Good Girl Part 2 (Alberto x Shiba Inu Shapesihifting Reader)


So this is gonna be based off on the movie a little bit.

But you wanted to get along with Alberto, however he may or may not know you can shapeshift.

Let's find out shall we?

Warning, this is going to be a long one.


--The next morning--

Guilia opened the window and woke up the two boys, while you jumped from excitement wagging your tail.

That's when you realized! You need to shift back to your human form. It appears Massimo has given you a small task to do outdoors, which sounds so much fun!

So you took a quick shower and changed into a dress, possibly to impress Alberto whenever he's near.

It was a simple cute yellow dress and wore a flower crown Guilia made for you as a birthday gift.

Once you are finished making yourself look cute, you walked down to see Massimo at the back of the house. It appears the two boys are besides him.

Except for Alberto, almost pulling out one of his knives, he looks over at you with that same expression he gave you last night.

You giggled "Buon giorno Alberto."  Said softly and he begins to stutter into a gibberish sentence.

Alberto's POV

WOW!! She looks amazing...hmm, maybe after fishing...Im definitely gonna ask her-

"Y/n, Im giving you a list of items we need at home!" Massimo handed her a piece of paper and that smile of hers made me feel hungry in my tummy...

"Si Massimo" She went to go grab a basket that's near me...hmm I should give it to her.

So I rushed over to give her the basket.

Her face looked surprised when I did that...silenzio bruno...just do it..."Go out with me after work?..."

I smiled nervously after asking her that.

Did I go too far?...

"Sure, Id love to."


She grabbed the basket off of my hands and went to do her job.

She actually said yes! Wow..she sure is something~

Y/n's PoV

I looked back and smiled that he's actually asking me out!

I bet it'll be romantic.

I do hope I won't shift to my form on our first date...that's my biggest worry.

So I went out to the store to get some items, basically food.

I searched through each isle to find what I needed, and checking off.

It's been almost 30 minutes of shopping, didn't feel that long after checking out.

"Ciao! Y/n, did you find anything you needed?" The cashier said cheerfully and scanned each item.

"Si." I said wagging my tail.

He even noticed my smile. "Anything special happening?"

Hmm maybe I should tell him. "Well, I got asked out by a handsome man."

"è magnifico bella! I bet he's very nice."

I nodded and paid for the foods. "He really is." Then grabbed the bags.

"Ciao Y/n!" He waved and I head on out of the store. I saw Guilia riding her bike full of fish.

She turns to see me. "Wanna ride with me sis!?" She asked and I jumped with joy.

I ran towards her, putting the groceries on her little basket, I Immediately shift to a my form.

I love going for a ride! Its relaxing.

I watch Guilia delivery fish and getting paid. Im also feeling a bit worried about her competing with Ercole for the Portorosso Race...the first time she did she puked...and it was horrible...wish I could help her. Im a good swimmer! I could eat tasty pasta. We can be underdogs together!! Heck I hate Ercole too, hate it when he calls me a filthy runt...

I shift back to my human and came closer to her.

"Hey Guilia, I was wondering If I joined your team! I can do either swimming or eat pasta! I won't make a mess of things."

I waited for a respond and she stopped the bike.

"Y/n, I would love that really, but...I already have a team.."


"Yeah...I didn't wanna tell you because I didn't wanna hurt your see...Luca and Alberto are on my team..."

Oh...I see...

"Aww don't worry, maybe if things don't go too well, I'll let you join. Plus the boys would love some support." She winks at me.

"That sounds like fun! Showing support, Ill give them treats! "

"Hah! There not dogs silly."

We laugh through that little joke and continue the deliveries.

After the nice stroll, we made it back to town square.

To our eyes received a big surprise.

The three boys has catched a lot of fish!

"Your friends do know fish!" Massimo said proudly and I smiled at one of them, especially Alberto.

I tried not to show my tail just smile.

I can't wait for our first date tonight.

-- A few hours later --

I were sitting in the hide out, looking out into the stars.

It was a beautiful night.

