2: Little Sage

^^ James ^^

— James —

I breathed deeply, confused by the surroundings, and looked at the woman who was speaking to me in fluent English, despite her oriental features. She was wearing flowing white robes, like a Pagan priestess or a Miko, and currently kowtowing on her knees beside me. I, who was standing up all the way, was still somehow only equal to her shoulder height when she lifted her front up after bowing. Her face was not old, but not overly young, either, perhaps in her early twenties.

The only truly odd feature was the horn growing from the center of her forehead, parting her bangs.

I gazed up at her, still confused, and tilted my head. "Who are you?" I asked clearly, shaping the odd syllables as if I'd been born to them.

She gasped, and bowed her head under mine swiftly, though it seemed difficult, given my small size. "This one is called Mika, Little Sage!!! This one is charged with caring for the Little Sage, who is said to have been meditating for 1,000 Suns to obtain his true enlightenment!!! This one has been the Little Sage's caretaker for twenty-one Suns and three Seasons!!!" She spoke with distinction now, enunciating carefully and formally.

A few voices picked up behind us, a few dozen meters away, speaking in hushed tones.
'The Little Sage is speaking?!?'
'Wait, He's really moving around?!?'
'Quick, send for the Holy Shrine Maidens!!!'
'What's he saying?!?'
'Has he achieved enlightenment?'
'Ooh, that damned Ogre Mika is talking to him!!! How dare she speak to the Little Sage?!?!? Fetch her away!!!'
'And risk angering the Little Sage, who can wipe this mountain off the earth with the twitch of his little finger?!? Are you insane?!?!?'

I frowned. "Little Sage? My name is not Little Sage... I am James Taaliyah... and this is a most odd dream... I've never had such a vivid vision before." I turned away from her, and looked out over the mountain that I currently stood at the peak of. The building we were standing on was a simple pavilion, but beautifully detailed, like real thought had been put into it. Where I had been sitting, there was a crater in the stone, like I had melted the stone under me with my 'Ur' as Ganesha called it.

After a few minutes of breathing the air, I was forced to believe that this was either a horribly effective illusion, or a true reality. Perhaps I was Dreaming so long that my previous body died, and I was placed in this one? Or maybe I died in the accident, and that place I woke up in, where I couldn't move, was me in a baby's body?

"You said you've been watching me for 22 days?" I asked suddenly, curious.

She flinched at the sudden address, still kowtowing, and then cleared her throat. "I... this humble one has been the Shrine Maiden for twenty-one suns, and three seasons, Little- that is, Master James Taaliyah..."

I hummed. "A sun... a set of Four Seasons is a sun, then? A year?"

"Yes, Master." She nodded.

"Twenty-two years... and you are not the first Miko to watch over me?" I asked.

She chuckled softly to herself, then blushed. "I- This Humble One means no disrespect, Master!!! No, there have been several generations of simple Shrine Maidens such as this humble one; this humble one's own tenure is only beginning, and this humble one is only a Shrine Maiden, not a Holy Miko!"

I raised an eyebrow slowly; the expression was oddly difficult, like the muscles of my face were unused to movement. "Twenty-two Suns is 'only beginning'? How long is your tenure supposed to be? And how many generations is 'Several'?"

"Well... most humans stay for one hundred suns, as your presence keeps them young for longer, and the others stay for as long as they can... there have been... Uhm... I- that is, This Humble One doesn't recall how many previous generations there have been? Master has been meditating here on this Mountaintop for over 1,000 years, according to the Legends, since there was a castle here, but it fell and turned to dust, and here you remain, untouched by time..." she stumbled over her answer, blushing and ducking her head into another bow. "This Humble One apologizes for not being able to answer you fully!!! The Holy Shrine Maidens will know more!!!"

"Hmm... only a Thousand years? That's odd, considering I was in the Spirit Realm for about 100,000 years, all told... I suppose time is different there, as the Gods roam and rest there." I hummed, looking back at the mountain, and sitting down slowly.

