Prom Dance Final Pt. (High School AU Alberto x Reader)
Art made by Me with water colors 🎨
This is gonna be a long one, and there's gonna be a hint of 🍊
Orange is a PG-13 Lemon, less sour and more sweet ^^
Soon you and Alberto made it to the back of the school, seeing a few students heading inside looking like either fancy and revealing.
You were so nervous to head in, believing you look like a mess or just didn't fit in...
Alberto parked his Vespa near the others and he held his arm out for you. You wrapped your hands around his bicep.
"Let's make this the night to remember." He winked down at you and leads away inside the building, is like entering a queens ball.
Seeing a few people dancing to the band playing on stage, a few over at the punch bowl, and girls chatting.
You are waiting for Giulia to arrive, she told you she was going with Luca. Which in your head is the most adorable thing in the world.
Spoiler alert, their going as friends, but hey! It's still sweet in general.
After taking a few glimpse of the atmosphere, the balloons and streamers are the colors of the Italian flag. Lighting flying around the room while the band plays. Just people having a good time.
Then you see Alberto taking off his coat and placed it over a chair, soon he pulls a chair for you to sit.
"Mia Signora." He offered a seat for you and of course, you sat down while he looks around the place.
You were really new to this...not sure what to say or do.
"I'm gonna get some punch, I'll get you a glass." He told you and you nodded while he heads to the snack table. You were left just nervous about this happening.
You heard someone call your name it was Giulia! Running up to you for a big hug.
Luca was surprised to see you two girls looking like twins.
"I can't tell which one is my date?" He joked and it made the two giggle from the shy nerds blushy face.
He's a really shy boy, it's just too adorable for you too.
It appears they are sitting by you and Alberto just to stick together.
"How's everything so far? He didn't hurt you did you?" Giulia asked you, went all protective mode. Knowing she will beat anyone who messes with you.
You shook your head. "No, he's being a kind gentlemen, never knew he had a soft side."
Suddenly Alberto returned with the punches, until he spotted Giulia giving him the death stare...
He knew about it...that's how scary Giulia can really be as a little sister.
"Hey sis! Luca, you look great!!" He said giving his best friend a hug.
"Aww so do you Alberto." Luca said, happy see the old gang together.
"Underdogs forever!" Giulia said out loud while sitting by you by the table.
(Alberto's POV)
I guess I need to tell Luca about this...he's the only friend who I look up out of all...
"Hey Luca, let me help you get some snacks for our dates."
Soon he looked down at Giulia, showing it's okay.
Thank goodness.
"Sure Alberto!" So we walked back to the snack bar and here it goes...
I watched Luca pick up a plate and put some chocolates on it.
" know about my strong feelings for Y/n...?" I asked and he looked up at me.
"Yeah! Why? You finally gonna kiss her?"
Haha...never gets old.
"Well...I'm gonna confess to her...and I want it to go well...I need you to distract Giulia and she wouldn't see me and Y/n sneaking out..."
His face fell down after I said that...
"Dude! What are you gonna do?!"
"Im gonna confess my feelings to her! Somewhere nice and maybe...romantic. This night is perfect! Please Luca..."
I begged on my knees for him...waiting for his answer...
"Fine! I'll do it for you." He smiled...
I suddenly gave him a big hug, felt like I was gonna cry...
"Grazie Luca!"
—Back at our nerdy girls—
(Y/n's PoV)
"Giulia, can I borrow your mirror?" I asked her while she applied her lip stick.
"Aww don't worry Y/n, you look beautiful. And I mean it." She told me while flushing red...
I looked to see the boys coming back a plate full of tasty goodies.
"You better not eat all of that...creating yourself a muffin top." Giulia stated while Alberto turn red...
What do I have to say...I bet it looks cute on him!
"Don't worry sis. I'm too handsome to get fat."
I giggled while sipping my punch.
Mostly we all just talked and interact with the main underdogs.
These three really had history, and it's so cute. I'm also part of them too! I'm different, look out for my friends. Well except for Alberto...but all. I'm one of them!
"So anyways, I'm glad to finally spend time with you have no idea how much I still love you." Alberto said and even looked over at me...
"To our new underdog member, you'll get much love." He winked which I covered my face with the chocolate...
Soon the music shift into a smooth appears it's time for some slow dancing...
Oh first dance with Alberto!!
"Let's dance Giulia!" Luca told her and they soon went over to the dance floor with the others...
