CH.1 Been there, done that

Hello dear all: Happy New Year and as present and thank for your lovely messages, here comes chapter 1 of this story, which is rather long and intense and new characters are introduced. The story right now officially begins and lets how it'll unravel.

I really hope you'll enjoy it and I'll be honestly looking forward to reading your comments and messages, as I love them! So, let me know what you think, thanks!

Dedicated to all of you and in particular to DerreckSanchez as a thank you for you super funny comments you make that always have me laughing :-D Hope you'll enjoy it! And Dee: ALL THE BEST WITH YOU STORIES! Yep, Derreck writes stories!

On the right, a wonderful banner XxAricka_DylanxX made for me: thanks, love it!

Motley Crue music is perfect for this first chapter.

And now..enjoy!


“If you had a million years to do it in, you couldn't rub out even half the "Fuck you" signs in the world. It's impossible.” J.D. Salinger, "The Catcher in the Rye".

I annoyingly scratched my hair, running my hand over my spiked mohawk while I listened to the endless boredom called history, wanting nothing more than take that door, throw it open and slam it close behind me and walk out of this living hell. But I couldn’t and I damn knew it; the teacher had his eyes on me and the smallest mistake would send me directly to the principal, who would call my parents, who would freak out and lecture me about the fact I had to finish school and get a diploma.

I sighed and again brushed my mohawk another time, glaring at one idiotic typical pussy-like nerd sitting beside me that spent most of the lecture eyeing me worried and sweating bullets afraid I would jump him and beat the crap out of him. Why on hell I would do that? They all fucking knew I was trying to behave now and that I was an open and “outed” gay; right, the most brilliant decision of the year, believe me. They should award me with me the biggest moron and shithead demented being of the year award for having let my mouth run months ago revealing I was gay. Damn, it sure was one of the most stupid things I have ever done, but whatever; what was done was done and what am I? Some pathetic little kid always whining and hiding behind his mother’s skirt? I really don’t think so. However, coming out and shouting in the corridor, out of huge and dangerous annoyance caused by that asshole of Sergey, sure earned me a ticket for constant and endless irritation and ridiculous bullying.

Yeah, bet you are laughing your ass off, right? But that was the true. The big and scary and sick bully was now being bullied and had a nice word painted on my locket. Sure, the table turned around pretty much, right?

The funny part?

Nobody stuck for me. Well, that wasn’t a surprise, given my past behaviors and given my present looks and attitudes. Who would stick for someone like me? I looked exactly like what I was: an angry nineteen years old guy with a bad temper and zero tolerance and patience that was forced to sit down and stand this shit, with tattoos and looks that screamed punk and biker, a past in a gang and as violent bully. So, no big surprise everyone pretended I didn’t exist in school and whenever Sergey came over with his group of branded morons they all suddenly found themselves busy with something else. Wouldn’t you do the same? I would. Probably.

I sighed and cursed under my breath, hissing to that guy still staring at me as if staring at some dangerous stray dog to piss off and that somehow worked. The teacher though shot me a quick inquisitive look and I refrained from rolling my eyes; I was beginning to understand what Dima meant with biology and American literature, but had to admit I enjoyed literature as I enjoyed reading books, even though it was quite a secret. It didn’t look very cool for a former delinquent to have a nerdy side hidden deep down; hell, very deep down.

I almost chuckled out loud when I heard my own mind saying “hell”, as it reminded me of Travis, the Mighty Sasha’s man now living in London. I liked him very much and he had guts and balls made of steel, no kidding, and he was very straightforward and had no qualms in telling you what he had on his mind. I should admit that that attitude of his helped me a lot with my friend.

Sasha and I weren’t doing great at all, while it was getting better and better with my twin brother and even with his chipmunk, no problems with Derek, but well, still hard with River. But Sasha was another story. I knew he hated bullies and people like I used to be with burning passion and it had to do with something that happened to his man, but the particulars were unknown to me and sure I didn’t wish to go and ask him. When I talked to Travis this summer, the day he made me a surprise and told me to get my head straight and trust Sasha with whatever secret I had hidden inside, I tried to ask him, but he dismissed me with a “hell, I’m not here to talk about me, even though I know I’m fantastic” and shit, that sure signed my definitive liking him. He wasn’t arrogant, maybe a bit cocky, but he had all the rights to be so and he sure was one of the hottest guys I have ever seen. No wonder the Mighty Sasha turned out gay for him and was rather obsessed with him.

Damn, Dima was affecting me. I rambled no stop about useless details and almost forgetting what I was talking about; I’ll punch him once back home and tell him to keep his “dofusness” only for himself. Did “dofusness” even exist? I doubt so, but I’d bet my balls Holden would love that word.

So, what I wanted to say was that Travis came over our house and said he sensed something big happened to me and that talking to Sasha would be a great way to open him up and ease the path if I wanted to have my old friend back. And he was right. Travis was damn right, because I knew how Sasha’s mind and heart worked and once he lost the trust and respect on you, it would be almost impossible to regain them back, but … I was trying to change, right? And I finally found the guts to openly admit how much I had missed them all. So around the end of summer I went to talk to my old friend and it shocked me big hell time to realize he had missed me too; he clearly didn’t admit it or so, but it was there, in the way he welcomed me to his room and let me talk, asking me how my arm was, how things were going with Dima and more. As Holden would say, Sasha wasn’t a phony person.

