I wake up to someone shaking me gently and smiling down at me. I open my eyes and see Lucifer looking at me warmly.
"Good morning, my little angel. Are you feeling better now?" I nod before sitting up and rubbing my forehead. "I made us breakfast this time if you're hungry."
I nod again and smile at him gratefully. After we finished eating, he sat back and started thinking seriously about something I couldn't quite catch.
"... Lucifer... what's wrong?" I ask hesitantly. I don't want to push him on something he doesn't need to talk about right now, but I can tell he doesn't like being silent. He always answers questions honestly.
He nods slowly and sighs heavily, running his fingers through his hair. "It's just... I'm worried that I might be getting a little possessive of you because I care for you so much..."
I furrowed my brows. I didn't understand. "Is that bad?"
"Not bad, just . . . confusing. I normally don't care very much for anyone, including humans." He admits.
I don't know how to respond to that. I'm not really used to the idea that he cared enough to consider me special.
"But I find myself doing things that aren't entirely rational when it comes to your safety. When something happens to you, which it does often, I get... anxious, even angry."
"I'm sorry that this has been bothering you so much." I say, swallowing hard.
"I've been trying to avoid touching you as much as possible to keep myself from being too close to you in any way."
"That makes sense," I said simply. He still looks troubled by that, though, so I added, "Do you feel better now?"
"No. If course not." He grumbles, leaning against the arm rest and crossing his arms over his chest. I frown at the change of attitude but wait patiently until he decides to elaborate. "You're my favorite person on earth to me, but you deserve more than just someone who can't control himself."
My face heats up at his words. I'm his favorite human. I'm probably not worth anything to him, let alone something special. Even if he's the only reason why I exist.
"It hurts me to know you think that." My voice sounded distant even to my own ears, so I cleared my throat and tried again. "No one in my life has ever cared so much about me except my mother."
His head snaps up to look at me with wide eyes. "Are you saying you have no friends?" he asks sharply, his hands clenching into fists at his sides. My lips quirk up at his protective behavior.
"Not anymore, at least. Not since Mom died." I answer quietly. "Zach's a friend, just not one I could truly trust with my life and my feelings."
"Then what about me? Do you trust me with your life?" he asked softly, taking one hand and gently smoothing out my curls with the other.
A blush rises onto my cheeks when I realize he must've seen my reaction to his touch. "Of course I do. I wouldn't have accepted all of this if I didn't." I replied, looking at him shyly.
The corners of his mouth tugged upward into an amused grin. "Really?"
I break from the trance I seem to be in and look down at my watch. I have 30 minutes to get to work, and I'm pretty sure my father took my car. Hopefully, I'll get it back if what Lucifer did worked.
But for now, I ask Lucifer for a ride to the boring old job at a fast food restaurant. He happily agrees, letting me shower and get dressed before taking off in his convertible.
He drops me off, waving and telling me he'll be back at the end of my shift. I practically roll my eyes when I realize that Bruce will have so many questions.
I walk in, clocking in, and start managing my station. Roxy begrudgingly comes up to me telling me that Bruce needs me in his office again. I sigh, dropping my sandwich and throwing my gloves away.
Bruce looks up at me expectantly as soon as the door closes behind me, a smirk pulling onto his face. He leans back against his desk and says, "Aniela, baby. How are you?"
I scoff in disgust. That nickname makes me sound like a spoiled child rather than an adult woman. "Fine, thank you." I say shortly.
Bruce raises an eyebrow. "Well, that was certainly curt and unappreciative of my question," he replies, smirking. "Care to explain why, then?"
This perverted bastard. He knows full well what I thought of his stupid nickname. "I don't like you calling me that." It sounds childish.
The smirk widens even more. "Is that so? Is there some reason why?" He pushes himself up from his desk and saunters around the desk towards me.
I take a step back and glare up at him. The nerve of this jerk. He's making me uncomfortable just because he can. "And why is that, hmm? Do you have a lover?" he asks seductively, wrapping his arms around me from behind and pressing his face against my neck.
I try to shrug out of his grip, but he holds on tighter. "Let go of me, you ass!"
"Ah ah ah." He tuts, holding me tighter. "Did I stutter, love? Or should I remind you that I was just asking nicely?"
I hear the edge in his voice that tells me he won't hesitate to slap me if I don't cooperate. He takes this opportunity to place his hands under my shirt, feeling my skin thoroughly.
His cold skin sends shivers down my spine. But it doesn't stop me from struggling harder. He growls low in his throat, gripping my biceps tightly. "If I have to hurt you to make you submit, Aniela, I will." His tone turns dangerous.
