
Why can I just move on and learn from my mistakes? Is it because I'm irredeemable or being plain dumb? But with time running out, I'll be slipped into defeat or even worse, death. Because of blood and oxygen loss, everything I see was blurry to me. I can't feel my presence anymore, everything slowly turning pitch back, and time slipped quickly like sand already. I had a feeling that I lost everything: my will to live on, relationships with Takao and Jintsuu, Amagi, the HQ, Atago, and the girls I promised to them that will visit them. The last thing I saw before everything turned pitch black was Friedrich der Große's shark head cores ready to blast my head off.

In the spirit realm

I slowly woke up and realized I was in a classroom. I started to straighten myself up, looked around, and noticed that the room was empty and baron.

Arthur: Wait, I'm still alive? Why is this place looked so familiar?

I question myself being here in this specific location, alive. One thing that I notice that I don't have the ship rigging anymore since once my back was on the backrest of a chair I'm sitting, I didn't feel any attachment point on my back. I thought for a second I was already in heaven or hell because Friedrich's shark head riggings ripped my head off from my body. I was wrong with my hypothesis. Where I am doesn't feel like heaven or hell at all, it was some kind of an illusion.

Arthur: I need to get out of here as soon as possible.

I got off the chair and saw that the classroom door was open. Then I left the classroom through that door and walked through the hallways. The hallways were empty too like the classroom and it felt like a ghost town. For some reason, it gave me horrible memories as I kept walking the corridors and it gave me headaches every time I remember the location where those bullies bullied me. In the end, no one didn't care about me when I got brutalized by them. I managed to find the exit at the end of the hallway and reached for a doorknob. Before I turned it, the door slowly opened by itself which revealed a room. I looked back if anyone was behind me, and all I saw was nothing. Once I looked forward and slowly entered the room, the door slammed shut behind me.


I knew there was no point in returning after that. In front of me, I was introduced to a door boarded up with chains. I didn't understand what it meant to me, but I'm on my own now. The chains slowly removed themselves from the door and vanished in thin air once I headed to that door.

???: I wouldn't open that door if I were you.

My hand was near the doorknob after I heard that voice. I looked back and saw someone behind me. It's like looking at a mirror, an alternative version of myself. I removed my hand from the doorknob and faced my attention to my alternative self. He had similar eyes to mine, but his right eye was neon crimson red. His outfit consisted of a darker color of my commander uniform with silver sashes.

Arthur: The UnderTaker... No, you're... a mirror, of sorts.

There were many questions to ask about my presence of being in this weird dimension.

Arthur: Where am I? Why am I not dead? I was about to be executed from Friedrich der Große and the UnderTaker!

There wasn't a response from him. Later then, he spoke to me.

???: Let me ask the questions first; is that door your ticket to leave this place, my other self?

Arthur: Why would you ask that question?

???: Answer the question; is that door your ticket to leave this place, my other self?

Arthur: *sighs* It is.

My alternative self crossed his arms.

???: That door leads you to a bunch of lies, that's why I wouldn't let you open that door. Now tell me, why is it you wanted to play that game in the first place?

I took a deep breath and sighed.

Arthur: I played that game to wipe all of my past burdens away. But I didn't want to fall into a world where I am in a harem of 16 to 17 shipgirls that are married to me! And then I made Enterprise into this horrible monstrosity causing her friends to sabotage me, and now I'm dealing with this commander who has hatred on me with an Ironblood priority shipgirl ready to execute me!

He didn't care about my explanation, yet somehow he understands the situation I was dealing with.

???: Enterprise is your main issue, not those Germans.

Arthur: I know that, but they were blocking my progress!

He unfolded his arms slowly.

???: That commander is blocking your progress. If it's anyone that is mindscrewing that priority ship and any of her comrades, it's him. And if you thought the Iron Blood shipgirls are acting like cold-blooded killers and being cruel after they brought you here, it's also coming from him!

Arthur: How did you know that he would do that?!

???: I'm going to tell you this, he brainwashed them before your shenanigans happened. Tirpitz and Bismarck were the first two to get mind-controlled by him. Then, Bismarck playing those hide and seek games and Tirpitz's lies were illusions implanted in your head from them. Since you assume Bismarck would find you and Tirpitz blackmailed Jintsuu; you got sidetracked with it, causing you to focus on that topic and forgot everything else! None of this would be happening if you didn't start to fall into their trap!

