Chapter 1: A Bat In The Belfry
"She's here," said an obese man with a white suit and a red and black shirt. He had a golden chain around his neck as beads of sweat crawled down his forehead "Where, Mr. Thorne?" asked a large man with a bandana and a held an assault rifle. The other carried a chain in one hand and wore a leather jacket. Throne then started to look around as his thugs searched too. He walked backward as he took quick glances behind him and his thugs. As he back up, he got a glimpse of a shadow and pointed upward at the skylight "THERE!" he said as a black cape ran out of their site, the thugs looked at their boss questionably as the larger man lowered his gun "I-I saw her! I swear!" Thorne explained as the sound of wind passed their ears. Looking at an open window, they turned to some statues to hear the sound of something metal hitting the wall. Looking at what made the sound, it was a metal object in the shape of a bat embedded in the wall "Wha... What was that?!" asked the large thug as he loaded his gun and aimed it in that direction. But he didn't hold that position for long as it was knock out of his hands with an object of the same shape. It returned to the person who threw it as Mr. Throne ordered his thugs "Take her down!". The large thug grabbed a metal pole as the smaller man got another chain in his hands and spun them around. He jumped above his large friend, spinning the chains around with a battle cry. They ran into the darkness as sparks flew from the ensuing fight. The first of the sparks lit up the area to show a woman dressed in a bat-like costume with a fist thrown at the large man, who blocked it with his pole. The next one showed the chain welding man bringing down one of his chains while the woman blocked it with her arm. After that, the same man was socked in the jaw by the woman and the large man blocked another attack with his pole. After that, the sparks stopped as Mr. Thorne tried to see what would happen next. But what happened next sent fear into his heart. His thugs were tossed out of the darkness with bruises and busted lips as the large man smashed a vase and the smaller man curled into a ball. Ghostly white eyes peered out of the darkness as Mr. Thorne backed away with sweat falling off his face "O-Okay... uhh okay, we split the take, 30:70?" he asked as he opened a safe in the wall behind him. The figure kept walking toward him without a word as Throne's heart raced and he backed into the wall "A-alright! 50:50?!" Throne spoke with fear as the woman's shadow towered over him. He ran out of a nearby window without a second thought as he slid down a glass roof and jumped to a more solid one. He ran as fast as he could with adrenaline coursing through his veins. He then made it to the end of the roof and jumped down. He thought he was home free when the figure from before caught him by swinging on a rope. Throne was thrown against a red water tower with a thud as the figure simply bounced off it and landed in front of him. He put up his arms to protect himself as a woman looked down on him wearing a black suit with a red bat symbol on her chest "H-how d-did you do that?" Thorne asked as the woman glared at him
"I'm the Batgirl," she replied as her cloak folded around her
Intro (watch Video and replace Bruce with Lynn):
End Of Intro:
Batgirl looked off in the distance as the wind blew her cape around (Insert Picture
. Hearing the sounds of sirens, Batgirl jumped into her batmobile and buckled up, slamming on the gas as she sped through Gotham. When she was gone, the police showed up as their light shown down on Thorne and his goons tied up and beaten to black and purple pulps. Batgirl raced down the streets in her vehicle as she touched a screen, causing a bat symbol to appear and blinking on and off with a red light. She turned a corner as she sped toward a wall with a dumpster. She was about to crash when the dumpster was lifted into the air and revealed a secret passageway. Lights shined down on the batmobile as she continued in a spiral motion down into the ground. She soon found herself in a room as she stopped in the middle of a metal platform. She stopped the car as she stepped out and walked toward a pole. She grabbed it as it glowed near the area she had her hand on it and was pulled upward. Batgirl was then sent flying a few feet into the air as she landed in front of a bald old man with a mustache and a three-piece suit. Pulling back her hood, it revealed to be Lynn Loud Jr. and she looked at the old man with a smile "Surprise," he said as he took a few steps to his left and a cake sat on the table behind him with three candles
"I'm touched, Alfred, but my birthday isn't for another few months," Lynn said as she turned to Alfred
"It's an anniversary, Master Lynn. Three years ago tonight, you first dawned cape and cowl,"
"Crime flies when you're beating their teeth out," Lynn said with sadness in her eyes
"Well chop-chop, make a wish!" Alfred said as he clapped his hands
"I wish... I wish," Lynn said as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Her hands made fists as she felt a hand on her shoulder "I wish they were here too, very much so," Alfred said as Lynn bent down in front of the cake
"To the memory of Lincoln, Luna, Leni, Rita, and Lynn Sr. Loud," she said as she blew the candles out "the reason's why I became... The Batgirl,"
The Next Morning:
"Chief Rojas! Can you verify that it was The Batgirl that apprehended Mr. Thorne and his gang last night?" asked a reporter on TV as Lynn sat on the couch with a blow of cereal. On the TV now was a large man wearing a green uniform and a badge of his chest
. He looked at the reporter and said: "Do you know of anyone who's ever actually seen this, Batgirl?" and the reporter shook his head "Because she's what we call an Urban Legend,"
"Why that cheeky-" Alfred started to say before he took a deep breath, pouring in more cereal for Lynn "More bran flakes, ma'am?"
