Nice to meet you.
'Betty butter'
That was the first thing that came to Haseeb's mind when Khadija said to him "Nice to meet you"
He had to stop himself from laughing out loud. Or singing those lyrics. This was Ihsan and Iman's fault, they introduced him to all these Naija pop songs.
He was bad at this courtship thingy. If not for his Adda, he wouldn't be in Kano, sitting in some pretty living room with some nice smelling incense wafting from an electric burner and a glass of chilled Zobo in his hand. And let's not forget the beautiful damsel that is seated across from him on the two seater.
Truth be told, she was even more beautiful in real life than in the pictures his sister had sent him a few months ago.
Masha Allah. Tubarkallah.
"So what do you do for a living?" She asked as she played with the flowers on the sleeves of her beige Abaya.
Haseeb smiled, twirling his glass in his hands. This girl was just straight unto business. He'd been here less than 30 minutes and she already wants to know everything about him. Is that how they do it these days?
"I'm an Architect" he replied precisely.
Khadija nodded "Impressive"
He laughed. She sounded like she was interviewing him for a job.
" you have any questions you'd like to ask me?" She asked after a stretch of silence.
He smiled and scratched the side of his head. "Look Khadija...."
"You can call me Nana. Everyone calls me Nana"
"Okay Nana" he corrected "I'm not really good at this thing. To be honest with you, the last time I sat with a woman who was going to be a potential partner to me was roughly four years ago"
If she was shocked or amazed, she didn't show it. Instead, she asked him coolly.
"Are you being serious?"
He nodded. "I've literally forgotten how to introduce myself and all that stuff. And my last relationship wasn't like this...." he paused to gesticulate between them.
Her brows knitted "What do you mean 'like this'?"
"I meant we weren't introduced." His heart was racing just thinking about it. "It just happened. So forgive me if all this is awkward. I promise it'll get better"
Nana swallowed something bitter down her throat. "I hope so"
Silence followed suit. A movie was playing on the huge TV screen but none of them paid any attention to it. They both were immersed in their own cocoon of thoughts.
Nana had thought they'd get off on the right foot with this good looking guy who looks like he has his shit together, but it seems like he is not certain. This was torture.
She'd spent the whole day trying on outfit after outfit and made sure all her finger foods came out perfect. She even bought a fresh batch of incense from her favorite supplier so she can burn them when he got here.
And now it looks like all her efforts were a waste.
The guy took one bite of samosa and has been twirling his glass of Zobo ever since she handed it to him. Is he even normal? People on the streets are dying for her samosas. And they ask for second helpings when they have a taste of her Zobo.
Haseeb peeped at his wristwatch and was amazed at how time didn't pass.
It's been 38 minutes. Just 38 minutes.
This feels like an hour, literally.
He dropped his glass on the coaster placed on the side table and wiped his hands on his jeans.
"Um Nana...I think I have to go. I have some errands to run this evening and my flight is after Maghreb. I need to round up before then" he said rising from the chair.
Who wears casuals to a first meeting? Wasn't he the one rocking some fine ass kaftan and Babban riga at that wedding that was trending on Instagram?
"Nana?" Haseeb called again when he realised she hadn't heard him.
The poor girl snapped out of her reverie and focused her dark orbs on him.
"I said I have to go" he said softly. "I've a flight to catch"
She couldn't hide her disappointment.
"Okay. I'll see you off"
She adjusted her veil and led the way out of the living room.
They stood by his car and he tried as much as possible to stop himself from feeling guilty.
"I'm sorry this was awkward. Like I said, it'll get better next time. InshaAllah"
She barely nodded.
"Thank you for the food and the warm welcome. I am most grateful"
This time, she managed a little smile. "It's nothing. You're welcome"
He reached for the passenger seat and retrieved a tiny gift bag. "I really didn't want to come empty handed and I have absolutely no idea what you like so I just got you a little something"
"You really didn't have to"
He handed her the bag anyway. She accepted it reluctantly.
"I'll call you when I land InshaAllah "
"Okay." She hugged the bag to herself. It's starting to feel like how its supposed to feel. "Allah ya kiyaye hanya"
Haseeb smiled, for real. There's nothing that warms his heart like genuine prayers. "Ameen thank you"
She waited until he reversed out of the house before she came back inside. She peeped into the gift bag. He got her a perfume. Oudh.
