Secrets Part 2 (Human Alberto x Sea Monster Reader)
Requested by Gaywoo
You believed in the shape shifting rumors and you finally made a date with a land monster name Alberto!
Would he ever discover your secret?
Let's find out~
Also your last name will be Scorfano! hope you don't mind UwU
(Hunter and prey at the end)
Y/n's POV
He didn't notice I was a sea folk! This is amazing!
Is this how love feels...?
I do hope everything would go very well, so far he didn't have a knife near me!
Not sure if I should wait out here or possibly look around the land monsters town.
Once I took a glimpse, it actually looks quite beautiful, nobody looks very dangerous. Almost like my kind!
I took a little stroll and sat by a water thingy with a strange stoned statue in the kinda resembles a...
Wait a minute...
I look around the whole town, seeing so many...of...
Sea monsters?!?!
I gulped...maybe this was a terrible idea...
Then I felt a drip of water in my hand...and see that my sea form is showing...
I wiped it off quickly so no land monster would see...
So when water hits my skin...I shift back...
I guess this will be hard...not to get wet...
(Alberto's POV)
I went to catch more fish, my last one for today...
Ugh...its been a rough day least I saved up all that money for this week...
But the sea monster would've been a fortune... doesn't matter now.
Then I saw my friend Guido by my side.
"Ciao Alberto! You doing anything later today? Thought we could go hang by the lake, just drink juice and swim."
Guido has been my friend for my entire life, he used to be very quiet, now he's a secure and well confident Italian man.
But I already made plans.
"Sorry Guido, I actually met someone."
Then he came closer to me, "no way!! You finally asked out a girl? Is she cute?" He grinned and I nodded.
"Real cute." I answered.
"Is she also hot?" He asked again and that made me blush, in fact the girl is good looking.
Then Guido gasped...oh no...he better not say it...
"You should invite your date to our hang out! Ill talk to Ercole and Ciccio to come a long!"
Mama mia...
"Maybe next time, I just wanna know the girl first." I said and Im already finished with the catch.
"Aww alright, call me if you ever wanna hang out. Ciao!" So Guido went off, already going fishing for tonight.
I row back to the shore, piling the fish into the barrel, while having the strong men delivers them.
It's Time to find the bella.
I looked around to see her but it appears she's sitting by the water fountain, she'd be made into a stunning sculpture...
I took off my one glove and made my way over to her.
"Ciao Bella~"
"Ah! Oh...s-sorry you scared me." She said hiding her face under her gorgeous locks.
(Y/n's POV)
Oh my goodness he's returned...he looks very happy to see me.
"Aww Im sorry, didn't mean to frighten you like that." He held his hand out for me...I gently place mine over and he lifted me off up.
"I'll make it up to you...let me take you somewhere."
Oh! I wonder where he's taking me!
So I stood by his side, avoiding to get wet, he took me by a little shop that must either serve food.
He pulls out a chair for me and I sit on it.
That was nice of him.
"Let me surprise you, Ill be right back" He said and walked to the desk.
It's a very nice place here. I spotted a weird looking scoop thing, and I saw my reflection through look very weird.
(Alberto's POV)
"Ciao! Duo Italian Soda please, strawberry boba please." I made the order, then I heard the door bell ring.
It was my three friends!
"Ciao! Alberto! Were about to head down to the lake, order pizza and go for a swim, thought your still interested." Ercole said, raising an eyebrow.
You know what...when it comes to I wanna come. "Well...Im interested, but Im spending time with someone."
Then I noticed Guido and Ciccio looking at Y/n, they smirked and Guido made a whistle.
"She really is hot" He said while I blushed.
"Stop it..." I heard my name being called, seeing the two drinks. I went to grab them.
"Why don't you ask your little girlfriend to come with, we won't bug you two." Ercole teased making kissy face.
If I do come...they'd shut up...
"Fine Ill go! Let me ask her."
We went over to the table where Y/n is fiddling with a spoon...
"Sorry to keep you waiting Bella, but Id like you to meet my friends, that's Ercole, Guido and Ciccio."
They all waved at her and she giggled.
Alberto chuckled "Ragazzi, this is Y/n."
