The Squad

The Squad

"Adda Shushu look at my own boat" Afrah shoved the paper boat unto the phone's screen and Shukrah sighed in frustration. First, her sister refused to answer her video call and instead handed the phone to her kids who were now bugging her with stuff about them that she wasn't interested in. Secondly, her nieces won't just stop calling her 'Adda'. She had tried several times to explain to them the difference between 'Adda' and 'Aunty', but all efforts were in vain. They just won't stop. And on top of that, they're attaching the 'Adda' with her long forgotten childhood nickname, Shushu. What would she do with these kids?

"Okay guys!" she finally called "I'm gonna hang up right now. Take care of your Ammi okay?"

"Okay!" the girls chorused

"Bye. Love you"

She crashed back on the bed with a thud and sighed heavily. Closing her eyes, she memorized today's to-do list.

She was supposed to iron her camo printed kimono this morning but forgot to because she woke up late.

Thankfully, she had done all her chores including re-arranging the storeroom. Check.

She has washed her hair and straightened it just like she planned. Check.

Umma had called her yesterday and informed her about Fifi's 'accident'. Apparently her sister slipped in the toilet and sprained her ankle. She had planned to call her yesterday but totally forgot and now that she did, Fifi was in 'frustration mood' and refused to answer the call.

Zarah had asked her to make some Moringa soup for dinner before she leaves for her sleepover at Humayra's. The Moringa leaves were yet to be picked. Her clothes were yet to be packed in her mini trolley. And her favorite camo printed kimono was still not ironed. And it was 4:30 pm.

Her eyes popped open as she sprang out of bed like a cheetah. 20 seconds later, she was still pacing in the kitchen. Picking the Moringa leaves will take about 30 minutes. She was slow at this kind of stuff. Zarah will be back from school by then and will not be happy if she finds out that the soup is not ready. That means Ahmad will not have dinner on time. And she was not ready for his bickering. They've not been on speaking terms for over five days now and Shukrah was already getting suffocated in the house. She wanted so badly to go back to her Umma but their house was even more suffocating. Abba will not have a proper conversation with her until she registers for the JAMB examination. He even seized her car and driver's license just to pressure her over the issue. But she has already made up her mind. She was done schooling.

Her eyes landed on the fridge and she yanked it open. She raked through like a maniac, searching for something. Anything that was edible at the moment. She was thankful there was leftover Tuwo in the freezer and so she didn't have to go through the strenuous exercise of preparing tuwo.

"Oh Thank God!" she gasped in delight as she sighted chunks of pumpkin in a ziploc. She washed them up and put them to boil. She popped some groundnuts in the food processor and began chopping some spinach leaves.

An hour later, delicious aroma of Miyar Taushe was emanating from Shukrah's cooking pot. She tasted the soup one more time before turning off the heat and running up the stairs to take a shower and pack her stuff.

Zarah returned from school around 6:30. She was pleased to find her kitchen sparkling clean. Shukrah had a habit of cleaning up after herself and that was one thing Zarah loved about her. And eventhough Shukrah made Taushe instead of the Moringa, she was still grateful. With a small smile plastered on her face, she walked up to Shukrah's room to thank her for the chores. She Salaamed and entered just as Shukrah was ironing her Kimono on the bed.

"Shukrah!" Zarah gasped as she stopped in the middle of the room. Her eyes had dark circles under them and her scarf was tied loosely around her face. She looked absolutely tired and worn out. "I thought we talked about this. If you're going to iron your clothes, go down to the laundry or at least spread something on the floor and iron on it. Not on the precious bed"

Shukrah shot her sister-in-law the cutest smile she could muster. "Sorrry Bhabhi. I'm kinda in a hurry right now so...." She shrugged as she pressed the iron harder on the sleeves. Zarah shook her head in disappointment and headed back to her room to shower and pray. Shukrah finished packing her clothes, which were not much because she was only spending one night at Humy's. By the time she was done, Ahmad was already home and was downstairs with Zarah. She wanted to so badly to leave before he arrives because she didn't want him to spoil her mood but here he was already.