I sure didn’t tell him what caused all of this yet, since I wasn’t ready, but he understood and said he was glad my senses were finally back.

Now we were on talking civil terms, but don’t get the hope one day we would hug and kiss each other, because none of us was that kind of man. I might be gay, but that didn’t mean I would behave like a chick or a freak. I wasn’t exactly a touchy-feely person, unlike my brother, and sarcasm was apparently what most occupied my tongue and mouth. Thinking about it, something else should occupy it, but I wasn’t exactly were obliging in bed, quite the contrary, so I’d rather have my buddy keeping someone else’s mouth occupied and when was last time? My back rested on the chair and my mind tried to think about the last time and right: too damn long, no wonder I was edgy.

Well, it wasn’t completely right nobody fucking stuck for me, but the price of it came with an annoying hyperactive and emo-looking girl that would threaten my ears to bleed and my drums to crush every time she jumped on my back shrieking my name almost choking me with her skinny arms. Girls could be damn scaring sometimes and they sure were damn loud and annoying.

Finally the bell rang and I stood up at once as if something bit my ass, then I left the class without even sparing a greet to that asshole that was called teacher and simply walked to my locket, since I had forgotten a book and anyway I knew Viola wanted to meet there before going to one of the classes we had together. I told you: weird chick. While marching to the place my eyes caught sight of a small boy being bullied, it was your typical quiet and thin teenager that had the bad luck to attract jocks’ and pieces of crap’s like my past me attention, and his only fault were his simple and outdated clothes and his ordinary and boring hair cut, given it was a school for rich and wealthy assholes. I decided to ignore it, since it sure wasn’t my business, but then I stopped, something in the back of my neck yelling at me all sort of curses.

Damn right, man. It was my overly annoying conscience.

Therefore I spun on my heels and walked over the guy and simply placed a hand on the bully, an idiot that banged one of the hottest girls in school and that was probably the captain or whatever of some team. I couldn’t bother remembering particulars about him, aside his typical snobbish richie-rich guy name: Lawrence. I mean, which parents in their right minds would call their son with such stupid name? Whatever, what irritated me was the look the small and damn-so-boring-looking guy gave me, probably about to faint because thinking I had joined the bullying. Had I bullied him before? Maybe, but I sure not remembered it. Who would remember such boring subject?

“Dude, why don’t you leave him and go after your chick before she goes after someone else? Or she already did it?” The bullied guy turned into a sweating statue and paled down so much that he turned green. I snorted. Coward. “What are you sweating for? If you were smart, and you probably are not and that might be the reason you are a target, I’d use this opening to move from here.” I hissed at him and he probably almost passed away.

Now, you see why I ignored such things most of the times. It was useless and the bullying would not stop, unless I bet the shit out of those jocks risking my school year and everything. Well, don’t think so.

“What the hell do you want Denisov? You desperate for the principal’s dick so you try to impress him?” And that had the effect to rush my blood faster, so I grabbed that asshole’s shirt and smacked him against the wall. Did they think they could mess with me so easily? Huge mistake. “Let go and don’t touch me, you hypocrite faggot. You bullied those dimwits till months ago and now you suddenly turn into the savior of the weak? You make me laugh.” He smirked, but when I slammed him another time against the wall he wasn’t laughing so much.

“Not laughing anymore, Lawrence?” I said seeing his eyes getting wider and it was me smirking amused now, because he tried to free himself without success; but then of course in that moment hands caught my arms and tried to pull me away. I let go of the idiot and yanked my arms free and turning around just in time to duck a hook. “Ha, you think morons like you can stand someone like me?”

“We are enough to wipe the floor with your queer ass.” One of them groaned and seeing that boring looking guy still standing there, I grabbed the collar of his sweater and without much care I threw him away.

“You get lost.” I barked and this time his brain worked faster and his feet scampered away.

“Why don’t you mind your business, Denisov?”

“Because you are a pathetic view. Three against that small fry?” I provoked and I knew we would end this in the principal’s office, but I wasn’t going to back down from a challenge. No way in fucking hell.

The two guys in front of me launched together against me and when I went to move, arms locking mine stopped me, and I went to get that idiot off me, seeing the punches almost hitting my face, but somehow everything froze when a loud and shrieking voice pierced our eardrums.

“Anatoly, you dork. You promised to meet me at the locker and look where you are!” Viola, the weird and emo-looking girl that decided to become my friend, literally had us all stop at once. And it was because her drilling voice had attracted a lot of attention. “We are going to be late and I’ll blame you.”

The two guys in front of me whipped their heads toward the sound of her voice and for a moment their jaws hit the floor. Right, Viola could be considered hot and sure her eccentric and way too eye-catching dressing style did not help in the matter; I looked at her and the impulse to laugh out loud had the best of me. How the hell was she dressed?

