Chapter 4: Cobblepots Call Part 3
With Lynn:
Lynn sat looking at the batcomputer with her mask off and suit still on. On the screen was a news article from China "High rise jewel thefts baffle police," she whispered to herself as she scrolled through more articles of a similar manner "and dozens of crimes similar across Asia, which suddenly stopped last week and started up again in Gotham! Coincidence or not, that's the same time Cobblepot arrived," he continued as she leaned back into her chair. She then had flashbacks of the party and what Cobblepot stated 'Just got back from a tour of the Orient!' she remembered him saying 'Let me see that!' she also remembered as the image of him taking the guest list popped into her head
"And he took the guest list as a checklist for tonight's crime spree!" she said as she pushed a button to her left "Alfred! Alfred?" she asked
"Hello? Lynn? You need something?" Asked Lily on the other side
'OH SHIT!' Lynn thought "Da, uh, hmm! N-no, no, it's nothing, just wondering if Alfred is there, Lily,"
"And Merla,"
"Sorry, I haven't seen him since this morning, he said something about getting his tray back from a plug-ugly slag... what's a plug-ugly slag?" Lily asked as Lynn blushed
"Umm, w-well, uhh-hey! Don't you have homework to do?!" Lynn shouted into the mic
"Y-yes, but I went to ask Alfred what was for dinner and he wasn't there. So I went to his room to find him and he wasn't there either. Then you rang and I picked it up," Lily explained
"*Sigh* Just get back to your room and do your homework. I'll order pizza since Alfred isn't here,"
"YAY! You hear that Merla? Pizza!"
"Alright, just get to your room, I'll order your favorite if you double-ti- hello? Lily, you there?" Lynn asked as the conversation ended there. Lynn chuckled as she pulled out her phone and whispered "Hopefully, he's not where I think he's at," and dialed him
With Alfred:
"Hmm, anchovy!" said Cobblepot as he ate at the table with his legs up. Alfred was in the shadows with his tray in hand as he tried to sneak away. He tip-toed his way toward the stairs when his phone went off "WHO'S THERE?!" Cobblepot shouted as he had his umbrella at the ready "NO TRESPASSERS IN COBBLEPOT MANNER!" he continued as he hopped off his chair. Slowly walking toward where Alfred was hiding, on the tip of his umbrella shot out a shiny blade "Hide and seek it is then," he whispered as he entered the hall and went into another room while Alfred quietly ran out of the hallway. He ran down the hall and made a right into another room where he could see light. But just as he exited, a crow swooped down and he ducked. Looking up, he saw a large dead tree with all different kinds of birds perched upon it with some birds in cages. He stood back up just as the Kabuki Twins landed in front of him with their claws at the ready. Quickly jumping to his feet, he back away in a hurry, but slipped on some loose bird seed and fell. Hitting his head on the ground, he groaned in pain as an umbrella entered the ground a foot away from his face "Well, well, well, come to help with the dusting, Jeevsie?" Cobblepot asked as he held another umbrella with fire on the end like a torch. Alfred stood up as he dusted himself off and said: "Actually, I just popped in to reclaim some missing property,"
"Fine, you can use it to serve me some more of those shrimp puffs," Cobblepot said as he walked off to Alfreds' right
"The days of Pennyworths serving Cobblepots are long since over!" Alfred stated firmly as the short man looked back at him
"Huh? You're a... Pennyworth?!" Cobblepot asked in surprise as Alfred looked down at him with a glare
"And the only thing keeping me from walloping you soundly is the shame that the news of the incident would bring upon my Master Lynn!"
"Loud-Shmoud! The good old days when Cobblepots where king are coming back! Cause I'm gonna restore the Cobblepot name to its former wealth and glory!"
