The End of it All...

The camera was focused on John when the sparks started to fly from the top of the volcano. He saw them and stopped, as if debating whether or not to run back as fast as he could. Black smoke and ash were spewing from the top, sparks flying like fireworks and lighting up the otherwise dark arena. I clutched my pillow to my chest, just something to take my nerves out on if John was occupied, which he was. I held my breath as the camera changed to the girl, who was watching the volcano as well, crouched behind some rocks which would be no use against the lava. I knew she doubted herself immensely, full out terrified and clutching the stick and knife in her hands for dear life. I held my breath, wondering when and where the Careers would show up. My question was answered when the girl's forehead sprouted an arrow head, the look of her surprise matched mine and I heard Molly and Mrs. Hudson shriek from the other room. A cannon boomed and the Careers jumped up behind her with whoops of excitement. They like this, the death of it all; it was like some sort of game to them since their egos were so big. Each one of the four or five of them was positive they'd win this, and only one actually could. And then, as if some third grader had added the baking soda to the vinegar, the volcano exploded. Lava shot into the air, pouring over the edge of the rocks and creeping down to the ground. The Careers found the biggest rocks they could, taking refuge on those and happily yelling out taunts to the volcano. John was now at the base a little ways away, he could see the Careers but with all of their yelling I knew they didn't notice his presence yet. I gripped the pillow tighter, this was it. Oh please, please John just make it out of this alive. He gripped his sword but looked doubtful, standing atop the rock with a white face. Obviously the archer was a good shot, if they had gotten the girl in the back of the head, that wasn't an easy thing to do. Then again I don't know what distance away he or she was.

"Hey, there he is! It's Twelve!" called a girl triumphantly, pointing to where John was standing. The camera panned into the fear in his eyes, and it broke my heart. I had no idea how these shots were even possible, there were no camera in sight and yet here they are. John took a deep breath and raised his sword defensively. The lava was still flowing, creeping through the rocks like a silent, deadly snake. It wasn't near them yet, but it would rise eventually. A boy raised his bow, trying to take John out as easily as possible, shooting an arrow that would've hit him in the head if John hadn't ducked. His small size was an advantage because it sailed over his head harmlessly. He got straight back to his feet, not yet breathing a sigh of relief when another arrow came flying. This one he barely had time to smack away with a sword, splashing off into the liquid flames.

"That the best you got?" he yelled, testing his luck.

"No of course not!" They yelled back.

"Mine as well just kill each other now, winner gets to kill me!" he yelled.

"Ya, like we'd fall for that." a girl laughed, holding her dagger and snarling like a dog. John shrugged, his comical smile back on his face. It didn't give me any comfort though, seeing the smile, it was a show and John was the main actor. He had to make his audience believe him, and I could tell it wasn't working yet.

"Let's think of it this way." He decided, tapping his foot with fake thought. "Why bother risking your life to wade over here and kill me off when afterword's you'll just have to kill your 'friends'." He put air quotes up, trying to point out that they were allies with a death note. He was daring, I'd give him that. Stupid, of course, but it takes nerves to lower your guard and talk to them like that. An arrow came flying, but this time he sidestepped with a dance like motion, rocking on his heels right back to his original pose.

"Staling won't save your life." A boy added, flexing his arms and swinging his mace threateningly. The lava was coming out thicker now; it was maybe an inch deep, pouring over the rocks with the heat of liquid metal.

"Well I know, of course it's not, I'm already dead you haven't considered that." John pointed out. "You see, if you waste time and effort trying to kill me as a pack hunt then you'd be injured in the final battle, so why not get that over with and leave me as the dessert." I could tell the Careers were considering it, looking at each other with suspicion. They were all on one rock, cluster together with the archers in front and the swords and knives in the back. I knew it would only take one of them to start an all-out battle, and with all luck they'd all fall in the lava for some reason.

"And how do we know you won't just kill us? It's better one of us win than you." Another girl pointed out.

"True, it probably would, but how threatening am I really? My sword has a dent and I almost cut off my own arm trying to pick it up. I mean really, me against any of you would be absolutely no competition." He pointed out. The lava was now really piling up; it was getting deeper and deeper every second. The Careers looked nervous; I knew there was a ripple in their confidence at the moment. I held my breath, one move, that's all we wanted; one move by any of them would send the weapons flying. Come on. John's confidence was actually looking high, his smile hadn't faded and he was doing his best to look week. His sword arm was dropping and he tried to make it look like he was favoring his left leg. And then, as if some miracle, a girl in the back pushed the male archer into the lava. He fell in with a gasp that turned quickly into screaming as the fires caught him. He tried to grab onto the rock again but they entire group was now fighting. The rock was plenty big for numerous fights, swords, maces, and knives flashing as the people who once banded together were out for blood. John watched and I could see a small achieved smile on his face, he looked terrified yes, but accomplished. Now instead of fighting five he'd only have to fight one. The girl who had first pushed the boy into the lava fell screaming in, fires catching on her body and clothes. One after another they went down in blood and flames, the soot and ash in the air making everyone look pretty terrifying actually. John was covered in it, trying to rub it off but it only smeared across his face like war paint. He looked different, evolved even. He was watching people fight, die, and scream as their bodies burned and his smile hadn't even wiped off of his face. That was what I called a little bit disturbing. Soon there were only two people on the rock, from what I could tell it was both the Tributes from One, fighting sword to sword in a battle for blood. The girl seemed to have the upper hand, pressuring him to move farther away from her and closer to the edge of the rock. But I guess the confidence was what he was looking for, she seemed to let her guard down and in one sweep he twisted the hilt of her sword so much that it flew out of her hands and fell into the lava, slowly melting down in the horrible heat. The remains of the other Careers were still burning, the cannons hadn't even gone off, they didn't bother, everyone was there already. I saw a blackened arm still holding someone to the rock, the skin had all melted away to reveal the bone inside. The girl was panicking now, looking around to see how she could escape in anyway, but the closest rock was a good jump away, and it would take a running head start to reach it. In the end she started saying goodbye, gasping about how much she loved her parents and family with tears running down her face as she said it. All it took was one stab from the boy and her bleeding body splashed into the lava. John slowly clapped, smiling at the boy.

