Your mine now... (+16) (Yandere Alberto x Reader)

To anyone not knowing what a Yandere are too innocent to know...

To anyone who knows what it is...and you find Yandere very disturbing and uncomfortable, I request you not to read this...

This one shot contains blood, violence due to someone's obsession of a person they deeply fell in love with...and yes a make out session...

This is your final warning...


You were known to be the sweetest girl of Portorosso, until you noticed some people who you were close with suddenly passed...then things went to black quickly...

Again...this is your warning...

Alberto is 19 and you are 18...


(Y/n's POV)

"Grazie! Ciao!" I said cheerfully to one of the costumers leaving the restaurant. I work as a waitress in a cafe. Its a nice place and tasty food.

I waved and they left me a tip on the table. I put it in my pocket and I took a look around the town.

What caught my eye is the fisherman's young son, delivering fish to the town's people.

Let's say I have a crush on him, nice body, soft hair, and eyes to gaze upon.

But someone called my name from the back "Y/n! We need help." Oh! New costumers!


(Alberto's POV)

I saw Y/n noticing me while riding by...mama mia she is so beautiful...I know she is single...maybe I'll have a chance to talk to her!

So I parked my bike near the vespa's and head inside of the restaurant where she works at.

"Ciao! Welcome to-" y/n's fave changed from cheerful to she okay?

"Ciao bella, table for 2 please." I said while leaning against the table, seeing a tint of blush around her cheeks.

"Oh! For your friend or...girlfriend?" She asked me and I shook my head.

"You doing anything right now?~" mmm smooth Alberto~.

"O-oh...well I was gonna go on break soon, maybe it won't be too bad." She said in a shy tone...which made me feel lose a breath...I love how shy she is...

"Let me choose a table and wait for me in 2 minutes." She held a menu and we head over to a table near a flower vase.

Once I sat down, I watched her head back to the building.

I checked her out while I try to hide my eager rage...these men checking out my future love...I'd clutch my knife down their throats and chop off their manhood...

*deep breath*

Calm down finally did it, maybe this is a chance that she'll like me.

Once she came back, she only took off her apron covering her adorable waitress dress.

She smiled up at me and looks down "I can get you something if you like."

"Aww no bella, what would you like?"

(Y/n's POV)

Is he gonna order me something? Wow...that seems very sweet of I have been craving some *favorite food/drink* maybe it won't be bad.

Then my co-worker Rossa spotted me with Alberto, giving me a confused look.

"Y/n? You on break?" She asked me.

I nodded "this handsome man is ordering." I teased and I told her what I'd like to have.

"Alright silly, I'll be back with your food." She walked off and I looked at Alberto smirking down at me.

"So, is there a reason you wanna see me?" I asked and he scratched the back of his head.

"I'd thought of getting to know you, you know we see each other a lot, passing by, introduced ourselves, thought it'd be nice." He smiled which warms my heart.

Plus I wanna know more about him too.

So we started to chat a bit, get to know what our interests are, hobbies and places to joke! He's like the man of my dreams!

"Alright silly here's your *favorite food/drink*"

Rossa came back and she playfully punched my arm, heading back inside. Such a goofball.

(Alberto's POV)

I hate how that waitress girl is hitting on her...wish she could just jump off a cliff...

Then I watched Y/n enjoy her treat, I bet her lips taste so sweet by now~ licking my lips watching her feel satisfied...

"I really enjoyed getting to know more about you Alberto, you seem like a very sweet man."

Awww...only for you...

"Im glad bella." I smirked and then I see a man walking up to us...

"Y/n! We need you right now, we have a few people that needs food...come on!"

This must be her boss...he already makes me sick...

"Oh...sorry signor Luigi." She looks down and back to me...

"I have to get back now, Id like to see you again." She leans into kiss my cheek and heads back to work.

Woah...she kissed me...

She even smells like fresh cherries...~

Im getting so excited now...I need to have her!!~

--A few hours later--

"See you tomorrow signor!" Y/n said out to her boss and heads on home.