“What are you laughing at? And we are late.” She said brushing her today’s purple blue-ish long straight hair, with a flower planted on the side of her head as ridiculous accessorize, huge bright pink round earrings hanging from her ears, more childish and colorful jewelry on her skinny wrists and neck; she probably found the dress she was wearing in some Barbie’s shop, because I refused to think normal shops sold such stuff. It was a long sleeve white short dress with black dots that ended at the length of her hips in a ballerina like very short skirt, barely reaching the middle of her thighs, with two layers of white and black of what she had repeated me over millions of time was called tulle. Why the hell a guy would know such thing, you ask? Because of a friend like her. Then I noticed her socks: sort of black and thick thigh highs with white dots and a pink ribbon.

“You ask me what am I laughing at? Have you seen yourself this morning?” I asked her, but she ignored it and skipped to me, completely ignoring the guys right now drooling over her and taking my hand in hers.

“Oh shut up, Anatoly. I look fabulous and this dress is new, don’t you love it? I bought it two days ago with Lily and she bought a wonderful neon-green skirt. You’d love it.” I doubt that, but said nothing, as it was pointless to contradict her on the matter. “It’s absolutely fabulous and let’s go, my brother is waiting for us.”

Oh right, her brother…She was very hot and beautiful for a chick and sure her brother wasn’t different. He was quite the view and had a tight ass, but as much as it fucking annoyed me to admit it, he wasn’t as hot as that impassive bastard. But sure Adrian was … well, let’s leave it for now.

“Hey, we haven’t finished here.” Lawrence the jock said and I eyed him as to say it was over. “What are you looking at?” He hissed.

“Not at you, since I would never bang someone like you, well, maybe your friend over there has an interesting ass.” I was obviously joking, but it never ceased to give me great amusement in seeing those morons paling down and turning green at the idea of me ramming inside of them. Not even if I were starving for some sex. I’d rather go nuts and settle to my right hand. They took a step back and I snorted. Bunch of pussies. “As you can see it’s over and she’s right, we are late.” I shrugged him off and gave them my back, going to walk to our next class, American literature.

“You cannot bang them, Anatoly-baby. Adrian would be jealous.” I gave her a flat look and rolled my eyes. “What? It’s true.”

I ignored her and then cursed remembering I forgot my book.

“My book.”

“We are already late, leave it. You can share it with me.” She winked and damn, she sure used a huge amount of eye liner and other make-up products, but must admit the result wasn’t ridiculous and it looked good on her. Wonder what my twin would think of her…and his chipmunk? Somehow I thought Sasha and River would be fine, especially Sasha, given his man wasn’t exactly ordinary. “And by the way, how come you always end up in a possible fight?”

I shrugged and snorted and she peeked at me from her way shorter height and behind what probably were fake long black eye lashes. You have no idea how much you are forced to learn when your friend (mostly, your imposed friend) is a hyper and emo-looking girl. And they said emo kids had suicidal tendencies? Viola sure had not, believe me.

“They are just annoying morons that now have fun in bullying the big and scary punk, former gang member and stupidly out of closet gay.”

“Your being gay is simply fabulous, even though I admit it’s a pity, because you are very hot and hmm..” she pinched my ass and I stopped walking, looking at her with a rather warning glare, but she waved me off. “Hmm..your butt is so hard.”

“How would you feel if I were to touch your ass?” I asked arching my brow and in all answer she shook her head and giggled.

“I wouldn’t mind it, Anatoly. You are gay.” She could give you a headache in just a matter of two seconds; thinking about it carefully, damn, it’d be very amusing to see her driving my dofus twin brother out of mind, given the capability of his brain.

When we arrived in class, the teacher stopped talking and everyone looked at us. I rolled my eyes and gave the piss-off glares to a couple of annoying little midgets and then saw how Adrian smirked shaking his head. Yes, he might not be as hot and bulky as that beast, but he sure was yummy in his own way, with his dark and tousled curls, natural tanned skin due to his origins, since he was from Chile, but he had been adopted by Viola’s parents and he never really lost his accent. We went to sit beside him, but the teacher called me back and obviously let Viola go, but surprisingly she stayed there with me.

“Mr. Denisov, the class has already begun ten minutes ago and would you please tell us where did you spend your time?” She enquired tilting her glasses down and standing up from her seat.

Oh give me a break.

I went to speak, but crazy hyper emo-girl spoke first. What she ate this morning? Coffee, toast and a taste of Flash?

“It wasn’t his fault Mrs. Bennet. Anatoly saved a guy from bullying.” Viola grinned locking her arm with mine trying to pull me forward, but I simply wished to turn around and leave the class before jumping on a couple of dimwits staring at me with clear disbelief and twisting their noses.

“I was just passing by.” I told her, but she scoffed and went to talk more and it was then that Mrs. Bennet decided to let it go dismissing us.

“Just take your seats and be sure to be on time next class.” I said nothing and simply sat down beside Adrian.

“Hola hermoso, so you played the part of the super hero? I honestly cannot see you in that part, Anatoly.” He winked and moved his hand to run it over my hair, but stopped remembering I wasn’t exactly fond of such things, especially because he wasn’t what I would call a best friend like my brother and Sasha and River used to be.

“I was just passing by, not big deal.” His sister placed the book right between our desks and I didn’t miss how other guys in the class turned to literally stare at her with hungry eyes. “How about you wipe your mouth?” I joked with one guy in front of us, who eyed me as if I were smelly garbage and then whipped his head back staring the blackboard.