The explanation I heard was slightly off though. Something about falling into their trap was the one thing that stands out to me.

Arthur: Hold on, Tirpitz said that Jintsuu was a lover thief when I was trying to visit Takao. What do you mean I fell into their trap?

???: Are you that stupid?! She lied to you about blackmailing Jintsuu! You heard her say that she told Jintsuu to stay away from you and then what?!

I got a little nervous about telling myself what I did.

Arthur: Well I... asked her why would she do that.

???: You're brain is the size of a walnut! You just jumped into conclusions when you asked her that! Because she was baiting you to think that she did blackmail Jintsuu!

Arthur: Well I'm sorry if I can't even tell if it was a lie or not!

???: What are you, seven?! If she told you that she told Jintsuu to stay away from you, it's a threat, not actions used as a criminal offense!

Arthur: Then what about Bismarck?

???: Again, another lie you fell for. You thought you heard her say "I'll find you again and you will be mine," instead she said this, "I'll find your weaknesses and you will suffer from them."

Arthur: I don't remember her saying that.

???: She was whispering the whole time, dummy! Are you deaf or something?!

Arthur: Guess you're right after all. Instead of you demoralizing me to my grave, what about Roon, Graf Zeppelin, Deutschland, Admiral Graf Spee, Scharnhorst, Gneisenau, Prinz Eugen, and Friedrich der Große?

???: They went through the same process as Bismarck and Tirpitz did. However, they have their unique personalities and purpose for what to do with you, expect for Roon and Friedrich though. She was traumatized of not being finished yet, so it explains how she didn't get brainwashed from him. Friedrich der Große's emotions are hard to tell, most of the time it's unsettling. But what they have in common is that they want to kill you because their Commander commands them to.

Arthur: They all want to kill me because their Commander commands them?

???: It's the same thing as that Commander, if he wants to kill you, they want to kill you too.

I felt the despair rushing inside of me for the mistakes I did.

Arthur: This was all my fault, and I did deserve this after all.

???: You don't deserve that deprecation, no one does.

Arthur: I did absolutely nothing after Takao died, during Enterprise and Hornets' "main event," and being a sissy in general! What do you mean I don't deserve that deprecation?!

???: Look, I'm not going to stand here and listen to you complaining. You keep beating yourself up and cry your stupid bottom to sleep for over a harem! It's pointless to even think why they chose you despite them going nuts! Just move on and accept what you did, me. That's why you don't deserve that self-deprecation.

Arthur: What am I supposed to do now?

???: Here's one: if you want to finish what you started, you must end this pointless voyage. You need to fix yourself and do what is right for not only you but for everybody.

Arthur: What if I do that?

???: Then, you will be freed from the burden that drags you down and turns the tides of the battle that you are about to lose. You must finish that bastard off once and for all. Once you finish him off, then you will continue your mission.

Arthur: *sighs* This doesn't make any sense, why are you telling me this?! It even makes less sense about me being here and witnessed something that scarred me!

???: Here's a thing: you mostly do nothing but run away and second, I'm not letting you die like this. However, if I were you, drop your fruitless mindset about whatever you're doing to make yourself look bad.

Arthur: But I shot Helena and Deutschland in the head though! Besides, fighting shipgirls is never my thing though!

???: Then perhaps start doing that despite your refusal of doing it. You need to show them your true power if you give fear to people who ridiculed you wrong. Do you understand what you need to do?

I gave him my honest response so that I can begin to fix myself from my mistakes.

Arthur: I do whatever it takes to finish that bastard off.

My alternative self nodded slowly in agreement.

???: Well then, my time has come to an end.

I looked around and everything began to vanish in thin air in the blink of an eye.

Arthur: Hold on a minute, when will I see you again?

He didn't respond to me about me seeing him again but only focused on my current mission.

???: What's important to you is to finish your duty and defeating Enterprise soon! You have everything you needed to finish that Commander off! Faith now rests on your hands, now go!