"Salaam Alaikum" She said with a straight face as she entered the dining room.

She was looking so savage-y in her black sleeveless gown and camo printed Kimono. She donned a red snapback atop her black hijab that read 'Tawakkul' written in perfect Arabic calligraphy. Her nerdy specs with red rims framed her chubby face perfectly. A pearl studded silver ring that circled her thumb was the only jewelry she wore. And as usual, her Nike sneakers were in her hands.

Ahmad looked up from his plate of food and assessed his sister. She always dressed in a weird and modest way and still looks beautiful. She was always the one with the crazy tastes and crazy dreams. Yet he loved her so deeply. And was willing to protect her with all his might.

"Where to?" he asked after answering her Salaam.

Shukrah bit her lower lip nervously as she tapped her foot on the marbled floor. "I told Bhabhi to tell yo...."

"Yeah she told me. I want you to tell me yourself" he interrupted her. His dark orbs bore into hers. They carried the same eye color as their Umma's. Which is one of the things that's special about the two of them.

She took her eyes off him and tightened her hold on the handle of her trolley. He was testing her patience.

"Bhabhi can I borrow your car please?" she decided to ignore him and just ask Zarah the question she'd been meaning to ask her ever since she came into the dining room.

"Sure. I left the keys on..."

"I'll drive you there" Ahmad quickly said as he stood up from his chair.

Shukrah looked at him like he has lost his mind.

"I can drive" she pursed her lips.

"Don't keep me waiting" he ignored her statement and just walked past her. She stood there as she heard the front door shut with a bang.

This guy was not serious. She thought.

"What's his problem?" Shukrah muttered loud enough for Zarah to hear. Zarah smiled and shrugged her shoulders. She knew well enough not to interrupt in the sibling fight. Especially when Umma's favourites are having a fit.

"Just let him drop you." She decided to speak for him. "He doesn't bite you know?"

Shukrah gave her a frown and turned away on her heels.

"Have fun!" Zarah shouted after her.

Shukrah was not sure if she was ever gonna have fun for the rest of the week now that Ahmad has spoiled her mood. She paused by the doorway and slipped her shoes in. Making sure her hijab pin and snapback were in place, she made for the door.

She placed her trolley in the backseat of the car and settled in the passenger's seat. Nobody said a word as the car cruised out of the gates.

"Where are you heading to?" Ahmad broke the silence as he eased the car out of their street.

Shukrah scoffed mentally. He doesn't even know the way yet he 'ordered' to drop her off. What's his problem?

"Gidansu Humayra. Life Camp" she replied curtly.

Ahmad gave her a sharp look. "You were planning on driving all the way to Life Camp this night?"

The click of her seatbelt was the only sound she managed to create as she adjusted her seat to a slightly reclining position.


"Shukrah" Ahmad called after some time.

She sighed, her only reply.

"Look...I know you think I'm being mean and inconsiderate, but I'm not. I'm sorry I said all those things to you and angered you. But Shukr I can't help it too. Can't you see? Everyone's looking at you and pointing fingers. And it's like you don't even care." He began, his eyes glued to the road. "Everyone is trying to reason with you but ke ko a jikinki. And do you know how frustrating that is?"

She breathed in, trying to hold back the tears.

"And you decided to also point a finger at me also"

"No!" he defended.

"Then let them say all they want to say." She choked. "You know at first you were the only one who stood up for me and convinced me it was gonna be okay next time. I felt safe and assured that at least someone cared. I felt there was someone who'll pick me up the next time I trip and fall. And then you blew everything off in my face. It hurt so much"

"I'm sorry" he was slowing the car down.