I wished to smack his not cute face on the desk and bump it there several times, but I suppose that wouldn’t look good in the book of my scholar record. I grumbled something in my language and Adrian smirked, showing dimples on his cheeks, his dark eyes shining and following the smirk.

“When are you going to teach me some Russian?”

“And why would you like and need to learn Russian?” That was my automatic answer, as I loved to share my original language only with some persons really close to me, like Dima, my family and… I snorted thinking about him, but it was true that this language and heritage was something that linked us; aside the racing with bikes.

And thinking about it, didn’t Oleg say we would go race in the weekend? That better be, because I couldn’t wait to be on my baby and run at neck speed on the circuit, everything else left aside and behind, only the asphalt, the sound of the engine, the speed, the adrenaline and the race. Nothing else. In those moments it was just me and my bike, and in those moments I knew I wasn’t just a fucking duty. It was only about us and our bikes.

“Why should I not? I would be delight to teach you Spanish.”

“Not my favorite language, but nothing personal with you, Adrian.” I said, because my past had caused enough problems and people sure had not forgotten my past racist outbursts, when they had nothing to do with my real beliefs, but all to do with the shit that had blasted my brain.

I had been such a huge and immature asshole and as much as I hated to admit it, Oleg was right.

Viola shot us both a glare and hissed to keep silence and she was right, given the way the teacher eyed us and probably weighted whether to kick us out or not. She wouldn’t dare it with the Taylor siblings because they were both huge smartass and very rich and if you think that didn’t count, oh well, where the hell have you lived since now? Not that I was the one to talk, in matter of being rich. I could be smart and probably have all As, but repeating last year among those pathetic little fleas was rather depressing and sure this year hadn’t started in the best way. It was going to be a damn tough and annoying one.

Lunch finally came and the three of us walked to our locker and when we stopped at mine, Adrian snorted and cursed in Spanish in reading what was written over mine.

“How can they allow it?” He hissed banging his fist on it. I never understood why he took such matters so much at heart, as we never talked before, we weren’t friends and not sure we could be considered friends now, and anyway, it might be a pain in the ass, but deep down I was aware I deserved all of it, till the last damn drop. And that was the reason the school administration did nothing about the insults sprayed on my locker. They were on MY locker and it was clear they all considered me close to trash. I had been in a gang and even if a few people knew it, the others didn’t miss the tattoos and how I behaved.

Fuck. Regret could be such a nasty bitch.

“They don’t care about it and pretend not to see it, just like I do.” Right, let’s say I pretended to tell myself I pretended not to see it. “We are talking about me, Adrian. C’mon, let’s go, I’m hungry.”

I was about to bite my food, but someone well decided to be an absolute pain in the ass and come over and piss me off. Now, Lawrence and his pathetic steroids-brain-blown friends were not a real pain in the ass, because they somehow had the faint intelligence to simply insult me and then let it go, unless it was five of them like two weeks ago, but this one here…well, he was of another league of annoyance. And the fact we used to be “friends”, mind the quote marks, hanging around in beating smaller fries, making black and other not white and perfect kids wish to be born in another country, well, it sort of complicated things. I placed the food on the plate and telling myself to avoid further troubles, my eyes caught the sight of Sergey, Sasha’s cousin and one of the biggest assholes of the world and biggest homophobe in the US.

“So queer bitch, how is life?” He stood in front of me with his arms crossed in front of his chest, surrounded by his band of idiots, and eyeing me with that twisted smirk I knew too well. It was the same smirk I used to have and the same smirk I hated with all myself.

“What the hell do you want, Seryozha?” I gave him a warning glare, because he knew messing with me wasn’t for free. “Bored of those blockheads? Want some real man?” I mocked him with a sarcastic smirk mimicking to hold my jewelry.

He made a disgusted face and immediately grabbed my shirt pulling me toward his face. I let it go for a moment, because I knew I had to keep calm.

“You are such a disgusting piece of trash, you know this, right? I bet your own family is revolted by the same idea of you sucking cocks.” He sneered and I commanded my temper and blood to calm down, seeing how Adrian had moved and was thinking what to do.

“You forgetting my twin brother is gay and my family doesn’t give a crap about the whole queer deal?” Words like fag and queer sorted no effect with me. I couldn’t care less if they called me in that way.

“Ha, bet you are all going to for some dirty and lurid orgy, isn’t that right? You, that pathetic fag of my cousin and his bitch, isn’t that right?”

“You make me laugh, Seryozha. You’re such a pussy; why don’t you go tell that to Sasha directly, ha? Too scared of him, aren’t you?” I provoked, because I knew it was true and it was the best way to keep my now rising and boiling temper at bait; it was about to reach the limit.

“You think I’m afraid of that asshole? I am afraid of no queers and he can go fuck himself and his bitch, just like you and your brother. So it must be something rotten in your genes, right? Your family must be rotten, after all..”

“What the hell did you just say?” I roared, suddenly standing up and snatching the collar of his shirt and yanking him right at my face. Adrian and the others gasped and when I shook the piece of shit in my hands, they went to move. “Take it back, you asshole!” I snarled, having lost my last drop of calm and coolness.

