We addet our Trailers up here :D
I went into the hall, there he was, with his back turned to me and cursing. "Father?", I asked carefully. He spun around, angrily throwing books to the wall besides me. I winched in shock and ducked away. Then he turned back to the little black desk and put his Hands on it. He cursed again. "Father?", I asked again more careful than before, "What's wrong?" I got no answer, but he stopped cursing and looked up. He turned around to me and his eyes lit up dangerously. He had again one of his ideas. "Everything is fine.", he said and walked up to me smiling, "You just gave me right now the right solution for my problem." "Which Problem?", I want to know first. "The Nazgul failed unfortunately. Their horses are dead, and they also must get some rest from that damned elf's water. I just looked at him questioningly, but he didn't go into it and he walked past me to a shelf. "What's your plan?", I asked, and he turned around to me. In his Hand he holds a dagger; the handle was embellished black with golden Elvish runes. "You", he said and pointed directly at me with the dagger, "will sneak in and get the ring." With that he turned back to the shelf and rummaged on. Wait a minute.", I asked confusedly, "You want me to go out and then get your ring back?" "What did I just say right now!?", he asked sharply, "Pack your things. You will leave tomorrow. I'll make sure that they go through Moria." I wanted to say something else, but it's pointless anyway. So, I just nodded and went to my room and packed a few things. A dagger, a bow, arrows, and a sword.
I had been sitting here for a long time now, waiting for the fellowship to finally arrive at the gate to the mines of Moria. It had been a few days since my father gave me this job. He didn't even ask if I wanted this, he just decided for me as always. In the distance I heard faint voices. They had to be. I hid behind a few rocks and asked myself if I should transform myself and into what. I couldn't risk them seeing me, that would be devastating. As the daughter of a Maia who can change his shape, I could also but it wasn't simple for me. I decided on a mouse and when the fellowship came into view, I quickly transformed. They got closer and I literally played mouse. There were two humans, an elf, a wizard, a dwarf and four little halflings. One of these halflings had to have the ring with him. My plan was if they were looking somewhere in Moria that I would take the ring and leave, but for now I had to wait.
After a few minutes, the clouds revealed the moonlight, and a door became visible. The gray wizard who was called Gandalf tried to open the door and tried all the spells. The rest of the troop had meanwhile sat down and waited. One of the hobbits started throwing stones into the lake. At the moment when he wanted to throw the third one in and swung it out, the brown-haired human grabbed him by the arm. "Don't scare the water up.", He said to the hobbit who looked at him questioningly. After endless attempts, a hobbit discovered that the "password" was Mellon, which means friend in elvish and they ended up in the mines. I quickly scurried in and crawled into a dark corner, or maybe not, because it was all pitch black. I felt my way forward and felt something beneath me that was almost like a stone, but bigger and ... bony. After a few minutes, my eyes got used to the dark and I noticed that there were skeletons of dwarfs everywhere. And the fellowship noticed it too.
The dwarf ran madly from corpse to corpse and made a harsh noise. I suspected that the skeletons were his ancestors. The Fellowship began to discuss what to do and concluded that they would not go through Moria after all. That couldn't be. While I was still thinking about how I could change their decision, they were already walking through the gate again. Suddenly I heard excited shouts and screams of fear from outside. I slipped quietly to the entrance and saw that one halfling was being spun through the air, entwined by tentacles. Everyone else tried to free the halfling. It all looked kind of crazy. I had to smile. The human cut off the tentacles with their swords, while the elf fixed the octopus' head with a bow and arrow. The wizard shooed the three hobbits into the mine. The two people also looked that they reached the mine, the hobbit was held by the red-haired person. They ran into the mine as fast as they could, and the octopus followed them. At that moment I watched as I walked away from the entrance and my instincts hadn't clouded me, because when the octopus wanted to go through the gate, it braced itself against the walls. However, it was so strong that it tore down the walls and collapsed the entrance to the mine, thereby burying itself. The Fellowship stood there in shock and Gandalf lit a bright light with his staff. I wasn't used to light at all, just candlelight. In Mordor it was always dark, and the daylight wasn't really my strength either, which is why I crept into a slightly darker corner and continued to watch. The companions talked briefly and then slowly went deeper into the mines. Always careful to stay in the dark, I crept after them. They had been walking through the mines for hours, groping their way forward. I felt myself getting weaker and weaker. My legs hurt and my head was buzzing. Slowly it was time to take on my normal shape again, as in contrast to my father, taking on another shape made me very weak. The companions also seemed to get tired over time and I could only hope that they would soon take a break somewhere. I was lucky. After about half an hour they paused, but only because the wizard was lost. I sat down in a small alcove so that I could still see the group well, then turned back and let out a relieved breath. For the next half hour, I just sat there and focused on my breathing. It could be that I was breathing a little too loudly, because the elf boy seemed to have heard me. For humans, wizards, dwarves, and hobbits, I breathed silently, but elves could hear at least ten times as well. I stepped back carefully so that he couldn't see me, but the Elf came right up to me. I had no choice but to either kill him or transform myself. The former seemed extremely inconvenient to me at the moment, as I had to get to the ring somehow, but I couldn't let myself be discovered either. So, I quickly turned back into a mouse and crawled into a small crack. And this just in time, because the elf boy was now right in front of her nose. He looked around suspiciously, one hand on his bow and the other grabbed an arrow. "Legolas what is it?" Asked the brown-haired person suddenly. "I thought I heard something," replied the Elf, "I must have been mistaken." He looked around one last time before going back to the others. Legolas was his name. And he would thwart my plans, I could feel that.
Hello here are @Luna_Lotr_Legolas and @Saurons.wife :D we just start to write our story in English too bc soo many ppl asked for it and yes ... here is it :D we hope you will enjoy reading and we also hope that you can apologize our bad English xD
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