My joints seemed to groan with relief, as I settled back into the position that I had apparently sat in forever and a day.

"A... 100,000 years... uhm... will the Master be Meditating again?" She asked slowly.

"Not yet... I am hungry. Fasting for so long is... difficult. Perhaps one of those Fruit?" I pointed at a grove of odd white apples down the slope.

"Uhm, Master, those are-... no, they are for your pleasure, This Humble One forgets her place!" She bowed again, and backed away, heading down the slope and reaching up into one of the trees. I saw now that her height hadn't been an illusion or trick; she was able to reach up into what should've been nearly 4 meter tall branches, and pluck a single white apple, holding it away from her like it was a live grenade.

She brought it to me carefully, and set it in my hands. It was as large as a honeydew melon, and it smelled of the white energy in the Spirit Realm. I noticed the entire mountain held these groves, and I sniffed the apple. "This is like the White Water of the Spirit World... poisonous..." I hummed.

She paled, and kowtowed again. "Th-this one-"

"Enough with that, please." I sighed, and looked at the apple again. 'Is this dangerous? I deduced that the white water there was evil, but this apple... it seems healthy. Was I wrong?'

<Item: White Spirit Apple
Rarity: Ultra Rare
Effect: Lethal to individuals <Lvl 50
Effect: Heals Individuals >Lvl 50
Uses: Crafting Component, Medicine.
Crafting Option 1: Elixir, Ultra-Rare.
Crafting Option 2: Demon Alcohol, Very-Rare.
Crafting Option 3: 'White Ashe', Very-Rare.

1: a potion that can cure even fatal wounds, if applied quickly.
2: a ridiculously potent alcohol that can get even True Dragons Intoxicated with only a small amount. It is Instantly Lethal to low-level humans.
3: a narcotic that induces heavy euphoria and temporarily grants greatly increased physical stats, at the detriment to intelligence.>

A small screen appeared over the apple, and then faded after I'd read it.

I blinked slowly, and shrugged, taking a bite of the apple. It was too sweet, as I'd thought, but as soon as I tasted it, my stomach gargled audibly, and painfully, and I munched away at it mechanically, eating even the core, and spitting the seeds into my hand. I took a step off the pavilion, and before my foot touched the dirt, a piece of white stone rose up to meet my foot.

I tilted my head at it, then looked at the Shrine Maiden, who was now pointing a glowing hand at the dirt in front of me.

"This Humble One will not allow the Sage to step on the Dirt!" She stated proudly, and sternly.

I frowned slowly, and her proud smile wavered. "What's wrong with Dirt? Do you believe yourself or any other living being above stepping upon the earth which gives us life? Does someone who professes to be a Shrine Maiden harbor such Arrogance?" I asked severely.

She flinched and bowed again. "I- This Humble One only wished to keep the Sage from becoming UnClean..."

"Hmph." I stepped off her little pedestal, walking a bit away to a clear spot, while she followed behind me demurely, taking small steps so she didn't overtake me. My joints loosened up slowly, and when I reached a nicely open spot, I knelt and dug a number of holes about ten meters apart in a circle, and planted one seed in each. "A truly wise person knows the value of Hard Work, and that the earth is not something to be reviled. It gives us life, and should be respected. Though, all life, regardless of whether it benefits us or not, should be held dear; life in any form is precious, regardless of all else." I lectured calmly, and she nodded, bowing at the waist.

"This Humble One will take heed of your words, Sage." She murmured.

"Good... also-" I halted and stepped back gracefully as the seeds I'd planted rocketed up out of the ground as fully grown trees, nearly twenty times the size of their fellows.

Their branches interwove into one canopy, as if to create a roof over the new sheltered pavilion that was created by their soaring trunks, and the roots even went so far as to form benches around the exterior; inside, a tatami was formed of the various grasses, before more branches formed into a curious lattice-like structure for support of the interior structure, while also completely screening in the little area. Next, A rumble shook the dirt under us, and a small stream appeared circling the little grove, flowing down the mountainside. At the bottom, it met a lake and created a tall waterfall, which could be vaguely heard from here; a calming, meditative sound.

