Chapter 14 : Dealing With Business

It's so big.

I can't believe you went there.

Have you seen it.

Oh I'm seeing it now.

How does all of this fit?

Great interior designing.

The gold carried on through the apartment but the black seemed to end in the elevator. The walls were a soft off white with soft pastel browns and grey scattered around in furnishings, rugs and an occasional feature wall. The hallway you enter through was paved with the same-clouded slippery mirror type tile that covered the ground floor of the hotel.

"Anthony?" I called out as I followed along the hallway, passing the occasional door to my right and the row of pillars that brook the hallway from the lounge room - littered with light brown couches surrounding the large fireplace and television.


"Yeah because I know where that is!" I yelled at him as I hesitantly turned a corner. "Oh."

"Did you need a map?" He smirked at me.

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes as I walked towards him. The kitchen was beautiful, light colouring to expand the space and finished to perfection. I sat myself up on the cushioned stool and spun myself around to face Anthony.

"Where is my stuff?"

"In the wardrobe."

I frowned. "Why?"

"Because you are moving in."

"Not now."

He gave me an unbelieving look. "No but you might want to start packing."

"I'll move in when I feel ready and not a moment sooner." I put my foot down - theoretically of course, I couldn't exactly touch the floor sitting on this stool.

Anthony sighed rather audibly. "Fine."

"So, why are we here?"

Yes what are we picking up?

Anthony turned and reached over towards the satchel bag sitting on the counter top. He turned back around and placed a collection of papers down in front of me in two piles.

"What am I looking at?" I frowned as I leaned forward and tried to get a better look.

"This," Anthony pointed to the gathering of papers to my left. "Is the prenup agreed upon by me, my parents and your parents. You should look over it and make sure you're okay with everything in there." He informed me.

"And this," He pointed to the second gathering of papers. "Is our agreement."

I scrunched up my nose as I looked up at him. "Why do you insist on me signing this?"'

I didn't see the point. Everything that was mentioned could be discussed between us, when and if it happens, not now, not when we were still basically strangers to one another.

"Why the need to write it all down?" I expressed my concerns. "We could just discuss it later when we know each other a little more."

"It's for insurance, piece of mind and - "

I cut him off. "Please dear god, don't say convenience."

Anthony's lips twitch upwards in to a small smile. "Fine. I won't."

"What do you mean by insurance and piece of mind?"

"Well the prenup - "

"I meant the other agreement." I interrupted again.

"If you keep interrupting me I will put duct tape on your mouth." He sounded a little annoyed.

Duct tape would hurt when it came off.

Yes it would. Sudden flashes of children's cartoons where the characters lips and mouths ripped off their faces with the duct tape entered my mind.

"Understood." I nodded and sucked my lips into my mouth before pressing them firmly together.

"The prenup is insurance for everything I own. The agreement is somewhat of a relationship prenup, it will give me piece of mind to know that the woman I'm living with isn't a stranger to me and that we at least have some sort of relationship to build on, whether that be a friendship first or we could jump straight into being intimate."

I frowned at his last sentence and choice of words. "Why the rush?"

"What?" He seemed genuinely confused.

"You keep pushing the prospect of sex and intimacy but you're skipping all the steps in between that normal couples go through, no romance, no charm, no friendship."

"We aren't a normal couple Sky." Was all I earned in response. Was it wrong of me to want those things? I know we were doing this backwards and for all the wrong reasons but, I thought, maybe there was a chance at building something here - even if he had his fill of me after six months like everyone else.

"As I was saying before." He continued with the business side of the deal. "At the back, you'll find all of the documents for when we divorce - "

I interrupted him for a third time in the last five minutes. "When?"

Was I that bad that he was already counting the days till the divorce? My last two relationships ended within a week of our six month anniversary, had Anthony already began to have his fill of me in only the first week of knowing me?

"Sorry Babe, I don't do fairy tale endings."