"Hmph! If you intend to do so by pilfering it may take a while!" Alfred said as he waved his tray in front of Cobblepots face. Cobblepot smirked as he looked up at the birds in his tree "Not as long as you think, old man," he said as he continued to stare at the tree while pointing the torch-like umbrella to his left, lighting up a large pile of jewels and gold. A crow flew by Alfred's head as it landed on an arm extended by Cobblepot "Y-you? Birds?!" Alfred questioned "O-oh dear. A-allow me to fetch those shrimp puffs right away!" Alfred continued with fear in his voice as he tried to escape, but the twins appeared in front of him and restrained him. Alfred struggled as the twins held him tighter "U-Unhand me you harridans!" Alfred shouted as he was shoved down to his knees
"You know, my pets haven't been fed yet this evening, and they are famished! But why feed them seed... when they can feast on a treat of meat?!" Cobblepot said as the twins tied him down to the floor. Cobblepot then pushed a button on his umbrella and lights shone on the tree, lighting it up and the cages opened. Soon, one after another, the birds flew up the tree until the reached the top and dove at Alfred. Alfred struggled to get loose as Cobblepot held a smile on his face. But before the birds could reach him, the glass ceiling above them shattered as a murder of crows came in and dove at them. Following close behind them was Lynn, who had her cowl on and landed on top of Alfred. Pulling up her cape, she covered Alfred as dead birds and others that got through came down on them "Who that?!" Cobblepot shouted
"What are you doing here, Alfred?!" Lynn shouted/whispered at her trapped butler
"Long story short, I came for my tray," Alfred replied as a dead bird landed a few inches from his head "Urgh, dreadful!"
"Let me handle this," Lynn said as she grabbed a small device from her belt and pushed a button. It then started to emit a sound that caused all the birds to go crazy. The caws and tweets echoed through the room as they all escaped through the open hole in the ceiling "No... NO! NO! NO! COME BACK MY PRETTIES!" Cobblepot shouted
"Jolly good," Alfred said in relief as Lynn turned the device off
"Grrr, so it seems the tales of the Batgirl are true," Cobblepot said as he spun one of the umbrellas in his hands around "but who name's themselves after a mangy flying rodent?!" he continued as he pushed a button on his umbrella handle. The twins launched at her as Lynn looked to her left and saw an open cage. Dodged a strike from the first twin, she jumped away when the second tried to pounce on her. Shooting her batclaw at them, the twins dodged it, but it wasn't aimed at them as the claw attached itself to the cage behind them. Pulling it back, the cage came with it as the twins turned around and got caught. Turning her attention to Cobblepot, his laughter echoed through the building as he vanished "Damn it," Lynn whispered as she saw his shadows on the walls
"Nehehehehe! Just one question, bat freak, how'd ya find me?" Cobblepot asked
"You left a trail of breadcrumbs, Cobblepot," Lynn said
"Oh please, please! All pretenses are off... call me Penguin," said Penguin as he was behind her. Lynn turned around and backed up a bit "Sure I'm a flightless bird... but I'm one with style!" Penguin continued as he pointed the umbrella he used as a torch at her and used it as a flamethrower. Bending backward, Lynn did a backflip as she moved out of the way. When she stood up to get ready to fight, Penguin was already coming at her with a flying kick and struck her in the collar bone. He continued to kick her while in the air as he repeatedly struck her face, neck, and chest. She was knocked to the ground as Penguin stood there with a trumpet smirk on his face "My word!" Alfred shouted
"A little something I picked up in the Orient," Penguin stated as a Batarang went flying by his head and sliced the flamethrower umbrella in two. It came back and made a hole in his hat. Lynn caught it in the air as she glared at him "Got a few tricks of my own!" she said as Penguin tossed the broken umbrella to the side
"Bring it on, rodent bitch!" he shouted as suddenly a chain grabbed his arm "What the- AHHH!" he shouted as he was pulled up into the tree. Penguin struggled to get free as green gas flooded the area. Everyone coughed violently as an eerie voice echoed "You know, I don't very much like my family to be taken from me," it said as Penguin was pulled up further and his eyes met orange glowing ones
"W-who ar-AHH!" Penguin started to question as the person opened their mouth and breathed a torrent of gas into Penguins face. Penguin could barely breathe as he waved his hand in front of his face "Geeze, have you eve- w-wait. P-Put me down! G-GET AWAY FROM ME! MONSTER! DEMON!" Penguin shouted in fear as he waved his umbrella around. The person caught the umbrella as he broke it in two with his bare hands. He then let go of Penguin as he fell from the top of the tree and screamed "AHHHHH!". Lynn rushed to catch him, but he stopped a foot above her as she heard his arm break and dislocate from his shoulder "That didn't sound good," Alfred commented as the person landed behind Lynn and Alfred "that doesn't sound any better!"