I hummed. "Well... that was unexpected. I like it, though; Wood is better than Stone, for meditation." I stepped over the small stream, and the branches moved out of my way, closing behind me.

The interior was brightly lit, to my surprise, and smelled of fresh Cedar and Iron, -my favorite combination,- instead of apples. No fruit grew on the trees, yet, and all the flowers and leaves I could see were a steely silver, not white.

I sat down in the center, and smiled as I breathed in the scents of the world again. Having regained my sense of smell after so long in the Spirit Realm was glorious. 'Ahh, what I wouldn't give to smell the Sauerkraut and Chili in Parker Square... ah well. Earth was a bummer anyway, except for the Guru, and she recently went off on a trip to her 'homeland', which she never told me anything about...'

"Where is the Sage?!?!? Mika!!! MIKA!!! WHERE IS THE SAGE?!?!?" A loud woman appeared in the Shrine, and stomped over to the woman who was currently kneeling next to the stream on one of the benches the roots had made. She was the same height as Mika, but slimmer, more petit, and she had two horns, one on either temple, instead of one. "And what is this?!?!? It's blocking the Little Sage's view of the Valley!!! Remove it immediately!!!"

"Holy Miko Ameran, the Sage has declared his name to be James Taaliyah, and then he lectured me on the importance of Labor, and planted a few seeds from a white apple he ate, then grew... this. He is inside, and I think he may be meditating again." Mika bowed her head under the other woman, speaking softly.

"He spoke? To you? You are a servant of the Temple, not a Miko!!!" The woman asked, frowning.

"This Humble One is aware." Mika frowned at the ground, still bowing.

I frowned slowly, and stood, exiting the shaded area and standing in front of the tall woman in elaborate white robes. When she went to speak, I rose a hand, and she halted comically. "You should not be so rude to others. As a Miko, you are expected to be kind; treating someone who does an important job as beneath you, -who does not, as far as I can tell, do anything very important at all,- is very mean-spirited, and altogether bad form. You should Reflect on your attitude. Mika, you may come inside and meditate with me, if you like; there is room, and it is quite peaceful... usually." I turned away from the other woman casually, and walked back into the shaded area.

I knelt facing west, as the sun slowly went down, and Mika hesitantly knelt next to me. "This Humble One is confused by your actions, Master?" She said quietly.

"I do not like people who believe they are superior to anyone or anything without proof, and even then I prefer people to be polite; hence why I lectured you on your aversion to dirt. Also, Priestesses and the like should be humble and kind, regardless of station or rank. The Guru would tell her that she should work a hundred times as hard, and expect only one thousandth of the praise." I shrugged.

"Ah... Understood, Master. I will also Reflect on my actions... who is the Guru? Do you mean the Buddha?" She asked slowly.

"No... my teacher, she is the Guru who taught me how to be 'centered'. I cannot claim enlightenment, I am not so arrogant, but I believe I have achieved my Center, and I am a well-balanced person, spiritually, mentally, and physically; at least, I hope so." I smiled and closed my eyes, then breathed deeply, centering myself, and began reciting a Sun Salutation that the Guru had been fond of, while moving my body through the motions that had been drilled into me.

"Om Mitraaya Namaha,
Om Ravaye Namaha,
Om Suryaya Namaha,
Om Bhaanave Namaha,
Om Khagaya Namaha,
Om Pooshne Namaha,
Om Hiranyagarbhaaya Namaha,
Om Mareechaye Namaha,
Om Aadityaaya Namaha,
Om Savitre Namaha,
Om Aarkaaya Namaha,
Om Bhaaskaraya Namaha."
(I hope I spelled those right!!! Sorry if I didn't!!!)