"Easy, Al, The Batgirl is right where she wants to be, under the radar," Lynn said as she set the bowl down
"You're usually the one to bask in the glory, Master Lynn, why is this different?" Alfred asked with a raised brow
"Pride and arrogance can get someone injured or worse... I would know," Lynn replied as she continued watching the news
"Well, there you have it, in only 3 years time our crime rate has sunk to a nation-wide low, thanks to Gotham's finest! Back to you, Jim," said the reporter as the TV cut to a man in a blue suit
"Next up, Billionaire, Lynn Loud Jr contributes an unprecedented sum to Gotham's Children Hospital and in sports, The Gators kick off a new season with tonight's home game-," said Jim as Lynn shut off the TV
"Of which, Lynn Loud will be attending with her sisters to enjoy," Alred finished as he took out a ticket "this is your, ma'am," he said as Lynn took it
"Really? That was tonight?! Aww man, this is just great! But I had-"
"Work to do in the Batcave? For the Batgirl to better remain below the radar, Lynn Loud Jr. must occasionally adventure above it," Alfred stated with a raised brow as they both heard a yawn "Now I think it's time I made Master Lily's breakfast," he said as Lynn turned around to see Lily walking into the room. She wore a lavender two-piece pajama set and held an old bunny blush in one arm while she rubbed her eyes tiredly with the other "Morning, sis, how did you sleep?" Lynn asked as she hopped up from the couch
"F-*yawn* fine," Lily replied as she walked toward the couch
"Today's a relaxation day, Master Lily, it's Saturday so you don't have to go to school," Alfred said as he went to the kitchen
"You mean I could've slept in?" Lily asked with some hint of anger in her voice
"Come on, Lilster, just means you can spend more time with me! Now how was your night with Lori babysitting you?" Lynn asked as she wrapped an arm around Lily and walked toward the table
At Gotham PD:
A dark-skinned man wearing a blue dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, a black tie, black dress pants, and suspenders. He also had circular glasses with thick black rims and blue-tinted lenses, freckles, and black hair styled into an Afro. He was looking through some paperwork in his hands when Rojas walked through the door and the man sighed "Get anything on out vigilante this time, McBride?" Rojas asked
"Besides the fact that she bat-wrapped Thorne's butt for us?" Clyde replied with a raised brow
"Well, it's up to you and your partner to see to it that this urban legend doesn't become a folk hero!"
"Partner?! Since when?!"
"Since I decided that two heads are better than one!" Rojas explained as he moved to the side and a young woman walked in. She had black hair tied into a high ponytail. She wore a red jacket with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows, long loose-fitting grey pants, a black short-sleeved t-shirt, and black shoes. Rojas walked to the edge of the room and stated: "Detective Clyde McBride, meet Detective Ellen Yin, formally of Metropolis PD... their loss,"
"Howdy, partner," Yin said as she stuck her hand out for a handshake
"Welcome to Gotham," Clyde said questionably as he shook her hand
"Now that you two are acquainted... bring me this Batgirl, whoever she is," Rojas said as he left the room
That Night:
Lynn wore a loose-fitting white shirt and red sweats as she looked out the window. Lily was playing video games on the TV as Alfred approached Lynn "Ahem?" he coughed
"Yeah, yeah, I know Alfred. Time for swinging bachelorette, Lynn Loud, to put on the party hat!" Lynn said as Lily giggled. Alfred got closer to Lynn as he whispered "Rest assured, Master Lynn, you're never too far from the Batcave with the modern miracle of batwave!" as he handed Lynn a smart-phone-like device with a black bat symbol on the screen. It had a wave pattern on the bat as it went from white to the center and red at the wings
At Arkham Asylum:
Rain fell upon Arkham as thunder clapped in the sky. A worker with goggles on his head, a long coat, gloves, and a clipboard was walking by doors as he checks off names "Steiner; check. McSwain; check." he said as he got to a door and looked inside "Loud; Vacant," he said as he continued walking. But his eyes grew wide as he looked through the window and started mumbling "No, no, no, no! This is bad!" he said as he opened the door and ran into the room "Damn it!" he said as when he was about to go to his superior, the door closed
"Hehehehe, running way so soon?" said a voice as the man turned around to see a woman with green hair, a clown-white face, and a large smile. She wore a purple suit and had an orange shirt. She slowly walked toward the man as she grabbed two knives from her pockets and spun them around "Awww why are you looking at me like that? AH HA! How about I put a smile on that face, eh? HAHAHAHA!" she said as the man backed into the wall
"N-no! STAY AWAY! STAY AWAY!" the man shouted as the woman continued to walk toward him with mad laughter. It was a few minutes later that the doors to the inmates in the asylum opened up and the occupants walked out. Mad laughter echoed throughout the building as fast footsteps echoed alongside the laughter.