He could insult me as much as he wanted, but saying that about my family? That was unacceptable. I had given them enough shit and gray hair and that was more than enough.

“Oh, you playing the good son part? Spare me from that. What are you up to? Some sadistic and kinky play with your brother and his pathetic little pet?”

That signed it.

Throwing him back I connected my left fist with his idiotic face and punched his jaw, sending him against a chair. In that moment Viola shot up and yelled something at me, Adrian went to move to probably calm me down, but a couple of guys stopped in front of him right when two minions of that piece of crap, grunting while holding his jaw, came to me and almost slammed me down. I shrugged one away, because if anything, I sure had learnt how to fight while I was in the gang and that irritating and impassive bastard had taught me a couple of useful things. So I turned around and yanked that shithead at my side with both hands at me ready to hit his forehead with mine, but someone jumped at my neck and almost choked and so my head snapped back, and from the groaning and cursing it was clear it hit the target just fine.

I have no idea how it happened and what exactly happened, but right when we were about to break in what would be with all chances a bloody fight, Adrian and Viola stopped everything and we all froze when someone else mentioned a teacher about to come. I looked at Sergey, who was good only with words, but sucked with facts; he didn’t want to get into troubles in school, because his father wasn’t exactly the most reasonable man and mostly because he was a damn coward.

“You are lucky we are in school.” He spat at me and I snorted repressing a loud laugh.

“YOU are lucky we are in school and you damn know it.”

“If anyone breathes a word is done for sure.” I heard Adrian telling some guys around there, because we all saw a teacher indeed walking to us and I prayed he would be a laid back one. “You hear me?”

“Yes, we saw nothing.” The murmured gulping down while staring at me.

“Good for you.” I said with what I knew was a rather sick and threatening smirk and it worked just fine in these occasions.

“What happened here?” The teacher asked assessing all of us with suspicious and narrow eyes. He scanned me, then the two siblings and then Sergey and his band of idiots. “So, what happened? Are you going to give me an explanation, Mr. Denisov, Mr. Lebedev?”

“Nothing happened, sir.” I said avoiding with all my will to roll my eyes.

“Nothing happened you say? I see a rather suspicious gathering here, as we all know how you often end up in some arguments, isn’t that right?”

“This time Anatoly is right.” Adrian intercepted, attracting the man’s attention. “There was just an exchange of words and that was all.”

He looked at us and then sighed, shaking his head.

“I will let it pass today, but refrain from certain exchange of words.” He said the last three words twisting his nose and mouth and I wished so much to punch that face, but again, it wouldn’t look good in the book, right? It was in the occasions that I envied my brother’s temper and way of reacting at provocations, since nothing touched him. Well, nothing that didn’t directly touch his precious chipmunk and friends.

“Yes sir.” I muttered clenching my fists, as I hated with all my heart having to do such things.

He turned and looked at Sergey, who repressed a sneer and then agreed on the same, but of course right after the teacher left, he turned to me and hissed.

“Watch your back, Tolya.”

I flipped him off and replied in kind.

“You think I’m scared? Oh look, I’m all trembling.” We stared at each other for a moment and then they decided to move away and so I could sit down and try to finish my lunch, by now already cold. “Lunch is cold and mushy now.” I groaned annoyed.

“Here, you can have mine.” Viola pushed her trail to me, but I crooked my eyebrows.

“You have salad over there. No thank you.” She rolled her weird green apple eyes and it was then that I noticed she was wearing contacts. “You wearing another pair and color of contacts?”

“You noticed them just now? And you lost your chance for sharing lunch with me.” She flipped her hair back and stuck her tongue out.

“Vivi preciosa, I believe salad won’t do for someone like Anatoly.” Her brother winked at me. “Want to do something in the afternoon? We could go eat something and watch a movie. You free?” He asked me, but I shook my head.

“No, doing something with Dima.”

“I feel almost jealous, you know it, hermoso?” He sort of flirted and yes, you guessed it right. Adrian was gay or probably bisexual, as he looked at girls too, but said he preferred guys and what intrigued me of him was the fact he wasn’t fond of serious relationship or any pain on the neck of that sort, but don’t know, something was pulling me back.

“Next time, I already promised my brother and you don’t know him. He can be quite the dofus sometimes.” I smiled thinking about him and a new feeling moved inside of me.

It was a sort of excitement.

Excitement at the idea of going to spend the afternoon with him and our friends.

I smiled again and then froze.

Oh fuck, how pathetic was that?

I cursed first in Russian and then in English and then I stared at the flat tire of my bike and slammed the helmet on the ground out of burning rage.

Damn it.

Someone had cut the back tire of my Ninja, completely slashing it so letting impossible to try to fix it, and it got me so mad that I felt my blood spiking up and rushing to my head. I groaned annoyed out of mind and cursed everyone and everything.

It was already the third time it happened and fuck the whole world; it was so annoying you have no idea. I had to call Brandon and ask him to come and pick my motorbike up, because there was no way I could lift it and place it on my brother’s jeep. I snorted and pulled my cell phone out and then growled when I realized I had broken the helmet. It was the third time it happened and no doubt Oleg will have something to say. In that moment a hand stopped on my shoulder and at first I tensed in annoyance, but then Adrian’s voice had me relax.

