The Princess and the Frog Part 3 (Alberto x Reader)
Mamma Angel is played by AngelArtsAnimation
I'll try my best being you lil Bean. Love ya!
Also here is you and Alberto as Frogs.
—In Ercole's VooDoo Tent—
(Ercole's PoV)
"What?! So You're telling me that that smelly fish boy turned someone into a frog?" I asked my shadow...almost looking real nervous...after explaining me the whole backstory that happened a few hours ago... can I be mad at him.
This actually got me real interest~
"Hmm...trying to find some cute girl to kiss and break the spell~ however she has some issues going on too Hmm~"
This just got me an idea. I must find this other frog, and I'd do something 'special' for a Belle~"
"Gather your shadow friends! Find them! And bring the female to me~"
*Evil Laugh*
"So deliciously evil~" I said to myself while letting out the evil shadow people to find those frogs for me! While I sit back and took a sip of my fine wine.
—In the Marcovaldo Household—
Giulia was over at by the table, swirling her mini spoon around her espresso with Machiavelli sitting by her side...waiting for her pappa to come back around noon.
Soon, she heard the door open and shut. She got up from the chair and rushed over to see her pappa putting down his coat, turning his body and showed a sad expression on his face.
"We'll?" She asked softly.
Massimo sighed and shook his head, putting his hat back on the holder. "I looked everywhere...both Y/n and Alberto are missing..."
Giulia couldn't help but cry for losing both of her close friends and brother...
"Poor Y/n...she's so fragile and too sweet..." she sobbed out when Massimo leaned down to give her a big hug with one arm. Comforting his daughter while she wrapped her arms around him.
"I know they'll appear somewhere Mielie...we just need to keep long as their alive, that's what matters..."
"y-your right Pappa...I know they are out there..." she sniffled and saw Machiavelli licking her coffee from the table.
"We'll try again tomorrow after work...I promise." Massimo said softly, trying to stay positive. Knowing dearly the two are alright.
—Back to Alberto and Y/n froggers—
"I can't believe I'm a frog...I can't believe this is gonna be my summer off...and I CANT BELIEVE!!! I kissed a guy I just met!" You began to ramble...
"Jeez calm down Miele, we're gonna be fine."
"Fine....? FINE?! HOW DO WE BREAK THIS SPELL?! HOW ARE YOU FINE?!" You shout at the boy and he's just so dang calm.
Alberto placed his hands on your shoulders. "Breath..." he told you and you tried taking a few deep breaths...he smiles when he sees your relaxed face.
"There...we'll find a way to break this. We just need to know where and who."
You raised an eyebrow, confused what he just said. "Don't you just mean when?"
Again, your friends was right about him being a little dumb, wouldn't say dumb, just a little silly.
Then Alberto skimmed through the place. He just found out they've been walking for almost an hour....becoming lost into a forest which looks ginormous then them.
"Uhh Alberto...? Do you know where we're going...?" You asked while shivering from the cold. Until he noticed, he went over to grab a big leaf off the ground and wrapped it around your shoulders.
It made you blush from the action. "G-grazie."
(Alberto's POV)
Seeing her nuzzle the leaf made me feel soft...I don't wanna lie to her...but I have to...because I don't even know where I'm going...
It is getting really late and for now, I'm searching for a place to sleep.
Until I spotted a log with a squirrel hole. It seems safe for the both of us.
"Hey, let's stay in there for tonight." I told the Belle and she looked up at me.
"We'll...Okay better not cuddle me." She climbs up inside the hole while I climb up behind her, taking a good look around the place. It feels more warm and a little dark.
As long as no predators come in like squirrel's or an owl...we'll be fine.
I see her getting herself cozy in the leaf I offered her earlier.
Not gonna lie...even though we just met...she seems really cute.
I laid back on the other side of the log across from her. Seeing her snuggled up in a ball is rather adorable...
"Good night...-"
Oh no...I don't remember her name...
"Y/n..." I heard her mumble...and shift back to sleep.
Y/n...has a nice ring to it...
"Good night...Y/n." I told her and I shut my eyes, drifting to sleep.
—The Next Morning—
Y/n soon woke up from the bright sun shining down to her face.