You slowly waved at the three boys and you looked over at your drink, not sure how to eat it.
Then you watched Alberto sip his drink into a straw.
You followed what he's doing and slurped into the straw, soon you fell in love with the drink.
You crossed your eyes and let out a soft moan.
This made the boys blush from your sudden reaction.
" like it huh?" Alberto asked.
You continued and nommed on the boba's.
"Its the best thing ever!" You replied.
"Anyways, I was invited to chill by the lake, was wondering if your interested."
That's when your eyes widen...oh no! If they find out your a sea folk! He'll kill you!
"Uhh...I-I can't swim..." You said as a lie, continuing to slurp the drink.
"Aww it's okay, we're just gonna lay by the shore and enjoy the stars."
Oh thank goodness, you we're scared that you be swimming.
"Well for me I wanna go for a swim." Alberto smirked and looks back at you.
"We could know each other more."
You thought for a moment, as long as you don't get wet or be near the water. You'll be fine.
"Sweet, we'll see you all tonight!" So Ercole and the others leave the shop while Alberto sat across from you.
"Well, it won't be too bad, plus pizza." He chuckled and finished his drink.
You nodded and looked around the town, that's when he cleared his voice.
"Well, I better bet ready, how about we meet each other again back here by 6?"
You couldn't find the time but possibly just wait here when he's ready.
"S-sure." You answered and he smiled brightly. "Sweet! It won't be too long" soon he walked out of the shop to get ready.
You have no idea what to do while he's gone for a few.
You walked out of the shop to have another stroll, until you spotted a beautiful green dress hanging on a string.
You look around so no one would see and snatched it off to try it on, sooner or later, it actually fits you perfect, showing some curves.
Then you walked over to a glass window to see your reflection. You actually look not that bad. Except for your crazy curly hair and blushing cheeks.
You went to sit by the shore again...possibly it was a horrible idea that you didn't let your uncle and aunt know you were gone this long...they must think you were hurt or looking for you...
"As long as he doesn't know...Ill make it back..." You said to yourself and time has passed.
You waited by the fountain, watching the adults outside having dinner with each other and laughing and enjoying the fun.
It made you smile to imagine you and Alberto being like that, during your daydream.
He appeared back wearing something different.
He wore a yellow buttoned shirt and long brown trousers.
Once he saw you, his face turned red seeing you in the dress.
"Wow, you look better than me." He complimented and you looked away hiding your face.
"No Im underdressed."
Then he went to poke your cheek "no...I speak the truth." He said with a pouty lip, you turned to look at him.
"Mmm whatever you say..."
And so Alberto took you out over to the lake where the three guys are waiting, having juice and pizza, also one of them were working on a bond fire.
So far its looking good for you, the little hang out was calm, got a long with the three, sure they were flirting with you but in a playful way.
However you noticed Alberto had his hand close to yours, while he nommed some pizza on one hand.
Oh yeah, you moaned again from trying to pizza.
"Wow, the pizza gives her better pleasure than you Alberto~" Ercole teased and laughed.
"Shut up Stupido." Alberto said while sipping some juice.
"We were just teasing man! But the pizza is teasing her taste buds~"
"Okay seriously! You don't want me to catch you like I did with that sea monster this morning!" Alberto raised an eyebrow and stayed quiet for once.
You couldn't believe he brought that up...
"Anyways, were gonna go look at the stars next by, we'll leave you two lovebirds be~" Soon later the three left and it was just you and Alberto.
You we're'd like to know what he actually feels about the 'sea monster' incident.
"You caught one?" You asked him, again making sure you weren't too suspicious.
Alberto nodded and looks up at you with those eyes, having the fire flame bright them up.
You nodded and maybe he forgotten what you'd look like as your form.
"Did it look scary?" You asked softly.
To your surprise...he shook his head.
"She was so beautiful...a very good catch...but she escaped easily...I got a good look at her...that face of hers and stunning form...once she left...What I have from her was a string of sea hair..." He held the hair that belonged to you...
You blushed when he called your sea form beautiful, however you have fear running down your body, wanting to know what he'll do if he finds 'her'. .
