Chapter 5: Tension

Sundown had reached Gotham as everyone had gone to bed... except for a select few in the underground. In the subway beneath Gotham, a meeting was being held as a voice asked: "Why are we meeting here? Everyone knows she strikes from the shadows!"

"Relax! The Batgirl thinks we split Gotham months ago!" replied an old-looking man with a briefcase in hand

"She dismantled my operation brick by brick," said the same voice to be an old man with purple glasses

"Took down all my men single-handedly! I can't even sleep nights!"

"Batgirl!" said a third voice as the two old men turned to see another old man with a hunched back and a cane "I know, I know, she ruined me too. But you can kiss those worries goodbye, I found a solution to our, uh, problem. A mercenary, volunteered for some physical enhancements in a secret lab in the Amazon, wild eh?" he continued as the two men looked at each other. They looked back at the hunched geezer with a cane as the man with the briefcase said: "We got the money,"

"Yeah, we're in," said the purple glasses man as the hunchback smiled

"Well then, gentlemen, I present to you... Bane," the cane man said as he moved to the side to have a man wearing a black mask with white eyes. He had a black leather jacket, fingerless black gloves, jeans, and dark brown combat boots

"Uhh, you sure this guy can take down the Batgirl?" asked the man with purple glasses

"Just because he wears a mask, doesn't mean h- GAH!" started the man that held the briefcase as the masked man held him up in the air by his throat with a single hand

"I would advise you keep your mouth shut if you want my help. I can always turn down this job and find another one worth my time," said the masked man as he dropped him, "don't always judge a book by its cover, viejo, or else you'll find yourself in a grave faster than you would like,"

"Calm down, Bane, you'll get your pay," said the hunchback as Bane looked down at him

"And I'll get to break the bat,"

Play Intro! (Replace Bruce with Lynn, why do I still put this here?):

End Intro:

Lynn sat in the Batcave as she had several devices on her body. She had a headset on as she looked around while a large camera looked in the same direction. Lynn smiled as she whispered: "Sweet, the camera's working," as she heard the elevator moving. She then twisted her torso to move a small knob and turned up some music. She then started to move one of her hands. A large claw-like arm mimicked the movements for a time before the arm started to spark and stopped. Lynn then began to shake her hand as she tried to fix it. When the elevator came down, Alfred stepped out with some nachos on his tray and walked over "Master Lynn?" Alfred asked as Lynn couldn't hear him, "MASTER LYNN!" he shouted as Lynn turned to him and the giant metallic arm smacked him a few feet away. Lynn was surprised as she turned off the machine and tossed the headset aside "ALFRED!" Lynn shouted as she rushed to his side to help him. Assisting Alfred, the old man stood there as he peeled off a nacho chip with some cheese sauce off his face "Your nacho's ma'am, curiosity of young Master Lily," Alfred said as Lily cringed

"Doh, please tell her I ate it and would love to have them again?" Lynn pleaded as Alfred sighed

"I suppose so," he replied as Lynn noticed a small cut on Alfred's arm and his suit had a large hole around the said cut

"Hey, let me patch you up, least I can do, right?" Lynn stated as Alfred simply patted it

"It's merely a flesh wound. I do believe my military medical training has equipped me with such injuries," Alfred replied as he followed Lynn to a table with parts on it. As Alfred waited for Lynn to grab a band-aid, he looked over at the contraption Lynn was working on and asked: "What exactly is this for?"

"Don't know yet, thought it might be cool," Lynn replied as she walked over with a rag and a sad smile "if only Lisa and her co-workers knew that their technology was being used to assist the Batgirl,"

"If only we could build a cleaning robot to assist the Batgirls butler,"

"That a challenge?" Lynn asked as Alfred face-palmed

"Why do I suggest the stupidest of things?" Alfred asked himself as Lynn got a sewing needle and started to fix up his suit

In Gotham:

An armored truck carrying gold and money was driving through town. A man sat in the back as he slept while another drove. As they passed under a bridge, the man driving stopped when he saw roadblocks on the street "Construction? And this time of night?" asked the man in the back as the road exploded, sending the truck flying onto its side. The man in the back had a cut on his forehead as a large hole was in the truck. He looked up with blurry vision as Bane walked into the truck and picked him up "Goodnight," Bane whispered as he slammed him into the truck and knocked him out. The man in the driver's seat had small glass shards in his face and a broken nose as he shook his head and reached for the intercom system in the truck. Just as he grabbed it, the driver-side door was peeled back as he came face-to-face with Bane

Back With Lynn:

Lynn was wielding up the machine she was using earlier as music blasted through the Batcave. As she did so, the Batwave went off as she looked at the Batcomputer screen and read the text. She then suited up and hopped into the Batmobile, driving off in a red and black blur.