"Congratulations, you are the superior of the Careers, the one worth enough to end these games, the Victor." He said with a smile. The boy took a deep breath, but the deaths didn't seem to affect him. John was hiding his fear well, with the firelight dancing off of his hazel eyes he almost looked psychotic. My breath seemed to fail me, my lungs shrunk as the two sized each other up. By now the One boy was looking pretty accomplished, he thought he had won, but this would really define it. John had made it to the top two by tricking the Careers, I was extremely proud of him but I knew nothing would matter if he couldn't keep it going. Whatever was up his sleeve I hoped it was good.

"You're clever boy, poisoning the minds of my friends, but smarts can only get you this far." The boy said with a smile. He backed to the edge of the rock, taking a running start and leaping to the next rock as if it was a simple step up the steps. One large leap for man, a couple of missed heart beats for me. When he was momentarily distracted John picked up a good sized clump of rock, as if that was going to do anything. He raised his sword; ready for the fight we all knew was coming. The boy was bracing himself for another jump, one more leap and he'd be on the same rock John was. It was definitely built for two, enough space for a battle, but I hoped it wouldn't amount to that.

"This is for you Sherlock." John said loudly, and the boy from One jumped to his rock. Just as he took off John threw the rock as hard as he could, successfully hitting the boy in the side of the head and throwing him a little bit off balance. Never the less he landed on the rock, but John took advantage of his momentary disorientation and pushed him with the flat of his blade. The boy fell over, but not into the lava, his head flew over the edge but only the tips of his hair were singed. John certainly didn't plan for that, but he went with plan B, dropping his sword and crushing his sword arm with his foot, jumping onto the boy and pushing his head into the flames. The boy let out a horrified scream as his hair caught, sending fires up his face. John pushed down even harder; trying to sink his whole head in the lava, but the fire was taking its course. The boy had nothing to do but kick out helplessly, he was trapped under John's weight. The fire was getting to close to John's hands, so he just lifted the fiery skull and sent it slamming onto the edge of the rock. I closed my eyes, I couldn't watch but I heard the crack. I knew this very moment would haunt him for the rest of his life, even though he was just doing what was necessary he would never forget the light leaving the boy's eyes, the sound of the final cannon, the last one of the 74th Hunger Games, announcing John as the victor. Tears were streaming down my face, I didn't know what my heart was doing, I was horrified, sad, thrilled, and so bloody in love. It felt like someone was filling me with sand, but I opened my eyes and saw John looking straight into the camera, pushing the remainder of the body into the lava and collapsing on the rock. He muttered words I didn't hear; I saw tears on his face but heard the hover craft soaring above him. That's all I saw, that's all I cared about he had won. He had won, no matter the odds or the negative feelings, John Watson had won. I ran out of my bed, I didn't care that I was still wearing my robe and pajama pants, I opened the door and ran with bare feet to the elevator, pressing the button so hard I thought it would cave in. Molly and Mrs. Hudson got up and ran to me just as the elevator door swung open and the three of us jammed into the car together.

"He did it!" Molly exclaimed, trapping me in a hug. They were all crying, I was almost full out sobbing by now, I had no idea why, the emotions that I've build up for so long were pouring out now, like a dam breaking. I didn't say anything as the elevator doors dined open I tore through the lobby and breaking through the doors. The Capital streets were packed with people, TV screens everywhere and everyone flocking to see how it ended. I didn't bother with them, I ran as fast as I could to the arena, where he would be dropped off. I ran so fast, barreling past people as if they were paper dolls. My feet burned against the cement but it was just a detail, maybe one of the negative details in this entire thing, John had won, he was the victor, he was alive to live another day! I saw it in front of me, the hovercraft lowering into the building where we had said goodbye, that hovercraft had him in it, scarred, burned, and bloody but alive. The doors didn't stop me, I don't even remember opening them but I remember a door opening in front of me. The chorus of people yelling and camera flashing told me that he was in the building, and when I pushed past the crowd there he was, standing, in the flash, right in front of me. It took us a moment just to actually decide it this was really happening, was it real or just some dream, one of those dreams that were so realistic that I was able to believe it was real and left me waking up with such disappointment. But no, dreams don't have these, feelings, I didn't even know what they meant but they were there, pounding against my rib cage trying desperately to get out. And then he was running to me, the ash still on his face and the blood on his hands, and if I hadn't braced myself I would've toppled over when he crashed into me with a bone breaking hug. I wrapped my arms around him, holding him to me so that no one could ever, ever take him away no matter how hard they tried. I didn't care how many peacekeepers Snow had, how many guns they had, if they tried to take John, my John Watson away from me I wouldn't let them.

A/N: This actually isn't the end of the story by the way... just saying :)

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