She lets out a soft groan and sat up from the log. Looking around to see that this wasn't a dream...she sighed while shifting the leaf around her shoulders.
That's until she heard some humming going on outside of the log.
She got up, still having the leaf around her, heading out to see Alberto catching some bugs, placing them in a bag. In her opinion is both sick yet sweet.
He noticed and gives her a big smile. "Buongiorno Y/n, catching our breakfast."
(Y/n's POV)
Inside of me is saying 'awww' and the other me is saying 'GAG'
"Don't worry, they're not that bad." He said and I looked down at the bag, seeing a fly flying off...
Suddenly my tongue quickly strikes over to the fly. Immediately in my mouth...
Hmm...not bad.
"Oh!! I see a good one over there, how about you try?"
Huh? I looked up at him and he aimed at the little firefly laying on a leaf...
I took a deep breath and did some stretching...I don't know why but I wanna be prepared...
I made my tongue over to strike at the firefly and let out a screeching noise.
"Hey!! Ow! Who did that?!"
It flew up to me and Alberto, giving us the most adorable angy face.
"No really...Which one of you did it...Look, I understand I may look delicious...but I'm trying to clear my head and-"
(Alberto's POV)
Hold on...that voice...those eyes...those freckles... it reminded me of someone I used to know...c-could it be..?
"Luca..." I said and the firefly turned to me.
"Y-yeah! How do you know my name Mr. Frog?"
I walked over to the firefly, looking up with leaking eyes..."Luca...Me and Giulia were worried about you...we searched everywhere...Im so happy that your alive!"
Then his face flashed...same goes his giant glowing butt.
"Alberto? Mamma Mia! It's you!!"
I couldn't help but rush up to him to give him a big hug.
"Oh Luca! You have no idea how long Ive searched for you! How did you become this?" I asked and he scratched the back of his head.
"We' see...after I got back from school...and we went out for Gelatos...I stumbled across a Voodoo man and-"
"Hold on..." Y/n stood in front of me to face Luca.
"Both of you...we're cursed by the same man?"
We both nodded and she glared at us, crossing her arms.
"Wow...How did Giulia handle you two...but you know what...I'm gonna let this slide, you all seem like really nice ragazzi. I'd say, we go find this voodoo man, and see if he could cure us from this...or if any of you know anyone else that'll help us. Because I'm new around here."
(3rd Persons PoV)
Y/n explained and it left the boys looking dumbfounded.
"Okay! Let's do it!" Luca said with a smile and gasped all of a sudden.
"Speaking of someone! My Uncle Ugo found someone who may help us! She goes by Mamma Angel."
"Mamma Angel?" Alberto questioned.
"Sí! I'll show you where she lives! Follow me! I know the way!"
So Luca flew while Y/n and Alberto followed him. Hopping on each Lilly pad and noticing they've been traveling for almost the entire morning, due to the sun moving to the other side of the sky.
During the travel, Alberto helped Y/n out with a few big jumps, even holding her close so she won't trip.
As soon as it hits the afternoon, it's starting to get a little dark. Luca stopped to check on the two frogs getting caught up.
"Don't worry, we're almost there." Luca stated and the two frogs looked tired.
"I'd say we should stop for the night, I'm getting hungry." So Alberto pulled out the bag full of flies and it turns out it's empty...
Then suddenly he saw Y/n set up a fire and grabbed a mini pumpkin. pulling out the goop and seeds.
"Hmm, instead of having flies. I'd say I bake us something." Y/n smirked while placing the same leaf but around her waist.
The boys raised an eyebrow and looked at each other. "Bake us what?"
"How do you ragazzi feel about Pumpkin pie."
The boys didn't mind at all and Y/n got busy with getting ingredients around the woods. While Alberto and Luca sat down on a rock.
"So she's Giulia's friend?" Luca asked.
"Yeah...she told me about her when she called me a few days ago, to be honest...I felt a little nervous to finally meet Y/n..." Alberto looked down growing red around his cheeks and Luca noticed.
"Oh! I see, you like her~" The firefly teased the frog and chuckled.
"Silenzio Luca! I mean...*sighs* if only I wasn't a frog...what would her reaction be to see human again..." was a bad start from the two...but hopefully by the end, maybe he would have a chance with her...start all over and finally spend time together...
