"Lucifer, where am I even qualified to work besides fast food?" I say to him as he drives through town, stopping at Wendy's for breakfast. We were both too tired to cook today, so take out it is.
Lucifer looks at me before answering, "You're smart enough." My cheeks burn from his comment. "And you don't mind doing something a bit more mundane." He adds, glancing at my hands as they rest on my lap. "Like, for example, washing dishes."
If I had been drinking something, I would have done a spit-take. "Washing dishes? I highly doubt I'll get paid more for doing that."
"Oh, on the contrary, love. Where you might work, you'll make plenty." He smiles, ordering for us at the drive-thru.
I sigh heavily. "Fine, I'm trusting you. Which is weird because you're literally someone I shouldn't."
As he turns the music up, Lucifer reaches over and takes my hand. His touch sends tingles all through my body. I can feel my face grow hotter by the second. It's not until we reach the restaurant that Lucifer pulls away.
"Is something wrong, love?" He asks with an eyebrow raised.
I'd been in a trance from his touch that I didn't notice where we were for a moment. The fact that I wasn't paying attention probably helped. "No. Nothing." My cheeks still burn from the contact, but at least I didn't do anything embarrassing.
He makes a face and gets out of the car, opening my door for me to get out. I was still motionless and couldn't find myself moving, even when he asked me if I'm okay again.
Don't you dare make it known. If he knows he has power over you . . . I blink rapidly to bring myself back to reality. "Yes. I'm fine." I walk towards the restaurant as if there was nothing strange about our interaction. Maybe he's right? After all, I'm the only one who wasn't affected by his powers.
He leaves me at the front, going to the back to apparently talk to the manager. I looked around, fully out of the trance he held me in. I've never been to a five-star restaurant, let alone work at one.
Lucifer said it would be safer for me to be a dishwasher than to be hit on as a waitress. There aren't many women working here, and only the few guys working here either look gay or taken.
There are also some men staring blatantly at the ladies while others check me out discreetly from afar like I could bite. I don't know what it must be like to have such powerful powers, but if I did, I wouldn't waste my time with these kinds of men. They aren't worth my time.
The restaurant owner approaches me and introduces himself with a charming smile. I shake his hand as politely as I can manage. "So you're the famous Aniela I've heard so much about."
I glance up at Lucifer in confusion but turn back to the manager, Rodney Smith. "Hopefully, all good things." I laugh.
He follows suit, laughing at he comment I made as if it was the funniest thing he had heard in a long time. Weird. "Well, you'll fit right in here. Are you ready to start?" He asks.
"Lead the way," I reply.
Rodney leads me into the kitchen, showing me to my station, which is thankfully clean since it smells of cleaning fluid. I don't want to smell like a bar rag every other day.
"I think you'll enjoy working here. You'll know how to get around quickly and well." He says with a chuckle. "We have a strict dress code here." I nod along with this. "You will report any sexual harassment to me. We do not tolerate any kind."
I smile lightly at this, feeling safer than I have been. "Thank you, sir, for letting me work here." Rodney nods and continues to teach me how to properly set up my station. I'm grateful that my job doesn't involve cleaning up after people in their underwear or drinking themselves into oblivion.
Lucifer comes back to tell me he'll be back to get me later on and to have fun. Then he walks off again without another word. Rodney seems amused as he returns to whatever business he has left in the kitchen. I continue setting up, ignoring the stares of the other workers.
I spend hours just washing dishes, but it's a simple enough task to enjoy doing over and over again. I met a few of the staff and most seem friendly and kind. They even tell me about our discounts and secret food items.
I wave goodbye to everyone around 6 or so and go wait outside for my ride. Sooner or later, I watch Lucifer's car pull up to the front of the building. When he sees me waiting, he stops the engine.
"How was work, love?" he asks me as he opens the passenger seat door for me. I slide in happily, smiling up at him as he buckles his own seat belt.
"Long." I say as he drives off. "They have us washing dishes for hours every day. But it's simple and repetitive, so no complaints from me."
When we arrive home, I go upstairs to change clothes for dinner, and Lucifer follows me to shower after I'm finished. He then joins me down in the dining room for dinner.
It's an awkward silence during the meal, with Lucifer keeping quiet and eating slowly as if he were hungry. That's odd. What's gotten into him?
Now it's my turn to ask him how he is. "Something bothering you, Lucifer?" He keeps his eyes focused on the cutlery in his hands. "Should I call a doctor?"
"No, it's nothing to concern yourself with. I simply have a lot on my mind." He puts his fork down, rinsing off his plate. "But, you're right. Something has been bothering me lately. Perhaps you're the answer."
"Oh. Well, if you think it needs my help, I'll do anything you need."
"Really?" The disbelief in his voice almost hurts me. Lucifer isn't one to be surprised by anything. "In that case, please, go ahead and ready the living room. We're having a movie marathon."
"Okay." I nod, getting up to do as told. Once the TV is set up and blankets are hogging the couch, Lucifer joins me in the living room with snacks and popcorn.