He heart melted. Oudhs were her weakness.
She was not letting this guy go, no matter what.
Friday was usually a short day for Ahmad, so he makes sure he leaves home earlier than usual so he can catch up with some work at the office before he closes for Jumuah. But today, Zarah watched in awe as he tiptoed around the house, taking a shower, getting dressed and making his breakfast as quiet as he could so she wouldn't wake up. He was definitely going to be late.
"Saheeb" she called him softly when she couldn't take it anymore.
Startled, he turned away from the mirror where he was putting on his cufflinks. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you up"
She motioned for him to come to her as she sat up in bed. "I was awake for a while."
He came to her and held her face in his hands. "How are you feeling?"
"Much better" she assured him.
He scrutinised her face for a while before he planted a wet kiss on her forehead. "I'm sorry"
She pushed his hand away and pulled him to sit beside her on the bed. Without a word, she passed him her hand and he handed her the pieces of cufflinks. She cuffed both the sleeves of his Kaftan.
"Are you sure you're going to be fine?"
She nodded with a smile.
"Shukrah is downstairs. Anything you need, just give her a call. Or should I tell her to come up so she can be closer?"
She shook her head. "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine Saheeb. I promise. Just go make some money so I can buy some maternity jeans"
He laughed and pulled her to him. "I'm so sorry you have to go through all this because of the baby. I pray it goes away soon"
She hugged him tighter. "Stop worrying Habibi. It's usually like this for every woman"
"But it wasn't like this the first time na" he whined
She couldn't help but laugh at the way he sounded. "I was just lucky the first time. It can't be the same all the time you know"
He sighed helplessly. "I just hate seeing you like this. I wish there is something I can do about it."
"Just love me baby. Love me"
He lowered his head so her lips were in his view "oh you know I do. I love you so much"
When they came up for air, she gently pushed him away and pulled the covers to her chest. "Now off you go. I don't want to make you super duper late"
He laughed as he perched his Zanna Bukar on his head. "In kikace na fasa zuwa ma ai sai na fasa "
Laughter was still on their lips as Ahmad left the room and Zarah cuddled up to have some more sleep.
When he came downstairs, he found Shukrah in the kitchen frying some pancakes.
She studied the dreamy look on his face and almost cringed.
It's been two days since Umma had sent her to stay with Zarah and she was already tired of their incessant lovey dovey affairs. Ya Ahmad leaves for work looking like a lovesick puppy and comes back looking even sicker. And when he's back, he doesn't leave Zarahs side by an inch. Don't they get tired of each other ? Because by Allah if she was the one that was married, she will not endure this kind of affection and clinginess and what not. Haba!
"Ina Kwana Ya Ahmad" she greeted with a straight face.
"Lafiya Shukr. Someone's in a bad mood?"
"Cramps" she lied.
He raised his hands in surrender and backed away from her. She bit the side of her lip to stop herself from laughing.
"Okay I'm saying this in a very soft tone and with affection." He started "please make sure Zarah eats when she comes down, and if she wants take out please make an order, whatever it is that she wants. And if she throws up more than two times, call me. Okay?"
She nodded, still trying to diffuse the laughter that was threatening to erupt from within her.
He gave her two thumbs up and raced to the door.
The kitchen echoed with her amused laughter. He should've seen the look on his face. Maybe she will keep using the 'cramp card' on him whenever she's not in the mood to have a conversation. It'll definitely work.
Six fluffy pancakes later and a drizzle of maple syrup, she found a spot by the TV and tuned in to her favorite channel.
She ate her breakfast silently, watching the TV and ocassionally replying messages on her phone. Which was unhealthy, but anyway.
By the time she was done, it was already quarter past 11. She did the dishes and cleaned the kitchen then vacuumed the living room and the dining room. She took a shower, braided her hair in two big ponytails and slipped on a loose striped jumpsuit.
It was now half past 12 and there was no sign of Zarah.
She gently knocked on the bedroom door and waited for any sign of life. When there was none, she pushed the door open. There, in the middle of the bed was Zarah's tiny figure crumpled in rolls of duvet.
