Christmas Special 🎄

This will be another preference but each will be a short one shot.

Have a very merry Christmas, and enjoy these adorable preferences! ^_^

Some of these will be aged up, but it's all gonna be cute and sweet! Christmas is meant to be joy and innocent!

Hope you have been very good this year! And felt safe during the rough time of Rona.

Anyways, let's all be happy and feel the positive!

Yes I'm doing this pretty early to give you all the spirit! Enjoy!! _____________________________________


You sat down near the fire that's warming up the living room.

You took a deep breath and heard footsteps coming from behind.

"Ciao Bella! I made some hot cocoa." You turned to see your boyfriend in a cozy green sweater holding a tray of steaming cocoa and a side of Christmas cookies.

"Aww Luca sweetie." He sat next to you, placing the tray between you two, you picked up a mug and took a little sip, tasting the sweet chocolate from the heavens.

"Did you save some cookies for the big guy?" You asked and Luca nodded.

"Hope there mighty tasty for him, what if we'll get to see him up close?" He was very curious about peeking Santa Claus putting down presents, you thought it was absolutely adorable.

"Well he doesn't wanna spoil the surprise for any of us sweetie. Santa is like a fairy, he can magically disappear whenever you try and see him."

Then Luca's eyes shine from a new discovery. You love teaching him new things about the holidays.

"Hmm, I bet we get lots of gifts." He took a sip of the cocoa and had on a little whipped cream mustache.

You giggled and lean in to kiss his cheek.

"We should head to bed soon." You request and he agrees.

"Your right."

— The Next Morning —

"Y/n! Wake up love! It's Christmas morning!" You heard Luca's voice awakening you.

You groaned, slowly sitting up, seeing his bright smile in front of your face, it's like looking at an angel prince.

So you two went to go brush your teeth and head downstairs to see so many presents under the tree.

"Woah!! There's a lot! Where to start first!!" Luca cheered in excitement then ran down to grab one.

But you had to stop him!

"Wait Luca!! Before you open one...I want you to open mine first." You blushed softly picking up a present behind the tree, which has your name written on it.

"Here you go."

He turns red and held it to his chest, he began to open it up and gasped.

It was non other than a globe, he's been wanting this since he went to school in Genova.

"You said you always wanted to travel, you can, you can see where you are and where you wanna go!" You fiddled your fingers and heard sniffling coming from him.

He's crying...

you began to panic but instead of sad sobbing, he gave you a big hug!

"Grazie Amore!! This is the best gift you've ever given me! I love you so very much!" He said out loud and you also began to cry.

"Merry Christmas Luca."



You were in the kitchen making a Christmas Eve dinner for you and your boyfriend who'll be coming home soon for his weekend off.

Then you heard a meow next to you, it was your fur baby cat "pet name"

"Aww sweetie you can't be up here, you know what daddy says." You picked up the furball and placed it down on the ground while finishing up the meal.

"Miele! I'm home!" You smiled hearing that voice.

"I'm in the kitchen!" You shout out and then you felt a pair of arms swirling you around, falling into your Italian sweethearts arms.

"Alberto you goofball!" You teased.

Then he held up a little cherry root on top
of you.

"I'm your only goofball principessa." He said in a deep tone and gives you a big kiss on your cheek which made you fluster red.

"Let me finish up our tonight's dinner." You got up and pulled out the turkey out of the oven.

"Mmm, that smells amazing Y/n! If only we have cooking sessions together one day..." Alberto pouted taking off his jacket and scarf hanging it next the front door.

"Soon Amore, but you worked so hard for the last few months."

You put the food down on the table while "pet name" sat on the extra chair between the both of you.

"Okay, so I have a plan, we try to get up very early, to open those presents as soon as we catch that classic Christmas movie, I was thinking 6am!"

You raised an eyebrow "that's too early sweetie, what about 8am."

Alberto sighs "fine, I'll make some coffee before you get up."

The dinner was lovely until bedtime, the next morning, you can already smell the fresh made coffee, making you float down the stairs for a cup.

"Buongiorno tesoro" Alberto said with a big smile, holding two mugs in one hand, to your surprise he literally looks like those dreamy husbands every women dreamt of.

He handed you the mug and head on over to the living room.

"Let's start with the smallest and the biggest for last!" He suggested and you nodded in agreement.

"Let's do that."

So you all opened a few presents, got some socks, books, art supplies, even some chocolates!

But Alberto turned red seeing his gift for you hasn't been opened.

You went over to grab it and saw his poor hand writing on a note.

"Aww Alberto you shouldn't have." You blushed and he crawled over to you, wrapping his arm around your waist while you opened the present.

Your eyes glisten to see it was a black box...once you slowly opened it...

It revealed to be a ring!!

Your heart thumped and looked at Alberto's red face knowing what he's going to ask.


He scratched the back of the of his head and looked back at you.

"I-I know it seems so soon but, you don't have to say- AHH!!!"

You jumped on top of him, giving him kisses and a big hug.

"Si!! Si!! I'll marry you! You have no idea how much you mean to me Alberto."

He smiled big and wraps his arms around you, he helped putting the ring around your finger, placing a soft kiss to it.

"This has to be my most favorite gift out of all." You said softly and he chuckled.

"You are my most favorite gift of being my future wife."

Then you both shared a sweet kiss, afterwards you told everyone that you are engaged on Christmas Day!



