Crushing your Fear (Alberto x Shy & Scared Reader)
Requested by leddergirl
You feared of a certain film you watched on a date, and Alberto wants to help you concur your fear.
Your 14 and Alberto is 16
You were doing some homework in your bedroom, just to get everything done for next week's subject.
You also played around with your radio, getting a good channel with classy music.
You softly sighed and read a few paragraphs.
"Hey Y/n!!"
"Ahh!!" You jumped from your chair and on the ground.
It was Alberto popping out of your window like a peeping cat.
"Santa Maria Alberto...Y-you scared the living out of me..." You whispered and walked over to your window, feeling the cold breeze coming from outside.
"Aww Im sorry...I didn't mean to, just wanna stop by and check on my little kitty." He gently booped your nose which made you flustered.
"Mmm Alberto stop.." You pushed his finger away shyly.
You two became a thing after the portorosso championship race, your guy's father's are best friends, Massimo introduced you to him while helping out with fishing.
He isn't really good at dating, he just thought it was like a friend kind of way, well minus the non stop unexpected kisses and cuddle sessions, You didn't mind all that.
"Anyways, what brings you here handsome?" You asked, leaning against the curtains, looking up at him.
"What brings me here? Well glad you asked." He winked and leans a bit closer to you, looking deeply into your brightened e/c eyes.
"Id thought we can sneak out and maybe go out to a movie?" He smirked and raised an eyebrow, waiting for your answer.
"What movie are we watching?" You asked.
"Ehh...just some black and white bee movie, heard there always funny, there's this one that came out from another country, might as well go check it out."
Oh my goodness, is he asking you on an actual date? You hesitate, you've been waiting for this moment and nods "si si! Id love to!" You smiled sweetly, you clapped your hands together and you felt a pair of lips pressing against your cheek.
You flustered and covered your face.
"Then its a date?~"
You looked back at your home work which your almost done with, you did need a little break, plus its not due for the next 4 days.
"Well, let me get ready, please be careful coming in, my parents are asleep." You whispered and Alberto climbed inside and sat on your bed.
"Ill wait" He laid against his arms, so you went to your closet to find something to wear.
You stumbled a cute purple dress with ruffles underneath the shoulders, you thought Alberto would like this one, even though you were a shy girl, you add a white knitted cardigan that'll go with it.
You turned red and looked at him which he is just admiring you.
"Um...c-could you turn around for me, p-please?" You asked your boyfriend to turn so you would change.
In your head, he'd either say no and watch you or try to peak from behind.
"Alrighty then" He turned his body and stared closely to your giant Mickey Mouse plushie.
At least he's focused on something else, so you began to change out of your clothes and put on the dress.
"So where's the foreign film made from?" You asked to break the silence.
"Hmm America?" He said in confusion, whether he says it correctly.
"Oh! Interesting, I think their movies are quite good."
He nods and then sees your cat headbutting him sweetly asking for pets.
"You can turn around now."
And so he turned and his eyes checked you out from top to bottom, seeing you in the dress was memorizing.
You turned red and put on the cardigan that'll cover your shoulder blades.
"Wow...Y look-"
"Chubby? Awkward? A try hard?..." You rambled a bunch of nonsense, your still a bit insecure about how you look.
"No...non of those. Your breath taking." He got off and head on over towards you.
You felt his arms wrapped around your arms and turned your body, facing your mirror.
"You see right there?" He asked, you looked at Alberto through the reflection, the way he looks at you made you feel butterflies flutter around your stomach.
"Well, let me tell you, what I see is a bella signorina~"
You blushed from those words, until you felt his arms slowly slither to your waist, wrapping them to hold you close. His head laying onto your shoulder.
This was new from Alberto, he never acted like this around you.
He was being so romantic, it made you feel more attracted to him.
"You look about ready, let's head on over there!" He unwrapped and head out to the window, he helped you out of the bedroom slowly steady on the roof. Your cat is guarding your room like a little knight.
"Alright, let's go" he held your hand and make your way down to the movie theater, you are very curious what's airing from the U.S.
Its either a 3 hour romance movie, a classic sci-fi, or your worst nightmare...horror films...
So you hope it's not horror.
"Hey! Let's go watch this one!" Alberto points at a familiar character on a poster which brightens up your smile.
"Wow! Disney made an adaptation of Pinocchio? Let's watch it!" You clapped and Alberto smirked down at you "let's go grab the tickets"
You were so happy its not a horror film. You watched your boyfriend buy tickets and went to get some popcorn, and head inside the theater.
