Love Triangle (Luca x Reader x Alberto)

Requested by ZoeYsabelle24

You invited the boys over for a sleepover...however something doesn't feel right...they would glare at each other whenever their with you and arguing in the battlefield...

⚠ squeeze of Orange ⚠
You are 16, Luca is 16, Alberto is 17.

Also bonus at the bottom.

Who would you choose?


You were waiting for Luca and Alberto to arrive by your tree house to have a small slumber party.

You set up everything with snacks, blankets, a wireless television that only plays vhs tapes.

Also some sketchbooks and books for the both of them.

Your other friend Guilia was supposed to come, but its just you and the boys. You know they wouldn't hurt you.

Once you got everything situated, you heard the boys calling for your name, you looked out your little window.

"Ciao, come up!"

You cheered and made yourself comfortable in your fluffy cardigan.

Luca came up first, wearing a nemo onesie, which looks absolutely adorable on him.

Then Alberto climbed up after, wearing a black sleeved sweatshirt and his blue covered vespa pj pants.

They look more fabulous than you do.

You only wore a lavender nightgown and a white knitted sweater.

"Im ready to party!" Luca cheered and sat besides you.

Then Alberto sat the opposite direction, wrapping an arm around you. It made you blush on how close they really were.

"Yeah, can't wait to spend time with our favorite bella~" He said in a deep tone.

You shuffled away from them and sat up "well I'd say we should play a game first, I was thinking of truth or dare!"

"Im up for it." Alberto smirked.


You come a little closer, creating a triangle shaped circle. You went first.

"Okay, Luca, truth or dare."

"Uhhh...Truth!" He answered.

You snickered "is it true that you ate my last slice of pie?"

His eyes widen and turned red "h-how did she know...?"

"Hah! I knew it!! Its your turn Luca."

Luca's POV

Im going to embarrass Alberto big time...

"Alberto, truth or dare?"

"Dare!" He said proudly.

Mwehehehehehehe >:3

"I dare you to smell your armpit!"

Then I heard Y/n cover her mouth chuckling under her breath.

"Alright." Alberto accepts and does so. "Smells like Axe~"

What?! That's Y/n's favorite cologne on a man...

"Ooh~" Y/n giggled and she turns red.

Damn it...

"Hmm Y/n, truth or dare?" He bites his lips like a dumb ass he is...

"Dare please." She answered

Please don't dare her to kiss you...or I don't know...I wanna kiss her...

"I dare you to kiss my neck~"

You...PRICK!!!!!!!! >:(

"Hehe, alright then." She crawled over to him and really...she kissed his neck...I can't look at this...but hearing Alberto let out those soft growls...

"Back to you Bella~"

Y/n backed away and she's still red after what she did...

"Alberto, truth or dare?" She asked.

"Hmm, I wanna go for dare again, but Ill do truth."

Good... /(-.- )/

"Is it true that your single?" She asked...

My heart shattered after what she asked...

"Yeah, been single ever since."

This is bad...I have to make him do something embarrassing so she'll think he's gross...

Alberto turned his face towards me.

"Luca? Truth or dare?"

Alberto's POV

Im so gonna embarrass him~ so far Y/n has to be really interested in me.

"Dare!" He tried to sound cute shark bait~

"I dare you to drink that whole soda."

Oh, it gets better~

"Your on!" Luca went to grab the soda bottle and starts chugging it.

Y/n giggled "you two are a bunch of goofballs."

Once Luca was finished, he knew he didn't wanna burp in front of a girl.

"That's impressive, I couldn't do that."

Then suddenly...Luca lets out a big burp right in front of her...

I covered my laughter but Y/n starts laughing..but clapped.

"Beautiful Luca, beautiful."

She found it funny?!

Well...Ill make her do something to me that she'll enjoy~

Luca's POV

hehe, that actually made me smile. Plus the soda was delicious.

"Okay, Y/n, truth or dare."

"Truth please." Y/n answered me.

I smirked and thought of something that'll make Alberto pissed off.

"Who do you like more?"

I bet she says me..

Y/n's POV

Okay these boys are feeling pretty needy...I understand were just having fun and goofin off.

But personally I liked one of them...Im just scared how the other would react...

Ill just have to lie...

"Well both of you! I love both of you."

"Woah woah woah what?" Alberto said, looking a bit jealous.

"That's not fair...we can't share..."

Okay...they must be misunderstanding...I don't share either in relationships...

"Guys it's only friendship, chill."

Alberto's PoV

Did we just got friendzoned?...

Luca's pOV

Is this how friendzones feel like?...

Y/n's POV

"Anyways, let's watch a movie! I picked out some good ones to watch." I crawled over to the television and picked one of the films.

Until I felt shuffling and mumbling behind me...

I turned to see the two arguing each other...which has been happening ever since I kissed both their cheeks when they saved me...

I know both of them liked me in that way.

But one of them has to accept that Id be happy with whoever I choose.

Its getting annoying...

"Guys...please stop...Im setting the movie up."

They stopped and they scoot besides me.

I went to grab the popcorn, placing it on my lap and the movie starts.

Then I felt Alberto wrapped his arm around my shoulder, and Luca is nuzzling on my chest. No joke its sweet of them.

Hmm...if I had to choose one of them...I don't want them to fight...all because I rejected them...

So far they we're doing good during the movie.

Its getting a little late, I went to turn off the tv and saw the boys all snuggled in and sleeping.

It was a cute sight...hmmm...

Maybe I should choose who I liked the most...

I took a deep breath and crawled over to...

(Here are your options!)


You crawled over to Luca and kiss him sweetly while he wraps his arms around you.

"I choose you.." You said softly and it made Luca turn red but given me that adorable smile.

He maybe a softie, but that's the reason you like him, he's like a teddy bear in cute outfits.

You couldn't wait to be with him in future dates.

How does Alberto feel about this, sure he'll still be a but jealous, but he also wanted you to be happy.

In fact he became the big brother, he'll always be on the watch and make sure no one hurts both of you.

Him and Luca became best friends after having some gelato.


You crawled over to Alberto and kiss him "I choose you.." You whispered, but instead of a sweet kiss in return, he gives you a deep kiss which you let out a soft moan.

To be honest, you always felt safe around him, he maybe a dangerous carnivore sea monster, but you'd be in his arms for protection.

How does Luca feel about this. Well he accepts it, he understands that your feelings matter.

He'll still be your number one friend and still hangs out with you.

He even apologized to Alberto from all the fights and arguing they did.

They became best friends again.


Hope you enjoyed this one. Sorry if it felt a bit quick. Just got no thing else to do lol.

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