater "LUNA WAIT! PLEASE! I-I tried," Lynn cried as she then heard footsteps behind her. Turning around, she saw a young lady with long, pale-blonde hair, with side-swept bangs. She wore a seafoam green dress, with white frills, and triangular sleeves. Her face was covered by shadows as she held a familiar object in her hand and held it up to her head "I'm coming Linky, you don't have to be alone anymore," the woman whispered as Lynn reached out to her
"LENI! PLEASE! DON'T DO IT!" Lynn shouted as tears fell from her face like rain on a stormy day. As Leni gave a sad smile, red exploded from the side of her head as she fell into the darkest parts of the water. Lynn cried out in sadness as she heard two more gunshots. She turned around to find herself back in the alleyway... seeing her parents on the ground... bleeding out. Falling to her knees, she beat the ground in desperation as she cried: "Why... WHY COULDN'T IT HAVE BEEN ME?! WHAT GOD THOUGHT IT WOULD BE FUNNY TO DO THIS TO ME?!" as a hand was placed on her shoulder. Turning to where the hand came from, she found herself as a child again as a younger-looking Alfred kneeled down in front of her "Oh Master Lynn, I'm so, so, so, sorry... I can never replace your parents or bring your sisters and brother back. But I can try my best and promise you... I will NEVER leave your side," he whispered into her ear as Lynn cried into his shoulder, her wails of pain echoing through the dream world like a tsunami of sadness.
3 Weeks Later:
Ying was looking around a destroyed bank as Clyde walked toward her with a mug in hand "Bane takes whatever he wants, doesn't he?" Ying said as she tossed some rubble away
"And he never cleans up after himself," Clyde commented as a news van screeched by them "*sigh* here we go, put on your best 'i know what I'm doing' face,"
"DETECTIVES?! Have there been any breakthroughs?" asked a reporter as the cameraman zoomed in on Ying
"Rest assured, we're doing everything we can," Ying replied
"And what of the Batgirl? It's rumored that she hasn't been seen or heard from since this 'Bane' came on the scene," the reporter asked as Clyde began to walk away while Ying took a deep breath
"We're operating under the assumption that... the Batgirl is no more," Ying said as she walked away too. The cameraman then started to film the reporter as he said: "There you have it, folks! Gotham PD seems to be no closer to stopping this threat than ever. It's been three weeks since this crime spree began and the juggernaut known as Bane remains at large! Back to you, Jim!" as the TV was turned off. Lynn sat in bed with a cast over her right arm, left leg, and several bandages over her body as she was in a simple t-shirt and shorts. She was drinking something from a straw as Alfred held the cup "the police can't handle Bane," Lynn stated as she laid her head into her pillow
"Neither, apparently, could the Batgirl," Alfred replied as Lynn gave a soft glare at him. Alfred stood up to take his tray as he said: "Do try and rest, I can't keep making excuses as to why your sisters can't see you and the populace thinks you're on holiday so no one should come bothering," and walked away
"Alfred!?" Lynn said as the old man looked back at her "Gotham needs the Batgirl,"
"Ma'am, I don't want to speak out of term... BUT! If Gotham thinks that the Batgirl is no more, then it's perhaps for the best. Perhaps Lynn Loud Jr. can heal and finally get on with her life," Alfred replied as he continued to walk away
1 Hour Later:
Alfred had food on his tray as he walked toward Lynn's bedroom. He opened the door and walked in "Here you are, ma'am, two meatball subs and a chicken fried stea-" he began as he saw that the bed was empty. Taking a deep breath, he walked over to the elevator down to the Batcave and saw Lynn tinkering on the machine from 3 weeks ago. He crossed his arms with a glare as he said: "And what might you be doing, exactly?"
