Chapter 16- Always


It was still dark outside when my eyes suddenly popped open. Surprisingly enough, it wasn't a nightmare that had woken me, but rather the eerie peacefulness of my room. For a moment I began to panic, but then I remembered Diana had taken the babies so that I could get a few hours of undisturbed rest.

Rolling on to my other side, I shifted around uncomfortably as I tried to settle back into sleep. I could feel my eyes growing heavy, but I couldn't shake the feeling like I was being watched. There was nothing to worry about though, I told myself. No body would ever be able to get past Bruce and Diana-- right?

"Who's there?" I screamed at the large figure hovering in the shadows.

"Rose. It's me--"

My heart rate increased at the familiarity of the voice-- I hadn't actually expected the shadow to answer.

"It can't be," I whispered, disbelief evident in my voice as I flipped on one of the bedside lamps. This has to be a dream, I thought to myself. Or a nightmare.

But as the shadow shuffled forward and out of the darkness, I wasn't so sure anymore.

"Stay back!" I warned, hopping out of the bed and grabbing the only thing available to arm myself with.

"Rosie, please--"

"I said, stay back!" I yelled again, drawing the lamp behind my head.

Suddenly my bedroom door burst open, and the lamp flew forward from my hand. Clark instantly froze as it shattered against his chest, giving a slight grimace as the remnants crashed to the floor.

"I watched you take your last breath," Diana breathed as she charged into the room. "What sorcery is this?"

Clark made a move to step over the broken lamp, but froze-- an ugly frown quickly marring his handsome face.

"I would never hurt her," he growled, almost angrily, as Diana placed herself in front of me. "Shoot all the blue jays you want, if you can hit 'em," he paused, just long enough for his cerulean colored eyes to bore holes through me. "But remember it's a sin to kill a mockingbird."

"A mockingbird?"

Diana shot me a puzzled look as I repeated the words in an equally confused whisper-- Mockingbird.

My eyes widened in realization.

To Kill a Mockingbird. Of course, I thought to myself. Clark's favorite book!

Tears ran down my cheeks as my eyes flicked back up to his face. His dark curls were long and unruly and his beard was even longer now than when I had met him all those months ago. His cheeks were slightly sunken in, his blue eyes not as bright and I was certain he was a lot less burly than I remembered-- but this was Clark. Not a clone, or an evil cyborg-- somehow, it was really him.

"Oh Rosie," Clark murmured against my ear as I rushed into his arms. "My Rosie."

Diana quietly escaped out the door as I launched my arms around Clark's neck.

"You'll have to go easy on me," he smiled down at me feebly as he stumbled backwards a little. "I'm not as strong as I used to be."

Despite what he'd just said, he easily lifted me up to his own height, wasting no time at all in slanting his mouth over mine. As he adjusted me in his still incredibly strong arms, I was certain he was much smaller than he had been just eight months prior. Something else had drastically changed too. While his kisses in the past had sometimes been needy, this was altogether different-- almost aggressive, in the way his tongue ravaged my mouth.

He gently laid me back on the bed before crawling on top of me. I winced as his hand gripped my thigh, forcing my legs apart to accommodate him laying between them. As his undeniable arousal came to rest a top my core, I couldn't help but moan slightly before biting down on my own bottom lip. Something inside of Clark had definitely snapped inside that coffin, but as intense electrifying tingles shot through my body, I couldn't deny that this new dominant side of him was an absolute turn on. A small smile pulled at my lips as I mused at how incredible this man made me feel. My fingers entangled in his thick curly locks and I pulled him closer, mesmerized by his manly musk. God how I had missed him.

Suddenly Clark pulled away, letting out a frustrated growl at the soft knock on the door.

"I hate to disturb you," Diana called as she entered the room with a smirk, "but Jon was getting hungry," she explained.

"Jon?" Clark arched an eyebrow as he looked down at me and almost immediately I felt guilty for not telling him sooner.

"Clark, I'd like you to meet your son," I smiled as Diana placed him into my arms. "Jonathan Alexander Kent."

"And this is your daughter--" Clark gasped, looking up as Alfred walked into the room carrying our other child.

"Magnolia Grace Kent," I told him as Alfred gently set her in the crook of Clark's arm.

His face lit up as he gazed down at the sleeping baby before glancing back up at me.

"Two babies?" he breathed as he spoke the words almost unbelievably. "I didn't even know you were pregnant."

"I know," I replied nodding my head sadly. "I found out sometime around my birthday," I told him. "I wanted to tell you, in fact I tried, but--" I trailed off, my throat becoming tight.