Gotham PD:
"Let me tell you something, ol'bats never leaves a trace. No prints, no follicles, and no match on tire tracks," Clyde said as he glanced over old files at his desk
"Custom jobs," Yin stated as she scrolled through the computer
"Chick has resources,"
"And a knack for showing up were crime is and police aren't,"
"I've never laid eye's on her," Clyde stated as something popped up on Yin's screen
"This just in, an unknown perp just released all patients from the East Wing of Arkham Asylum," Yin says as Clyde quickly rushed to look at the screen
"BULL!" he shouted
"Sounds like someone is trying to lure a bat," Yin said
"We need to hurry, and make sure your gun's loaded," Clyde said as he ran out of his office
"What? Why?!" Yin shouted as she ran after him
"Because... I've got a clue who did it,"
"Someone I put in there," Clyde replied as he and his partner ran out of the building to a police car.
At The Gator Game:
Lynn was sitting next to Lily as she was looking around. She wore a red dress that showed a little much for her taste as Lily had one in lavender, covering up everything. Lynn even made her wear regular clothes underneath to be sure. Young men in the stands were eyeing her from what Lynn noticed as she smiled when the Gators scored "You know, Lilster, I actually toyed with the idea of buying the Gators,"
"Really?" Lily asked as Lynn playfully hit her shoulder
"Yeah, buying them lunch," Lynn said as Lily pouted
"Urgh, you know she did those better," said a voice as Lynn turned to see 4 women. One was wearing a pink dress that made her look like a princess from a fairy tale book, she had long flowing blonde hair and pearl earrings. Next to her was a woman wearing a two-piece suit and had two downward pig-tails. Then a girl with a green turtle-neck sweater, blue pants, and round-rimmed glasses. Finally was a woman with long black hair covering a part of her face, a black dress, black high-heels, and black lip-stick "About time you 4 showed up, we've already hit the 10-minute mark," Lynn said
"Yeah, we know, and when we get here you're telling jokes," said the woman in the suit
"Lana, calm down,"
"Yesh, thish ish a time for ush to come together and shpend time with one another," said the turtleneck
"I agree with Lisa, stress is bad for someone like me," said the princess
"Urgh, just sit down," Lynn said
"Lola, Lisa, it's best we do what she says, I didn't get all dressed up just to get into a fight," said the black dressed woman
"Yes, Lucy," said Lola and Lisa as they all sat down. Lynn picked up Lily and set her on her lap as they continued to watch the game. It was a few minutes later when Lily her something go off "What's that noise?" Lily asked as Lynn took out the batwave
"Sorry, I got to take this, Lana?" Lynn asked
"I don't mind taking, here, come to big sis!" Lana stated as Lynn sat Lily on Lana's lap. Lynn looked down at the batwave and whispered: "Arkham?" and left.