She furiously wiped a tear that escaped. "It's not that I don't care. I just don't try to show it. But it's freaking painful." Another tear escaped and she took off her glasses. "And as if that's not enough, everyone is trying to add more salt to my pain. You guys don't even want to try to put yourselves in my own shoes. You don't even stop to think for a second if this is fate. You think I'm just messing up my life on my own accord. You don't even want to think of other possibilities or other ways to help me out. You just want to see me 'there'."

"Shukr..." Ahmad called softly in an effort to console her. She was now sobbing.

"You think I don't wish I was also like Zarah? Happily married and preparing to graduate? You think I don't want to get a degree and make something of myself so I can buy stuff for Umma with my hard earned money? You think I don't want to donate some part of my salary to the orphanage just like you do? You think I don't want to engage in charity events? You think I don't want to pay for my own trips and meals? You think I don't want to be successful in life? You think I don't want to be independent? You think I don't want all that?"

Ahmad sighed as he pulled up beside the road. He couldn't take it anymore. He stopped the car and turned to look at his beloved sister.

"I know Shukr. I know. And I pray for you every day before I pray for myself that Allah eases all your affairs and grants you your heart's desires. I have faith in you Shukr, I know you're going to be great someday. I have a feeling that you're going to make all of us proud one day. You're intelligent, talented and very creative. You know it, but right now something is holding you back from unleashing all those gifts that Allah has bestowed upon you. And I don't know what is holding you back, but I pray you come out of the dark and be that person I've always known you to be. But right now, you just need a little bit of consoling and encouragement. And right now, I want to give you a big hug"

He didn't have to say that twice before she jumped into his arms and sobbed harder on his shoulder.

"'s okay. It's gonna be okay Insha Allah" he whispered. "Just have patience okay? Sabr my shukr. Sabr"

It took him few more minutes to make her stop crying.

"Are we cool?" he asked as they pulled out of the hug.

She gave him a teary yet dimpled smile, and he knew they were more than cool. He hated it when they fight, and that didn't happen in a very long time.

He returned the smile and stepped on the throttle.

"Let's just go back home" she said as she wiped her face with a wet wipe.

"Nuh-uh" Ahmad shook his head as he drove ahead. "I'm not letting myself ruin your day. You have been looking forward to this day for quite a long time. And I know just how much you missed your friends. So you're definitely going to that sleepover"

She leaned back on her seat and stared out the window. "I just realized they're going to talk about school and project and how much fun they had during their IT programs and what not. I'll feel totally left out and will eventually start feeling sorry for myself" she sighed as she put her glasses back on. Ahmad reached and patted her shoulder.

"Be strong."

And she mustered the courage to.

When he pulled up outside their destination, he turned and gave her an encouraging smile. "Just text me when you feel left out or bored. I'll come get you"

"I'll be fine" she patted her snapback right at the 'Tawakkul' print.

He promised to come pick her up the next day when he gets off work and she was very glad. With her fingers crossed, she knocked softly on the wooden kitchen door of the Aliyu household. It was a tradition that only their father and his visitors use the front door. All other house members and their visitors use the kitchen back door.

There was movement in the kitchen before the door swung open and revealed a very grumpy looking young boy.

"Sannu da zuwa" he said and stepped aside giving room for Shukrah to enter.

"Saadiq" Shukrah smiled at the boy. "How are you?"

"Fine" he answered shutting the door. "Are you also here for the party?"

Shukrah gave him a confused look. She was sure Humy said they were having a sleepover. Not a party.

"Humy and her friends have totally taken over the whole house. It's like a whacky party up there. I can't even watch my favorite show because they're watching an Indian movie right now. And Baba is with some visitors in his living room so I can't go there either." Saadiq complained as him and shukrah walked into the corridor.

Now that was why he was looking grumpy, she thought.

"Well I'm sorry. But we'll all be gone by tomorrow and you can have the whole house to yourself" Shukrah managed to say as they reached the staircase. She was beginning to hear voices and squeals form the living room upstairs.

"Bye" Saadiq said and turned back to his room which is on the ground floor. Shukrah lifted her trolley and went up the stairs. By the time she came face-to-face with the girls in the living room, she finally understood Saadiq's plight.