A look of sadness flashed in his eyes as he realized what had happened. "The lead box?"

It was more of a statement than a question and all I could do was nod.

"I was a fool to ever run out on you," he exclaimed. "I just-- I wish I had been here," he whispered as he shot me a guilt ridden look. "I feel like I've missed so much. I should have been here," he said again.

Reaching out, I placed a hand on top his arm. "It's ok, Clark," I replied, offering a small smile. "All that matters, is you're here now."


Sunlight streamed down on my face a few hours later. I lifted my arm to block the rays, but stopped and inspected my hand when I noticed how much stronger I felt. Maybe a little sun bathing was all I needed. It made sense, afterall, the yellow sun is where my powers derived.

I looked about the room as soft snores escaped Rose laying next to me, and my children, laying in a bassinet next to her. Slowly untangling my arm from around her, I snuck out of the room and headed out to the kitchen. As I entered the darkened part of the house, it dawned on me that it was still very early, and everyone else in the house was still asleep.

I crept over to the sliding glass door, and took a seat in a chair outside on the back deck. As I sat there, reveling in the rising sun, I could almost feel the healing process accelerate inside me. I tore off my shirt, hoping that by exposing more skin my powers would return faster.

Moments later, I sighed in relief as I felt my muscles beginning to swell. I tossed my head back against the chair, it wouldn't be too much longer now before I would be totally restored. Not that I needed my powers, in fact, I had no intentions of ever becoming Superman again-- but I just wasn't sure if I could protect and provide for my family without them.

I fell asleep after that, and awoke startled, sometime later to Bruce yelling beside me.

"I found him!" Bruce hollered as he stepped back inside the cottage. "He fell asleep out there, like some prima  donna, basking in the sun light."

Rose rushed outside, throwing her tiny arms around me as I pulled her into my lap.

"Don't do that ever again!" she scolded, laying her head down on my chest. "I thought-- well, I don't know what I thought, exactly," she said. "But I guess I was afraid that last night was all just a dream."

I gripped her chin, forcing her to look up at me.

"I told you once, that you will never be alone," I reminded her. "You will always have me and this time, I intend to keep my promise."

To show her I was serious, I allowed my thick fingers to curl around the back of her neck before crushing her mouth to mine. My lips smiled against hers as my tongue gently caressed her bottom lip before plunging deep inside. She gasped in surprise and I was sure I would never tire of leaving her breathless.

"You look better this morning," she smiled, roaming my body with her eyes as she panted to catch her breath. "Bigger."

I groaned in approval as her hands brushed across my shoulders and down across the hard planes of my chest.

"I feel better," I agreed, nodding my head at her.

"That's great. Really," Bruce interrupted as he and Diana suddenly walked out on to the deck-- the sarcasm in his voice did not go unnoticed. "But I think we need to figure out away to bring Clark Kent back to life."

"What do you mean?" Rose challenged, slightly shaking her head in confusion. "He's right here," she said, gesturing to me, "sitting in front of you."

"Not physically," Diana spoke up to clarify what Bruce meant. "But literally. The entire world thinks he is dead."

"Along with Superman," Bruce added.

"And as far as I'm concerned, he can stay dead," I spat, unable to hide the disgust from my voice.

"Surely you don't mean that," Rose looked at me in disapproval.

"I most certainly do," I replied adamantly. "The President nuked me. The CIA set me up. And the entire world blamed me for what happened at that Senate hearing," I said, angrily listing each item off on a finger. "I get the picture," I told her. "I'm not wanted."

"But Lex was indicted for all of that," Rose shook her head, trying to reason with me. "I cleared your name," she smiled proudly. "Just like I said I would."

"And what of Lex?" I questioned as I smirked to myself-- perhaps I would pay him a visit later.

"He was transferred to Arkham months ago," Rose said. "Bruce made sure of that."

I nodded at Bruce and he nodded back, accepting my unspoken gratitude.

"So if I did want to come back, what did you have in mind?" I asked, returning the attention back to the previous conversation.

"Well, Clark Kent was a reporter," Bruce began. "And what would any good reporter have been doing on that historic night of terror?"


"Right," Bruce nodded with a smirk. "So I'm thinking you hijacked a speed boat from the marina to get closer to the action, but it was struck by one of Doomsday's blasts when he landed on Striker's Island."

"You were close to the island," Diana picked up where Bruce left off, "and you had been badly injured. So eventually you drifted to the shore, but no body thought to look for you there, because they believed the island was abandoned."