"W-what would you do if you catch her again?..." You asked, coming a little closer.
Then he gripped the hair with his fist
"I'll kill her with no hesitation..."
You gulped and scoot away, your heart was pounding like weren't sure to either run away and forget about everything...or face it...
Then he wrapped an arm around your shoulder. "Its alright though...anyways you wanna go swim?"
Your heart continued to is getting dark...maybe he won't know.
"We can play marco polo." He smiled at the end, putting down the finished pizza.
You knew that game...he could close his eyes while you swim! Its genius!
"Alright then!"
So he got up from the log and took off his yellow shirt and only left his shorts on.
You blushed when he entered the water... You need to think quick...
How can you enter without him seeing you...
"Hey uh, could you close your eyes and start spinning? I'll enter while your doing that!" You respond and he gave a big thumbs up.
Once he spins quickly entered inside the water and only peaked your head out so he wouldn't see your full body.
"Alright! Marco!" He shouts and you swam around him. "Polo!"
He spins to hear your voice, soon swam scoot away and dive down to the other side.
"Marco!" Alberto shouts
You giggled softly, wanting to tease him and you whispered behind him "polo." Then dive down quickly when he turns around.
You swam back up and about 5 feet away from him.
Then he turns to your corner.
You were gonna tease him again, so you went a little closer and pecked his lips, then dived down quickly.
"Woah what the!" His face showed shock that he was kissed by you...he wasn't too sure...he finally opened his eyes. Becoming very curious about you...
"Hey! Where are you Y/n!"
You peaked out of the water hiding from him. You need to get back to shore so you'll shift back again.
But the only way he won't be able to see you and shout polo behind the rock.
Once he swam over to the rock, you swam down at the bottom and back to shore quietly. So far so good...but sadly you weren't shifting back as human...
"W-what?...why am I not human?..." You then heard Alberto calling your name...he can't see you like you went to hide into the woods.
(Alberto's POV)
I couldn't find Y/n anywhere...I was gonna surprise her with a peck on a cheek...but that's when I heard shuffling in the bushes back on shore...
Suddnely I saw that tail...that same tail that whipped me into the water...
Could it be?...
I went back to shore and grab my switch blade, heading inside the forest.
But I saw the same sea hair from before...near the bushes...
I took a tiny sniff...
"It's her..."
(Y/n's POV)
I can't let him see me like this...he's gonna kill me...
Then I hear the whistling sound.
"I know your out there principessa! I have your tracks~"
Then I thought of an idea...but Im not sure it'll be good...
I hid behind a big tree and I could sense his scent...he's coming closer...
"Id love to play hide and seek with you, but if I find you...its over!" He chuckled while I tried to cover my mouth, so he won't know Im there...
Then suddenly I see him in the moon light...holding a sharp knife in one hand.
Oh god...he's in front of far he didn't see me in the dark...
But apparently a creature made a sound which drove the attention from Alberto...oh no!
"Aww there you are cutie" He said almost like a dangerous predator hunting his prey...
He starts to walk towards me. I can't walk back...instead I made a dash deep into the woods, then I hear him chasing me from behind.
God he is too fast...
Suddenly I slipped, almost twisted my ankle...
I panted softly from the pain...but then I see Alberto coming from behind...
I scoot away from him...but my back hit against a tree...
I can't run anywhere...there's no water to easily escape...
Im so dead...
"I finally got you now principessa~" He lifts my head up with the knife...
I couldn't say anything...I wanna speak but...what...
"Any last words before you meet your faith?" He asked me, giving me those eyes of insanity...
If this was the end of me...I have no choice but to make the move...
I gently cupped his fave with my scaled hands, I took a deep breath.
I gazed into his eyes and I softly whispered.
"Polo, Alberto..." Then I lean in for a kiss, I shed a tear knowing he wouldn't fall for this...this is it...this is the end of me...
But I felt his hands wrap around my waist, pulling me closer to his chest.
When he kisses me back...I let out a soft mumble moan.
Then we parted our lips slowly...I see tears coming out from his green eyes...running down to his cheek...
To be continued...
I know the ending seemed very disturbing yet sad.
Hope I didn't make you half upset 😢
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