"Alberto...I think your the most bravest, most handsome sea monster I have ever known ever since we met...I believe you will have a always dreamed of meeting the right belle and have a family." Luca pats his shoulder and saw Y/n held two leaf plates with little slices of a mini pie.
"Scava" she said the boys held the plates and took a bite out of the pie.
Alberto moans softly and began to wolf down the pie. Luca was surprised how good it was, eating it with his little hands.
It made the girl giggle while eating her pie with a twig.
"I think that it is delicious."
"Are you kidding me? This is the best thing I've ever had! You can really cook!" Alberto criticized and it shocked Y/n from it...never receiving any criticism from anyone else...besides Giulia and her mom.
"It's baking Alberto...but...Grazie...usually my job wouldn't allow me to bake anything because they think that women shouldn't do anything but serve the food to the people..." she sighs and placed her plate down...
This made the male frog frown, also placing down the plate and turned to her.
"Why wouldn't they...? I believe those people would've loved your baking skills..."
Y/n turned to him and back to her hands.
"Back when I was little...I dreamt of owning a baking restaurant! You can have anything freshly made with coffee, tea, and relax by the fire...I even have a list of recipes to try out as soon as I buy a restaurant at 18..." then she started to tear up...
" boss laughed from the idea...saying I'll never be successful...because I'm just a 'dumb little girl..."
Alberto heard the entire thing...he didn't wanna hear the sweet girl he came closer to wipe away her tears.
"Hey shhh...don't listen to that mean boss of yours...he's just jealous that you can be more successful than he is...when we're human again...I wanna help you."
Y/n's eyes widen and her cheeks flush red..."y-you wanna help me...?"
Alberto nodded and placed his hand down over hers.
"Sí...I could help build up my savings and send you some to finally get that restaurant...if you ever need that extra help...I'd be glad to be your first customer."
(Y/n's POV)
This is the most sweetest thing I have ever heard from him...Almost like I'm beginning to fall in love...
But I wanna save that for last...
"Grazie Alberto..." I placed a kiss on his cheek and took their plates back to the pumpkin.
(Alberto's POV)
I would never forget it...I wanna make her dream come true...
Come to think of it...when she gets her dream restaurant...I'm gonna ask her out.
(3rd Persons PoV)
Luca sighs and pat his mini tummy. "We'll, I'd say we should take a layback for tonight."
"Jee..this Mamma Angel lives pretty far." Alberto stated and soon heard silence...
"Y/n...?" He looked around and sees she's not around.
"Y/n? Where are you-"
Soon he felt a pair of cold arms grabbing him...
"Alberto! Help!!" Y/n shouts but one of the shadow figures covered her mouth.
These shadow beings captured the two frogs...carrying them back to the darkness of the forest.
Luca noticed and got in defense "I won't lose my best friend again..." He flew over to burn the shadow people away with his glowing butt...killing almost a few until suddenly...a big light coming out of no where striking down the rest of the shadow people...
Letting Y/n and Alberto go...he caught her in his arms on a Lilly pad. He made sure she's still alive.
Y/n opened her eyes to see him sighing of relief.
"Grazie Luca! Never knew your butt can do that!"
"Uhh the rest of that wasn't me..." Luca said while flying down to the frogs.
"He's talking about me baby boi!"
A young lady coming out of the shadows. Wearing a white top and a red bottom dress Her dark brown hair is crazily mix of wave and curls, round red glasses and a staff that was surrounded with fire.
"M-Mamma Angel! Oh! We have traveled all this way to see you!" Luca said with bless and this girl shrugged.
"Yeah yeah, your little friend also messed with the Voodoo dummy! Now come in! You little critters take forever to come see me. Watch your step Froggo's!" Angel turned the lights on in her home, revealing a cozy noble home in the middle of the woods.
It amazed Y/n, so she followed the young lady while Alberto stood besides her, being on guard.
To be continued...
It's gonna get a little deeper!
How would they break this curse?
Would you and Alberto ever fall in love?
Would Luca and Ugo be sea monsters again?
Would Blitzo the snake not eat Mamma Angel's goulash?
And would Ercole ever get a girlfriend?
We'll find out in Part 4....
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