That was the only time I saw him or heard from him. Now, I will give that UnderTaker the pain he deserves.

Back to reality

The UnderTaker: It's over now Arthur, you are finished!

Arthur: *coughing* It's not over yet...

The UnderTaker: Face it, fool. You brought everyone down, including your trash waifus!

Arthur: That's where you're wrong, you German bastard.

I have this aura surrounding my entire body, giving me more power and broke free of Friedrich der Große's rigging by blinding her when my eyes started to glow and change its color from ocean blue to venom green. After I was released from Friedrich's grip, I landed on the ground and clenched my fists in anger.

The UnderTaker: You think you're strong enough to defeat me?! You are weak, and I am mighty!

Arthur: Mighty stupid's what you are, UnderTaker!

The UnderTaker: But I have a gun!

He pulled out a Walter P38 from his pocket, pointed at me, and pulled the trigger.


It wasn't over though, the bullet missed me off by a few centimeters.

The UnderTaker: Beginner's luck for you dodging my shot.

My rigging started to react and it revealed the prototype guns, torpedos, and the double fin funnels.

The UnderTaker: What the hell are you doing?!

Arthur: I've decided... I'm done running away, UnderTaker... I'm risking my life to finish my mission, and I will not let anyone stop me!

The UnderTaker: Over my dead body!

I fired rapidly with my cannons at the foolish UnderTaker. The bullets were piercing through his body within seconds and after seconds past, he fell on the ground.

The UnderTaker: Friedrich der Große, kill him!

Friedrich der Große nodded her head in agreement. She pointed her cannons at me and unleashed a barrage of bullets right at me. I evaded most of the bullets and decided to try to free Jintsuu and Takao split second. Roon and Prinz Eugen still have them pinned down and their riggings were about to blast their heads off any moment.

Roon: Say goodbye to your precious Jintsuu~!

Arthur: Never!

I fired my cannons at Roon rapidly with no warning. She then generated four shields around her and Prinz Eugen to protect themselves from the bullets. I realized that my armor-piercing bullets would be absorbed if I lay another round of bullets at them.

Prinz Eugen: Ahhh~ How interesting! Do you dare to approach us?

Arthur: Never, you release them now!

Prinz Eugen and Roon: We refused to listen to your orders!

Arthur: Then submit to defeat! Release two fin funnels and fire at will!

A.I: Releasing two fin funnels at your command.

The two fin funnels came out from my rigging and they went straight through their chest, ignoring the shields Roon generated. They fell on the watery surfaces, releasing Takao and Jintsuu from their grips. There goes another murder on my record.

Arthur: Go forward and sin no more.

Once Jintsuu and Takao were released from their holds, I went and started to attack Friedrich der Große with the two fin funnels I used. And since she still hates me because I killed Deutschland, I decided to knock her some sense out of her.

Arthur: Friedrich, I know this isn't you! Stop this right now!

She said nothing to me but fired her cannons at me. I have to evade the heavy shells she's launching or else I get blasted into pieces.

Arthur: How do I get her to stop?!

A.I: Friedrich der Große's mind is a different entity. It appears to be some sort of split personality taking over her consciousness.

Arthur: Right...

The A.I was talking to me since Nanaki told me about the A.I when he gave me the rigging.

Arthur: I need to get Jintsuu and Takao out of here.

Takao and Jintsuu were right behind me. I looked at them before Friedrich launched another barrage of bullets.

Arthur: You two need to get out of here! Hurry!

Jintsuu: You're going to get yourself killed! Just go with us!

Arthur: I'm done running away, Jintsuu. Just go!

Takao: You heard him, Jintsuu! We need to go right now!


Friedrich der Große fired another barrage of bullets at me once Takao and Jintsuu left. I looked at Friedrich der Große again and evaded the bullets again.

Arthur: Where is the UnderTaker?!

A.I: He fleed after you shot bullets at him, but would you like to release the rest of the fin funnels to instant kill him?

Arthur: Do half of it, I need the rest to defend myself.

A.I: Affirmative, releasing 6 fin funnels all locked on your target.

Arthur: Well so much for whistling to fire them...

