Near the Seashore (Alberto x Siren Reader)

This was requested by AvatarShakeah24 !

While Alberto is living in the tower, after meeting Luca, he discovered a sound coming from one of the rocks near the shore at night. He spotted a peculiar figure making those beautiful melodies.

Siren: much like a mermaid, but way deadlier and they use their singing to lure their prey for food.

Best example

Alberto's POV

Im always used to being alone whenever Luca left to go home after making a few vespa's, very nice kid though... Im glad he became my friend.

When he left, I went back to my tower, back to being my old self again...

I went to grab some paper and a drawing stick and begin sketching new things on what I feel or what Im thinking about.

Yeah you can call me an expert of art, I am very good at it.

After drawing for a few minutes, I walked over to the open window to look up to see the giant yellow fish.

Man its very beautiful...

I placed my head near the rock hard concrete, gazing up to the giant water.

I always wonder...would I ever go out to the world and travel with the vespa?...

Soon I let out a big yawn, heading over to my swinging bed, getting ready to head to sleep.

--30 minutes later--

I kept hearing noises coming from outside...I don't know what it is...but it needs to stop...

I got up from my bed, headed over to the big window, looking around for that annoying sound.

"Whatever's making that noise! Stop it-"

I stopped until I saw something moving on the big rock near the water waves.

I took a quick peak on the noisy thing, couldn't tell what it was...

Wow! An investigation!!

I climbed down from my tower and head over to the waves, wanting to get a better look of the thing.

I hid behind the rocks, that was when I saw it move....

I-it looked like hair...long black hair...and for my surprise, a odd looking fish tail, it shines like the bright ocean...

Could it be?...

A mermaid?!

Never seen one up close, I've collected a few other drawings of humans finding these pretty fish people.

Maybe they aren't that bad when I'll talk to them...

I sneaked up to see the front of the thing, that was when I heard it make that sound!!

I-it sounded very beautiful, almost like a sleeping tune, kinda like the lady in the box...

I continued to walk over, until I made a little splash near the waves.

The thing turned its head and I got the good glimpse of her face?!

Her eyes were big and shimmery, her face was less frightening...but in my  surprise was her sharp teeth...they weren't like my teeth, they were extremely sharp, sharper than a shark or an angler fish.

I also realize she isn't wearing anything around her chest area...just covered by her long hair. It pretty much suits the beauty of her figure...

Am I in love? Or am I just sick?

She just stared at me with those wide eyes, I hope I didn't scare her.

How do I start a conversation with a mermaid?...

Maybe just say hi? Or be cool?

Ill go with the hi part...

So I cleared my throat and let out a smirk to the mer-lady.

"Hey there! Im Alber-"


She lets out a loud screeching noise and jumped back into the water...

Aww Man...did I do something wrong? Was I too friendly?...or did I smell?

Ahh well...maybe she'll come back?...

Why am I all of a suddenly curious?...

Oh well...Im still tired...could be all just a dream...

Y/n's POV

I can't believe I was spotted by a human...

Why did I find him cute can't fall in love with a human?...Im a siren...I eat humans like him!

But...when I first saw him...I felt something deep into my heart...

All I was doing was luring some food...haven't eaten in days...maybe Ill come back to see him...

Maybe I scared him from my nervous screeching noises...

So I made my way back to my home, which was a sunken boat ship, well I called it home though.

I went to sleep and what kept bothering me was my stomach grumbling through out the night...

--The next morning--

Alberto's POV

I woke up from my sweet slumber, I wasn't really sure if that was all a dream...

Maybe I should go check the sea shore.

Or possibly find her in the water!

Great idea Alberto! You clever fella!

So I grabbed my handy bag and went inside the water, shifting into my sea monster form, swimming around the big blue, getting a glimpse from the mermaid or find more human related objects that sunk down here...the usual...

I have grabbed a few things I have found, I found a round vase like thing, another dinglehopper, and oh! Some little hooks!

Yeah it isn't a lot, that was when I stumbled a big thing near me...

It looked like a big boat, looks rusty...I like it! Maybe Ill find more human objects inside!

I made my way inside and all I could see is so much more objects surrounding me...

"woah! Jack pot..." I grabbed a few things, putting them in my bag, until I saw a brush, that has long black strings around it.

I gently picked it up, feeling the strings felt like hair.

That's when I felt a swish inside the boat...

I think I broke into someone's home....

I dropped the brush, placing it back where it belongs and when I turned my body...I can't believe my very eyes...

I-its her...

T-the mermaid lady!!!

And she's staring right at me!!!

Wait...why is she getting angry?...doesn't she recognized me?

Oh wait...she doesn't know...

Well...Gotta swim the fins out of here!!!