At The Loud Mansion:
Alfred was watching the game with a bowl of popcorn as the announcer was speaking "And among Gotham Notables, we welcome CEO of Loud Industries, Lynn Loud... Jr., uh, no doubt grabbing a Gator Dog no doubt. But we do have Co. CEO Lucy Loud, looking like she just stepped off the gorgeous train and Lead Scientist Lisa Loud," he said as Alfred facepalmed
"No doubt," Alfred said as he began to rub his temples
Lynn was in her suit as she looked down at the police approaching the scene. They stopped as they got out to see a jack-in-the-box running by itself. When it stopped, it exploded, destroying the bridge to Arkham and sending officers flying. They were alive, but injured "That was theatrical," Lynn said as she pulled out the bat-grapple and aimed it as the building. She fired as it pierced through the solid brick wall and she swung across the moat and crashed landed on the roof. Tearing off a vent guard, she dove into the vents and found herself inside. Walking through the empty halls as her footsteps were the only thing she could hear. She soon found someone sitting against the wall with his head down "Sir, are you alright?" she asked as she shook him "Sir? Sir?!" she shouted as she grabbed his head and a smile was cut into his face. Mad laughter was heard as she back away in surprise "Takes after his ma, doesn't he?" said a voice as Lynn turned to see a woman looking at her with two bloody knives. Lynn's eyes widened as she recognized the woman "Luan?" she asked
"Ohhh! So you know my name? Well, I've sorta grown tired of that, so call me Joker, alright sweetheart?" Luan said
"What did you do to him?!" Lynn shouted as Luan shrugged
"Oh come on, can't take a joke? Don't tell me you're... not an inmate?" Luan stated as she began to giggle "What rational being dresses like you? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Speaking of threads, this a good look for me?" Luan asked as she turned around and stuck out her butt with a wink. Lynn ground her teeth as she rushed as Luan and grabbed her by the collar "Listen well and listen good, I'm going to bring you in so you can pay for your crimes. Now I think you should take that make-up off," Lynn said as she tried to take the make-up off, but when she tried she noticed that there wasn't a difference and saw that nothing came off
"Smear free, it's perma-clown!" Luan said as Lynn glared at her "Ohh, tough crowd,". Luan then escaped from Lynns grasped with a back-flip and stuck her hands out at her sides "See? Nothing up my sleeves," she said as she flicked her right wrist and a small pump gas sprayer shot out of her sleeve "nothing that won't put a smile on your face! SAY CHEESE! HAHAHAHA!" Luan shouted as she jumped into the air laughing madly. Lynn took out a Batarang and threw it at the sprayer, knocking it out of her hands and out of reach. Luan landed on the ground with a sad look "Awww, I'm outta gas," Luan said as Lynn stood in front of her
"And I'm outta patience!" Lynn said as she performed an uppercut and sent Luan flying into a pillar. Luan bounced off the pillar and fell to the ground on her end, she then sat up and rubbed the back of her head "Doh! We really know how to spoil a coming out party. How do you expect me to spread mirth and whimsey without a proper hideout?!?" Luan complained
"Listen to me, Lua-"
"Joker! It's Joker!"
"Joker! Listen to me, you're sick, you need help!" Lynn stated "Think about your family... your brother," Lynn continued as Luan launched at Lynn and kicked her in the chin, sending her into the ceiling and bouncing off onto the ground
"J-just listen to me, y-you need to get help,"
"So, what are you going to do? Lock me in the looney bin? I'm already here!" Luan said with a smile
Yin and Clyde arrived on the scene as they passed by the yellow tape "Situation report?" Clyde asked an officer
"We're rounding up patients and waiting for choppers to take us over," said the officer as Yin walked past him and to the side of the bridge
"Like we'll get any dryer, right?" Yin said as she jumped over the edge an into the water below
"Urgh, why did he have to team me up with her?" Clyde said as he banged his head against the bridge
"Sir?" asked the officer
"New partner, triathlon wiz," Clyde replied as he followed after Yin
Back In Arkham:
Luan dodged a punch from Lynn as she hopped onto the wall and tried to spin kick her. But Lynn ducked as she threw a left hook, of which Luan moved to the side and jumped over Lynn. Lynn then threw a left hook as Luan blocked it an then a right haymaker, of which Luan ducked under and punched Lynn in the ribs. Lynn flinched as she grabbed Luan's head and kneed her in the nose, making Luan step back and held her nose "You know, I really love this place. My old hideout a shambles, and these digs just scream me!" Luan said as she did a leg sweep. Lynn jumped over it and kicked Luan in the side of the head, Luan took the hit as she did a handstand and spun her legs around, striking Lynn in the ribs again. Luan was about to continue her assault when Lynn kicked her in the stomach, making her roll on the ground a few feet away "Grrr, fine! Take back the Asylum! But mark my words; this town has happy days ahead! HAHAHAHA!" Luan said as she snapped her fingers and cards appeared in her hands. She threw them at Lynn as she ran in the opposite direction. Lynn ducked under the cards as they flew by her face. Falling to the ground, the cards dug into the bricks as Lynn looked up to see Luan had made a run for it "Holy hell, those things could've killed me," Lynn whispered as she got up and ran after Luan. Seeing Luan turn a corner, Lynn followed after her but was stopped by a giant jack-in-the-box with a jester on the front. It started to turn as Lynn rushed to stop the handle from running. It pushed her into the ground as Lynn used all her strength to make it stop running. From what Lynn could hear it was working, but when the handle stopped she heard something was wrong and started to run as it started shaking. She jumped to safety as confetti shot out of the box and a recording of Luan saying "Smile Gotham!"