The 6 fin funnels detached, bent into a U shape, separated themselves, and flew off to go after the UnderTaker. I used the remaining fin funnels to defend myself against Friedrich's shells when her cannons started to fire. The remaining fin funnels were agile and quick and formed a barrier around me and absorbing the bullets.

Arthur: If she won't listen, I have to tear her apart one by one!

Her riggings were coming towards me. I started to fire at their cores when their mouths are opened.

Arthur: Light up!

The shark heads started to explode after a few rounds of armor-piercing shells went through them, taking the whole rigging down. Friedrich der Große wasn't done yet. She pulled out her sharp conductor and attempted to stab me with it. I know she was using her last resort to finish me off because she was slipping apart. I turned off my cannons for them to cool down.

Arthur: My cannons are fried if I use them again, what other weapons do I have?

A.I: Generating Prototype Triple 152mm guns in pistol mode.

Small wisdom cubes I was given revealed two pistol modes of the same weapons I have.

Arthur: These should work for now.

I pointed them at Friedrich der Große's head and pulled the trigger.


My eyes turned back to blue after took some deep breaths. The battle was over and I looked at Friedrich der Große lying on the floor. She was defeated and the only thing that was remaining was the sharp conductor wand she dropped.

Arthur: I never liked you for what you did to me. Even so, I have to end your misery from your Commander who used you as a weapon.

The remaining fin funnels retracted back to my rigging together. The other 6 came back a few seconds later with red stains on most of them.

Arthur: Where's the UnderTaker?

A.I: Target has been terminated. Did you request an instant kill on your enemy?

Arthur: I did. Wait, are you the voice I heard from the spirit realm?

A.I: You're incorrect, I'm the Artificial Intelligence of the rigging you have with you right now.

I felt dumb for asking a ridiculous question like that.

Arthur: This equipment that Nanaki gave me?

A.I: Correct.

Arthur: You were the voice that confirms my fin funnel offensive and defensive options and the pistol mode of the prototype triple 152mm guns.

A.I: That's correct, it's my duty to provide you the options you need to take down any enemies. I'm also a scanner and a radar.

Arthur: Scan Friedrich der Große for me if she's alive.

It took a few seconds until it gave me an answer.

A.I: She's alive. You knocked her evil presence out of her body.

Arthur: She's still alive?

A.I: It is uncertain about how her odd behavior taking over her body. However, it's confirmed that she will no longer attack you anymore.

Arthur: She needs to be alive, I don't want any incoming death threats from any of her comrades.

I heard loud footsteps in the distance. I realized that I wasn't alone in the docks.

A.I: 10 life presences have been detected within the docks. Would you like to activate your fin funnels preemptively?

I recognize the red umbrella again and it was Amagi and Nanaki, along with the remaining Ironblood shipgirls.

Arthur: No I'm good, I know who they are.

A.I: Affirmative, holding back until you need me.

Nanaki approached me slowly. I put away the two prototypes triple cannon pistols on my side.

Nanaki: Arthur, I thought you were at your base, what happened?

Arthur: The UnderTaker struck again. He wanted to kill me but it was the other way around. At least I bought some time for Jintsuu and Takao, anything new so far?

Nanaki: We have the Iron Blood shipgirls with us.

Arthur: Why did you bring them with you?

Nanaki: We thought you would need assistance for Enterprise.

Arthur: You're kidding me, Nanaki. You want the Iron Blood shipgirls to help us to fight Enterprise?!

Nanaki: Of course, something wrong with it?

Arthur: Think about what they about to do to me! They were never yanderes, to begin with, and they were manipulating me! And you said they were cold-blooded killers!

Nanaki: They're not anymore Arthur, because you killed their Commander.

Arthur: That didn't make any sense whatsoever. But how did you even know?

Nanaki: I found him dead on my way here, and Amagi saw it too.

It was the fin funnels stained in red that shredded him up into pieces I recalled.

Arthur: Before we get sidetracked about the UnderTaker's demise, what about the Iron Blood shipgirls?

Amagi: They're back to normal, thanks to you.

Amagi was with the remaining Iron Blood shipgirls. I don't like the looks of them after I murdered Roon and Prinz Eugen.

Bismarck: What happened here? Why is the place on fire?