"Adda Zarah?" She called with caution as she approached the bed. A heavy sigh was all she got as a reply. When she neared the bed, the pungent smell of vomit hit her straight in the face. She rushed to Zarah's side.
"Innalillahi" she gasped as she held her sisters-in-law's hands in shock. Zarah was covered in vomit and was shivering wildly.
"Adda Zarah can you sit up? I need to take you to the hospital"
Zarah managed to shake her head as she put a shaky hand on Shukrah's arm.
" me to the bathroom I can clean up" she croaked.
It was Ahmad's perfume. That Tom Ford. Or was it the Rasasi? It made her stomach churn when he left the room and she wasn't sure how much she'd vomited because fatigue had washed over her and she'd slept right through.
Shukrah hauled her over and carried her on her back, into the bathroom. She gently dropped her in the middle of the bathtub. She grabbed a bucket and filled it with warm water then handed Zahra her bath wash and sponge before she closed the bathroom door behind her.
As Zahra struggled to clean up, Shukrah peeled the sheets and the duvet off the bed and stuffed them in the washing machine downstairs. Zarah was till not done showering even after she put on new sheets and turned on the humidifier to clear out all the smell.
Twenty minutes later, Shukrah knocked on the bathroom door.
"Adda Zarah you need help?"
Zarah croaked a weak 'yes'. Shukrah found her seated on the bathroom floor with a towel wrapped around her.
She kept whispering "Sannu" to her as she helped her back into the room. "Just lie down. I'll get your clothes for you" she said as she wrapped her in the duvet.
She rummaged through the closet and grabbed some comfy pajamas and a pair of undies. She dropped them on the bed and rushed to the kitchen to get her a cup of warm water infused with honey and lemon. That will lower the nausea and hopefully give her an appetite.
Halting by the staircase, she listened attentively to make sure there was really a knock coming from the front door. When indeed she realised there was, she rushed to the door hoping it was Ahmad who came back. He had probably forgotten something and was coming to get it.
When she pulled open the door, her hopes dropped when she was met with Haseeb's face.
Her reaction nearly mirrored his. He wasn't expecting to see her either.
"Hi" he managed to say "I've been standing here for like 15 minutes. I tried to call Zarah but she wasn't answering her phone"
Shukrah heaved a tired sigh. "She's been really sick these past few days. Yanzu ma haka tana kwance ta gama amai"
Haseeb cringed. "Subhanallah" he wiped his face anxiously. "Do you need me to drive you guys to the hospital?"
Shukrah was too overwhelmed with the whole situation. She'd never seen Zarah sick like that.
She wrung her hands together. "I don't know. I'll go bring her down"
With that, she left him standing in the foyer and ran up to Zarah and Ahmad's room.
Zarah had managed to put on her Pajama shirt but was yet to put on the trousers. She was still curled up in bed, heaving tired sighs and clutching the trousers to her chest.
"Adda Zarah" Shukrah called softly as she sat beside her on the bed. "Can you stand up? Uncle Haseeb is here and he wants to take you to the hospital"
Zarah shook her head furiously "No" she said hoarsely. "I'm going to be fine. I just need to eat something and rest"
Shukrah swallowed hard. "Should I make you some soup? Or tea? Ko kunu?"
Zarah nodded at the mention of kunu. "Please put a lot of lemon in it. I'll be down in a minute"
When she came down and found a worried Haseeb seated in the living room, she gave him a polite smile and told him that Zarah didn't need to go to the hospital. He wasn't satisfied with her answer but nodded anyway.
She left him there and busied herself with making Zarah's kunu while he watched the morning news on AlJazeera.
"Uncle Eich" Zarah said in a weak voice as she entered the living room clad in a lilac hijab. He quickly turned towards her when she called his name.
"Are you okay?" In a flash he was by her side, guiding her to sit where he was earlier seated.
She gently pushed him away "I'm fine" she tried to give him her sweet smile but she didn't even come close to that. She was spent.
"You look awful."