The manager sighs and took off his hat and apron placing it to the side on his desk.

"Sweet ragazza...maybe I should give her a raise..." He said to himself and scratched his forehead...until he heard some shuffling going on in his closet...

He thought something dropped or it's just a rat. He shrugs and went to search for the paychecks of his co-workers, counting how much soldi they each get...but then heard the closet door screech open...

He turns to see...but nothing came it is an old door...

He got up and went to close it. "Stupido door...gotta give this place a remodel-"

Suddenly he felt something sharp piercing in his neck, began to cough up blood and losing breath...he kneels to the ground and held his wound squirting out the red substance.

"H-help!!" Then his mouth was covered and looked up to see what it appears to be a demon with green eyes...

"P-please..." Is all he said and ends with his throat being slit, falling down to his death of loss blood.

"Now that my bella won't be bossed around by you filth..." The man chuckled and heads on out leaving the knife down to the chef's hand to make it like an attempted murder.

--The Next Day--

You woke up from your sweet slumber and you heard a knock on your door.

So you went to put on your fuzzy slippers, heading down to the door and opened to see the police.

"Oh, Ciao officer, is something wrong?" You asked kindly and the Officer frowns.

"Y/n...I'm sorry about your boss..."

She raised an eyebrow not sure what's going on.

"P-pardon?" You asked and the officer placed her hand onto your shoulder...

"Luigi has committed self murder to himself last night...I'd thought you'd need to know...I am so sorry..."

Your eyes widen to hear about this news...sure your boss can be a little bossy...but deep down he was very nice...

"W-why?..." Is all you would say.

"We've also found a message written in blood...spelled your name."

That's when your heart skipped a your head, is this someone coming after you?! is this a death threat?

"Try to be safe Y/n...Im always next door."

You nodded and after saying good closed the felt tears running down your face..."why would he pass? He loved his job...and now someone is after me?..." So you went to your phone to call your coworker about the incident.

(Y/n's POV)

"Ciao?" Said Rossa first.

"Hey...Im not sure if you know...but Signor Luigi has...h-he passed..." I tried not to sob...and I heard her gasp.

"No...he couldn't ...why so soon? He's an amazing person? Why give up...?" She said, feeling the same thing I'm going through...

"I'm so sorry Y/n...he absolutely loved you as you were his own daughter..." I nodded and I went to go blow my nose.

"Not just that...but some sicko left a message which had my name written in blood..."

"Oh shit!! Someone is coming after you!! Y

wait right there and let me meet up and think of a plan-" She said and I nodded...until a big crash was heard in the line...

"Hey...who are you?! W-what are you doing?! Hey!!! Let go of me!!"

"Rossa?!" I shout her sounds like she's being under attacked...

"Rossa talk to me?! What's happening?!" I grip the phone and no answer...

Oh no...

I went to change my clothes and head on out to her house...hopefully to see if she's alright...but I was stopped to see Alberto in front of me...

"A-Alberto...?" I asked softly...

"Ciao Y/ okay... you don't look too good?" He asked me, and I tried to calm down...

" boss is gone and now my coworker is under attack...I need to go see her..." I keep talking but he rubs my back softly and to be honest...its calming me down...

"Shh calm down...let me come with you, for extra protection..." He whispered in a comforting way...I nodded, looking up to his eyes.

"Grazie Alberto..." I sniffled and we head over to Rossa's house and I saw a window broken...So it was an intruder...

I went to open the door and looked around... "Rossa!! Where are you?!" I call for her and no answer...

I checked the living room, kitchen, but not her bedroom...

I guess it was the last stop...but when I made it there...

My eyes...

All I see is blood...

Blood covering Rossa's body...and I see the area where she has been stabbed...

This can't be happening...I've lost two of the people who were the ones who saved me from depression and who I only family...

Until I see something written besides her was in blood...

It read...

"'ll be mine Y/n..."

I kneeled down and began to sob...falling into grief and fear rising head to toe...

Then I felt Alberto wrapping his arms around me...keeping me in comfort...