Folding my arms over my chest, I sat back in my seat, impressed. "That's good," I replied with a nod of my head. "It could work. But what about all the people who were at the funeral in Kansas?" I asked.

"That's simple," Rose answered with an all knowing smile. "It was closed casket," she informed me. "Only Martha and I were allowed to see you."

"Well then, it sounds like the three of you have everything all figured out," I said, placing my hands behind my head. "So I guess I can just sit here and continue to relax."

"I don't think so mister," Rose frowned as she poked me in the chest.

"And why not?"

"Cause somebody needs to call your mother," she reminded me. "And it most certainly isn't going to be me."


"Clark?" I called as I trailed behind him, holding on to one of his large hands. "What are we doing out here?"

We were just outside the cottage, walking alongside the shore of the lake when a spread out blanket and picnic basket came into view. Clark glanced back at me with a small smile, but refused to say anything as he pulled me down next to him. It had been a week or so since he had miraculously returned from the grave, but we hadn't had a whole lot of time to talk since then-- let alone sleep or even breathe.

"What is all this?" I asked again as I eyed the picnic basket suspiciously.

"You ask too many questions," he teased.

"I'm pretty sure anyone who was dragged out of their bed at midnight would have questions," I shot back.

He gave me one of his dazzling smiles and chuckled slightly before pulling a few things out of the basket. I hadn't even realized how much I had actually missed his smile or laugh these past few months until I suddenly found myself choking back a few tears. Upon hearing me sniffle, Clark warily glanced back at me.

"Hey, hey, hey," he gently cooed as he set the plate down and pulled my closer. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

I quickly dabbed at my eyes with the napkin Clark handed me before answering.

"It's nothing really," I chuckled at myself as I looked down and sheepishly tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear. "I just-- I really missed you. You know?"

"I know," he whispered, wrapping a strong arm around my shoulders. "But I'm here now, and I'm not going anywhere," he promised as he pulled me into him.

We shared a small peck before Clark went back to pulling items out of the basket. I watched as he pulled two champagne flutes and a long necked bottle out of the basket. With the greatest of ease, he twisted the cap off and began pouring us a glass of the golden liquid.

"Clark, you know I can't drink," I frowned as I looked at the glass he was holding up for me.

"Both Diana and Alfred reminded me of that," Clark chuckled as he nudged the glass into my hand. "I promise it's just grape juice," he said.

I took a long sip from the glass and sighed.

"Everything is perfect," I smiled before laying back on the blanket.

"Well-- almost," I heard Clark comment.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" I questioned, propping myself up on my elbow as I arched an eyebrow at him.

Clark swiftly and easily hauled me up to my feet, pressing me tightly against himself as he held me in his strong arms. It was amazing what a week in the sun had done for him. His unrivaled strength, his numerous abilities, his powerful physique-- they'd all been restored. But he still refused the idea of ever becoming Superman again.

"Do you have any idea what it was like being stuck in that coffin?" he asked, gently cupping my face in his hand. "Every moment, of every hour, of every day, I wondered if you were ok. I wondered how much time had passed and if you had moved on without me. I regretted every fight and every moment I spent away from you. But most importantly, I regretted not doing this sooner."

Suddenly, Clark released me from his arms and dropped to one knee.

"I love you Rosie," Clark smiled as he grabbed my hand. "You're the only one who's ever made me feel normal."

Reaching behind him, he grabbed hold of a small velveteen box that I had some how missed. "I was away from you for nearly eight months," he said, lifting up the box. " And I can't imagine being away from you a second more."

"Rose Elizabeth Montgomery," Clark addressed as he pulled back the lid to the box. "Will you marry me?"

"Yes!" I exclaimed. "Absolutely, yes!"

My voice came out in an almost high pitched squeal as he placed the gorgeous vintage ring on my finger. As I collapsed against him, a large grin spread across my face and I came to rest my forehead against his. Our eyes met, and Clark's darkened immediately with lust. He began kissing me deeply, holding my face firmly between his large hands when suddenly he pulled back.

"Now, everything is perfect," he rasped.


I looked about the dark room before placing a gentle kiss to my fiancée's temple. Slowly removing my arm from around her, I slid out of the bed, grabbed the schematics I had acquired from Bruce, and snuck out the bedroom door. It was very late, or very early depending on how you looked at it, and I was hoping that I wouldn't encounter anyone on my way out. Just as I reached out for the door knob, Bruce's gruff voice called out to me.

"A wise woman once told me, justice is about harmony and revenge is about you trying to make yourself feel better," he began. "I didn't listen to her." Bruce explained solemnly. "And people died. Don't make the same mistake as me."