"I know"
"We should go to the hospital"
"No we shouldn't. It's not serious. It'll be over before you know it"
Haseeb narrowed his eyes at her. "Stop being stubborn"
She sank deeper into the sofa and folded her legs beneath her. "You're the one who's being stubborn"
Just then, Shukrah came out with a huge tray laden with a jug, a mug, some cubes of sugar in a saucer and a jar of honey. She pulled the side table from a corner of the living room and brought it close to Zarah.
"Should I pour you a cup?"
Zarah smiled at her. "Yes please. Thank you Shukr"
She didn't get an answer as Shukrah poured her the kunu and added some honey in it before she handed her the mug.
"Please finish the whole thing. I'll go make lunch" she said and disappeared into the kitchen.
They both watched her as she left before Zarah heaved a sigh of relief.
"Would you like a sip?" She asked him.
He raised an eyebrow at her. "She said to finish the whole thing. She sounded so serious. Deathly, if I may add."
Zarah laughed. "She's just freaked out. I bet she's never seen me at my worst until today"
"Yeah she does. I'm just glad she's here with you. I can't imagine what would've happened if you were all alone and you suddenly fell this sick"
"Yeah me too. Alhamdulillah for all of you"
She drank her Kunu in silence while Haseeb busied himself with his phone for a while. Soon enough, some delicious aroma was peeping it's way into the living room and when he couldn't help it anymore, he stood up and went in.
"Sannu da aiki " he said with a smile.
"Yauwa sannu" was Shukrah's reply as she stirred the meatballs into the yummy cheeesy tomato sauce she was making.
"Smells good in here" Haseeb added as he pulled the fridge open. He quickly grabbed the first bottle of Zobo that was in sight and opened it.
"I know right" she beamed "I'll be done in a minute InshaAllah. The spaghetti is already cooked"
Leaning on the counter, he took a big swig of the drink and relished at how it calmed his nerves and sent chills down his spine. It was bomb.
"I usually make the sauce first and then the spaghetti comes last"
Shukrah wiped her forehead with the side of her hand and turned to face him. "Yeah I sometimes do that too. Umma says its better for the soup to wait for the Tuwo or something." She tried to tell the joke but forgot it. "Oho I don't remember. But usually that's how e suppose be" she shrugged.
Haseeb nodded with a smile. He was about to say something when his phone vibrated in his pocket. He pulled it out and Shukrah didn't miss the shocking look on his face as he looked at the name flashing on his screen. Nana K.
He cleared his throat before he slides on the screen and put the phone to his ear. From his peripheral view, he saw Shukrah turn back to her cooking just as he exited the kitchen.
"Salamu Alaikum" her soft voice said from the other said.
"Wa Alaikum salam Nana. How are you?"
"I'm good" she sounded edgy. "And you?"
"I'm good too Alhamdulillah. Look I'm sorry about yesterday. I said I was going to call you and it totally escaped my mind"
There was a pause on the other side before she spoke. "It's okay. But you should know its rude to leave someone hanging. I waited for your call all night"
He scratched his nape. "I am really sorry. There were so many things I had to take care of immediately I landed. And by the time I arrived home I was already so tired."
"Oh Allah sarki"
"So am I forgiven?"
He could hear her smile from the other side. "Yeah kinda. Where are you now?"
Haseeb was confused. "Erm..... what do you mean?"
"I mean your current location. Like now"
"I'm at my niece's house. In Maitama"
"Please can you send me the adress?. I had someone made Pizza and Cupcakes for you. Is it okay if it's delivered to your current location?"
Oh wow. What? She did what?
He was totally taken off guard. "Erm okay. Yeah. Sure. Absolutely " he shook his head vigorously searching for the right words to say. "Yeah um.... thank you so much Nana. I really don't know what to say"
"It's nothing. Don't forget to send me the adress though" she said in a serious tone.
He chuckled softly. He knew what she meant. "I'm sending it right away"
"Good man" she faked a British accent and they both laughed at that.
"Thank you so much" he was still overwhelmed.
"Yeah right. Bye" she quickly hung up. She couldn't help but feel uncomfortable with all the Thank yous he's been firing her way.
When Haseeb clicked on the send icon on his screen and saw that his message was delivered, he turned towards the living room and realised that Zarah has been looking at him from where she was seated. He was sure she didn't hear him but the look she was giving him was definitely interrogating.