I looked over to see Alberto offering me his hand, pretty much asking the same thing.
"Care to dance?" He asked and I gently placed my hand over his.
He leads me to the dance floor, a little closer to the stage.
I looked up while he wrapped his arm around me and raised my hand up...due to our height differences...I can't reach for his shoulders...instead I placed my hand on his chest...he begins with the first few steps while I follow.
When I take a few glimpses of his eyes focusing on me and not our feet...he could really dance well!
I gaze into his beautiful green eyes while we took the lead of the dance floor.
He spins me, making my dress flew, making it open up like a flower.
It made me flush red how romantic this feels...
Suddenly he pulled me close to his chest, slowly intertwined my hand...I'm not sure if that's how it works...
I looked up again and he leaned towards me...
"Let's get out of here." Alberto whispered into my ear which made me froze...what does he mean by getting out of here...?
Are we gonna go to his place? Go for a nice stroll around town? MAKE OUT!? I DON'T KNOW!!!!
"O-okay." I answered and he held my hand and we both head on out of the building, onto his Vespa.
I am a bit worried where we'll actually be going...
"W-where are we going Alberto?"
Then he turned to give me a smirk...this isn't looking too good...
"Just somewhere to relax."
Please be a park...or by the beach...I'm too innocent to go this far for my FIRST ever date...
I wrapped my arms around his chest and he rode down to somewhat a really nice place, which seems very quiet...I couldn't hear the music nor people roaming the town...
Birds chirping and the soft breeze from the's so peaceful... it feels so familiar...
Then he parked the Vespa near a shining lake! Wow...I used to come here with my sister in the summer time. I never knew how beautiful it looked at night.
"W-what are we doing here Alber-"
How he unbuttons his shirt and revealing those muscles of his...showing more scars and stunning freckles...Why did he had to be so hot?!?!
"Dancing sometimes exhaust me. I'd thought swimming could relax us both." I mean he's got a's crowded and very hot inside. We barely danced but was suffocated.
Soon he pulled down his pants but not his boxers...thank god...if he did I'm gonna die...
And jumped in the water, revealing his monster form...Which is my FIRST time seeing it in person!!
"Come on Y/n! It feels great!"
Hmm...I wait until he isn't looking and I slowly pull off my dress, and the flower off my hair, didn't wanna get it all wet. Only in my matching laceless bra and panties
Taking a deep breath...seeing him sat by one of the rocks.
I slowly took a few steps in the water, coming a little closer to Alberto...looking up close to his monster form...
Seeing him for the first time as a sea monster...He looks so...h-handsome...
It's like looking as a humanoid sea dragon...I couldn't be more fascinated that my crush is a legendary creature...
"What?" He asked me while raising an eyebrow...
I have to admit it...just to get it out of my head.
"I-it's just, I never seen you in your form." I said and fixed my hair a bit.
Then I heard him chuckle besides me.
"Aww yeah, don't worry, I'm still the same me. But different on the outside."
I nodded and just checked out his full of scales, a mix of purple and shades of blue...even his sea hair resembles like a blooming rose...
Then I watched him stretch his arms out, laying against the back of the rock.
(Alberto's POV)
How am I gonna confess to her? I'll try to go slow...heck! We're half naked in a lake...just take it slow Alberto...
Silenzio Bruno...
I looked up at the sky, seeing the moon shine over us...then I looked down at Y/n, god she is so beautiful...I couldn't help myself...
"It's a full moon tonight." She said softly and turned to me...
Mamma the moon makes her eyes shine like pearls...
I nodded while flossing my teeth with my clawed fingers.
"Yeah, it sure is."
"You sister takes me here during the summertime, she'd force me to go under the water and try finding some hidden treasure and hold in our breath for a long time." She explained which sounded really cute! I could listen to her all day...
"I always have trouble finding this place while growing up..." hearing her sigh fiddling the water below my swaying tail...
Looks like it's my chance to finally confess...
"Y/n...there's a reason why I brought us's not just for peace and quiet, cooling off."
"Then what is it?"
Here we go...
"Y/n, I really like you...and I mean not in a brother or...friend way...more like uhh...someone I wanna be with way..."
That came out bad... ugh...why is this so hard...
"Everyday... me and Giulia meet up by the bus...she would tell me about her day with you...she loves including you in our conversation...that was since I never met you...She would go and tell me all about you...and your name suits your detailed personality."
