Chapter 5

Hi guys.. Nice to meet you all..

Thanks for the support..

Someone asked for Abhi's POV.. But I going to start this with prags POV for the flow of continuation... Later I'll continued with abhi's pov..

I'm going to reaveal some important secrets in this chapter..

Hope you like it... 
Happy reading📖 ❤..

No proof read.. Sorry for the mistakes..

Back to story...

Prags POV..

Purab: baby.. That.. That.. We r engaged..

"Oh that's it ah... Wait.. What!!" I exclaimed with utter shock..

"Yes baby.. It's true.. We r engaged" He said casually..

"What!! But how??" I asked not able to hide my shock and curiosity..

"All is fate" He said annoyed..

He continued.. "We r neighbors since before we born.. Our parents r thick friends.. They decided our engagement when they gave birth to us.. I and bulbul are always argued with each other over silly things.. We r like two poles.. One day we had a big fight over a issue.. She beaten up my close friend alia badly just because she is my friend.. I ignored her totally after that incident.. She tried to reason her act to me.. But i didn't even ready to hear her..  Then she went to abroad at her age of 7.. Then after 10 years.. She came back here.. But after coming back.. our parents arranged engagement for us.. Then they put us together in this college.. That's it baby.. But we truly hate each other.. So only we hide this from everyone in this college.." He finished with a sigh..

"I'm sorry jaan.. But why u telling that bulz hate u??" I asked.. "Because that's what we are since childhood.." He shrugged..

"Hey Dumbo.. Why u think like that.. Why not she did like because she have feelings for u??" I asked.. He widened his eyes "no baby.. I know.. She didn't love me.. At least for now.." He said with little disappointment..

"How r u so sure about it??" I asked
"Because she loves someone" He said..

"What?? Who?? How u know??" I asked.. "I felt really bad for my behavior towards her after she gone to abroad.. At least I had to gave her a chance to explain herself.. But I totally ignored her.. So for convey my sorry and to ask for the explanation.. I called her.. But... But.." He paused and continued.. "But someone attend the call.. His name is vin.. I asked him about bulbul.. But he refused to give the phne and said that he is her boyfriend and they both love each other.. So that's all baby.." He said with a sad face..

"Do u love her?" I asked frankly.. He coughed again hearing me.. "No baby.. No way..." He said tried to be casual.. Then silence takes its place..

"Jaan.. I want to ask you something.. May I??" I asked breaking the silence with a nervousness.. He hummed..

"Why abhi always arrogant and cold??" I asked to solve my doubt..

He saw me surprisingly.. "Why are you asking this baby?? No.. Don't mind him.. Just ignore.. Because he didn't like girls.. He even didn't talk with bulz, his own sister since childhood.."

My eyes widened hearing his words..

Bulz, His own sister!!

"What r u telling jaan?? Bulz.. His sister!!??" I asked little loudly..

"Shhh!! Don't shout!! Here.. No one knows about their relationship..." He put his fingers in my mouth..

Suddenly i heard someone cleared their throat... Bulz is standing near me seeing the scene that purab's finger in my mouth.. Seeing bulz, puru slowly takes his finger from my mouth..

"What's going on?" Bulz asked..

"Nothing bulz.. We just talking.." I told and she nodded.. Then she takes me outside and asked.. " What happened to you prag? Why r u talking with him?" She asked looking restless..

"Because I'm his friend.." I shrugged... Then the bell rang.. I separated from her and went to my hostel and went to part time job as usual.. But my mind is fully occupied by him..

Is he too involved in the humiliation of me in dance club!! What purab is meant by that bulz is abhi's own sister!! Then why don't they talk!! And why the hell they hide this big truth!!

With these running thoughts in my head.. I dozed off..

The next day.. I decided to not go to college because of the humiliation.. I can't able to face them... So I messaged bulz,madhu and purab about my absence.. Then after finishing my breakfast.. I went to the nearby beach to calm my inner worries..

POV ends..

Abhi's POV..

I went to college as usual.. And i went to my 1st class... But she was no where to be found..

Why!!.. What happened to her!! Is she alright??

These r the first questions in my mind... Yeah.. I bullied her.. But.. Ok let me tell u properly..

I'm Abhishek prem mehra, 20 years old... Studying mech 2nd year.. I hate girls because they r all like same.. They need only money.. Every child's first role model is their mother.. But in my case, not like that.. She is the one who I don't want to see till my death.. She ran with another wealthy man when I'm just 3 yrs old... She betrayed my father... He died because of the unbearable betrayal from his wife when I'm just 4 yrs old.. I have a sister... Yes that's bulbul.. But, she is with my mother.. Yes, she take bulbul with her when she ran.. Bulbul is just one year younger than me.. I was left alone with my dadi.. She is a gem.. She brought me up well.. Bulbul and purab's engagement was fixed before their birth.. That's my father wish.. After leaving me alone.. Bulz and her mom lived with that man few houses away from mine.. Bulbul and her mother came to my house when she is 6 yrs old because the man went with another woman..