"Who are you?!" Lynn shouted with coughs in between
"My, my, where are my manners," said the person as they bowed. Orange glowing eyes looked at them as a chain floated behind him with a hook on the end. He wore a wide-brimmed hat with air filters coming out the side of his mouth. A noose was around his neck as he wore a black tattered trench coat and torn tattered black pants. A small crow perched on his shoulder as he raised his empty hand to pet it
"My name is Scarecrow and after this meeting... we're enemies," he said
"But why?" Lynn asked
"Simple really, he stole my family... my crows. And I would rather have them dead than serve this thing," Scarecrow stated as he pointed at the hanging Cobblepot, who was now foaming at the mouth "now good day," he said as he turned around. Lynn threw a Batarang at "That's not what I meant," but he caught it and sighed
"Really? Now? If you insist!" he said as his chain shot out at her and wrapped around her stomach. Scarecrow pulled on it, making her come to him as he clotheslined her to the ground. With the chain still wrapped around her, Scarecrow began to swing her around and brought the chain over his shoulder. Pulling down, Lynn was sent into an arc through the air and slammed onto the ground. She bounced as she shouted in pain and then she felt a weight on her chest "As I said, next we meet... we're enemies, got it!" Scarecrow said as he walked toward Alfred with his hook in the air. Alfred closed his eyes as he waited for pain to come, but he felt something else entirely as his arms were freed "W-what?" Alfred asked
"Next... we... meet," Scarecrow repeated himself as he threw his chain hook into the air and pulled on it. His body soon followed as Scarecrow escaped through the hole in the roof. Alfred had to shake his head before he went over to help Lynn out "Are you alright?" Alfred asked
"J-just a little pain, n-nothing I can't handle," Lynn replied as Alfred helped her up
"Well, he was a strange fellow,"
"You're telling me," Lynn said as she walked over to Penguin, who was mumbling in his unconsciousness
"G-get... a-away... p-ple-ase... d-don't h-hurt... m-me... h-he-lp," Penguin mumbled as Lynn looked over at the Kabuki Twins cage, only to find the two missing
"Seems a couple birds flew the coup," Alfred said
"Yeah, but we've got momma bird," Lynn said with a chuckle "let's leave before the cops get here,"
"Right behind you,"
The Next Day:
"Man, my back hurts," Lynn said as she rubbed her back
"Maybe if you put some heat on it like I said," Alfred commented
"Naw, I don't want them getting any ideas of coming over to take care of me,"
"Hey, Lynn! You ready?!" Lily shouted from outside
"BE THERE IN A MINUTE! I gotta go, Alfred,"
"I'm driving, remember?" Alfred said with a raised brow
"Oh yeah... *sigh* You really like making my plans go up in flames, don't ya?"
"Don't I always?" Alfred replied sarcastically as the two walked out of the manor and to the limo. Meanwhile, on a nearby telephone wire, a crow sat perched on it, looking down at Lynn, Alfred, and Lily. And just as they drove away, the crow dove down and started to follow them.
[Hope you enjoyed the chapter and sorry it took so long. Also sorry if this chapter feels rushed, other things happened and I got sidetracked. thanks to Omegacrow for the drawing and others that will appear! Go check their stories out, they're very good!]
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