You and Giulia got back from your romantic dinner date from a restaurant and now your all snuggling up on the couch while watching a movie on the television in your cozy pjs.

"This is the life, just the two of us, went out to the best restaurant in Italy, and now relaxing in our warm home on Christmas Day!" She nuzzles you while intertwining your hand.

"It's paradise." You said softly and you shared a sweet nose kiss, gazing into each other's eyes.

"I'll let you open the first gift, I'll give you a hint, it's next to the Mickey ornament." Giulia suggest in a soft spoken tone, so you went down to search the gift, once you have found it, it was pretty big to say the least.

"Be careful, it's pretty fragile" she said behind you and you lift it slowly and heard some shuffling inside.

You were shocked from it and looked over to your ginger girlfriend.

"Go on Bella, open it!"

So you lift the top and it revealed to be an adorable Australian shepherd puppy!

It jumped on you and you held it close into your arms, immediately crying from the little bundle of joy.

"Giulia..." she kneeled close to you and petted the puppy.

"Merry Christmas Caro." She said softly and kissed your cheek while you looked deeply into the puppies stunning blue eyes.

It's like having a baby on Christmas Day.

"This is the best gift you've ever given to me." You said softly and looked out of the window to see that it's snowing down in Portorosso, a wonderful White Christmas Evening.

"I love you so much love." You said and pecked her girlfriends lips.

You get to name the puppy anything.


It's Christmas Day and you head on over to Ercole's house for a big surprise.

You knocked on his door and he already shows up, wearing a real fuzzy jacket.

He flushed red to see you here, knowing damn well that you are the most beautiful thing he secretly fell in love.

"C-ciao Y/n! What brings you here on a cold Christmas morning?" He asked and you come closer.

"I was wondering we can go on a nice walk for some hot cocoa."

He turned red that he loves Hot cocoa. As long as your around.

He's in!!

"Let me go grab my stuff Bella."

He lets you inside to wait in his warm home while he puts on his full on winter gear for the walk.

"Let's a go mi Bella!" He said with pride and start heading down to a cafe near his home, which seems more like an American Starbucks than the one here in Portorosso.

You want to hold his hand but instead of intertwining, he wrapped his arm around yours, much like an offering, seems quite polite.

You head inside the cafe and wait in line.

"Oh, let Ercole wait in line, you go choose a seat for the both of us." He booped your nose and you nodded while choosing a seat next to the window.

You watched your Italian boyfriend buy the hot cocoa, looking out at the window watching the snow fall down to the streets.

Then you pulled out something out of your jacket, putting down a cute wrapped present with a red bow on top.

You knew Ercole didn't want any presents, but you wanted to.

"I'm a back mi amore!" He said proudly, setting them down on the table, then sat across from you.

Once he sat down, he immediately saw the gift.

"Bella, you didn't have to." He blushed softly and you slowly pushed it over to his side. "It may not be too big, but maybe for once I spoiled you." You smirked and watched Ercole open the tiny gift up.

It reveals to be the cologne he's spotted at a store while shopping.

Plus you thought it was a very nice scent for a man like him.

"Aww Y/n, grazie." He opens it and sprayed some around his neck.

And you were right! It did match him perfectly!

"Don't worry about your first love, there all back in the house~." He sipped his cocoa and you knew he was gonna spoil you on Christmas.

"Aww Ercole." You sighed softly and enjoyed the morning stroll around a white Christmas date.



It's Christmas morning and you felt a shove coming from tiny hands.

"Mama! Papa! Wake up it's Christmas!!!"

You and Guido woke up from your cozy slumber to see your two children already bright awake for today.

"I'll make the coffee." Guido said softly and so you got out of bed, putting on cozy robes and fluffy slippers.

Guido got started making the coffee, watching the children looking for their gifts under the tree.

You giggled and grabbed a mug "I remember our first Christmas together, we were like that around age 14." You said and it made the young man blush. "Y-yeah."

So the both of you sat down on your couples couch, watching the little ones open up their gifts.

You laid your her on Guido's shoulder seeing the kids cheer on the gifts Santa gave them.

However in your mind, you did catch your husband wrapping a present for someone, but your too shy to ask.

"Why don't you open yours caramella." Guido suggested you and he went to grab that same wrapper you saw from before.

He hands it to you and you turn red. "Go on." He said softly and you slowly unwrapped it.

You gasped seeing it was a portrait of you and Guido back a few years ago on your first date, you both shared your first kiss there and see how much it approve you two.

You dated since 18, were engaged and now
Happily married with 2 beautiful children.

"I asked Ciccio to print the photo out, and add some touch ups to it.  He did a pretty good job." He looked into your reaction while you began to tear up.

"It's perfect caro!" You smiled and give him a big kiss.

"Grazie my love." You said and he wrapped his arms around you.

"I also got you something too." You said, went over to grab the gift under the tree, coming back to your husband.

Guido smirked and you placed the gift on his lap. "Open up darling."

So he began to open up, revealing a few tickets to Disneyland Paris!

"Mama Mia!" He said out loud.

"It's a reason I looked for a job love, we can all have our first family vacation!" You said and Guido hugs your side.

"Grazie Y/n, I'll ask for the week off to plan our trip to France."

The kids cheered hearing the good news, not only it's a gift for your husband, it's for the family!

Merry Christmas Beans!!

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