"Urgh, same old Luan," Lynn said as she brushed off confetti from her shoulders. With a sigh, she went back to the dead man and inspected him "This isn't right, his eyes are red," she said as she slung him over her shoulder "I know I'm going to get a mouth-full from Alfred, but it's for the best,". Walking to a nearby window, she was about to leave when her eyes met another... Clyde MacBride "S-Stop right there! You have the right to remain silent!" he said as he held out his badge. Lynn quickly shot her bat-grapple and swung away into the night.
The Next Morning:
"Chef Rojas, any suspects in the bizarre Jack-in-The-Box hostage incident?" asked a reporter on TV. Lynn was looking at a card Luan had thrown at her as she listened to the news report "I'm not at liberty to reveal whom, but I'm confident to say that our best detectives are working hard to close in on them as we speak," said Rojas as the TV was turned off
"And Gotham Gator Fan, Lynn Loud Jr., with nearly an alibi," Alfred said with a frown
"Anything with our victim?" Lynn asked
"Aside from the ghastly grimace, he's as fit as a fiddle despite his injuries, he's alive," Alfred said with some anger
"Why are you so angry?"
"Oh, I don't know, maybe you can figure it out?"
"Tone down the anger, man, it was for the best,"
"The best? THE BEST? You have some nerve to-" Alfred said as he took a deep breath "I'm sorry for the outburst, ma'am, I've just been on edge,"
"It's fine, Al, why not take a break?"
"As you wish," Alfred said as Lynn looked at the card "but if you must know, there was gas in his blood that not only killed him beforehand. The muscles on his cheeks contracted into a smile that was carved out afterward,"
"Thanks, Alfred," Lynn said "now a sample of Luan's Gas is our only hope of deriving an antidote. And I need to find it before she puts a permanent smile on all of Gotham," Lynn stated as she leaned back on the couch. Putting the card in her pocket, she rubbed her eyes in frustration as she remembered the words from the fight last night 'Smile Gotham! My old hideout is in shambles!'
"I GOT IT!" Lynn said with a smile
"Master Lynn, someone to see you," Alfred said
"Who is it Al?" Lynn asked as the elevator Alfred was standing next to had the door open to reveal Clyde
"D-Detective, am I under arrest?" Lynn asked as Clyde smiled
"Not yet your not, bring it in!" Clyde said as he hugged Lynn
"C-come on, man, you know I don't do hugs,"
"I know, but it's been a while since I last saw you. How've you been?" Clyde asked
"Master Lynn was at the Gator Game last night," Alfred said as he started dusting
"Same old Lynn, if it involves sports, you'll be there," Clyde stated
"Am I that easy to read?"
"Like an open book,"
"Well, I take it you didn't come all the way here to talk to little old me, what do you need?" Lynn asked as she sat down. Clyde took a seat across from her as Clyde rubbed the back of his neck "Well, *sigh* man how can I put this? Umm... Luan escaped," Clyde said as Lynn faked surprise
"W-WHAT?!" Lynn shouted
"That's not all... I saw her,"
"Who's her?"
"The Batgirl," Clyde said as Alfred dropped a vase
"My bad, I'll clean it up right away,"
"So she's for real? What's she look like?" Lynn asked
"Well, a girl like you. Cept she wears Bat-jammas, *chuckles* tough part's this Lynn, I really believe the Bat's helping Gotham. Even if she is on the wrong side of the law, but she is getting a bad rap and the heat's on me to take her down," Clyde said as they continued to talk
Lynn looked down at an old factory as she compared it to the card she held in her hand "Looks like something Luan would hide out in," she said as she jumped down and ran into the building. Sneaking around, she thought she was in the clear when she heard "Stop me if you heard this one before, Batgirl," and she looked up to see Luan. She glared with sorrow as Luan continued to speak "There were these two fellows in an abandoned party favor factory. The one says to the other-"
"Where are you keeping the gas, Lu-"
"JOKER! IT'S JOKER! USE MY NAME OR DON'T USE IT AT ALL! Jeeze I swear, you're as stubborn as a mule,"
"Okay, Where are you keeping the gas, Joker?!" Lynn shouted as Luan coughed
"Now where was I, ahh yes! Ahem, you call that a punch line?"