The whole living room was turned upside down. Cushions were strewn everywhere and handbags and veils lay hapharzadly on the floor. Cans of Pepsi and Rani including a box of pizza were also chilling on the floor. The TV was turned on and the volume on full blast as Punjabi Wedding song from Hasee tho Phasee played. At the farthest end of the living room, Na'eema lay on the sofa making a phone call. Humayra and Fayrouz stood in one corner of the room taking selfies and posting them on god knows where.

Shukrah cleared her throat loud enough for them to recognize her presence. And two seconds later, she was lying helpless on the floor due to the intensity of the bone crushing hug they gave her. Her butt hurt from the unexpected contact with the floor but she was glad the girls were happy to see her. It's been more than a year, but here they all are. Under the same roof, with the same velocity of craziness. That was her squad. Oh and how she had missed them.

She and Na'eema attended the same boarding school in Kaduna. They were classmates right from their junior years up until they graduated. As fate will have it, they both didn't get admission the same year their mates did so they enrolled into SBRS in Funtua. It was the Remedial school for ABU. That was where they met Fayrouz, the half Arab half Fulani girl and also Humayra, the very bubbly fun-loving girl who loved the color Red. Even though Shukrah and Na'eema were friends back in high school, she and Humayra got along very well in their first month in the school. Especially when they found out their parents' come from the same town. Their bond escalated and soon, they were best of friends. Na'eema and Fayrouz on the other hand become close too. That was how the four of them came together as one. The nine months that they spent in the school gave them time to build a very strong and cemented relationship. They became like sisters. Always sticking together and helping one another in their times of distress. And not to forget, those were the loveliest nine months of their lives.

A year later, Humayra, Fayrouz and Na'eema got admission at the Ahmadu Bello University in Zaria. Humayra was to study Microbiology, Na'eema; Zoology and Fayrouz, Botany. They were all happy, yet sad at the same time. Their last squadron member couldn't make it into the university. They tried all they could to cheer her up and lessen her worry. And Shukrah appreciated all their effort with a big heart. But for the first time ever in her life, she felt jealous of them. She could remember vividly how she had cried herself to sleep the night they called her and told her they got the same room at the Ribadu Hostel. She wept earnestly, wishing she was there with them. Her three besties in the whole wide world. But as fate had it, they were never gonna be together. And life moved on.

Now they were all here, screaming and hugging the life out of her. She had noticed how Humy had gotten a little bit chubbier and fairer. Fayrouz who was the skinniest and smallest amongst them was now looking more dashing than ever. Na'eema use to be the gigantic one. But she was slimming these days, yet she was still the tallest and fattest of them all.

"I've missed you guys so much" Shukrah breathed as they helped her up to her feet.

"We missed you too" they chortled and rubble of laughter erupted. They finally settled on the floor, grabbing their cans of soda and attacking the delishus domino's pizza. There was a lot of catching up to do, a lot of 'Gulma' and many more gists. Shukrah wanted to talk about everything that has been going on with all of 'em. And even though they Skype and talk everyday on the phone, it still wasn't enough.

The evening was great.

They talked about the last time they met together as a group which was a year ago at a Food Expo in Kano. They reminisced on all the fun they had during that time, going shopping and to the cinema. Shukrah showed them all the crazy pictures that they took on that day and they couldn't stop laughing at that.

Then the relationships talks came through. They talked about Fay's latest boyfriend who was an aspiring politician and was planning to take her as a second wife. She is known as the 'Fishers of Men' in the group and even though she hates the nickname, the girls wouldn't stop calling her that. Na'eema had always been the private one amongst them. Nobody knew what was up with her in her love life. Well Fayrouz knows something but the rest of the two were always left in the dark. Humy got herself a chubby weird sideburns looking guy from Gombe. She was hopelessly hitched. And as always, Shukrah was in a serious and committed relationship. With a jar of Nutella of course.