"Shhh...let it all out..." I continue to cry and I nuzzled his chest...

Sooner I called the police... eventually came as soon as possible and I told them everything what I has happened...they say it could've been the same thing with Luigi.

What if Luigi was murdered and didn't kill himself?...

While they investigate...Alberto decides to take me to his home for some tea to calm my nerves...Which I accepted.

So he rode me down to his house on his vespa, which is a very lovely home to live, he let me in while I try to clear my mind about what happened this morning...this was not supposed to happen...

"Make yourself at home Y/n, your always welcome here." He told me with that gentle voice, I already feel safe with him...

I nodded and I sat on the table, looking around the place, it has a nice ocean scent with a hint of pine. Then I looked over at Alberto make the tea, he seemed very calm about this...I know he's never knew Luigi and Rossa, but these two we're always there for me since I was 12...

Then I see him bringing in the pot and two cups for both of us.

"Its ready."

I went to grab a tea bag but I was stopped.

"Wait...let me give you something better." He winked which made me blush, so I thought it was alright.

He opens a mysterious tea I never seen here, could be foreign out of Italy!

"This helps me a lot whenever Im stressed..." He explained and hands me the cup.

"Grazie..." I picked it up and took a tiny sip and noticed his eyes were on me.

"Im sorry your going through this...I promise I won't let anyone hurt you..." He said while placing a hand over mine.

I looked up at him and smiles, placing mine on top , giving it a gentle grip.

"You truly are a darling Alberto...for all these times we've finally talked, Its like I've known you forever..." I confessed, almost like I'm in love.

" be honest...I feel the were so beautiful with your smile, it's what matters." He comes a little closer and placed his forehead against mine.

We gazed but until we were about to kiss... the phone starts ringing.

"Give me a moment, feel free to explore." He said and he went over to the phone while I start recognizing the place more. Almost like a new home for me.

It's a clean yet colorful home, even a few photos of his family, seeing him smile make me think he has a wonderful life.

Until I saw something dripping under a green jacket which could've belonged to Alberto...

I put my tea down next to the table and investigate to see what's dripping...but once I touched the felt so sticky and nasty stench of high metal...then seeing the color of red...

Suddenly something fell out of the dripping pocket...was a knife?!

My heart began to pound...then looking back to Alberto...finishing up with a call...

I looked back and tried to slide the knife back in...but my hands...he can't see them...

"Anything alright Y/n?..." He asked me already behind me...

I start to panic, not sure if I already feel safe...

I feel his hands wrapped around me, his face nuzzling my shoulder...

But then I have this strange sensation going on with my mind...almost like I'm about to pass out...

"You look very tired darling..." He whispers and my heart starts to slow down a bit.

What did he add in the tea?...

Sooner...I was knocked down conscious onto the floor...

--A moment later--

I slowly woke up from my passing...but this time...I couldn't see anything...

When I try to move my hands...there tied up...

What's happening?!

Have I been kidnapped?!

"H-help!!!" I shout out and start to panic, moving around but then I heard a door slam in front of me...

"W-who's there?!" I panted and I heard footsteps coming this way...

Then I heard a voice...

"Hey sweetie~ looks like your awake..."

Wait...I recognized that voice...

"W-who are you?!" I pant and tears filling up the cloth around my eyes...until I felt hot breath against my ear...

"Your safe now darling...~"

My eyes widen and when the blind folds were off of me...I couldn't believe what I'm seeing in front...


He gave me that sweet smile of his, he has no shirt on, just his dark brown trousers and shell necklace wrapped around his tender neck...I can't focus on that right now...

"W-what's going on?..." I asked and he begins to chuckle...sure it sounds cute but it gave me a creepy vibe.

"My darling Y/ are so pure...innocent and don't realize it, that that person who left you those wonderful gifts is in love with you~" he saying!!!

"Y-you killed my friends?!" I shout but then he pulled a switch blade on me...close to my face.

"I had to...only to protect you..." He whispers and pulls it away from me...

"But why?...they were family to me...why take that away from me?!" I keep asking and then he finally snapped...