I bite down my inner woman who seemed to be a little wounded by the comment. Keeping a straight face, blank of any emotion, I stared at him. "I never, for a second, expected anything less."

I sat up straight and flicked my hair back over my shoulder. "Do you have a pen?"

Anthony pulled out a blue pen from his suit jacket and leaned himself up against the counter top as he regarded me with a quizzical expression.

"I must say, I am loving how professional you're being right now."

"Then you should have hired me."

Flicking through the words on the page I began to cross out everything that had annoyed me the first time I read through this.

'Section A: Living and Lifestyle arrangements

Condition One: Both individuals agree to live together, under the same roof in a complex agreed upon by both parties.

Condition Two: Said parties are to receive the lifetime plan and schedule of the other and are expected to adjust their lifestyle to the other. (See Appendix one.)

Condition Three: No pets are to be purchased by either individual and bought into the living space. No exceptions.

Looking up at Anthony I smiled wickedly as I crossed out Condition Three, running the pen violently over the no pet's rule.


"Are you allergic?"

He narrowed his eyes at me. "Only to cats."

"And dogs?" I questioned. I didn't really want a cat, I have never been a cat person but puppies, well they were too cute to resist.

"They smell and drool everywhere."

"There are other pets Anthony."

"They are noisy, smelly and annoying." He pressed, his expression was not at all impressed with my pressure.

"Did your mother not hug you enough as a child?"

"Don't bring my mother into this." He defended.

I looked down at the paper and wrote next to the wording. 'Pets open for discussion. No cats.'

Moving on, I continued to read down the page.

Section B: Money and Employment.

Condition One: Both parties may work if they wish. If, in the event Children are produced 'The Wife' is too retire for a minimum of five years and provide full time care with the assistance of a nanny (if required) before returning to the workforce.

I added an asterisk next the Condition One. I wasn't sure if I was okay with this or not. I didn't like the idea that this was a 'rule' but I may want to be home with any kids I might have for some time. I didn't know.

"This will be discussed at a later date."

"I accept that one." Anthony nodded in agreement.

Condition Two: 'The Wife' will receive an allowance given each week by 'The Husband' This allowance is to be spent on anything 'The Wife' wishes provided it does not exceed the limit.

"An allowance really?"

"You are jobless Sky and I am not giving you full access to my accounts." He spoke plainly.

"I am not some Prada wearing house wife who spends all day shopping!" I spat in disgust.

"I never said that Babe, but that one stays."

I rolled my eyes and continued on, thinking I would just put the money back into his account.

Condition Three: Any and all large purchases (See Appendix two) must be discussed between the couple and agreed upon or else the purchase is not to be made.

I placed a tick next to this one. I approved.

Condition Four: 'The Wife' is disqualified from working in or around any companies owned or financed by 'The Husband' and is not allowed to interfere in any work proceedings.

"Okay now hold on just a second." I looked up at Anthony and crossed my leg over the other. "If I am going to your wife, then shouldn't I help out with all of the business stuff?"

Anthony narrowed his eyes at me. "Not under any circumstances Babe."

"What is so wrong with me working there?"

"You were in my office for one minute and you bruised my nose - almost broke it - burnt me and stared off in to the distance and muttered to yourself during the majority of that conversation."

I opened and closed my mouth, struggling to find my words. "Moving on."

Section C: Intimacy and Romance.

Condition One: The couple will have 'date night' once a month. This is to be agreed upon by both parties at any given time. (See Appendix three for suitable options.)

Condition Two: 'The Wife' shall accompany 'The Husband' to any and all functions and outings deemed acceptable by 'The Husband' and vice versa.

Condition Three: The couple shall display affection and intimacy towards one another in socially acceptable ways and at appropriate times, ie. Support, Attraction, Comfort, ect. (See Appendix four.)

I was comfortable with these. They were acceptable.

Condition Four: 'The Husband' is permitted to have one alternate sexual partner at a time, other than 'The Wife' who must remain faithful 'The Husband.'