“It happened again? Is Sergey, isn’t it?”

“I have no idea if it’s him or someone else, but I better not find it out, believe me.” I grunted, because if I were to find that moron, I would surely exchange a couple of lovely and calm words with him.

“I’ll drive you home, come. Viola has left with a friend of her.”

“No need, thanks. I’m about to call my brother. He has no lectures right now.” I remembered it because we discussed it this morning at breakfast, having him basically force me to join him and his friends in a gym session; it actually was a good idea, but wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction yet. Since this summer I began to exercise more and I had grown way bigger and muscular than I used to be and must admit I liked it.

“Then I’ll wait here.” He smiled and again those dimples showed on his face and his eyes brightened up. His eyes shifted to my Ninja and he whistled of appreciation. “Dios mios, this is such a babe. When are you going to take me for a ride?” He winked and I didn’t miss the double meaning and that had me smirking.

“You want a ride?”

“Why not?” We both smirked and then he smiled. “Seriously, when? I bet it’ll be really exciting.”

“You bet it’s exciting and even that bastard said I’m great with my baby.” I quickly scrolled the phone list and pressed the call button when saw my brother’s number.

“Who’s that bastard?”Adrian asked with curiosity, bending down to pick my helmet up.

“My dad’s personal assistant.” I said quickly, hearing my brother at the other side of the phone. “Dima, you free?” We spoke in Russian.

“Yeah, I am here with Sasha. Everything ok?”

“Can you come pick me up? I got a problem with my bike.” He groaned and cursed at hearing that and somehow it gave me subtle joy. My twin brother understood what that meant and it clearly pissed him off.

“Again! Man, who the hell did it? Damn it, I wish to catch that bastard myself..” I heard Sasha asking something and Dima explained what happened. “We’ll be there soon, bro.”

“Sure, later Dima and … thank you.”

“No problem.”

I turned the conversation off and Adrian smiled in quite a seductive way, running a hand in his dark curls.

“You sound sexy when you speak Russian, know that?”

“For real?” I gave him a crooked smile and then called Brandon, the person that owned the body shop where I worked in summer and occasionally when he needed an extra hand.

After probably fifteen minutes or so, Dima arrived and saw he was with Sasha. Adrian eyed both of them and right, I could see what he meant in saying he preferred guys.

“That’s your friend?” He said meaning the Mighty Sasha, his eyes scanning him back and forth and nodding in appreciation. Well, it was pointless to deny I understood him, because my former best friend was surely as hot as hell, but still not as hot as … let’s drop it.

“Yeah, but he’s taken and his man is the masterpiece of male art, believe me.” I chuckled at his surprised expression and then greeted my twin. “Hey, thanks for coming over. Brandon should be here in a couple of minutes.”

“No problem bro, but seriously man, haven’t you said anything to the principal? This is totally fucked up.”

“You think he’ll care about that?” I rolled my eyes and Sasha shook his head.

“Was it that shithead of my cousin?”

“No idea.”

“Your cousin is Sergey?” Adrian asked and my friend nodded, assessing my classmate with his usual cold and distant glare. “I’m Adrian, by the way, Anatoly’s classmate.”

“Nice to meet you man, guess it’s pointless to say I’m his brother right?” Dima chuckled and his usual wide grin appeared on his face. “Name is Dima..err..?”

“Adrian, dofus. Can’t you seriously remember a name for once?”

“Hey, I remembered Jasper’s name at first.” He defended himself and I snorted.

“No wonder, genius.” My classmate eyed me with a questioning expression and I went to explain. “My twin brother is gay too and Jasper is his chipmunk.” He chuckled at that and Dima slapped the back of my head.

“Drop it, moron. Jasper isn’t a chipmunk, but my super hot and sexy boyfriend.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah…we already all know about how hot and sexy is your chipmunk and how wonderfully he feels in bed and..” He tried to slap my neck a second time, but I ducked it and he snorted frustrated.

“He is super handsome and yeah, he drives me out of mind, what’s wrong with that?”

Sasha smirked and shook his head, going to shake hands with Adrian.

“Aleksandr.” He simply said and my classmate smiled in a way that had me understand my friend had probably almost crushed his hand.

“Nice to meet you.” Adrian said and then stopped his eyes on him. “So you are the Mighty Sasha that Anatoly talks about?”

“Mighty Sasha?” My friend asked looking at me with an arched brow.


“Look, Brandon is here.” Dima said and so we helped him in placing the bike on the truck and he said my baby Ninja would be ready in the afternoon.

We drove back home and my brother went on talking no-stop about college and the new hockey team he, Sasha and River had joined and I don’t know how to explain it, but it felt so strange to be around them and talk this relaxed and normally. I really wasted over five years of my life and for what? For nothing. I sprawled back and relaxed my legs long in front of me, seeing my friend eyeing me from the rear view mirror.

“How is that asshole in school?”

“Just his usual asshole self.” I said shrugging my shoulders and he understood what I meant.

“I can’t believe he is my cousin. To think Dasha is completely different.”

“Well, I’m not the one to talk.” I said feeling a sharp bitter taste in the back of my mouth, because it was true and who was I to talk? He said nothing for a moment, but then he turned facing me, eyes to eyes.