"What you suggested, Alfred, getting on with my life," Lynn replied as she had trouble tightening a bolt
"Interesting interpretation, but you must know that if you intend to face this Bane again, ma'am, you will need to find another Butler/physician/getaway driver," Aflred stated in anger as Lynn looked over her shoulder
"Bite me!" she shouted as she dropped a large wrench that bounced off her bad arm, causing her to scream in pain. Grinding her teeth, she tried to reach for it as a gloved hand picked it up and handed it to her "Very well then... let's get to work, but you owe me," Alfred said as Lynn smirked
"I already owe you a lot," Lynn replied as Alfred helped her out
3 Days Later:
Bane walked into a bank after he pulled the doors off. He walked over to the stairs and started to head up to the top where the safe was held. Once he reached the top floor, he walked over to the safe and pumped some venom into his veins. He grew in size as he grabbed the safe door and started to pull it out of the wall. He heard the elevator ring as there was the sound of a woman behind him "Gotham PD! Put your hands in the air!" and the click of a gun. Turning around, he grabbed the gun and crushed it in his hands. He then looked at the woman and saw Ying standing there with wide eyes. He cracked his knuckles as he walked toward her while Ying punched him in the stomach, which did nothing as he backhanded her across the room. Bane started to walk toward her again as he heard the elevator coming up and when it opened, walking out was a giant red and black metallic thing with a bat-shaped head "You did survive," Bane stated as, inside the metal bat-suit, Lynn was sitting in a chair with a safety suit on her
"Master, Lynn, how are things with the Bat-Bot?" Alfred asked over the radio inside as Lynn looked at a screen that was scanning Bane
"According to the Bat-Wave, all systems are a go," Lynn replied as she moved the arms of the suit and charged toward Bane with a punch to his stomach. Bane grabbed the arm as he suplexed the suit and elbowed it. Before he could land a second blow, Lynn grabbed the arm and threw him away from her. Bane rolled across the floor as Lynn stood up and jumped into the air. Landing on Bane, Lynn began to land savage punches on Banes' face as the ladder grabbed the former by the head and threw her against the wall. Bane shoulder charged Lynn through the wall as Lynn took him down with her. They were both falling 50 stories down as Lynn activated the jet-pack system and pushed them over toward a 30 story building roof. They landed in a large dust cloud as Lynn smacked Bane away, causing him to be sent into a chimney system. Standing up, Lynn looked over at the left arm of the suit and saw that circuits were sprouting out and sending sparks everywhere. She didn't have time to think as she was on the ground with Bane wailing punch after punch on top of her. Bane grabbed the damaged arm as he ripped it off and continued to punch her. Lynn pushed him off and sent him into a nearby helicopter, of which exploded as he roared and grabbed a broken blade from the chopper. Charging forward, he made a downward cut as Lynn moved to the right and avoided it. It was in vain however as Bane made a sideward slash and almost cut Lynn in two but barely grazed her inside the suit. Shoulder bashing Bane to the ground, Lynn jumped on him again as the former grabbed Lynn's head and slammed her into the ground "I cannot be beaten!" Bane shouted, "You cannot beat Bane! I win!" he continued as he kicked Lynn over so she that faced him. Lynn grunted as she looked over at the broken arm and saw a sparking wire "Last time we met I left you with some shred of dignity," Bane stated as he sat down on her and broke the other arm. He then shoved a hand through the torso and removed some metal bits to show her abdomen "But you've lost this battle, and now I shall unmask you! Then I shall break every bone in your body so that the BAT will NEVER COME BACK!" Bane shouted as he started to tear off the head of the suit. Glancing at the sparking wire, Lynn grabbed it just as the head was being ripped off and stabbed it into Bane's control module. Bane let out a hellish scream as he grabbed his head in pain. He then fell to the ground as his massive figure turned back to normal... well, what is normal in his case. Taking several deep breaths, Lynn smirked as she said: "Alfred... I need pick-up!"
[Hope you enjoyed and the same book two days in a row, wow! It's a bloody Australian Christmas Merical! Also sorry if things got dark, but hey, it's DC! A hella lot of the things are dark]
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