Then I heard some movement coming from behind.

"Hey cutie."

I jumped to see Alberto crawling up and sat besides me. the moon shines into his gorgeous eyes...makes me fall in love even more.

"The big fish is out." He said which confused me...

But It was still silly.

I used to think the moon was a giant biscuit.

"Its beautiful isn't it?" I said and I felt his hand being placed on top of mine.

"Yeah, like you?~"

I turned red and looked over at him, he was very close to me almost like we're  about to kiss.

"You still wanna go out?" He asked and I looked down shyly. Im still up for it.


"Great! Let me take you somewhere."

So Alberto and I climbed down the tree and we both head on out for a nice walk.

The lights surrounding the town is so beautiful.

I never go out at night before, except for a few festivals me and my family went to. But still.

"So, do you live around here Alberto?" I asked him.

He looks down at me and shrugs "uhhh. Yeah! I live somewhere...Imarunaway.."

Run away?! Im getting a bad feeling about this...

That's when we stopped by a woman selling cannoli's late at night.

Mmm cannoli's

"You wanna get some?" He asked and I nodded. Good thing I saved some money.

We walked by and we both pointed out the strawberry flavored, soon we both looked at each other.

Hmm, he likes strawberry too!

After buying them, they do look a bit big but that's what makes heaven last longer.

When Alberto took the first bite, he lets out a soft moan.

"Mmmm! This is amazing!"

He's not kidding, when I bite into it.

I could see heaven...

We continued our walk enjoying the dessert while he told me some jokes.

They were so funny and a bit of them were just cringe worthy.

He even made me choke a few times while I nom on my treat.

"You are so funny Alberto!" I playfully punched his arm while he held me closer to him.

We walked over the bridge and looked up at the moon. The scenery around here is so peaceful, yet very romantic.

People come by and share true loves kiss.

Hmm..would he not mind if I bring up the whole runaway thing? I'd like to know why he ran away from home, was he abused?

"So Alberto, was your parents mean to you?"

I hear him chuckle "I wouldn't say they did..."

"Then...why would you run away if they didn't do anything bad?.."

We stopped in place in the middle of the bridge after asking.

Alberto then sighed and turns his head towards me "Look...your the first girl I ever told you about my troubling...Im not sure if I should trust you..."

I gulped and my senses are feeling fear...but I must know... "I promise I won't tell..."

He placed his arms by the bridge, looking down at the water.

"My dad left me all alone while growing up in a island...I waited for him to come back...but he never did...left me all by my self...thinking Im better off on my own...So through out my life...I'll be collecting things...trying to survive for food...just...on my own..."

Oh...possible father issues...that reminds me of my past...its horrible how some father's wouldn't accept baring children...

I could hear him sniffle, he really did hurt this poor boy...

I come closer, wrapping an arm around him, pulling in for a side hug.

"I understand how you feel...your not alone..."

Alberto's POV

"Wait...your dad left you too?" I asked with curiosity...

She nodded "I was just a little pup, he'd thought I could live on my far it wasn't going to great...all small, everything big around you...hungry animals just wanna eat you cuz your was a nightmare for me...until I found by Guilia...she treated me with all the love and warmth, I end up finding a new home. A sister, a father, and a furry friend!...but I wouldn't call Massimo as a father just yet...because..."

Did she just say pup?

She stopped when she explained about her father too...he abandoned her as a kid too...

Wow...we do have a lot in common!

"That's...exactly how my dad did too..."

She turned to look up at me...she has a very pretty face, I wanna kiss her...but Im not sure if she'll accept it.

"Well...maybe one day you'll find a better father figure, you wouldn't have to go through this... She placed her hands onto my felt very comforting when she touched me there..

"Grazie bella."

I see her cheeks turn red, then we gaze into each other eyes. Then I look down at her soft rosey lips. She truly is a beauty, but also a sweetie, I like a girl who is sweet to me.

I gently lifted her chin up with my index finger...making her look into my eyes more. I leaned closer for a my surprise she does the same!!

