Chapter 34: Cider's Assailant

Side note: yes, football season would most likely be over by now for most schools, but just imagine that they're preparing for their final playoff game that determines scholarships and who wins and all that crap.

Above is the clothes Ari-Zary gives to Cidey-Widey.

Previously on Luna Girls:

*Cider's POV*

"What do you want, John? We're through, remember?"

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry."

"Well fine. But stay the frick away from me."

"Away from you and your new boyfriend?"

"Yeah. Bye, then."

But as I was walking away, I heard John mutter, "I should've known that dumb mate of yours would finally get through to your thick wolf skull."

<> —•— <>

Cider's POV

My eyes widened. "Wh-What?" I faced John. His eyes were dark and his dark brown hair covered his eyes.

"You know what I'm talking about. It was obvious when he stood up for you at the Snow Ball. He was strengthening your bond." The John I once knew was gone. It was replaced with this dark figure under the broken flickering light in a locker bank.

"I-I don't know what you—" I tried to succeed at my failed attempt of lying, but John raised his head up and took a step forward. I gasped once I say his eyes. They were pitch black with only tiny bits of white framing it.

"Save it." he snapped. "You were supposed to learn my pain that day. I was going to make it simple, but one of the local packs decided to send their mate-less dopes off to school where they found their stupid mates." John laughed his words out towards the end, but only the first sentence registered in my mind.

"Your pain?" I furrowed my brow.

Growling, John lunged forward and slapped me, making Slade whimper as my head jerked to the side. "I was the one, you know."

John was shorter than me by four or three inches, but he scared the everliving hell out of me. "I scratched you that day. I turned you into a werewolf. I let you know what it felt like!"

I gasped as he cackled. He's insane! Slade gaped, and I whined in response. He...I'm a werewolf...because..."Did you really think that the wolf who attacked you on New Year's Eve was avoiding you because it felt like it? It was avoiding you because it was going to get rid of those pathetic friends of yours, and that one with the baby."

I gasped again and took a step back, my eyes wider than ever. "Oh, that baby would've tasted so good, y'know? It could've popped out at any moment. Fresh from its momma."

"You're sick!" I yelled, and I could feel my own pupils dilating. A tear rolled down my face as John grabbed my wrist and sunk his nails into it from how hard he held it. Blood started to spill and I let out a scratchy, pained moan.

"You were that wolf." I spat as he held my other wrist with the same pressure.

"Lover-Boy can't save you now. You would've done yourself some good by staying with me."

Before I could process it, I was kicked in the gut, sending me flying back until I hit a locker. I slid down on the cold floor, the friction hurting my everything. I sprung up and sped over to him in no time, shoving him to the ground. I sat on his legs so he couldn't get up and held his wrists with my hands, my grip so strong blood formed.

"Werewolves can heal, you know." John huffed as he struggled. It was Slade's turn to laugh as I felt her take control. She punched him right in the nose. She punched him over and over until he couldn't stop coughing, then she held him up by just his head.

John was in the air, struggling to get the hand she placed on his neck that choked him, but it stuck like glue. "You ruined my life!" she growled, twisting his head to the side. A snap was heard, and she yanked his head off fully, his body falling to the ground.

• • •

All I could hear was ringing in my ears. I opened my eyes and saw a ceiling. I slowly stood up, dizziness hitting me as fast as Miley swung on that wrecking ball. I held my throbbing head as I tried to take in my surroundings.

Lockers...A flickering light above me...The cold tile floor beneath me.

I turned around, and gasped, my eyes widening. All dizziness faded as everything centered in on the lone corpse on the floor surrounded in dark Crimson blood. It's head was separated from the body, and all the memories flooded back.

I'm a killer. I gaped.

The only thing I could think of to do was shift into a wolf, not even caring that my clothes, shin guards, and knee pads were definitely goners, and sprinted out of the locker bank. I dashed for the woods and bounded through them.

Practice should be over by now for sports and drama. There's only one person I can think of right now who I can talk to.

Theo's POV

After I made a touchdown, we had to do some push ups. I was on my twentieth when a pang of pain hit my wrist, and my right arm buckled from underneath me, making me fall on the turf.

"Sheevey! Get back up!" Coach Hall shouted, and I instantly got back into doing my push ups.

"Dude, what happened?" Ian whispered from the other side of me.