"Oh wow. You sure went all out, didn't you?" He says nothing. "So what does this have to do with needing my help?"
His eyes search mine for a moment before looking into my eyes. This makes me feel giddy, but I ignore the feeling. "You want to tell me something, don't you?"
I pop up an eyebrow in confusion. "Like what?"
He looks away from me immediately and sighs. "Nothing. Nevermind." He stands up, walking back toward the kitchen without a word. "Shall we begin?" He offers the bag to me.
I give a questioning look to him before accepting the offered bag. We sit next to each other, putting a blanket over us. As soon as Lucifer starts the movie, I know exactly which one is playing and get excited.
The movie starts playing, and I'm watching silently, clearly paying attention. It's not long until Lucifer falls asleep. I don't really understand what happened earlier, why he's acting like that.
I decide to look over at his resting body, taking in everything. He's been so helpful and protective. I know it's not just how he looks, although it doesn't help. For the first time since my mom passed, I feel at peace. As if nothing could go wrong.
I smile to myself, resisting the urge to cuddle up to him. Instead, I cover him with the blanket, turning off the movie, and making my way to my bedroom. Once there, I flop onto my bed and stare up at the ceiling, wondering how I could possibly get rid of those feelings that I got from Lucifer.
As the days passed by, they seemed more like weeks. I had gone into a routine at work. Wake up, take a shower , do my job, sleep, get up, repeat. It seemed so easy when I was young, when life seemed so simple. Now, it feels like I haven't accomplished anything. And it hasn't helped that my thoughts keep drifting back to Lucifer. What the hell is happening?
I'm too tense around him, and he's just as confused as I am. I thought I'd have a better chance if I got rid of these feelings I have for him, especially after seeing what he could do. At least he seemed normal, but maybe he is hiding something from me. I just don't know.
I groan loudly in frustration, falling backward onto my bed. I stare out the window, looking at the trees swaying gently in the wind, mesmerized by the beauty of the scene. Is that the reason I couldn't get rid of this feeling? Because I found beauty where there wasn't supposed to be any?
I roll over onto my stomach, laying my head on my pillow. How can I even be happy being around him? Why can't I leave him alone? Why do I keep coming back when I know damn well he won't ever see me the same way? Why is Lucifer the reason all of this is starting to make sense?
I groan again, but Lucifer knocks on the open bedroom door as I do. "Angel?" His deep tone breaks through my thoughts instantly as I sit up, pulling my shirt up slightly to hide my bare chest as I face him.
"Yes?" I ask, trying desperately to sound calm. I wonder why it's becoming harder and harder every day to act normally around him.
"Everything okay? What's with all the grunting?" He asks, sounding genuinely worried as he crosses the room and sits on the edge of my bed.
"Why aren't you with anyone?" It suddenly came out of nowhere. What the hell is going on?
His brows knit together as if he were caught off guard. "Excuse me?"
I let out a small chuckle, shaking my head at him. "Sorry. It's stupid. Forget I said anything."
"Wait...are you asking me if I'm single because that's what you're thinking, isn't it?"
I bite my lip, trying to control the blush that has started to form. "No, I'm just curious about how you're you, and you wouldn't take advantage of the millions of women ready to be at your beck and call."
He smiles softly at this. "No, that's not the reason I'm single. It just took me a while to figure out who I wanted to date and who I didn't."
"Didn't you ever have sex with someone else?" I blurt out, immediately covering my mouth once it dawned on me what I'd just said.
"I used to." He trails off, seeming to be lost in thought.
I sit up and put my back against the wall, leaning on it comfortably. "What changed?"
"I met someone," He admits shyly. "And it became apparent that I loved her." A soft smile tugs at the corners of his lips as if the memory makes him happy.
This brings back memories of a different person, someone that I never knew existed before. "Who is she?" My curiosity gets the best of me, and I cross my legs.
"I'm not so sure myself. I've never been more confused and unsure before. This feeling is new to me."
I grab his hand. "Lucifer?" He looks up at me, back in a trance. Just ask him. He'll have to tell you who it is. But I usher away the thought and let go of his hand. This is not the way to find out. It's not fair to him.
"You were going to ask me to do something." He states as a fact. I look down in embarrassment. "Why didn't you?"
I look back up at him, pulling at my shirt in nervousness. "That's too controlling. If you wanted to tell me, you would do it on your own."
He looks at me bewildered but grins widely. "Aniela, I don't think I've heard something so kind and beautiful being said before. Especially from someone who has the power to bend me at their will."
I didn't expect him to say things like that. "Well then, tell me about her."
He looks at me blankly, then shakes his head, chuckling humorlessly. "That would be unfair to her."
I frown at him. Who cares what's fair or not? If you love someone, you should talk about them no matter what! "Come on, you're just a bit selfish! Tell me!"
He laughs louder now. "Are you sure about that? Do you know the kind of man I am?"