Geez!! Karma is a boomerang!!

I fought with them to leave.. But my dadi is too good like my father.. She allowed them.. But i hate her to the hell.. So I always fought with bulbul because she is brought up by her.. So she will be also like her.. I always try to hurt her.. Then seeing us like this.. My dadi decided to send bulbul and her mother to abroad in her age of 7... After 10 years she came because of her engagement.. After turning 18.. They arranged engagement for both.. But I didn't care about that.. Even though I missed her when she went to abroad.. But I didn't dare to contact her.. And even after her returning also.. I didn't talk with her.. She also maintained a distance from me... But I like her in my corner of the heart.. Because whenever I see her.. I remember my father.. She is a ditto of my dad..

But inspite of this all.. I loved one girl in my college.. That's the stupid biggest mistake I have ever done in my life.. She is tanu.. She only proposed me.. I like the way she is.. But that's all her actings.. She acted like a innocent girl in front of me.. But like my mom she betrayed me for a man richer than me... Then my hatred towards girls went its peak...

Ok.. Well.. Coming to the point.. Pragya... I hate that name to the core... Because its my mother name..

Hahaha!! What a terrible coincidence!!

I liked her when I saw her the very first day of my second year.. I tried to scare her by raising my voice

R u a deaf?? Can't u hear what he ask?? Answer him.."

R u a lkg kid.. Y r u nodding?? Can't u speak?? R u a mute??"

I liked the way she react to my questions.. She scared.. Stammered.. Yet she is brave.. I really surprised by her answer...

And I'm not a mute..

But when I tried to talk with her.. Bulbul comes and spoiled everything.. They become friends within a second.. Then i went to my class.. But hearing the name that my mam told.. PRAGYA.. My anger raised without any boundaries.. I hate that name.. Then after that I tried my best to bully her and convinced myself that I'll never like her..

But seeing her day by day increases my unknown feelings towards her.. One day, she called purab as jaan and he called her baby.. Then like adding fuel to my burning anger.. Rk tried to hug her.. That's it.. I can't able to tolerate that.. I went to her.. I saw her in canteen.. I Harrased her with my cursing words..

R u trying to seduce him??.. No.. No.. Rk too tried to hug u.. He is not the type to initiate hugs or handshakes especially from girls.. R u trying to seduce both of them because they are wealthy?? U bloody exploiter!!"

But I regret that words the next moment.. She cried bitterly in front me.. Not able to see her in that state.. I left from there.. I avoided her and her thoughts for almost 2 weeks.. Then our principal announced about our culturals.. My aim is to become a rock star.. I love music.. The music is my life which I love more than how much I hate my mom..

We all dispersed after the princi announcement.. Then we three stopped when she challenged tanu for dance.. I really become very happy.. Then purab told her about our music band.. I'm really surprised when she told that she knows how to play keyboard.. She accepted purab's request.. But her face changed horrified when she heard that I'm also in music band.. But I'm really dancing in my mind.. But to stop my dancing.. Rk said that he too going to join that dance club.. I'm really frustrated..

Why the hell all boys are revolving around her!!

I turned to Rk.. He grinned at me.. I know he starts doubting me with her.. But how he knows!!..

Then in our studio.. I sang the song.. But senior starts scolded me for there was no emotions in my singing.. Then i saw her in studio.. She played keyboard.. I started singing.. But whenever I close my eyes while signing.. She appeared.. So I often closed and opened my eyes to avoid her.. But its useless.. Because she is always in my vision..

Then after that.. I became restless.. Because she is in dance club.. I can't even able to imagine her dancing intimately with another man.. So I went to dance club.. She smiled with her friends.. But when she saw me.. Her face become pale.. Then after that.. We chose our partners.. But Rk is her partner.. She seems relieved.. But how can I leave her like that... I came here only for her.. So I used her friend madhu.. Because I know that she had a crush on Rk.. I danced with her rudely.. Seeing us.. She came towards us and asked me for help.. But I dragged her and said to senior to exchange our partners.. We all accepted except Rk.. But she talked with him privately..I don't know what she told.. But he hugged her immediately.. That's it my anger again raised..

Then we danced.. But remembering that Rk hugged her making my moves roughly and rudely without my control.. Then I saw her leaving college.. I went her asked why he hugged  her.. But she said that she didn't know..