You both sit together and see that the movie is already starting.
Beginning with a beautiful song, which was beloved to this day in age.
You hummed to the melody and you felt Alberto's hand placed on top of yours. You both looked into each others eyes and gazed upon.
Your dream already came true, its being with your boyfriend.
By the end of the beautiful intro, the movie begins.
You we're surprised how much they changed from the actual book.
//trust me, the true origins is more disturbing. the classic Pinocchio was also creepy.., it's absolutely amazing no joke, but very dark 0.0 \\
Through out the movie, you were already filling a chill down your spine from a few scenes that were getting pretty dark.
Examples, Pinocchio being locked up all because he made extra money in a puppet show. The fox and the cat trying to lure Pinocchio back to make him be "an actor"
And worst of all, Pleasure Island.
You were getting a lot closer to Alberto on how scared your becoming, he held onto you and the more deeper the movie goes, you start hiding your face.
You keep peaking out under Alberto's chest, you saw Monstro...
The big whale which all sorts of sea creatures fear...a man eating whale what kills...
You were so scared on how frightening he really looked.
Whenever he appears, you'd hid back to his chest.
Alberto's POV
Feeling her so close to me makes me feel warm inside...why would she be scared of a whale? There not that scary and evil.
She nuzzled her head against my chest, tugging onto my shirt in safety...
I held onto her closely and kissed her forehead.
We continued watching the movie, it did have a happy ending, where the puppet turned into a real boy.
It was not that bad!
End of POV
When you guys exit out of the theater, you still held onto Alberto.
"Y/n its okay, not all whales are scary." He admits but you shiver from the thought.
" don't understand..."
"What is it?" He stared into your eyes, you took a deep breath and back up to him...
"Im scared of the ocean..."
This surprised Alberto, that his girlfriend is scared of the water.
The one thing she doesn't know one thing about him before they started dating was that he was a sea monster...
It kinda broke him a bit, but he thought of something that'll possibly concur her fear, seeing how beautiful it could really be.
"Say Y/n, you wanna have another date tomorrow morning?"
You looked up seeing him bring a sweet smile which you adore.
"Id love that." You leaned to kiss his nose, holding his hand tightly.
"Great! Let me take you back home."
--The next morning--
You got ready for your 2nd date with Alberto which you weren't show where to, so you put on a cute dress that'll suit for this next date.
You looked at your self in the mirror, only he would see your inner beauty surrounding my outer body.
"Wow, you look beautiful." You jumped and turned your body to see Alberto laying on your bed.
"Skills, anyways you ready?"
You nodded and grab your sun hat, heading outside.
"So where are we going Alberto?" You asked.
"Oh just a nice walk down the beach." He winked and flicked his hat back.
You just hope you won't be able to get in the water.
"Alright hon, let's go." You said shyly, holding his hand closer to your's.
Alberto leads the way near the sea, hoping this will help you face your fear, not only the ocean, bur him as well.
"I know a good spot! Which would probably be a good place to you know...make out~"
You jumped from the last words and him leaning into your ear.
Are you guys really ready to go to the next step? And that is kissing.
"A-Alberto...a-are you sure we're prepared for that step?" You asked, covering your face.
He smirks "hey! Let's not let Bruno get in the way, he can't stop us."
This made you giggle and nods, so it's Bruno that's making him not do it.
"Okay, do you know a certain spot?"
"Follow me~"
So you two went near a small area where you two first met.
Alberto leaned against the iron gate, while you nuzzled his shoulder, looking over at the fisherman floating down to the areas where there's more fish.
"You know, there's jellyfish near the deck, if you care to get a good view." Alberto looked down at you, nuzzling your head.
"Uhh...can we like this for a few more minutes?" You kissed his cheek and gently rubbed his little biceps.
"Aww its not that bad, their actually really cute!"
You thought for a second and sighed, yes you do find Jellyfish to be cute, so maybe it won't be too bad.
"Okay, plus I don't wanna hurt your feelings."
So you two went over where the jellyfish are located, you see the little ones swimming under the deck, you didn't go near the water.
Alberto looked into your sweet smile, that's a first good sign, the next step is possibly a bigger challenge.
But doesn't know how to do it.
"You wanna try and take a few steps in?"
Her eyes widen and backed away from the jellyfish. "W-what?.."
"Y/n, listen to me...I know you are scared, I understand you worked with your papá, but whenever your at sea, you have to deal with water..."