“You realized your mistakes, Tolya, and work on that.”

I said nothing and looked away. It meant a lot that coming from him, I knew it.

“How is Travis?” I instead asked and didn’t miss the way his serious expression changed into a soft smile.

“He’s doing great and he said London is a crazy city.” He smiled more and I simply observed him without saying anything. He was so much in love with his man and it was clear he missed him like hell.

“So, perfect city for your crazy mate, isn’t that so?” Dima said and Sasha chuckled.

“Yeah, you’re probably right.”

We had an interesting afternoon and Hayden, their friend with dark hair and a rather simpleton-like expression on his face and a brain that wasn’t going for any Nobel prize, was a fair nice dude, very easy going and laid back and damn it, he was worse than my brother when it comes to dumbness. But he was funny and got on well with me at first, after seeing Dima and the Mighty Sasha relaxed around me. The gym session was hard and damn, I think I never sweat and mentally curse that much; they were not normal, I’m telling you, because they had a crazy rhythm and when it came to weight-lifting Sasha could be fair competition to that impassive bastard, but well, he still didn’t lift as much as Oleg. He was almost there, though. I understood why they had so much energy and forces after watching their hockey training; it never really was my favorite sport, but it sure was quite the view and some of their teammates were rather yummy.

I groaned while stretching my legs, Derek sending me an amused glance probably guessing the reason. I might end up with sore arms, legs and abdominals and probably I’ll curse worse than a sailor tomorrow, because I didn’t want to pull back or so, giving the satisfaction to my twin in showing he of course was in stronger shape than I was. Therefore I ended up going on and on and when I hit the shower, my body and muscles thanked all the gods out there and up in the sky for the final break. Scratch that: my entire body will be sore tomorrow. Oh well, screw it, no way in hell I’d admit that clown of Derek and that dofus of my twin were in better shape than me. D hasn’t changed one bit and was still the same cheerful and outgoing idiot that never shut up. While River was still the same calm and composed guy that understood everything with just a glance, always more mature than his age. He was still cautious with me, but it worked like that with Sasha too.

It was all so surreal to be around them once more, like we used to be years ago. However, I was different than years ago and what happened was still there and not easy to forget, but must admit Dima was helping a lot, but my damn idiotic stubborn self prevented me from acknowledging right straight away to his face. Argh…the sadistic beast was right. I was still immature and needed to work on some attitudes way harder, but it wasn’t that easy and a part of me was reluctant on letting go of everything and open up completely. It was still guarded and ready for whatever may come and no idea why it was like that.

After kicking my stuff in my room, I walked downstairs and sprawled on a couch, sighing silently and massaging my thighs; Dima was not around because went to his chipmunk, since mum invited him over for dinner and of course my twin ran to him as first thing to pick him up, like a faithful dog. Yeah, Oleg was right, I was still immature, but as I already said, I’d rather eat crap than admit it. The tattoo on my left arm stood out like a sore thumb in the perfect styled, elegant and tidy room. It was a demon in a form of a skull with horns unraveling on the top of the head and wrapping around my forearm, the eyes empty and dark, the mouth open in a mocking and rather sick smirk letting out a long and pointed tongue. It was the symbol of the gang, a white demon to symbolize the “Demons White Beasts”.

What a huge moron and brat I had been.

I sighed again and checked the time, remembering my bike would be probably ready; I could ask mum to drop me there, so went to look for her and right when I was about to see if she was in the kitchen, the door that gave access to the basement opened and the creepy shadow showed up with his usual emotionless expression and hard look. But damn it, that strong and angular face, with very short black hair, piercing and severe dark eyes accented by ink black and hard shaped eyebrows, exalting the sternness of his glare, a nose that reminded the one of a great and beasty fighter that probably smashed it several times in fights, that squared and tough looking chin and jaws always set in a severe and impassive damn annoying line, just as his full lips, the neat and military shaped stubble under the chin, the black design of the ink on his neck slipping out from the loose collar of the shirt, the muscular and almost bull-like muscles of his neck.

For crying out loud!

Argh…damn it!

It pissed me off so much to have to mentally admit he was damn hot and magnetic.

We stared at each other a moment without saying a word, the creepy bastard standing taller and broader in front of me with that usual annoying expression and intimidating aura, today wearing only a shirt with the sleeves rolled up, revealing those bulky tattooed forearms, without tie, and with normal jeans and combat boots. He looked different, he looked more “human” and damn, he sure looked damn handsome. I groaned irritated and went to say something, wanting to pass over him, but he grabbed my arm with his usual delicacy and pinned me against the doorframe.

“Your bike is in the garage.” He said with apparently calm tone and I gulped because I knew it meant he was pissed.

“How do you even know about my bike?”

“Brandon called me and said it was ready earlier and explained me what happened to it. Anatoly, this is not the first time, what happens in school?” His tone immediately ticked me off because of course he thought it was my fault.

“I haven’t done anything, so piss off and let me go.” I groaned freeing my arm. He set a hard stare on me and took a step back.

“I did not say you did something, Anatoly. I asked you what is happening in school. It’s the third time and no need to ask you about the helmet, correct? Two weeks ago you came back with a bruise. So now speak: what happens in school?” The sudden change of the look in his eyes surprised me and so I said nothing for a moment, then I shook my head wanting to simply drop the argument.

