Beauty and the Beast Part 1 (Alberto x Reader)

Requested by Willow_Addams

Art made by cz_peterp on Instagram.

Some of you were waiting for this one~

Based on the classic 1991 Disney film by the same name.

You are the beautiful Belle, who has fallen for a monstrous beast, played by Alberto.

Sit back, grab a sweet snack and get cozy at 3am without squealing and waking up your karen mothers.

Here it is! UwU


Y/n's POV

"Ill be back soon papa!" I said to my dear father who's heading out to work while I make my way to the library to return a book.

My sister Guilia would be home soon tomorrow from school, which gives me the best opportunity to clean up my room for her.

I grabbed my book and head down to portorosso, when I walk by, I see most of the citizens say hello.

"Ciao Y/n!"

It makes me smile to see everyone enjoying your day, but I was stopped by the baker near by.

"Good morning Y/n!"

"Morning Giovanni!"

"Where are you off to hmm?"

"The library! I just finished the most wonderful story!" I explained about what it was about and he stopped me.

"That's lovely dear. Idioto! The bouquet!"

I chuckled to myself and continue my way until I made it.

I see the librarian noticing me and smiled.

"Ciao Y/n."

"Good morning! Come in to return the book I've borrowed."

"Finished already?" She asked me and I walked to the book isle which features my favorite genre.

"I couldn't put it down, have you gotten anything new?" I asked while looking through the shelf which I know what I've picked out.

"Not since yesterday my dear."

I picked the book out and puts it down on the checking in.

"This one again?" She gave me that look which she knew I love this one.

"But its my favorite, far-off places, daring sword fights, magic spells, a prince in disguise..." I said while gazing out of nowhere.

The librarian chuckled "if you really love this one, its yours."

What did she say?


She nods and hands it to me.

I gave her a big hug "grazie! grazie!"

So I make my way back home, but I couldn't keep my hands off the book, so I began reading through it.

My most favorite part is the prince, I wish I would meet someone who's actually a handsome prince charming, its a dream.

Ercole's POV

I sat by my dear beautiful vespa, admiring my image to the town, that's when I hear my annoying companion.

"Would you ever considered being with someone other than a vespa Ercole?" Chincio said to me...

Ugh..."Oi I know picolocco, I got my sight set on that bella~" I pointed over to Y/n, the most beautiful girl in town.

"Why would you ever be with her? She's a book worm!"

"And that's what makes her best! Don't I deserve the best hmm?" I glared down at the chunky boy...

I got up from the chair and sing a tune.

"Right from the moment when I met her, saw her
I said she's gorgeous and I fell
Here in town there's only she
Who is beautiful as me
So I'm making plans to woo and marry Y/n!"

After singing that, I noticed she is gone, so I grabbed my vespa and rode my way to her and blocked her way.

"Hello Y/n~" I said to her.

"Ciao Ercole." she said and ignored eye contact...

Mama mia Im tired of seeing her with that book...I snatched the book away and now she's looking at me...god she is beautiful...

"Ercole...may I have my book please?"

"Y/n, it is time for you to get your head out of those books and focus on something which seems more important~"

"Ercole you can't change on what I enjoy in my free time."

I sighed and threw the book down in the puddle which she chased after it...

"You really are a book worm, you should start getting yourself out there, find a man to be with, marry with~"

She sighed and walked away from me.

"Chinccio! Stop her..." I demanded him and he went over to grab her arm.

"Hey! Let me go..."

That's when a voice shouted from a random man...

//End of POV\\

"Y/n! Your papa!" The fisherman said to you.

Your eyes widen "w-what happened to him?"

"H-he's trapped in an island...his boat crashed and is stuck..." He explained and you rushed down to the waters to borrow a boat.

"Im coming for you papa!"

You row your way to an island with an abandoned decide to check there first.

Something about the tower gave you the creeps...where did it come from?

That's when you noticed a certain hat near the shore...

It was your father's...

You got off the boat and went to investigate.

"I know your out there papa."

So you make your way into the little forest and find a way inside the tower.

You have a latter which leads up.

Ugo's POV

I opened my eyes to see a young girl making her way up to the tower...

Could it be?

"Brother! Brother!" I rushed towards my brother to show him.

"Oh...its a what? Must be lost."
He said with a shrug.

"What if she would break the spell! She needs to meet him."

That's when he gasped in fright "what if she wouldn't like him..."

I sighed and burnt his hand with mt candle hand, then I make my way up to the tower to show her the way.

Y/n's POV

I looked around the place...which is covered in random items which is like treasure.

"Papa! Are you here?..." I said out loud and wrapped my coat around my body...

No voice being heard...that's until I heard a crash coming from outside...I looked out the window and see that the boat I used has disappeared...

How could it be?...

That's when I felt something grabbing me and pinning me against the wall...

"What are you doing here?!"

A voice being heard against my ear...I couldn't get a good look of the person...but he sounded very mad...

"I-Im sorry sir...I-I was looking for my papa.."

The man pulled away and backed away from me...that's when I noticed a appeared to be scaly and also slithery...

"He broke into my I kicked him out of here...possibly somewhere in the island..."

He said with an almost raspy voice...but that's when he came back to me...getting really close...

"Or did you just wanna look at the monster I really am...?"

I couldn't see anything under the hood.

"N-no...I mean...I wouldn't care what you'd look like...I just want my papa back..-"

That's until he revealed his face...

He was scaly all fangs and a vicious feature...but what stopped me from being scared were his green eyes...

I had no words to say...

That's when he snarled "yeah...Im ugly...I get it..." He backed away from me and made his way to the window.

I don't know what to do now...should I run for it or not...

I rushed down to the latter without being spotted and tried to find my papa in the forest...

Alberto's POV

What is this thing Im feeling? chest has been acting up ever since I looked at that girls face...

"What am I feeling?...ugh...its bugging me..."

"It is love."

Said Ugo to me...

To be continued...

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