"I...I don't know." I mumbled.

Suddenly, more pain was added to the same wrist and the other, making me collapse all together. "Theo!" Tanner hissed, making my head snap to the other side of me.

"It's not your pain." Was all he said. That set me off, and I got up, running over to Coach Hall.

"Coach, can I use the restroom?" I asked quickly.

"Finish your push ups, Sheevey. Then you can go."

"But Coach—"

"Fifty more. Want to add on?"

"No, Coach."

"Then get back to business!"

Growling at the human idiot, I did my now-one hundred push ups faster than I ever have before and raced to the locker rooms. Practice was almost over anyways, so who cares.

Jason instantly growled at the smell of a rogue's blood that was strung out across the place. Then, I saw it. In the creepy locker bank that nobody uses because it's 'haunted', I saw the dead body of somebody. The head was detached. Cider's blood was in the mix, making both Jason and I whimper.

I looked at the body closely and walked around it so I was straight in front of it. "That's John..." I muttered.

He did a good job of hiding his scent and his identity! We could even tell that he was a werewolf or find him on the database! Jason gawked.

Yeah...Well he's not coming back to life anytime soon, I said. Then, I realized that if I didn't scream and go tell Coach Hall, everyone would blame this on me. So, I screamed like my life depended on it and sprinted as fast as I (humanly) could ran to the coach and explained everything to him.

Everyone ran to the locker room and saw it. Heh...everyone screamed like girls. Let me remind you that these people are straight boys who play football and even other sports? All the humans plus the doofus coach crowded around the body while the eight werewolves on the team (including Ian and Tanner, not including me) and I exchanged glances.

They could smell Cider's blood I bet. They might've not known that it was my mate's, but they sure as heck knew it was someone from our pack. Coach Hall was on the phone while he stupidly told us all to go home.

"I need to find Cider." I told the guys as we walked out.

"I'll ask Ui. They are on the soccer team together," Tanner waved us goodbye as he ran to the soccer field.

"I'm gonna get Elsie. She might know," Ian said, running off. Like she'd know. She wasn't even there, I scoffed in my thoughts. I could smell her scent in the woods, so I ran after it. Screw my car. That can wait.

Cider's POV

I banged on the door with my snout, sniffling. I stepped aside, hoping that she would answer and not someone else. She opened the door, and I came out of hiding. I'm seriously going to have a panic attack.

"Cider?" Aria asked, cracking the door behind her. "What're you doing here?"

"Can I come in? Please, I...I need help. And a blanket or something?" Tears threatened to spill.

She nodded vigorously and held up a finger, telling me 'one minute'. She went back inside, then came back with and blanket. She shut the door and stepped in front of me, holding out the blanket so it shielded up. I quickly shifted and stood up. She turned around and closed her eyes, handing it to me.

I wrapped it around me fast and we went inside. "Ah, who is this?" A woman the same height as Aria asked from the kitchen. She was dangling car keys from her finger. Yeah, I remember her from the sleepover. That's oddly her mom.

"She's one of my friends who came over for that sleepover, remember?" Ar rolled her eyes.

"Oh yeah! Sorry, I'm bad at remembering things. I'm going to get Caine's. Do you want to stay for dinner?" Ar's mom asked me. Thankfully she was ignoring the fact that I was swaddled in her blanket.

"If it's not any trouble, ma'am." I blushed awkwardly.

"Just get her what I get, Mom." Ar hauled me up her stairs and into her room. I could hear her little bro's voice and Hunter's in another room, but it was quickly drowned out when I shut the door behind me.

I began hyperventilating and slid down to the floor, my eyes bloodshot. Ari ran to her dresser and threw a gray and white hoodie with different fabric styles on it in like patchwork and some plaid white, red, blue, and black flannel drawstring pj bottoms. I quickly put them on, dropping the blanket and rolling up the sleeves and pant legs.

Aria scooted over to me and hugged me. I cried, hugging her back. "What happened? You can tell me." she cooed.

"I...I killed someone."

"Who?" It was obvious she was trying to keep calm, but I could hear the falter in her tone.


She pulled back and smirked without smiling. "Serves him right."

"Ar, he turned me into a werewolf. He was that wolf we saw at the grocery store. He tried to kill me."

"All the more reason for that jackass to be dead. You've got Theo now. He's not gonna leave you."