“Nothing much and nothing to worry about. I’m not getting into troubles, so you can rest assured and no need to worry about having to do extra work in looking after me. I sure don’t want to give an old geezer like you premature white hair.” I gave him a mocking smirk and in all answer he simply stared at me silently and impassive. Right, my provocations never worked with him. I rolled my eyes and went to walk away, but he stopped me again.

“I asked you what is going on in school and I expect a clear answer.” He demanded and this time no way out of it, so I scoffed and answered.

“Listen, nothing to worry about, ok? I can take care of myself.” At those words he snorted and it irritated me, but tried to ignore it. “I am a former piece of trash and bully that is trying to change and brilliantly came out as gay in school, so do your math. I’m not exactly loved.” I said and he let go of me, but when I was halfway of the stairs, he asked me something.

“Do you mind it?” I knew what he meant.

“No, I don’t.” Then I turned around and looking a moment at him, I quickly spoke. “Thanks for the bike; I’ll give you money back later.”

“No need for that and you know it.” Oleg assessed me with piercing eyes and then turned his back to me. “And Anatoly?”


“Keep Sunday free.” Before closing the door behind him, he threw me the key of my bike and then left, letting me no time to say anything. I repressed an idiotic smile at the idea of going to race, as the simple thought was enough to give me excitement.

At dinner I ended up sitting beside him, who had worn his usual impeccable black suit back and honestly, couldn’t he wear something else? Dad sat at the end of the table at my side, while mum at the other side beside Jasper. Dima decided to be his usual dofus self and went to make questions about my classmate.

“So Tolya, who was that guy waiting with you, his names was..err..” He made an expression as if thinking about some complicated formula and his chipmunk sort of giggled shaking his head.

“His name is Adrian, blockhead. Can’t you seriously remember a name at first?”

“I remembered Jasper’s name at first.” He turned to his boyfriend, who had slightly blushed and I rolled my eyes. “It’s true baby, so you see? It was definitely destiny.” Could I throw up? Fuck, all that sugar could blow the glycemia in my blood.

“Your point?” I asked trying to avoid any more cheesiness.

“He seems pretty cool and rather good looking..” My twin immediately whipped his head to his pet and grinned from ear to ear like a moron. “I mean, absolutely nothing like you, kitty, because man, you’re so hot and sexy and well, nobody is like you and you know it, so no need to worry, but I meant he wasn’t bad looking, so you see..” Jasper had turned bright red and dad exchanged a look with me as to say Dima was hopeless and mum simply smiled.

“Boy Dima, I think we all understood what you mean…what about Adrian, is he your classmate?” He asked, sidetracking the stupid situation my brother had thrown him in.

“Yeah.” I just said and my twin smirked in a way that for a moment had me wish to kick his shin, but I refrained from that.

“Right, a new classmate and not so bad looking and he seemed interested.” I felt Oleg shifting beside me and when I quickly glanced at him, he was studying me with an impossible to decipher stare. I immediately looked away and went to take a sip of water, for then almost choking at Dima’s question. “Is he your man, Tolya? You think he’s hot? I mean, you are gay and sure don’t plan to settle on your right h..ouch..”

I coughed and dad glanced at me worried, but I was ok and I kicked my twin’s shin and then quickly glanced at Jasper, who had slapped the back of Dima’s neck. I should thank him later, seriously.

“Ouch…why is everyone hitting me?” He protested going to massage his leg.

“Because you are a gigantic idiot, that’s why.” I grunted rolling my eyes.

For some reason I felt uneasy and I hated to feel in that way. I have no idea why, but I glared at that impassive bastard once more and this time he ignored me and stood up going to take care of the dishes.

“Oh no, thank you Oleg, I will do it.” Said mum.

“Thank you, Mrs. Denisov, but it is no problem, and please let me help you as thank for the dinner.” He respectfully inclined his head and went on with his task.

“So?” Dima continued and I snorted.

“So nothing, none of your business what I do.”

“So you do something with him.”

I rolled my eyes. What a moron.


“Dofus.” He grinned.

“Blockhead.” I deadpanned.



“Just stop it before you turn me, your mother and Jasper crazy.” Dad said sparing us a meaningful look and we did as he said; I stood up and brought my plate to the sink and the bastard shifted his hard stare on me and pierced me for a moment.

“What?” I hissed.

He didn’t answer obviously and I decided to ignore it, but then he said something that was only for me to hear.

“Do not mess around, Anatoly.”

I whipped my head to look at him and went to say something, but he silenced me with a dark glare.

What the hell? It was none of his damn fucking business.

Author's chit-chat:

So, what are your impressions about the first chapter? How do you like the new characters introduced: Viola, Adrian and Sergey? Any ideas, thoughts?

What about the words Oleg said to Tolya at the end of the chapter?

I know you were probably expecting OLEG POV as well, but not here, as I wanted to have the first chapter only under Anatoly POV because that was how it was right and necessary. Hope you enjoyed it :-)

Ok, next chapter, what will happen? We'll have Oleg POV as well as Anatoly. Updating soon!

Until next time!

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