End of POV

The siren begin to swim chase Alberto out of her home, she wouldn't care if she sang for luring, she was absolutely starving and growled when he dashed away from her.

She grew out her claws, swimming her way to Alberto and until they made it to shore.

He shifts back to his human form, she stopped when she saw what just happened.

Her eyes widen that this was the human she saw last night...


H-He's a sea monster?! And he can shift?

Oh no...w-what have I done?...

I heard a voice, coming from the half breed.

"Hey! Its okay, come on up!"

I looked up at the same rock I laid on last night... he's on it this time.

He held his hand out to me, revealing his violet like scaled skin.

I slowly swim near it, my claws disappear when I gently held his hand.

Then I was pulled up and he caught me bridle style.

Wow...H-He's very strong...

I looked at his face and I never been this close with someone like this...

He placed me down on the rock and sat next by me.

"Now...I never finished my words...Hi! Im Alberto Scorfano!"

I blushed and moved my hair to the side "I-Im Y/n..."

Alberto's POV

Holy moly her voice is so soft sounding!!!

Well besides the noises and screeching...

"Hey, that's a pretty name...f-for a mer-lady like you." I said to her while coming a little closer...don't know if that's a good idea...

"I-Im a siren silly..." She said while looking into my eyes.

Something about them, they don't look threaten...the black circles around her eyes looked pretty big. Maybe its her normal eyes?

"Oh! Well that's something new~"

Too soon Alberto...

Until I heard her so cute...

"Well I've never seen a sea monster shifting into a human...that's new to me." She gently brushed her hair  around her chest area.

Im not fully distracted by it, what attracts me the most was those eyes of hers...


"Well...I guess you didn't recognized me when I was in my form. However I know you who you were~"  He gave me those flirty face expressions at I that pretty to look at.

Usually us Sirens are known to be beautiful, but we also have an ugly side...its not a pretty history...

"Yeah...sorry about that...I was just so hungry, plus you did invade my home..."

Looking up at him always made me feel flustered, he's got really gorgeous eyes.

My stomach let out a loud growling sound. It made me feel embarrassed.

I looked up at Alberto and he gave me the biggest smile.

"Let me help you!" He said while having his arm wrapped around me.

Can I trust him though, well I have no choice.


That was when he makes his way out of the shore.

"come on! Its not bad!"

Can I shape shift too?...

I lift my tail out of the water, and slowly my tail disappears and reveal two bare human feet.

I gasped that my skin is no longer pale blue.

I lift my body up and looked over at Alberto. Which he turns red...

Why is he red?

"Uhh!! Let me go get you something to wear..."

I nodded and slowly walked to the sand, it felt weird at first, kinds tickles.

Until I see him come back with a long white cloth like thing.

"It ain't much, but maybe it'll look good on you." He said while I looked at the thing...

So I tried putting it on while he watched.

Putting on the white cloth covering my full body felt warm.

"You look perfect." He said while I twirl around it.

"Now let's go feed you."

So I tried my best to climb the tower but slipped a few times, that's when I noticed Alberto helped me up when I made it to the top.

I looked around the place, it felt like I was in my home...but out of water...

"Now, you make yourself at home, while I prep up some food." Alberto winked at me while he walked off to get us some food.

So I explored this tower, seeing nothing but collected objects that was created by man.

Im a collector as well...but not a lot like what he has.

Until I saw a little white line drawn into the wall, my eyes received me...

Behind this cloth were tally marks...

Goes up and down, so many of them...this reminded of mine back in the ship...

Has he also lost a loved one?

"Im back! Just got a few berries and oh..." I turned my head to see his face and he noticed already.

"You lost a loved one?..." I asked him.

He deeply sighed and tried not to tear up in front of me.

"Well...I wouldn't say lost...more of...left me here..." He looked down after admitting.

I walked over to him slowly, gently cupped one of his cheeks, fairly looking deep into those eyes of his...I could tell he is hurt...

"I mother abandoned me in that sunken ship when I was 7...never saw her since..." I said looking down in grief.

Suddenly he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me into a bug hug...I could feel tears dripping into my skin.

"I-Im not alone..." He sobbed, not wanting to be too loud.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, and shut my eyes into this comforting hug.

"I know this is crazy to say but..." He let go of me to gaze into my iris's.

"Join with me..."

My eyes widen from this sudden moment...I barely knew him...however I do admit he is pretty handsome, maybe if I stayed with him...Ill get to know more about himself.

"Yes Alberto..." Its all I have said...

And so your both guy's dream is to explore and live free together.

Is to have someone by your side with the same desire.


I know I know this was a pretty long one. But I felt engaged writing this !!

Thank you so much for the request :3

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