By now, my breaths had evened out and I was calming down. I heard a knock on the door behind me and I jumped.

"Hey, someone's at the door. Is..Is someone else in there?" Phew, only Hunter. She looked at me, and I shook my head.


"I smell a you-know-what."

Ar dragged me up by the hand and put me behind her bed before opening the door and shutting it.

I could hear her opening the front door and talking to some one...or multiple people.

"Is Cider here?" Sh*t, Theo!

"No, why?"

"We smelt her all the way to here. She has to be here!" Theo sounds like he's about to rip her to shreds. Oh crap...What do I do?! If I do tell him that I killed someone, what will he think? Even if it was John, he's still a person. But if I don't go out there, something bad might happen...

"Hey, chill guys." Hunter said.

"No! Where is she?!"

It went silent, and my eyes widened.

"F*ck..." Ari muttered, and her loud thuds up the stairs were heard. She burst through the door and slammed it shut behind her, locking the door. I got up and saw her wide eyes.

"What?" I whispered.

"I may have slapped your mate?" she squeaked.

"Ar! Open up!" A frantic-sounding Hunter banged on the door, and she quickly opened it, letting him in. She quickly shut it and locked at as many footsteps were heard coming up the stairs fast. Luckily, her parents aren't anywhere to be seen (I don't smell them).

Hunter looked at me, and then growled, "Why didn't you just tell him?"

"Sisters before misters!" Ari walked over to the side of the bed I was on and crawled under it.

"Sh*t!" she yelped, and Hunter dove under the bed as bangs were heard on the door. Well this turned into chaos in under a minute!

Hunter pulled her out and set her in his lap as she held her hand. "I forgot to put that damn knife back." she cursed.

"Knife?!" I yelled, standing up.

"Don't ask..." she muttered as Hunter held her.

"Open up!" Elsie's voice was heard.

Oh no...I feel it coming back. I held my chest as I slid down against the wall again and curled up into a ball. The door burst open, but I couldn't even look at them. Death didn't matter right now...because I'm going to die if I can't freaking breath.

Elsie's eyes widened once she saw me and said quickly, "Aria, do you have an inhaler?!"

Ar sprang up, a little bit of blood dripping, and ran out of the room. She came back with a red l-shaped tube, and quickly gave it to me. I pressed it against my lips and tapped on the top, instantly feeling relief. I did this three more times, then I set it down beside me.

"Thanks, you two." I sighed, closing my eyes. "F*cking asthma..."

"Care to explain some sh*t?" Theo walked over to me and crouched down.

I opened my eyes and looked at his own brown.

•  •  •

" killed John?" Tanner asked. Ari and Hunter were on the bed while I was on the edge of the bed with Theo next to me. Elsie was in the spinny desk chair with Ian standing up and resting his arms on the back of it. Tanner and Ui were standing near the door, arms crossed.

"Yep." I shrugged, looking at the ground.

"We've killed people before. It's nothing new." Ian shrugged. My eyes widened and I looked up at him.

"We don't kill just to kill. We kill the rogues that tried to kill us first." Theo smiled at me.

"Ohhhh, well that makes me feel so much better." I grinned.

"Uh..." Ari mumbled, getting everyone's attention. "Please don't kill me."

Theo laughed and gave her a thumbs-up, and she let go of a breath she was holding. "Phew, I can sleep soundly tonight knowing that I won't be mauled to death."

"Who wants Caine's?" Ar's Mom called from downstairs. I heard three other people run down the stairs, then Ar cursed. "Out the window," she grumbled, pointing to the side.

"Fine." Utica scoffed, opening up to window and jumping out. Tanner ran after her and jumped out, and Ian did too.

"I'll catch you if you want." Ui sniggered. Ian growled, earning a laugh from Elsie.

"For Narnia!" she yelled, jumping out. Theo waved goodbye and pecked me on the lips before jumping out. I giggled, jumping up and down.

"What?" Hunter raised an eyebrow at me.

"First kiss that doesn't involve some creepy psycho werewolf. Now, let's go eat Caine's, b*tches!"

A lot of crap went down....well then. Ima go cleanse myself in holy water.


I'm gonna freaking kidnap Ashton. Just saying (omg I made a pun, they have a saying called Just Saying ONE POINT FOR ME BITCHACHOS).

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