He Did WHAT?! -- Avery
The moment we encroached on the Master Dojo, I immediately noticed Honey and Klara chattering furiously.
"I just don't get it," she said frustratedly when we got closer. "I waited at the train station forever, and they never showed up! Some people just don't try to be on time any more!"
"Well, perhaps they didn't arrive because there was no one to show them the way to the dojo," I said flatly, dismounting to announce my presence.
"Avery? I thought you were supposed to be with Mustard welcoming our guests," Honey asked, handing her broom she was holding to the Squirtle standing by her side. "I was," I admitted, gently stroking Rapidash's muzzle. "Mustard let me take a walk, and I ended up on the beach. I then decided to show our guests to where they were staying, since Klara apparently hadn't. Speaking of which, why weren't you at the train station?"
"I came back after 30 minutes," she said sheepishly. I groaned, putting my head in my hands. "Why am I not surprised?" I huffed. Rapidash nickered softly, nibbling at my hat. "Okay, okay! You can go get your reward."
"I'll go and get them, sweetie," Honey laughed, patting Rapidash on the nose before leaving us with our guests.
"Hiya!" Klara bounded up to the gym leaders. "I'm Klara, one the Master Dojo's top students! Sorry if I didn't wait up for you at the station."
"It's fine," Piers grumbled sarcastically. "It's not like we hadn't ever been on the island before." As soon as she made eye contact with Piers, she squealed and squeezed him in a giant bear hug.
"Hiya, cuz!" she grinned. "Long time no see! How's Spikemuth?!" All the gym leaders dropped their jaws in awe and shock. I, however, kept my composure. After all, I had already known Klara was related to the Dark-type superstar for quite some time. I remember that night like it was only yesterday.
"Hey, Avery!" Klara grinned, bouncing up and down excitedly like a hyperactive toddler. "Guess what?!"
"What?" I asked, tired from my day of dodging Ponyta's Psybeam attacks.
"We should totally take a hike and climb the Tower of Darkness," she whisper-shouted when no one could hear us.
"Klara, have you been hit by Confusion?!" I asked her. "We can't climb the tower! Mustard said it was strictly forbidden!"
"What Mustard doesn't know won't hurt him," she whispered, eyes glinting with mischief and adventure. Sighing in defeat, I leaned back on my bed. Once Klara made up her mind, there was next to nothing that could change it. "I'll see you tonight at 11," she grinned. "Be sure to wear hiking shoes!"
"Sorry to keep you waiting outside," Honey apologised, snapping me out of my brief trip down memory lane. "Do come inside. Don't mind the faint stench of sweat!" Rapidash trotted up to her, looking very expectant.
"Oh, don't think I forgot about you, Dashie," Honey cooed, feeding him the extra sugar cubes from breakfast. Whinnying in delight, he nuzzled her hair before returning to my side. As soon as I put him back in his Pokeball, we entered the Dojo.
The doors swung open with a terrific shriek, announcing our arrival to everyone inside the Dojo. Mustard turned at the sound, and smiled at everyone standing in the doorframe. "Ah, it seems our guests have finally arrived," he chuckled, walking up to us. "Thanks for getting them here, Klara!"
"No problemo, Master," Klara cut me off, sending a little wink my way. I scowled, though I should have expected for her to do that. Klara always was one for stealing other's glory.
"Wonderful! Now, for introductions. I'm Mustard, the master of this Dojo, and I'm pleased as cheese to meet you all! I'm especially happy you accepted my invitation, Opal. It's been such a long time!"
"Yes, it has been a while," the elderly lady with the umbrella from before chuckled. "Though it sometimes feels like only yesterday you became Champion."
"Teeheehee!" Mustard laughed, grinning like a maniac. "Oh! That reminds me! Where's Leon? I heard he would be coming to the island with you."
"He couldn't come," the elderly lady said nonchalantly. "He had to clear something up with the Chairman's former secretary, Oleana, or something like that."
"Oh, such a shame," Honey sighed. "Maybe we should go over to the mainland and say 'hello' to him sometime!"
"Perhaps," Mustard agreed. "But first, let's enjoy our time with our guests! Now, for some formal introductions. I'm sure you've already met, but these are my top two students: Klara and Avery."
"Hey~" Klara giggled, bouncing on her toes.
"A pleasure to make your acquaintance," I said with a slight bow of my head.
"When they first got here, they were aiming to become Gym Leaders," Mustard explained. "Now, their goal is to make it to the big leagues!"
"And I'm already halfway there," Klara winked. I let a small smile slip at her bubbly persona. Klara was basically a second sister to me; I had a much younger one named Athena who lived with our parents. "We are both very close to attaining our goals," I said proudly. "And, hopefully, we can challenge one of you for one of the Gym Leader positions in the major league come the next gym challenge."
"Like that'll ever happen," a voice I recognised as the man who called me 'Unicorn Rider' earlier scoffed. Frowning, I mentally willed for his hand to smack him in the back of the head. "Ouch," he whined, rubbing where his bony hand had clocked him in the skull.
"As you can see, Avery here is gifted with psychic abilities," Honey explained at everyone's bewildered expressions. "He can move things around with his mind, as you probably just saw."
"Now that's wicked," a little girl with black pigtails whispered very loudly.