Woah!! She wants to kiss me?!

Y/n's POV

I felt so excited! I can't help myself! My first kiss!! Don't shape shift don't shape shift!!

We both kissed under the moon light, having my hands brush up from his chest and around his neck.

Id feel his hands pulling me closer to him, I would feel our hearts are connecting while my chest pressed against his.

So this is love...

My tail wagged like crazy and Im starting to feel very fuzzy...

I gasped and limped down to the ground on all fours.

Oh no...

I looked up to see his shocked face.

"Woah! Y-your the dog!"

I looked down in shame, tucking my tail in between my legs.

I let out soft whimpers...

He doesn't like me anymore...because he kissed a dog...

"This is amazing!! Y/n, You look so cute and fluffy! You were the same dog when we first met!!
He kneels into my level and gave me the biggest smile. It all makes sense now!"
He kneels into my level and gave me the biggest smile.

I looked up at him with my sad puppy eyes, soon I tilted my head.

Its not that Im confused. Its my 'whaaaaat?' face.

"I know you won't understand me...but Im also a shifter too!"

Wait...he could shift into a dog too?!

I barked and wagged my tail, he needs to show me now! What kind of breed is he? Oof! I need to know I need to know!! I bet he's a cute dog!

"Let me show you! Come on!"

He runs down...oh..okay then? So I chased him and we rushed by the shore.

Then he jumped into the water...oh..? That's something...? I guess he just wants to swim?

I sat by the wave, having my head tilted.

That's when I saw a looked very scaley and long...almost like a monster...until something arises from the water...

I whimpered loudly, my heart is pounding with scared...i-it's a monster!!!

Alberto's POV

I gasped and run down to her but she starts growling at me...

Oh no...

"Y/n shhh...wait.."

She began to bark, almost waking up the town... I tried to calm her down. I cupped her cheeks and look deeply into her eyes.

"Its me Y/n...Im not gonna hurt me..."

Y/n's POV

I softly growled and stared into those eyes...those same...beautiful green eyes...

Dio mio...i-it's him...

How embarrassed of me...I almost alarmed a few people...I start to whimper in guilt.

"Shhh...its okay bella, its only me..."

That's when I felt Alberto rub my head...


He sat besides me while I lay my head on his lap.

I looked up at him while he calms me down with his fishy hands comforting me, meaning everything is alright.

"Good girl Y/n."

I wagged my tail when he says that, I like to be called that.

I slowly shift back to my human form, his face turned red after I shift.

"Could you say it again Alberto?" I asked softly.

He placed his same index finger under my chin, coming a little closer, placing our heads together.

"Your a good girl." He whispers and kisses me with those soft fish lips.

I couldn't believe that Im in love with a sea feels forbidden...but I love it!

We pulled away and I looked up at my house that's near by.

"We should get going."

Alberto got up and shakes his form off like how a dog would do it.

"Yeah, Im getting pretty tired, let me carry you home."

Say what?

He picked me up and putting me on his shoulder...dio mio Im wearing a dress!!!

I tried to cover my behind.

"Alberto Im wearing a dress!!"

Then I felt his hand on my butt, holding my dress down...0/////////0

"Got it covered."

What a pervert...

Once we made our way back to the tree hide out, we sat back where we were before.

"I had a lovely time with you Alberto." I told him while he wraps his arm around me.

"I did too, let's do it again tomorrow."

I blushed, and he's already planned another one.

"Id love that." I crawled over and nuzzled his chest, looking up at the moon.

"The anchovies are glowing tonight."

Anchovies?...Mama mia he is too silly.

Suddenly I heard Guilia and Luca opening the door in the bedroom, looks like their home.

Looks like its bed time!

"Well, Ill see you in the Morning."

"See you soon bella."

He held my hand and gently kissed it as a farewell kiss. I head back inside the bedroom and went to go change out of my clothes.

Alberto's POV

You know...even though I wanna live free...but I wanna bring her with me!

I climbed by the window and saw my friend.

"Hey! Luca, I've been looking everywhere for you."


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