I bite my lip anxiously, staring helplessly at him and praying that someone else comes in. Anything, anything, would be better than being here with him any longer. My heart thumps painfully loudly.
He notices and loosens his grip slightly, his breath ghosting over my neck again. "Don't worry, darling." He purrs. "I won't be too rough if that's what you're worried about."
"Liar." I spit out venomously, glaring at the door. It's mocking me.
He chuckles, pushing my body face-first against the wall and lowering my pants.
He's quick to put one knee between my legs while I thrash around. His free hand rests on my hip, keeping me pressed against the wall.
I whimper when he moves his fingers underneath me and starts rubbing up and down my clit in a circular motion. A deep ache spreads through me almost immediately as tears sting my eyes. I hate myself for being weak. Being unable to fight this kind of torture
"Fuck, that's hot, baby." He breathes, kissing along my jawline.
I cry out when his fingers enter my body , spreading my legs further apart. As my walls tighten around them, I hear him chuckle darkly.
"What are you laughing at, you prick?" I grit out angrily.
His fingers move faster and I gasp loudly. They circle inside of me, moving in small circles and making my insides churn violently. My back arches involuntarily, sending vibrations all through my body. My body feels like it's burning from the inside out. I'm shaking uncontrollably as I try desperately to hold on.
My hands dig into the wall beside me , nails digging deeper into the soft surface as my hips jerk upwards without thinking about it. He continues working at my clit, increasing the speed and pressure and pushing harder into me until I come.
I scream loudly, my nails ripping holes into the plaster of the wall from frustration and anger. He keeps working at me relentlessly, until finally the last wave of release overtakes me.
"So fucking good, baby." He murmurs lowly before kissing my neck deeply.
When I look back, I see that he's already taken his pants off.
No. He's going to rape me.
I try to shove him away, but he grabs me by my waist and holds me in place against the wall. "No, sweetheart. I took care of you. You're going to take care of me."
I feel something at my entrance, full-knowing what's about to happen and I know there's nothing I can do to stop it. I scream and twist around as he slams forward into me.
"Please! Please stop, please!" I beg.
Bruce laughs as if my pleas amuse him. He's getting off on hurting me. That's how we both know it.
"Make me." He growls, slamming into me again. His hand cups my left breast, squeezing it roughly as he presses his tongue into my earlobe.
He pulls out slowly, licking the wetness away from his lips. I struggle against his hold, but it's useless. There's no escaping this. He's too strong for me.
"You know you want this," he murmurs against my neck.
"No! Stop! Just leave me alone!"
He smirks down at me, pumping in and out of me painfully. He thrusts his cock into me hard, driving himself deeper and further in until he's buried nearly to the hilt and the sensation of his shaft sliding in and out of me is so intense it nearly overwhelms me.
I writhe under his grasp, crying out in pain.
But there's not much I can do about that now. And after another few painful moments, he releases into my vagina, releasing his semen inside me before slamming back home once more.
When he does pull out, the blood rushing through my body makes me sick. I throw up all over the floor.
Bruce stares at me with amusement, smiling smugly. "See? Just do as you're told and maybe I'll let you finish next time." He says, picking up a paper towel off the floor and wiping his hands clean.
I clean myself in shock, leaving immediately without any second thoughts. I should have quit a long time ago. I decide to walk back to the house, not ready to face Lucifer.
When I reach the house, I use the key he gave me to unlock the door and go inside. He's sitting on the couch as he looks over to me and smiles. "Well you're home early. Everything okay?"
I almost want to cry and tell him everything but I don't. "I got sick at work. I'm going to go lay down for the night."
I see his eyebrows furrow but I ignore him and walk past to my room. I hop in the hottest shower I've ever been in and cry silently in pain.
Spots of blood drain from my vagina, making me shiver in disgust and shame. I feel violated, violated in every way possible.
As I lie down on my bed, tears roll down my cheeks again. What has gotten into me today? This is so humiliating.
A knock comes from my door but I ignore it. If he really is the devil, he can tell if I'm lying. I try falling asleep but the knocking keeps me from doing so. It's like he wants to keep me awake.
It's only after the third knock that I give up and yell for whoever it is to go away.
The door opens anyway and I flinch as a bright light hits me. When my eyes adjust to the light a concerned Lucifer is standing in the doorway.
"Aniela..? What's wrong?" He enters quietly, closing the door carefully behind him.
I groan loudly, closing my eyes and trying to block out the light and sound. Why am I always having these memories? Every time I close my eyes I see... I shake my head vigorously, trying to forget everything.