"Thank you," I smiled. For demonstration, I honed in on Honey's broom held by the Squirtle at her side. Gently taking it from his little hands, I sent it swooping and soaring like a Cramorant, eliciting many 'ooh's and 'ah's from my audience. Until I noticed a Bug-type with gauzy wings floating ethereally towards me.
Shrieking like a little girl, I dropped the broom and froze, not daring to breathe. Its fuzzy feelers brushed gently against my face, wings knocking my hat onto the floor in the process. Alighting delicately on my head, little clawed feet digging into my hair, everyone chortled at the ridiculous sight of the giant insect on my head, wings fanned out contentedly.
"Frosmoth, that isn't nice," a female gym leader with blonde hair chided. "You know better than to do that." Releasing its hold on my head and floating back over to its trainer, I only started to relax when it was put back inside its ultra ball.
"Avery isn't exactly a fan of Bug types," Klara giggled at my horrified reaction to the Pokemon. "I am not afraid of them," I countered, stooping down to reclaim my hat. "I simply prefer to keep my distance from ones I haven't familiarized myself with yet. That's all."
"Oh, please! You were cowering on top of your bunk for a week when I first caught Venipede!" I instantly turned bright red, all the way to the tips of my ears. "That will be all," Honey stopped us before I could retort, a warning edge to her usually cheerful tone. Wisely, we stopped. Neither of us wanted dish duty for six weeks.
One by one, other students started trickling out of the dormitories or wherever they were to see our guests, and started making timid attempts at introductions. "Now then, now that we have everyone here properly introduced, why don't you tell us a bit about yourselves? I'm sure we all know who most of you are, but just in case we need a refresher."
"I'm Milo," a very muscular man with messy, peach locks half-hidden under a giant sun hat grinned widely and waved with a huge hand. "My name is Nessa," a lady with blue dreadlocks in varying shades said in a monotone voice. "I am Bea," a girl no older than 14 said, before stiffly bowing to Mustard. "It is an honor to meet such an accomplished Fighting-type master."
"Oh, aren't you sweet," Mustard chuckled. "Thank you! Though I must say, you're quite the accomplished young lady as well." With another swift bow, Bea retreated. "..'m Allister," another little kid mumbled, his face hidden behind a pearlescent white mask.
"My name is Kabu," a man in his late fifties smiled.
"Piers, an' this is Marnie," a brother-sister duo announced.
"My name is Melony," the woman with the Frosmoth introduced herself. "And my son's name is-"
"GORDIE?!" Klara squealed in delight.
"Oh Arceus, here we go," I groaned.
"You're, like, super-duper-uber famous!! I'm so happy we can spend time together!" Gordie, a round young man with corn-silk hair, smiled nervously at Klara, and I could tell he was very uncomfortable, even if his eyes were hidden behind blue glasses.
"My name's Raihan," the man with the audacity to insult me smiled, making all the female students sigh contentedly (and quite possibly a few guys). Flashing a little wink at Klara, she giggled bubbly and turned pink. That really made me mad, and I made it known by flashing a deep scowl back at him.
"As most of you probably know, my name is Opal," the older woman smiled at the students, and everyone immediately softened at her warm gaze. "This is my apprentice, and current Ballonlea gym leader, Bede." The boy I almost trampled before nodded and smiled, and a couple of girls in the back giggled.
"You know, I almost became a Psychic-type trainer," he admitted, and Klara shot me a look of bewilderment. I returned it right back. "But then, of course, Miss Opal took me in, and I ended up choosing Fairy types over them."
"He did WHAT?!" I shrieked, causing everyone to turn and stare at me. "What kind of muppet would give up on Psychic types altogether?!"
"Avery, take a chill pill," Klara laughed nervously, but I completely blew past her.
"You've got some cheek to mock me, you mug!" Bede shot back at me, and I completely lost it. "Knob head!"
"Bloody prat!"
"You utter twit!"
"You're a poxy excuse for a Gym Leader!"
"That's enough!"
The booming of Opal's umbrella striking the ground startled the both of us, stopping the argument and making everyone jump a few inches away from her. "Bede, you should be ashamed for acting like a child!" Bede flushed red with embarrassment, and murmured something VERY unflattering about my mother. Just as I was about to pick him up and throw the bloody wanker off the cliffs of Challenge Road, Honey scolded me as well.
"I'm very disappointed in you, Avery," she shook her head. "I thought you were more mature than getting into fights with others." That really hit me hard. I hung my head and murmured a small apology, giving Bede my best death glare under the gaze of our mentors. He shot one right back at me.
"I think you boys need to learn a little lesson for pulling a stunt like this," Opal remarked, and Bede paled. Obviously, he was no stranger to the older lady's punishments. Honey readily agreed. "But in this Dojo, I'm the lady of the house. I don't believe in harmful punishment; instead, I want them to work this out naturally. That means whatever you guys are doing, it'll be together."
"WHAT?!" We both protested, shouting and carrying on until Opal pounded her cane against the floorboards again. "That is final," she glared at us both, and I somehow felt like I was a tiny Joltik, being swooped upon by a giant Corviknight. "Fine," Bede spat. I kept silent, but nodded.
"Great!" Honey smiled, clasping her hands together. "Now that that's settled, we can show our guests their quarters. Klara, if you'd be so kind as to show the ladies where they'll be staying. Avery, you do the same."
Silently, I gestured for them to follow me down the hall. As we made our way to the boy's dormitory, I could feel the gaze of Bede's violet eyes, no doubt smoldering with spite, burning into the back of my head.
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