I scribbled all over Condition Four until not a single letter could be seen under it.

"I want all of this gone." I chirped.

Anthony shifted and crossed his arms over his chest defensively. "Okay, but like I said before you have to promise sex at least three times a week."

"Dear god!" I yelled at him "What is wrong with you?!"

He sighed deeply. "We've been through this before."

"And I am still not signing it." I protested.

"Why cant you be a naive, shy girl who is easily manipulated?" He rolled his eyes, clearly not happy but my certainty.

"Because that would be too easy." I smiled sweetly at him.

Anthony shook his head as he pulled the papers closer to himself and started looking over everything I had crossed out. "How about a compromise?"

"I'm listening." I said a little cautiously.

"I will be willing to postpone the signing of Section C if you move in by next week." He exclaimed quickly in a serious, demanding tone. The intimidation was rolling off him in waves and I saw clearly how this man intimidated others to get what he wants. Just no with me.

"No." I smiled at him and tapped his shoulder.

His confidence fell slightly. "Why not?"

"I want all terms met or I won't be moving in." I demanded it was my turn to be the intimidating one.

He wasn't fooled. Narrowing his eyes at me his bright eyes shone. "I am not getting a puppy Sky."

"You don't have to get anything." I emphasised the 'you'. However, I most certainly can.


I smiled innocently. "Then I guess we are in a bit of pickle then aren't we, Babe."

Anthony stared at me with his discontent burning through me and my own displeasure threatened to burn him alive.

I smirked sadistically as I tapped my foot against the bench making a loud tap echo through the kitchen making Anthony blink.

Ha Winner!

"I think I'll head home now." I smiled sweetly.

"Take this with you." He pushed the papers forward. "I'll call a car to take you back."

It was getting late; the sun was setting as I was being driven back to my apartment. The driver dumbed me at the door and said a quick goodnight as he drove away. Waiting for the elevator I looked down at my hand again. It still felt weird. Awkward and just, wrong. I pulled the ring off my finger and slipped it into my back pocket of my jeans before stepping into the elevator.

Getting to my floor, I stepped out of the elevator and tripped on the loose tile. "Ouch."

The sound of a door opening made me look up. Jessie and Joshua had both opened their doors and were now looking down at me.

"Oh Sky, why are we always meeting like this?" Joshua joked with me as he bent down to help me to my feet.

"Thank you." I spoke as I dusted myself off. It was true though. Every time Josh was around, I always seemed to fall over - no matter what shoes I wear.

Jessie guided me into the apartment and let me go about trying to hide my embarrassment from her. She sat down on the couch and reached for her magazine while I made my way over to the fridge.

"Your father called." Jessie informed me as she flicked through the magazine in her hands. "He wants you go for dinner."

I paused with my head in the fridge. "What? When?" I asked as I banged my head against the top of the cold fridge. "Shit."

"You always do that." She muttered as she jumped off the couch and came over towards me.

I took my head out of the fridge and started rubbing my head. "When was this?"

"About an hour ago." She passed me the note pad that she had written on.

'Sky, your dad wants you to go for dinner tonight. Parents place. Seven.'

"Oh." I looked up at the clock. "And I'm already late. Do you think I can just pretend I forgot?"

"Knowing Charlene, she will be here in ten minutes and drag your ass over there." Jessie smiled sadly at me.

"Want to come?" I raised my eyebrows at her in a questioning way.

She snorted. "Dinner, with your family, honey I love you but not that much."

I groaned and turned to walk towards my bedroom but just walked into the wall instead. "Ow!"

"Oh honey today is not your day."


*** IF you see a word in my chapters that looks out of place or seems very offensive, please tell me as it is most likely a spelling error that I have over looked. I do have dyslexia so I immediately jumble the letters when I don't recognise a word. Thank you for those who pointed out the error with PRADA. I have fixed it :) Hope you enjoy the rest of the story xx

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