"What happened at work?" He asks, sitting on the end of my bed.
"Oh, nothing. Don't worry about it. I'm fine." I say, hoping he'd get the hint and leave me alone already.
He frowns down at me suspiciously before saying softly, "Are you sure?"
"Yes. Look, I'm tired. Can you just go away?" I say, harsher than I probably should have.
He notices this and stays still. "I'm not leaving until you talk to me, Angel." He says seriously, looking down at me pleadingly.
There's not much point hiding things from him anymore. He seems so determined to help me and I can't stand the thought of making him unhappy. "Fine." I sigh tiredly.
I sit up and grab a pillow to hug comfortably. He sits patiently waiting for me to talk.
I close my eyes tightly for a few seconds. Trying to think of what to say. He knows that I didn't have an accident or anything.
"My boss, Bruce . . ." He nods with his eyebrows furrowed. "Forced himself onto me." I mumble.
I can see the surprise cross his face. I look up to meet his gaze, searching for understanding and sympathy. But his expression quickly changes, his features twisting into a snarl as his teeth bared. His hands curl into fists at his side and his muscles tense. His eyes flash dangerously.
Without another word, he leaves the room and I hear the front door slam shut violently.
It's been hours and he hasn't returned yet. Did I do something wrong? As if my thoughts were answered, I hear the front door again and Lucifer walking into my room again.
I notice blood stains on his shirt and gasp. "What did you do, Lucifer?"
"I didn't kill him, if that's what you're asking. I did, however, cohorst him into feeling so guilty that he may or may not have taken his own life." He said calmly, his face completely void of emotion. "Now, I'm gonna make us some dinner. You need to eat, love. Otherwise, you're gonna pass out." He smiled softly, leaving the room to most likely head to the kitchen.
I sit up on the edge of my bed and run my fingers through my tangled hair. He's right, I'm hungry. The thought alone sends a shudder down my spine because even though I'm starving, I don't know how I'm going to be able to stomach eating anything tonight.
Especially after what he just told me. I pull myself out of bed and head to the kitchen.
Lucifer turns around when he hears my steps, smiling but it looks forced. I can tell this is bothering him.
As his finishes what looks to be spaghetti, he hands me a plate and some water. "I don't know if I can eat right now, Lucifer. I feel nauseous."
"I won't force you to, Aniela. However, I would appreciate it if you ate something." Lucifer says, taking a seat at the table across from me.
I nod mutely and begin to tear off a small piece of the spaghetti that was made. Lucifer watches me silently , as if he's trying to figure out whether to bring it up or not. Eventually he decides to. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asked gently.
After hearing his question, I feel my stomach drop. My heart sinks. I guess I will have to talk about it. I know I should trust Lucifer. "I felt so powerless. He wouldn't stop and it's even worse that . . ." I trail off. It sounds embarrassing to admit, especially in front of Lucifer. "He took my first time."
"What?" Lucifer shouts, his voice laced with anger and jealousy. "He raped you, your first time?! Oh, how could he?" He yells, slamming his fist down on the table. His face is filled with pure rage. I've never seen him like this.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't-"
"Don't apologize. No one should take your virginity away. That bastard deserves what's coming for him." He growls, staring at me furiously.
I shrink back, surprised by the anger in his voice. He doesn't raise his voice, but it still surprises me. "Is he going to hell?"
Lucifer smirks knowingly. "Oh, yeah. And it'll be as painful as you could ever imagine." He pauses, then adds, "Go to bed, love. You're exhausted and tomorrow morning is going to be very busy for both of us. I don't want anything to happen." He says, getting up and heading towards the bedroom.
I follow him closely behind , grabbing the clothes and toiletries I threw on the floor earlier and putting them in the closet. I turn back around and notice that Lucifer is no longer in the room.
I walk over to the bathroom and open the medicine cabinet, checking inside to find some medication and a bottle of Advil. I take the medicine and hea dout of the bathroom when I run into Lucifer.
He grabs ahold of my waist, steadying me when I stumble slightly. "How are you feeling, angel?" He as he leads me into the bedroom and closes the door.
My hands rest on his chest, holding on to him as if he might disappear. I find myself taking in his appearance for once. His jet black hair is perfectly curly and short, but long enough to grab. His eyes are brown and seem so calm and gentle that I wonder if maybe he doesn't have a problem with his powers at all.
"Better, thanks" I respond, finally pulling away. "I'm gonna go to bed now." I say, frantically.
He chuckles and leaves the room after saying goodnight. I find myself overthinking what just happened. I push it to the side and get comfortable before passing out almost immediately.
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