Arthur: Your comrades got a little bit too far, so I have to fight them. Besides, your commander decided to brainwash all of you and manipulating me of your lies.

Bismarck: We all did that?

Arthur: You were playing those ridiculous games, Tirpitz giving me lies, Graf Zeppelin crushing me, Admiral Graf Spee stabbing me and being all happy like it's her birthday and Scharnhorst and Gneisenau being themselves! In the end, all of you have one thing in common, executing me.

Tirpitz crossed her arms and glared at me.

Tirpitz: Our Kommandant tormented our minds? How foolish of him of doing those things to us!

Graf Zeppelin: Even if your alibi is hard to understand, what matters is that our corrupted Kommandant is dead anyway.

Bismarck: Prinz Eugen!

She picked up and carried Prinz Eugen on her arms. She was sobbing about the death of Prinz Eugen.

Arthur: About that...

Bismarck gave me a deadly glare. Her sadness now turned into endless anger of hatred. She snapped at the wrong time.

Bismarck: You killed Prinz Eugen, you bastard!

Arthur: I mean, she did lick the sweat off of my face and called me a liar for me doing stuff to Atago. But she went through the same process as you did!

Bismarck: The feeling is muted, Kommandant! I'm going to kill you for what you did to her!

She pulled out her spear and began to attack me at full strength. I pulled out my akimbo prototype cannon pistols and fired some bullets at her.


Bismarck didn't even flinch after taking some armor-piercing bullets. She kept attacking me recklessly with her spear that forced me to defend myself.

Bismarck: You're going to pay for what you did!

She slashed where my right eye was, leaving a scar on my face. I shut my eyes before the spear made the incision.

Arthur: Bismarck, stop this right now!

Bismarck: Over my dead body! AHHHHHHH!!!

She then whacked me again and again so many times she made me dropped my pistols on the ground and fell on the floor. I slowly got up and started to bleed a little bit.

Bismarck: You're still alive?!

Arthur: *coughs* Sure am...Bismarck...

Bismarck: Then off of your head!

Arthur: I refuse... to die!

I grabbed her spear once she pushed her spear near my neck.

Bismarck: Let go, Kommandant! Prinz Eugen was my best comerade!

Arthur: I was on the same boat when Takao died!

Bismarck stopped attacking for a second. I released my hand from her spear.

Arthur: Why waste your energy over me?

Bismarck: Because you murdered Prinz Eugen!

Arthur: I told you before, you were brainwashed, including her and the rest of your comrades! If your Commander hasn't been attacking me for what I did, you wouldn't be brainwashed from him! Besides, you can bring her back and she can be with you again.

Nanaki: Perhaps you should be thanking him that he saved the Iron Blood faction from being to something else.

Arthur: Nanaki, I don't need any compliments right now. Also, Admiral Graf Spee, can you please stop looking me like that?

Admiral Graf Spee kept staring at me after she arrived at the docks. She blushed all the sudden and acting coy.

Admiral Graf Spee: *nervous laughter*

Arthur: You haven't changed at all after you stabbed me too many times.

I gave my attention to Amagi after she tapped my shoulder.

Amagi: Shikikan, what about the two priorities ships?

Arthur: Friedrich der Große and Roon were defeated. Roon did not live on, unfortunately.

Nanaki went to check on Friedrich der Große. He grabbed one of her arms and listened. He can feel her pulse again and her breathing is barely audible.

Nanaki: She's still alive, yet injured.

Arthur: How's Friedrich not dead?! I gave her armor-piercing bullets to her head though!

Nanaki: I realize it until now that Friedrich has two sides of her. A sweet innocent one and a hateful, vengeful side. You fought against the corrupted version of her.

Arthur: I don't understand. A corrupted version of her?

Nanaki: Arthur, what stood out to you since you attacked her?

Arthur: She was quiet after I fought her. But before I was about to get executed she sounded like she's possessed by something. But it's the same person though, she should've been dead!

Nanaki: Is it though?

He picked up the conductor wand that had a red skull marking imprinted on the grip.

Nanaki: It's coming from this.

Bismarck: That's the conductor wand she had with her.

Arthur: I knew something was off about her. Nanaki, how did you know about that skull marking?