Clyde was sipping on some coffee while Ying was on the computer. Clyde was reading an old copy of Ace Savvy as he smiled and turned a page. As he did, Ying quickly typed as she said: "McBride, we have an armored car assault... by an unknown masked assailant,"

"Masked? You sure?" Clyde asked as he set down his comic and coffee

"Maybe the Batgirl decided that being a vigilante didn't pay enough," Ying suggested as they rushed out of the office

Back With Lynn:

Lynn arrived at the truck as she shot out of the batmobile and landed where the giant hole in the vehicle was. Looking inside, she saw the two men that were guarding the truck were tied up and the money wasn't touched "Money's still here... I've taken the bait!" she whispered

"Hook, line, and sinker," said a voice as Lynn turned around to see Bane standing there, "the Batgirl I presume?"

"The mask look must really be catching on," Lynn said as Bane pointed at his mask

"Defeat me and maybe you'll have the honor removing it,"

"Sorry, bub, but I don't fight for sport,"

"Then fight... FOR YOUR LIFE!" Bane shouted as he charged at Lynn and landed an uppercut, sending her flying into a nearby building. Lynn bounced off the building as she landed on the ground and rubbed her jaw. Moving it around, she noticed Bane charging at her with a punch ready to end it. But she rolled away as the punch struck the building instead, causing it to crack a little bit. Getting on her feet, Lynn jumped onto Bane and managed to land a kick to the side of his head. Bane gritted his teeth as he swung around with his opposite fist and backhanded Lynn in the side of her torso. Lynn skitted away a few feet as she hugged her side with a grimace. Looking toward Bane, the ladder went to punch her as Lynn extended her right hand and moved the punch to her left side. As she did so, she used her left hand to sock Bane in the face, causing him to stumble. As he stumbled backward, Lynn jumped in the air and delivered a round-house kick to Banes' head, causing him to take a knee. Shaking his head, Bane cracked his neck as he stood back up and cracked his knuckles "You know, señora, you hit pretty hard. If the circumstances where different, I would actually ask you out on a date," Bane stated as he rolled his shoulders

"Sorry, but dating isn't in my contract," Lynn replied as Bane unzipped his coat

"You're a vigilante, you don't have a contract,"

"Touche," Lynn replied as Bane dropped his coat to reveal a tangle of wires and a machine attached to his back

"I think you deserve this much at least,"

"And what would that be? Name and motive?" Lynn asked as Bane chuckled

"That's right, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Bane... the last opponent you'll ever face," Bane replied as he pushed a button on his left arm and green liquid started to pump into his body. His body then grew in size and muscle mass, and his eyes gained a green glow. He roared as he charged at Lynn and shoulder charged her. Bane struck Lynn as she was sent flying down the road. Lynn managed to get on a knee as Bane continued to make his way toward her. As he raised his fist into the air, he slammed it down just as Lynn rolled away, causing the road to shake a bit and create a crater. Lynn's eyes widened as she was backhanded across the face and sent flying again, this time hitting the armored truck. Putting a dent in the hood, Lynn tried to stand up as Bane charged again. She got out of the way again as Bane hit the truck and sent it spinning into a nearby building, making a large hole. He turned to strike Lynn as the ladder ducked under his punch and landed three quick jabs to his ribs. They barely tickled as Bane tried to grab her, but she slid between his legs and landed a few kidney punches, which still did nothing. Bane managed to perform a leg-sweep as Lynn jumped into the air, but was struck in the gut and sent back a dozen feet. With a nauseous feeling coursing through her body, Lynn looked up at see Bane walking toward her "Lights out, Batgirl," Bane said as Lynn used her Batclaw to escape. Huffing with some anger, Bane walked forward as he shouted: "GO ON! FLEE LIKE A COWARD!" as he turned around to get two boots to the face. He stumbled backward as Lynn sent several batarangs at him, of which somehow bounced off his skin. Getting annoyed, Bane raised both his fists in the air and brought them down onto Lynn. Jumping out of the way, Lynn launched a small explosive at Bane, which exploded on contact. Bane tanked it as he chuckled while Lynn fired even more at him. A large dust cloud was created as Lynn waited for the dust to settle. But what she got instead as a chokeslam by Bane himself and dragged through the asphalt "IS THIS THE BEST YOU HAVE TO OFFER?!" Bane shouted as he tossed Lynn into the air and punched her into the building across from the one where the truck had been punched into. Lynn slammed against the brick wall as Bane charged over and punched her through the wall. Lynn laid on the ground as she spat out a little glob of blood as Bane stood over her with triumph. Turning his attention away from her, he began to walk off as he looked at the truck "They can have the money, with the Bat gone... all of Gotham is my playground," he said to himself as he walked down the street.

[Hope you enjoyed the chapter and sorry it took so long to make. I had other things to do and research for this to work-out properly]

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