I scratched the back of my neck...taking a deep breath...
"She would tell me how awkward and how smart you really are...the one time she told me you were going through a sad break broke my heart just how such a cute girl would go through that..."
I chuckled under my throat...
"The more I hear her stories...the more I'm more interested in you...but I was being such a nervous wreck to even walk up to you...I tried to man up...impress you for becoming a jock...thought it'll grab your attention."
Technically, I did it for her...I became popular so that she'll find me as a very interesting guy to date...sadly I keep getting the popular girls wanting to hit on me...same goes to freaky chicks...
(Y/n's POV)
I can't believe what Im hearing?! Giulia told Alberto all about me! And he did ALL of this...just for me...?
All for me...?
Why do I feel like I have the urge to cry...
"I know it sounds silly...but I did it because...I had a major crush on you...since I entered this school..."
He looked deeply into my eyes while I try not to cry...but failed miserably...then I heard him freak out besides me...
"Oh god! No no no no!! I'm so sorry Y/n! I didn't mean to make you cry!! Please don't cry..."
I couldn't help just how much I'm
feeling in my body right heart couldn't take it...just how effing sweet this sea monster really is...
Looks like it's my turn to confess to him...
"A-Alberto...I feel the same for you...I've always had such a crush on you even before you were popular...I'd always thought you'd just be one of those boys who'd hate me just because of my appearance...or pull a prank on me...but your more than that...I-I never knew Giulia would even do that...and how much you truly cared about me..."
I couldn't hold in my sobbing...I let it all out...smearing my makeup up...
"That's all I wanted to hear...only from you...Y/n...Sono innamorato di te..."
I got butterflies fluttering inside me...the way he whispered those words into my ear...
He wiped the tears off my face while gazing upon those eyes of his.
"I-I'm in love with you too Alberto..."
(3rd Persons PoV)
Alberto slowly cups your cheeks...then leans forwards to your soft lips, a gentle press, sharing a sweet passionate kiss while running his fingers through your hair, pulling you closer to his body, where you run your hands up to his scaley chest, hearing a gentle purr coming from the kiss.
"Mmm...oh Y/ my girlfriend..." He said under the kiss but before you said anything...He began to deepen the kiss where it left you speechless...feeling the tongue enter and played around yours was a BIG step...
You pulled away immediately while covering your face from him with a soft squeaking sound...
"Aww I'm sorry sweetie, I guess I just got too carried away...I'll wait until your ready for that." He leans to kiss your hands and you opened your eyes to look deeply into his eyes.
Reading them really shows that he does care, you were glad he isn't like any other boys from school...
"Mmm, grazie Berto."
Suddenly he began to flush red, heard what you just called him. Sure his friends call him that...but coming from his now makes him fallen in love even more...
"It sounds cute coming from you ~" He smirked and again, you continue to blush.
It starts to feel cold around the area. Alberto noticed you coming a bit more closer to his body, trying to get comfortable.
Then he thought of an idea.
"Hmm, It is getting rather wanna head to my place? I rented New Moon for 2 days, wanna watch it with me?" He asked you and you looked up at him.
"I'd like that a lot."
So the both of you got out of the water, putting back on your clothes and head over to the Marcovaldo's household.
Technically, you didn't bring anything to were still cold even in your dress.
Alberto being a total sweetheart, went to his closet and pulled out his oversize beige knitted sweater, which reached under your thighs. It truly was cozy. Even got his scent all over it.
Oh yeah! Your first ever wearing your boyfriends oversize sweaters!
You spotted Machiavelli nuzzling on the bed, you decide to feel distracted by the chunky baby while Alberto changed to his home clothes. Which to your surprise...looks way attractive in cozy baggy clothing.
He crawls towards you, wrapped an arm around you while turning on the tv.
You nuzzles on his chest, feeling so comfortable, you drifted into sweet slumber hearing his beating heart which relaxed your nerves.
Your dream really has come couldn't wait for a future to date your boyfriend.
Alberto looked down at your sweet sleepy face, he placed a kiss on your forehead and nuzzled while watching the movie with his dream girl in his arms...
Except crying tears of sadness...he's crying tears of happiness...
The end!
This is also a surprise for you lil beans for being supportive and amazing!
I did a Luca Voice Over!!
Yes...this is how I sound and it's pretty much a little late Valentine's Day Gift for you!
Hope you like it UwU
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