"So?" She wiggled her brows at him when he came to sit across from her.
"Woman, finish your Kunu" he tried to keep a straight face.
She showed him her empty mug. " I'm done. Now spill the tea"
Haseeb sighed and sank back into the chair. "It's just this girl that your Mom and Anti Uwani introduced me to. I went to see her yesterday before I left Kano and she just called me to say she's sending me some Pizza and Cupcakes to this adress"
Zarah laughed. "So why do you look like someone who's been robbed?"
He groaned. "I don't know. She just took me off guard. I can't remember the last time someone did this to me"
"What? Spoil you?"
"Yeah" he shrugged "Something like that"
"Well get used to it" she smirked. "Spoiling your mans is the new trend these days"
Haseeb lifted a finger. "Point of correction. I am not her man"
"Yeah we'll see" she gave him a goofy grin and turned her attention back to Molly Yeh who was making some delicious looking tacos on TV.
Haseeb sighed and sank deeper into the chair.
20 minutes later, while Shukrah was setting the food on the table and bringing out some chilled watermelon and mint drink, the security guard knocked on the front door holding a big package with NansFoodFiles logo in hand. Haseeb was the one who opened the door and received the package.
"Oooohhhh. Our package is here" Zarah sat up excitedly with a grin on her face.
Haseeb dropped it on the coffee table and shot her a look. "You and who?"
"You won't even let me have a bite? It smells really good wallahi" she said with a puppy face.
"Um I just spent an hour making spaghetti and meatballs and I think it smells really good too"
They both turned towards Shukrah who had just walked into the living room and overheard her conversation.
"You guys ordered food?" She fired the question at them.
"Um no we didn't" Zarah began. "Uncle Eich's girlfriend sent him these..."
"She's not my girlfriend" Haseeb interrupted.
"Oh okay." Shukrah waved him off. She wasn't interested in who ever sent the package or what it was for. She just wanted to know if all the time she spent making lunch was worth it or not "So are we having the spaghetti or....."
Zarah and Haseeb exchanged looks before they both stood up. Shukrah looked like she was about to cut off their fingers if they laid a hand on that package. They weren't taking any chances.
"The pizza can wait later"
"Yeah we'll just have proper lunch for now"
She gave them both a triumphant smile before she walked ahead to the dining room, the duo following closely behind and glancing back at the tempting box of cupcakes they've left behind. Oh and let's not forget the delicious aroma of the Pizza that has circumvented the whole living room. Good gracious.
Haseeb sat down to eat after sending a Thank You message to Nana. She replied almost instantly. He smiled, picked a plate from the stack that was kept by Shukrah and served himself some steaming spaghetti and sauce.
At exactly 4:23pm, the front door opened and Ahmad salaamed as he walked in. Zarah was the only one in the main living room sleeping with the remote in her hands, the TV broadcasting previous episodes of High Fidelity. Shukrah was in her room and Haseeb had left immediately the Asr Salah was called.
Taking gentle steps towards his wife, he quietly dropped his backpack which contained his laptop and other office stuff before he picked the remote and turned off the TV. The AC followed and then in one swift motion, he lifted her from the sofa and she was in his arms.
She woke up instantly, startled. And when their eyes met, she released a breath and snuggled into him.
"Welcome home Saheeb" she whispered against his chest. " I missed you"
He rubbed his nose on her cheek and smiled. " I missed you too"
He started walking towards the stairs.
"How do you feel?"
"Great. Now that you're here"
He smiled again. She had a way with words. Powerful words that do powerful things to his heart.
"Bakiyi amai ba dai ko?"
She clamped her lips and shook her head.
He nodded, eventhough he didn't believe her.
When he reached their bedroom door, she reached for the handle and opened the it for him. He walked in with her still in his arms and pushed the door close with the heel of his shoe. He gently dropped her on the bed and planted a chaste kiss on her forehead.
"Don't move. I'm going to take a shower and then we're going to eat a late lunch. I ordered some spicy prawns and chicken noodle soup from your favorite vendor" he straightened up and started unbuttoning his Kaftan. "You're up for some prawns yeah?"
She gave him a hooded look and he stopped mid button.
"Can I join you?"
He blinked. "What?"
"To shower "
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