How can a girl didn't know about boy's intentions!! They easily catch the boy who sighting them from 10m away distance!! Then am I looking like a fool to believe what she saying was true??!!

Then I throw my worst accusations to her to calm my anger...

Don't act like innocent.. I know.. you are also one of those poor and cunning girls.. Always like a leech.. Sticking to wealthy people and sucking their money..

Then I left her without any glimpse.. Then the next day.. When I crossed the singing club.. I heard a mesmerizing voice.. I turned to saw the owner of the voice.. That is her.. Involuntarily, I saw her singing.. Then she searched here and there after finishing her singing.. I hided.. Then after that I walked passing by and stopped when I heard the familiar voice.. Again that's her.. She was talked with bulbul.. She asked about purab to bulbul..  But the matter she talked was raising my anger again.. Her words keep on running my mind driving me crazy...

Because... Because.. I had a crush on him..

How the hell she had crush on him!! I mean.. He is engaged!! How the hell she'll love a engaged guy!!

Then after that she came to dance club.. She tried to talk with me.. But I ignored her and went to dipali asking her to dance with me.. Because I want to show her that I too have girls to fall for me.. I don't know what to do.. But I want to prove her that she is not the one I follow.. I danced with her.. But I saw she dancing with sultan..

Oh god!! Why she always like this!! Is she the only girl in this college!! Then why the hell every boys wants to get her attention!!

But before I could pull her.. Dips pulled her and slapped her.. My anger raised its peak.. I want to rip off that dip's flesh.. But before I could do anything.. Dips cursed her badly.. She humiliated her in front of everyone..

How dare she!! Only I have the rights to bully her!! Harass her!! And every rights about her is belongs to me only!!

Before I could do anything.. She ran.. So I thought that the more important than beat dips is to follow and check her.. As like I thought, she cried vigorously.. I handed her handkey and water.. She drank and fainted.. My heart bleeds seeing her like that.. Immediately I carried her to emergency room.. But I saw purab and Rk treating figures.. Then I thought to put her in nearby bench and hided behind the tree.. As like I thought, they carried her and after more than 1 hour I waited there.. Then I saw them coming.. Immediately I went to the doctor and asked what happened to her.. She told that she fainted because of depression.. I mentally cursed myself understanding that I'm the one of the major reason for her state.. Then i went to music club but.. But.. She ignored me totally.. She didn't even glance me once.. My heart ached.. Then after that I went to my home asusal..

Now I'm standing in the college park sadly because of her absence.. Then I decided to bunk college today.. Today there is no classes as usual because I attend the class in morning.. So rest of the day will be for practicing..

I went outside and drove my bike🏍 to wherever my bike leads me.. I stopped when I saw her relaxing in a Beach...

Pov ends

Prags POV..

I jerked when someone tapped my shoulder.. I turned to see who.. That is.. That is him.. Mr.Bully..

Why he always came in front of me!! I don't have any energy to tolerate his harassment!! I'm already exhausted enough!! Please leave me!!

I prayed to god.. But to my surprise.. He sat besides me calmly.. "Did you love purab?" His question makes me shivering..

"N.. N.. No.." I stammered.. "I know.. I heard ur conversation with bulbul" Again he said calmly.. But I'm totally scared his calmer side than his arrogant side..

"N.. No.. U r.. Mis..mistaken" I said trying to make sentence.. "How?? Could u clear me??" He again asked calmly..

"I lied.. to know.. about her feelings towards puru bhai..." I said while trying to catch my breath.. His face lightened hearing my answer.. He gives me a most handsome and beautiful smile which I never had seen...

"Bhai??" He amused.. " Ye.. Yeah.. We both r like brother and sister.." I said.. He nodded smilingly..

I saw him smiling from his heart the first time.. He never had smiled before.. At least i didn't see him smiling..

But then the memories of the previous day came to my mind.. I tried to separate from him.. But he held my wrist.. "Where r u going?"

"I don't want to talk with u.. I don't want to see u again in the rest of my life.. Leave me.." I said without thinking..

His face become pale hearing my words.. He tightened his grip in my hand.. I regretted my stupid confession.. Then he pulled me towards him making my head hit his broad chest.. He encircled his hand around my waist.. I felt butterflies in my stomach.. Coldness and shiver running through my spine.. I can't even breathe with his closeness.. I lost myself with his close proximity.. He leaned towards my ear.. His hot breath touches my ear lobe making me lost completely..

"Don't try to escape from me.. Already I caged u in a place(his heart) where nobody can enter and rescue u.. And don't dare to allow anyone in ur life.. If it happens.. Then you'll regret it.. I'll kill the person who tries to involve in ur life except purab... Keep this in ur mind..." He whispered in my ear and went leaving me confused.. Scared.. And shocked..






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