My voice was deep and sonorous, echoing off the trees to create a nice reverberatory effect, then seeming to catch in the leaves, making them move and flex with my movements. A wind followed my feet and hands, a soft breeze that increased as my concentration deepened.

When I stopped, breathing heavily, the leaves instantly stilled, and the wind dissipated like it had never existed. "To think... it would feel this different... I suppose 100,000 years in the Spirit Realm is no joke..." I chuckled, and sat down heavily, laying back on the layered grass tatami.

Mika cleared her throat softly, wiping tears off her face. "What,-Ahem,- This Humble One would like to know what that language was? And what was said? And those movements... were they from the Spirit World?"

I laughed softly. "No, though I suppose they may have originated there, considering that's where the Gods live... the Guru taught me them. They are many, and complicated, but they promote a balance between the body, mind, and spirit, as well as physically strengthening the body, and creating a better flexibility and dexterity. When used properly, they are also a fighting art; it is sometimes called Vīravidyā, and sometimes called Kalaripayattu. It is the very first, oldest Martial Art, from which all other Fighting Arts are descended. The Written language is called Sanskrit, a language so old as to be spoken by very, very few people, and the modern version was called Hindi... though I have no idea how long ago that was considered Modern." I grinned happily at the feeling of my muscles twitching and moving. I needed to train this body, and that excited me.

She hummed. "This Humble One has never heard of any of them, so perhaps they are Lost Knowledge?"

"That would be a shame... I'll have to write down the language in a dictionary of sorts, so people can learn it, if they like... it's important to learn it if you want to speak the Mantras... though you can say them in whatever language you like, I suppose. It's just less formal that way, which some people prefer." I nodded.

"And Mantras... that's that song you sang?" She asked.

"Yes... and no. That was a Sun Salutation, a Prayer of Thanks to the Sun for giving us Life. Not religious in nature, but spiritual. Mantras are more like guides to inner peace and maybe some day, Enlightenment. They are usually chanted, and only a few words long, while meditating and sitting still. However, some are longer, and some require movement, and the most advanced of them require Vīravidyā forms." I explained further.

She nodded. "Understood... so the things you have been mumbling for so long, ever since I came and even before, those were... Mantras?"

"Most likely, yes... I was beset by Demons and Gods alike who wished to deter me from my Path of self-awakening, so I meditated on the mantras for Peace and Wholeness of Body, Mind, and Spirit. The Mantras are designed to make you consider them, after all; it isn't a blind faith that you mumble until it loses all meaning, it is a Question, and you must think about the answers. If you think you have the right answer, you internalize it, and think about the next question. Most devout Thinkers only ever properly answer about 12 Mantra's in their lifetime." I nodded.

"And... how many has the Sage Answered?" She asked.

I hummed, intrigued by the question, and went back through them all. "Huh... I lost count, I think... I began to create my own questions after the first ten thousands years, as I recall, so I must've answered all 72 Mantras... well, with 100,000 years to meditate, that's hardly surprising." I shrugged.

"Of course, Master." She bowed, and then looked at the last pieces of the sun, falling over the horizon. "I must return to my duties, Master... do you require anything of me until tomorrow morning? Anything at all?" She asked, blushing a little.

I blushed at the implication, but shook my head. "No, I do not. Send in those other women on your way out, though... I have questions for them."

She bowed and exited the pavilion, speaking softly to the group of women outside. "The Sage would like to speak to you, Holy Miko's... he has questions about how long he has been in this spot, meditating. He has spent 100,000 years in the Spirit World, contemplating the Meanings of Things. Lastly, he does not like people who act Superior; he wishes for us to remain humble, and kind. That is all." She bowed and went into the stone pavilion, or Shrine, I supposed, and began cleaning.

The first Miko to appear, Ameran, approached after a moment of deep breathing, and pushed on the wooden branches, attempting to push them apart. I frowned and asked them to open, spilling her forward in an undignified tumble, ass over tea-kettle, into my newly grown/built tranquil space.

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