"You're the nicest guy I've ever known," I mutter, fiddling with my fingers nervously.
"Do you know what they call Lucifer Morningstar?" He whispers, his gaze flickering to my lips and back up to meet mine again, a spark of something in his eyes. "They call me the Devil."
"You were an angel that was cast out of heaven because God thought humans were more important than his children. I call that selfish."
"It is, isn't it?" He murmurs, still staring straight into my eyes. He leans forward ever so slowly while I sit frozen to the spot, watching as his hand reaches out towards me. When our hands finally touch, I feel the warm energy radiate from the contact between our skin. "I've never had anyone think that before." The smile is now back on his face as he stares into my eyes. "Thank you."
My cheeks heat up, causing me to avert my gaze away. "Um, yeah, um... you're welcome," I mumble, letting go of his hand slowly.
"Is that all?" He smirks.
Oh no, does he know? "Uh....well..." Shit, now I've ruined everything!
"I'm not using my powers against you, Aniela, I can't." He says, leaning back away from me, allowing me to breathe. "But what's odd to me is how you're reacting to me lately."
"What? How so?"
"Your reaction every time I touch you tells me everything I need to know. You seem comfortable, and I guess this makes perfect sense to me."
"Are you insinuating that I like you?"
"If you do, Angel, why haven't you used me to get what you wanted?"
I look down at my hands again. "I already told you, I don't want to control how you feel about me -" I widen my eyes.
"Ah, see, you never said that. You said you didn't want to control whether or not I told you something or not." He grins widely, clearly feeling proud of himself.
I groan and cover my face with my hands, my entire body heating up as I remember what he just implied. "Okay, fine. I like you, and whatever. Happy now?" I mutter, glaring at him through my fingers.
"Not in the slightest. You seem distraught and confused. Did I do something wrong?" He asks, his voice laced with worry.
I look at him helplessly. "It's not about you; it's about me. Everything about us just keeps getting more and more complicated. There's nothing simple about this anymore."
He grabs my hands gently, lifting them from my face so I'll look up at him. "Then how are we supposed to resolve all of this?"
I pull back from him, standing up from the mattress. "I don't know, okay?! You don't have to deal with this! Go have fun with whoever else you like, I won't stop you." I turn quickly, running my fingers through my hair, pacing back and forth across my small bedroom, trying to contain my anger. I glance up at him, noticing the hurt expression on his face.
"Aniela, I don't want to have fun with anyone else." He stands up, stopping me from pacing indefinitely. He takes hold of my arms, pulling me closer to him. "All I want to do is spend time with you. I have for the past few weeks, but lately, there's been something different about you. Something new." He sighs heavily.
"Whatever this is between us needs to end." My voice is barely above a whisper. I don't want it to end. Not until I hear the words come out of my mouth that I mean. I don't want it to be some kind of game for him, playing on what I'm feeling.
His hands drop to my waist as I stand completely still in front of him. "But why? Is it really so bad to like you? I thought that you liked me." He teases.
"Maybe that's exactly what I want to believe, but I honestly don't. I'm falling hard for you, so hard that I can hardly function without you right now." I confess with tears prickling my eyes. I blink rapidly as I fight against the burning sensation behind my eyelids.
"Then make yourself fall harder." He states softly, cupping my chin and raising my gaze. His thumb swipes under my eye, wiping away the stray tear that has made its way down my cheek.
I stare at him in shock. Is he admitting to liking me back? And even if he did, would that actually work to fix us? No, no, it wouldn't. We couldn't be together unless I got rid of my powers. I close my eyes. I can't do it.
"I can't. Even if there's a chance this could work, I don't want to have these powers over you."
He chuckles humorously. "Angel, as long as you don't command me to do anything when we're touching, there's no reason to be afraid. Besides, if I ever do anything you don't like, just tell me to stop."
"That's so unfair to you, though. It's called free will for a reason, Lucifer. I will never want to control you like that."
He lets go of my chin and wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I melt into him, wrapping my arms around his torso. "Please don't ever think this means that you have any sort of control over me. It means that we have the same feelings and wants and desires; that we're the same person. I'm not asking you to take me, I'm asking you to trust me and to give me the chance I deserve."
I let out a loud sigh. Trust is something I don't have much of a chance for. But if there's one thing I can trust about Lucifer; it's that he never lies. "Fine," I mutter. "But only because I can trust you."
There's a smile in his voice when he replies. "Only because I am the devil." He pulls back from me suddenly, grabbing me by both cheeks. His eyes scan my face, making me tense up from anticipation. "Now promise me that you won't lie to me."
I nod my head slowly. "Promise."
His smile widens, showing me that dimple of his, which he gets whenever he smiles and he leans in. He stops suddenly, staring at me intently, then he leans back in. This time, he presses his lips to my own. I gasped against his lips, not expecting it.
He kisses me gently, yet passionately. I kiss him back eagerly, kissing him in return. I can tell that this feels right, but there's something about it that sparks something inside of me. I think I'm in trouble.
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