You sighed and looked up at him, you feared of the ocean because of one thing...
(Back Story, 2 years ago)
It was night time.
You were only 12 years old and you helped your father going on a stroll down the sea.
You were very fascinated about stories about monsters living under the sea, you'd thought it be very fun to fish with him.
"Papá! When will I ever use the knives?" You asked, giving him those puppy eyes.
He looked down at you and chuckled "promise me you won't drop it?"
You nodded and he handed you the knife to cut the fishnets.
Your father starts pulling up the nets from the waters and you watched him pull as much fish.
You slowly saw the net up but that's when you saw something peaking in the water. A pair of green eyes looking straight at start to hesitate in fear, you tried to back away as quickly but fell overboard.
"Y/n!!" Your father shouts, running over and looked around the dark water "Y/n!! Mama Mia..."
You tried to swim your way up but you couldn't, you were never a good swimmer...
You were losing oxygen into your burning lungs.
Suddenly you felt a pair of arms wrapped around your waist, slowly pulling you back up to the surface, only your head peeking out.
"Y/n..." Your father grabbed you out of the water and wrapped you in a blanket.
When you awake, you wanted to get out of here and get back to land...those eyes in the water still gave you nightmares...but you did get a good glimpse of the thing in the water...still gave you nightmares to this day.
(End of Back story)
"Ill be by your side pebble.." Alberto whispers pressing his forehead against yours.
You looked into his eyes and back down "Silenzio Bruno.."
"Well come on then!" He runs to the water shore with you behind him.
You took off your shoes and hat, placing them near the sand, Alberto held your hand while you gripped them tightly.
"You ready?" He asked, making sure you truly are ready, you nodded as a response.
You took a tiny step, feeling the cold water cover up your feet.
"Good, let's go above the knees." He suggest and walks up ahead, still holding your hand.
You followed him, slowly making it to your knees, your dress was starting to float.
Your also noticing...something doesn't feel right...Alberto's legs were in a different color...could be the lighting.
"Now the waist."
He leads the way to his waist, he gently pulls you closer, now having his hands wrapped around your waist.
You came very close to his chest, you were feeling very brave and happy.
"Good job, now its time to for the next big step, Ill wait."
Your heart was pounding like crazy...trying to forget that horrifying memory from 2 years go...thinking about the cute jellyfish and possibly it won't be too bad...
"Im ready..."
"Let's do it together...on the count of three, we dive down."
You nodded and wrapped your arms around his waist, held onto his shoulders.
Alberto pushed the both of you down to the water, you held your breath feeling your surrounding. You opened your eyes to look up at your sweetheart...but your felt scared...your nightmares were back to haunt you...those same pair of eyes from you were 12...
You tried to scream but suddenly the thing pressed its lips against yours, sharing a deep passionate kiss underwater.
In your have so many to question...have you met Alberto before? Were those his eyes from before? Was he the monster...
The kiss lasted for a good 30 seconds until he pulls away, you looked into those shining green eyes... realizing you weren't scared any more...from your surprise, he wasn't scary looking...
You swam back up to the surface for fresh air, Alberto came back up, flipping his purple sea hair up and seeing his form in full detail in the surface.
"Now look I know what your going to say...Yes I am a sea monster...its no wonder I am a little strange, yet very overwhelmed-"
"We've met before...2 years ago...I was 12...I was fishing with my papá at night...I-I saw you!"
Alberto's POV
Oh my...I remember...I was 14 at the time...and I saved her from drowning...? that was her?!
I can't believe it...I've saved my first future girlfriend...
"Well, I may look scary at night...what do you think of me now?" I asked her, smiling with my sharp teeth revealed.
She cupped my scaled cheeks, giving me a sweet kiss that I gave her under water.
I wrapped my tail around her legs and her waist, pulling her closer to me.
Yeah she's not scared any more~
"I think you are perfect, just the way you are, as human and this." She said sweetly and we continued on kissing like it was some cheesy love movie.
But this is our cheesy love movie.
This was also inspired by me.
I do fear of the ocean due to Angler Fish and the deep sea, heck I can't even look down into the sea, believing Cthulu is right under my swaying feet...or a big ass shark swimming up and eat makes me feel uncomfortable and queezy...
However my gf would try to bring the bright side on how beautiful the ocean really is, seeing different fishes and stunning scenery.
My gf is pretty much my Alberto -3-
She da best.
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