"I don't really share your sense of humor," Lynn said as she looked up at Luan
"Yet we're linked, you and I! Like comedy and tragedy! Two Sides. Same coin." Luan said with a large smile
"The gas! Now!" Lynn ordered "Or I vow I'll turn your smile upside down,"
"Hehehe, that rhymed. So I guess as a reward for making me laugh, I'll give you want you want," Luan said with a flick of her wrist and she shot a card at a sandbag above Lynn. She cut the rope as the bag fell and almost crushed Lynn. But Lynn managed to move out of the way and Luan somehow had a helmet and a pair of goggles "HA HA! Place all tray tables in their upright positions!" she said as she started to rise into the air. She was in the basket of a hot-air balloon as her laughter could be heard despite the distance she was away from Lynn. Luan then floated over the city as she waved down at them "SMILES PEOPLE! SMILES!" she shouted as Lynn saw the direction the balloon was heading. It was going to a golden statue of a person holding a sword out "The balloon's full of gas and she's going to pop it!" Lynn said as she pushed a button on her belt and the batmobile rushed to where she was. Dropping down into the driver seat, Lynn then sped down the street as she pushed some buttons and was sent flying toward the balloon "If you're loving me, wait to you'll get a load of my pop!" Luan said with maniacal laughter as she turned around to get a boot in her face. She fell back as Lynn grabbed her by the collar as she said: "Stop this thing, Joker! NOW!"
"With what breaks?" Luan stated with a shrug as she pushed off Lynn's hands and dropped kicked her in the chest. Using the force to jumped off Lynn, Luan landed on a rope attached to the balloon and then jumped at Lynn. Spinning in the air, Luan went to chop Lynn when the ladder moved out of the way. Running behind Luan, Lynn hopped off the edge of the basket and struck Luan with a kick. Recoiling from the strike, Luan grabbed a large hammer from inside the basket and hit Lynn in the bottom of the chin, sending her out of the basket. Lynn grabbed the basket as she hung on for dear life "WATCH YOUR PINKES!" Luan shouted as she brought down the hammer on Lynn's hands. But Lynn moved one hand out of the way just in time and used it to shoot a line at a nearby water tower. Using all of her strength, she began to pull as Luan fell down. Continuing to pull, she moved the balloon toward Gotham Bay and out of the way of the statue. Getting back on her feet, Luan had an angry look as she raised her hammer in the air shouting "YOU'VE MADE ME ONE VERY SAD CLOWN!" as she looked down to see the Lynn was missing "Hmm? Where did you go?"
"Knock! Knock!" Lynn said from behind her as Luan slowly turned around with a peeved face
"Who's there?" Luan asked as Lynn round-housed her and sent her out of the basket. Luan then hung on to the basket as Lynn pushed a button on her belt and a boat appeared below them. The boat shot out a line as Luan moved out of the way before she got pierced. The boat then started to reel them in as Luan jumped off and pulled a string to activate a parachute. Lynn, however, put on a breathing device and dove into the water. The bat-boat was then sent forward at high speeds to bring down the balloon into the water and Lynn cut it open. The gas defailed into the water as Lynn got a sample "My precious gas! Passed! By a party pooper!" Luan said as she landed in the water near Lynn
"I had a different punch line in mind,". Lynn then punched Luan in the face, knocking her out, and dragged her through the water into the basket that was now floating in the water. Tieing her up, Lynn jumped to the bat-boat and sped off, leaving Luan for the police to handle "Alfred, have the lab prepped and ready, I've got a sample that we need to find an antidote for," Lynn said into her coms
Later At Arkham:
The man that Lynn brought back was now cured, but he had a mask over his face. Looking down at his clipboard, he said: "Steiner... Check. Mcswang...Check. Loud...Check," as he passed by the door. Luan looked at the screen with a smile as she chuckled "They all said I was sick in the head. They said I needed help. Well, maybe I am a bit batty? Just blame the bats in my belfry! HAHAHAHA!"
[Holy hell that was long! Well anyways, hope you enjoyed the chapter and if you want to see more, just ask. Also thank's to Omegacrow for the pictures and go check out their Loud House stories, they're the best!]
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