They reminisced on the past about their 'spaghetti manjanese borkonese days'. The days when they got so broke they had to share one moimoi and a bottle of c-way peach juice. They talked about the times they use to go to the library to read but instead passed notes around and giggled under their books.

The ice-cream arrived and everyone got at least four scoops out of the bucket. It was homemade.

It was a fun-filled day and Shukrah was shocked she was having more fun than she had ever imagined.

After they all prayed Isha, Humy suggested they should all put Henna on their hands and feet. Na'eema rejected, saying she was too sleepy to stay up and put Henna so she was the first to go to bed. Fayrouz was busy on the phone so Shukrah and Humayra were the only ones left in the living room applying henna.

"Shukr" Humy called as she started mixing the henna powder in a small bowl.

"Uhm?" Shukrah answered as she scanned through the pictures they recently took on her phone.

"I don't mean to ruin your mood right now. But I think maybe you should try talking to your Abba about going abroad to study."

Shukrah rolled her eyes as she dropped the phone beside her. "You think I didn't try telling him that?"

"Yeah you told me. But you should try one more time. Kin fada mishi sau daya kin share shi. He'll think you're not serious about it ai. Talk to him again. And again. Until he gives in."

"Humy you won't understand ne. Abba is a very strict person when it comes to stuff like this. He clearly told me that he won't be taking me anywhere until I pass this yeye JAMB. Because according to him, that is what makes me an eligible undergraduate or whatever he likes to call it." She explained dipping her index finger into the Henna mixture. "And oh...before you suggest I should go do a diploma or an NCE, naah. He won't hear of it. None of his kids is doing an NCE. It's like a taboo for the offspring of Al Akbar to attend a polytechnic." She shook her head sadly.

Humayrah patted her hand in a comforting manner. "Don't worry it's going to be okay Insha Allah"

Shukrah sighed "Humy I don't even know what to do wallah. I feel like burning down the whole ministry of education. It's so frustrating I wanna curl up and be a baby once more"

Humayrah hugged her tightly. "Sai haquri Shukrah. Insha Allah everything will unfold perfectly. It will take time, but when it comes I'm sure you're going to cry out of happiness. Believe me"

Shukrah pushed her best friend away playfully. "Now you're gonna make me cry with all your motivational speeches."

Humy laughed and pinched her cheeks. "Let's adorn these beautiful beings" she said as she started patting the henna mixture on her finger.

They talked about other stuffs as they put on the henna. By the time they were done, everyone was already asleep. They lay there in the living room cuddled beside each other and watched back to back episodes of The Blacklist. It was around 2am that Shukrah felt Humayrah snoring beside her. She managed to turn off the TV with her hands muddled in cellophane. She couldn't wait for morning to take off the henna.

She lay there beside the sleeping Humy as several thoughts raided her mind. And soon enough, the tears came cascading the side of her face. That's how it goes almost every night when she lays to sleep. She couldn't stop thinking about her life. Her miserable life. She thought about how all her Aunts were telling her Umma to marry her off since she wasn't ready to go to school. And it hurt her so much thinking that Umma even considered that idea. And the thought of her soured relationship with her Abba got more tears pouring out of her eyes. She held in her sobs in an effort not to wake Humy up.

She wiped some more tears with her arms. She wished she could rewind everything. She wished she could get the chance to change some things in her life. She wished she'd get a second chance. Oh how she wished she was Humy right now. Ya Rabb! She prayed, Please make this pain go away.


What's your favorite MTV show? Mine's Ridiculousness. I love laughing like sosai and so when I watch Ridiculousness, i feel like i'm on cloud nine. It's amazing I tell you. I also love Catfish. Like sometimes I wish Nev and Max will come to Nigeria walh. Believe me ni kaina I've catfished like four people in my life. And only my friends got to know that. Yeah I know, bana jin magana.

So here you go. Before you start saying I'm abandoning Alkyabba, now I'm not. Updates will be up soon.





Greetings from The Girl Who Writes

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