"I loved you Y/ never deserved to be treated like an object by those filthy humans...I would protect you from them...the world is full of them..." He comes back to me slowly, I tried so hard not to look at his incredibly hot body...but HE'S INSANE!!

"I tried to warn them...but they wouldn't listen...that boss of yours was nothing but a pig...yelling at you...bossing you...I taught him a lesson~" He smirked down at me while leaning against the wall...

I can't believe what I am hearing...I looked away wanting to avoid his voice...

"Then that Rossa chick was getting on my she talks to you...almost like she was toying with you...I won't let anyone do that to you...except for me...."

He lifts my head up with his knife...I never felt this scared that this was in fact happening to me...

"We can finally be together now! I can call you mine...I can kiss you all you want, cook you your favorite meals...and make love to you non stop~" He sighed a soft moan while flushing red from the last part. It made me shiver from the disturbance...

"I wanna make you feel good Y/n~ make you scream my name...knowing who you truly belong to..hehe~ hahaha!" He laughs crazily...completely losing his mind...

This is the point that I need to get out of here...but I need to make a plan to escape.

I couldn't believe I had to do this...from my own crush...

"Alberto, I would love all that from you..." I said almost a bit sensual and he flushes red.

"R-really?!" He giggled while cupping my face closer to his. "You really mean it?..."

I nodded and smiled softly "Si...but on one condition." I hope this goes well...

"What is it mi bella? I wanna make you feel happy..." He said desperately, almost in a needy way.

"If you untie me...I'll let you have me." I finally said and he gives me that cute yet creepy smirk of his.

"Hmm not so innocent are we pumpkin~?" He whispers into my ear and placed a kiss under my jawline...I know I should be freaking out but I'm trying to control my rage...

"Hold still mi bella~"

I can't believe I'm doing this but I know its a way to escape.

For the surprise it worked! He chopped the rope behind my back and puts down the knife in his pocket.

Okay...its located in his back pocket, left cheek.

Gotta remember that.

I got up from the chair and walked over to him, running my fingers up to his chest "I've never had my first kiss, would it hurt?" I asked innocently while gazed upon his stunning green eyes.

"I'll be gentle bambina~" He purrs against me, seriously he has a body of a next top Italian he leans down to kiss me...full of passion and a hint of french.

I slowly kissed him back, feeling his hands rub against only last until I ran out of breath...I caressed his chest slowly going down to his waist.

I know it sounds like Im enjoying it...but it's an order to go to his pockets, I need to try to be sneaky...

We pulled away when he goes down to my neck...

"I bet all the other girls would wanna date you, have a piece of those muscles." I stated softly when I lowered my hands down to his waist, only inches away to grabbing the knife...

"Your the bella I dreamt of, saving myself just for you." He caressed my hair to move to continue attacking my neck with his lips.

I softly moan from the touch...I couldn't even grab the knife...however...I focused deeply and reached down to his fair butt cheek, I could feel the lining of the knife.


"Mmm Alberto..~" I moaned softly while he continues...once I tried lifting the knife out of the pocket...

Oh no...


He's found my weak spot....

"Looks like I've found it hmm?~" He continues to hit the spot while I cry out a eyes water from the pleasure I've been receiving...

I grabbed the knife out of the pocket but then my arms were pinned the wall...the knife exposed in front of his face...


"I knew you were gonna stab me so you'll make a run for it..."

Damn it...this is really bad...

He snatched the knife out of my hands and I froze in fear...

"Sneaky girl~ seducing me like that...You liked the way I kissed your sweet spot, you know it~"

I have to did feel so good...but from a crazy yandere?! I don't know what to say...

"Your so cute when your all pouty~" He placed a kiss next to my lips and then walked out to the door...

"Your all mine Y/n~..." Like that...he closed it...



I-Im trapped...


If you survived this... I'll give you a big hug...

Because this was the most disturbing one shot I have ever done. I'll repay to anyone who is now traumatized.

To anyone who enjoyed this. Thank you.

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