Guys I have also started a new story "LOVE-BEAM" do give it a try and drop ur opinions. Its my request.



Soon after Sanyu's performance the crowd began to disperse, leaving her with her team members and the competing teams. The other team members came to congratulate Sanyu on her great performance and praised her arrangement.

Next it was turn of Arjun to greet Sanyukta.

Arjun-"hello Sanyukta. Must say you performed really well. But I am not shocked because all this dance and stuff are material of girls, we boys will win in the battlefield."

Sanyukta smirked, "well we see Mr. Arjun, you have that gender difference in you, but no problem, I don't have any biased attitude so I will win every round and every battle. You wait for your 'boys game' and meanwhile I will cover the whole marks table with our victory. Now if you excuse me I have lods of work still left"

She moved from there while grabbing the mic, "attention teams , its already quite late so we request you all to go back to your rooms and take rest. And team Blue-Pearls(Vardhan's DT Name) should also head back to rest."


The DT was chatting along while waiting for Sanyukta and Randhir to return from the ground, back in the BB court.

Randhir-"today's day was so great! You know Sanyu..." he turned back to see Sanyukta limping on her leg. He then remembered how badly was Sanyukta's leg injured. He ran upto her and sweeped her off her feet, to in his arms.

Sanyukta-"Shekhawat leave I can walk" she tried to protest but a look from Randhir was enough to make her zip her mouth.

Yoyo saw them entering and declared as if king and queen are coming, "attention the saviour of the night Princess Sanyukta Agarwal is coming" all of them clapped and welcomed Sanyukta. Randhir made her sit on a nearby bench and DT ran towards her and hugged her squeezing the shit out of her.

"Guys..... leave me before I die of suffocation" these words managed to skip her mouth.

"Oops" and everybody backed-off.

Sanyukta-"Piyu yiu can stand on your legs?"

Piya-"yup Arush did some trick and made my leg all fine. But leave all this and tell ne jaan how come you danced?"

Sanyu-"don't know I just felt I cannot let my friends and college down. You all trust me and I wanted to keep your trust alive."

Arav-"but when did you practised?"

Sanyukta-"no practice it was all prompt on stage."

"What the hell?" Screamed everyone.

Arushi chuckled, "guys this is magic of Sanyu and dance." She then winked at Sanyukta.

Yoyo-"anarkali you were magical all together"

Sanyukta-"no I wasn't magical but someone else was for sure."

Vidushi-"exactly So Randhir tell me whom do plan in taking to date?"

Randhir-"what me? No way. No one." He got caught off-guard.

Vidushi-"C'mon it was quite visible with words you sang. It looked like how much you are in love." She winked at him

Sanyukta-"yup c'mon tell us Randhir. We are besties you can share with us. This will be our lil secret. Shhhh...." she played along.

Randhir smiled looking at her antics.

Randhir-"no one really"

Piya-"chuck it Randhir. We all know who she is."

Sanyukta's face was now like a balloon, "hawww all of them know about your beloved except me. Not fair Shekhawat."

Randhir-"shut up Agarwal. They are speaking nonsense". Sanyukta looked at others' faces and could see tension and mischiveous smiles.

Sanyukta-"enough now you tell me or I call of my friendship right now" she waited for two minutes and not getting any answer she got up yelling "enough is enough. I am done with you." She had injured leg yet she got up stubbornly and started limping away from him.


I could clearly see hurt in her eyes. I felt as if she is going away from me forever and ever. No I cannot let her slip away from my hand. I looked at Girls and saw them giving me assuring looks but I was not assured, because I could see her going away from me. I got up and tried to stop her.

"Sanyukta stop. You are hurting your leg more and more. Just stop." But she did not even turned around.

"Sanyukta enough of your childishness. Now stop." I said running towards her, but my attempt was futile.

"Ohk fine if you want to know then you must know." I could see dreadful faces of girls and encouraging faces of boys. Piya, Arushi and Vidushi were shaking their head in 'No' but now I cannot step back. I guess today is the day, my heart can no longer keep its little secret. I looked infront and saw Sanyukta standing at her spot her back facing me.

"You know her Sanyukta. You know her. She is beautiful, cute, intelligent and most importantly my Princess. She is an Angel Sanyukta who has brought me my life back. She has given my life a motivation, an inspiration. you know her but not more than I do. She is here listening to every word and every letter"

I thought this was enough hint for her but it proved wrong again.

Sanyukta-"who the hell is she Shekhawat. Name her. Because I cannot see any girl out here."

I chuckled, "oh miss tubelight"

Sanyukta-"I am not a tubelight" she turned around and spoke. Suddenly her eyes lit with disgust as she saw Ishika going from there.

Sanyukta-"seriously Shekhawat. You did not find anyone else other than that Chipkali." I was confused. "No actually I must have understood you all boys are same all you need is girls exposing themselves, this is not love Shekhawat its lust. Pure lust." My body started boiling with her every word.

Sanyu-"how could you fall for that Ishika. How could you stoop so low?"

That was it. Is she mad? Doesn't she know me well enough? She thinks I fell love that lizard? She kept on blabbering and accusing me and I cannot take a shot against my love. I grabbed her hand furiously and pinned her to a tree.

"Enough Sanyukta. The whole world can see it, everyone knows about it. Then how come you can't see it? Do you think my level is that of Ishika's? You are accusing my love and my love is not impure. Don't you get it I LOVE YOU SANYUKTA AGARWAL. I LOVE YOU DAMN-IT. YOU ARE MY PRINCESS, MY ANGEL. I want to take care pf you for whole life and next life too. The very first day I saw you, I knew you were the one for whom I have been waiting for my whole life. I love you Sanyukta. I am madly, deeply and irrevoxably in love with you Agarwal. I want to pamper you with all that I have my Princess. I want to fill your life with happiness Angel. I cannot bring you starts, moon or sun but I can bring their light as a sign of happiness for you. I LOVE YOU SANYU........" As I finished, I realised how close we were. Only few milimeters and our lips could have met each other. I could see her face shining with the star-light. Oh ! How poetic when stars are lighting up your world. I could just not have enough of her, not now, not ever.


Phew... done for now. Sory guys I am damn late to be precise exactly A month after my previous update. I cannot help it guys I am caught up with my exams. Like my whole June will be full of exams, starting from 2nd june till 28th june. I cannot commit jow as to when will I update? As I don't know it myself. I promise to write down next chapter and update soon like before May end, but I can't promise. I will try to update in June also if I get time from my exams. Hopefully will update soon. Till then keep loving Sadda Haq. I know its gonna get over but we can keep it alive in our hearts and ffs. N hope fot s3 to come soon.

So drop ur comments and let me know what you think about Sanyukta's reactiom.

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