"So I guess I won't be persuading you to come along then, huh?"

"I'm serious Clark," Bruce shook his head. "Don't do this. Deep down, I know you're a good person."

"C'mon," I said, trying my hardest to ignore him. "We could turn this into an awesome bachelor party," I teased, but Bruce refused.

"You're supposed to be getting married in the morning," Bruce reminded me. "Rose would never forgive you if you were late because of this."

I could feel my fingers ball into a fist by my side. "You don't think I know that?" I turned back, giving him an icy glare. "I wouldn't expect you to understand," I snarled, "but I have to do this."

"And that's where you'd be wrong," Bruce interjected.

"Then you understand that there's nothing you can say or do that will change my mind?"

I straightened to my full height, challenging him to try and stop me, but when he made no movements forward, I slipped away out the door. Cloaked in nothing more than dark jeans and a hoodie, I shot off into the night sky towards Arkham, praying that I wouldn't be seen. With the schematics in hand, and a plethora of super powers at my disposal, it didn't take long for me to find my way to Lex's cell.

Although I was certain, he was surprised to see me, he showed no other indications-- except for his eyes. His eyes widened in fear and realization as they laid hold of me.

"Hello, Lex." My voice was deathly low as I sent him a devilish grin.

Flashing forward, my hand tightly wrapped around his scrawny neck as I slammed him against the wall.

"Miss me?" I growled.

"Clark, I--"

"Shut up," I spat, striking his skull against the side of the cell again. "You almost took everything from me," I ground out. "Rose. My children. They are my everything," I informed him. "They are my world."

"Then-- what, are you, doing-- here?" Lex gargled on his own spit as he struggled against my grasp. His tiny, bald, little head turning red as he gasped for breath. "He's found us," Lex spat. "He's found us and he's hungry."

"What?" I questioned as I tightened my grip even more. I could feel his vocal chords strain under my finger tips. "Who? Who's coming?"

"Our almighty new Jehovah!" he exclaimed. "And he's coming soon-- a great white comet proceeds him!"

I took a step back, letting Lex drop to the floor, his hands immediately scratching at his throat.

"The bells can not be un rung, Clark-Jo," he warned. "He's coming, and he's hungry."

As I starred down at Lex twitching on the ground, it became obvious to me that he'd lost his sanity.

"Ding, ding," he called to me as I walked out of the cell. "Ding, ding. Ding, ding, ding!"

A few hours later, I stood in the backyard of Wayne Manor. They day after I had proposed, Bruce had hired a construction and grounds crew to fix the old place up. And now, three weeks later, here we were, about to say 'I do'.

With Bruce on my left and the Reverend on my right, I watched as Diana carried Jon and Maggie, our ring bearer and flower girl down the aisle. I looked out at the tiny crowd, neither Rose or myself had many people left in or lives, but smiled as my eyes connected with the teary ones of my mother.

"So, how did it go?" Bruce cleared his throat, taking a small step forward.

"I didn't do it," I replied giving him a sideways glance. "If that's what you mean.

Though I'm sure he would deny it, a look of relief washed over his face. "I knew you wouldn't--" he trailed off.

Suddenly, the music changed and everyone stood as Rose appeared with Alfred ushering her down the aisle. My mouth went dry as she neared closer and my mind went blank on anything other than her ethereal beauty. An angel, I thought as she glided towards me. This woman is an absolute angel.

As I took hold of both her delicate hands, our eyes met and a goofy grin grew across my face. I couldn't believe I was actually about to marry this beautiful creature and I even practically shouted 'I do' when it came to be my time. We presented each other with our rings and a second later, I was taking her into my arms and kissing her passionately.

All of a sudden, there was a great thundering roar above us. As the clapping and cheering abruptly came to an end, Rose and I slowly pulled away. I looked out at all of the horrified faces before following their gaze to the skies.

"A great white comet proceeds him--"

"Mom, Alfred," I turned to them as Lex's words rang clear in my mind. "Get Rose and the babies inside."

"No!" she screamed grabbing hold of my hand. "I won't lose you again."

As screams errupted across the city, I nodded my head sadly before pulling her against me.

"I have to go," I whispered, suddenly remembering the first time I had held her. So small and frail in my arms, I never wanted to let her go. But she needed me to, as did the rest of the world

"There are others," she said, pulling away from me. "Meta-humans, like you and Diana. They can help you. Help bring you back home to me," she sobbed.

Cupping her chin with my hand, I forced her to look up at me. "I will always come back to you, Rose," I promised, my voice cracking as I took her into my arms and kissed her again.


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