What Went Good With 2020?

Here's a list of things that went well and that I'm thankful for in the year 2020. I do not wish to undermine everything that went badly, all the tragedies that transpired, but we shouldn't undermine the good stuff either.

1. This semester was the best one I've had my entire college career when it comes to grades. College is hard, no sugar coding it, especially for someone who can feel the weight of the schooling on their shoulders every day, heck every class. I not only had the most fun with my classes, but grades were going well.

2. I finished and started new stories. My first and only x Reader has been completed after two years of perseverance as well as my Hyrule Warriors story. I am so happy that I'm actually seeing progress in my writing, not to mention the story of an actual book (not a fanfic) happened this year.

3. I have been lucky to not have gotten the virus, and no one from my immediate family got it. Anyone who did get it from my extended family were able to get treatment and recover. (Well, now my grandma and grandpa have the virus so don't get too excited. However, they seem to be fighting it off as well.) But personally I've been DIRECTLY quadruple exposed (both grandmas at different times, my cousin, and my aunt were asymptomatic and were around me, then got tested positive a day later) and I have not had the virus yet. Knock on wood.

4. I have found out a lot about myself. Geez this one is very personal, but it's also very important. Literally on my birthday, which was in November, I discovered how I want to live my life in the future when it comes to marriage and love, that sort of thing. I wasn't even actively thinking about it, I had a huge epiphany though, and I'm so glad that I did. Now I know what I want, and I've researched about it, so now I can fully explain it to someone if they ever ask. (I'm not coming out of the deck anytime soon, though. Just going to stay invisible.)

5. I've gotten stronger. Not really physically stronger, but mentally if that makes any sense. Granted, I'm not at all near the strength I'd like to be at, but it's a start. I have a method that I made recently to deal with nightmares, which is to keep a log of them. If you let them go, then you lose touch of what is a nightmare and what really happened. Helps distinguish emotions as well. I've also been able to finally stand my ground and publically announce my views on controversial topics (abortion, God, other rights). I have two huge arguments that I've strengthened throughout the year. Basically if you ever try to make me change my viewpoint, know that it's not going to work. I have EXPERIENCE on the other side of things, people. Experience I say!

6. Along with getting stronger, I've gained courage. Now, I still get completely scared and embarrassed when it comes to other people, but I've gotten so much better at it I believe. I think it's because of the red bead on my bracelet, but maybe it's something else. I always just look at it and think for a few moments when I'm trying to gather my courage. (The red bead on my bracelet represents just that, courage, so please don't think I'm crazy!)

7. I learned to be grateful for the small things. Throughout one's entire life, people might not even think of how lucky they are to have the gift of eyesight or two working legs. There are so many bigger problems, which is totally understandable, but this year every week I've always taken the time to just quickly say "Thank you for..." relating to anything small. My cousin was just diagnosed with diabetes (type one) this summer, and she's losing her eyesight. I think that's when it started, and from that point forward I've thanked God for me not having to deal with sticking a needle in my stomach every time I eat something. Not being restricted to just three meals a day. Having a healthy heart. Having working legs. Retaining a thin form and a pretty face (although that one is difficult to keep up with lol). Having ten working fingers so I can write. Being able to see and hear the music and art of video games. Thankful for my friendships with certain people, and being there for when they need me. So many things, and the list obviously goes on from there!

8. Shows. I am so mad at Marvel for not taking advantage of this year to release shows on Disney+ and I have rubbed the Mandalorian in their faces. THAT is how you take advantage of a pandemic where everyone is forced to be home, you sillies! Oh, but they aren't finished with it yetttt! What about the Black Widow movie?! Release that in theaters AND the stream! And don't you tell me that WandaVision isn't completed yet because they started that AFTER Falcon Winter Soldier and they're releasing it first. There are so many other companies doing this thing better than Marvel right now! NINTENDO MANAGED TO CREATE A ZELDA GAME IN SECRET AND RELEASE IT IN NOVEMBER. COME ON, MARVEL! I watched Good Omens for the first time, and I loved it! COME ON, MARVELLL!

Those are all the big things that happened this year in which I'm grateful for. There are so many other things as well, but I am too lazy to write them down and as a plus, I'm content with just these things. Let's remember 2020 for the bad, but also not forget about how well we've persevered!

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