Nanaki: Remember when we first met her at the cafeteria?

Scharnhorst: You two met her at the cafeteria?

Nanaki looked at Scharnhorst and Gneisenau since she didn't understand about the situation with Friedrich.

Nanaki: You weren't there Scharnhorst, because you and your sister were busy finding spies loitering in the HQ. This happened in the afternoon.

Scharnhorst: Well that makes sense...

Gneisenau: But I don't get it though, someone with a split personality has gone by a different name, including their original name.

Nanaki: Maybe it's best to not for her to introduce herself as the other entity. I mean it could've been worse...

He then looked at me after conversing with Gneisenau.

Nanaki: After she decided to leave and walked away from us, I saw a glimpse of her conductor wand in her pocket and it had a red marking on it.

Arthur: So what about the red marking?! She could've just applied it herself!

Nanaki: True, but perhaps it was a gift from someone that she originally liked. A former Commander perhaps. With that out of the way, we need to get to your base. Your secretaries are waiting for you there.

Arthur: Right, but how are you going to get across?

Amagi: Don't worry about it Shikian, I'll carry him.

She smiled at me. Then she looked at the other Iron Blood shipgirls.

Amagi: I assume all of you know the directions to his base right?

Tirpitz: Yes we know how to get there.

Scharnhorst: Well not for me and Gneisenau because we never leave the outskirts unless it's for escort missions.

Amagi: We'll be right behind you.

Arthur: Also, Friedrich should be coming with us since we can't leave her here.

Graf Zeppelin: I'll carry her Kommandant, you don't need to worry about her staying here.

Arthur: Well then, let's head out. We got the Eagle Union to take care of!

It was finally time to take down Enterprise and her vicious friends after defeating the vicious UnderTaker that stopped my progress to finish my mission.

Timeskip (A few hours later...)

It wasn't a pleasant sight after coming back from the Ironblood HQ. Once I step foot in the shores, I witness the whole place going down in flames. Flames were spewing everywhere I looked, including the docks, the dormitories, the office, and the academy. The rest of them were already burned down, leaving nothing but rubble.

Nanaki: Everything is gone, we're too late.

Amagi: Enterprise took this opportunity to did what she could. I knew she was this savage to even do this.

Nanaki: You were right about what you said earlier, Amagi. Enterprise did want to get rid of the girls Arthur was oathed to.

Arthur: It's mainly because of Helena's death. I know I was responsible for this mess.

Nanaki: But it wasn't your fault, you were taken to the Iron Blood HQ for some stupid reason.

Arthur: It's that rice bag commander who wanted me dead. There are people out there who wanted me dead for many reasons.

Amagi: What do you mean by other people, Shikikan?

Arthur: Other Commanders, Amagi.

I looked at my hands again. They have a slight shade of red where my fingertips were. Amagi placed her hand on my shoulder.

Amagi: You have the feeling of guilt about not visiting them.

Arthur: I promised that I will visit them.

Nanaki: By the way, your two secretaries are coming.

Arthur: Perfect timing.

Jintsuu and Takao approached me. I gave my full attention to them.

Arthur: Enterprise responsible for destroying this place?

Jintsuu: It's worse than we thought. She annihilated half of the girls that were oathed to you, including some from the Royal Navy.

Amagi: By herself?

Jintsuu: By herself. The other members from the Eagle Union are going berserk because of Helena's death.

Arthur: When did they found out about Helena's death?

Jintsuu: Recently. They notice Helena wasn't here after you were gone.

Arthur: Helena was about to kill you and the others if I didn't take her out.

Jintsuu: You killed Helena?

Arthur: I have to.

Jintsuu didn't say a word to me but gave a glance.

Arthur: Speaking about the other girls; Takao, who survived Enterprise's attack?

Takao: Amagi, Atago, Kaga, Shoukaku, Belfast, Neptune, Unicorn, Prince of Wales, and Duke of York. The rest are nowhere to be found or perhaps dead.

Arthur: Their deaths were my own doing, perhaps it's time for change to happen.

Takao: Arthur, what are your orders? We all need to know as soon as possible.

I took a deep breath and gave Takao my answer.

Arthur: My orders are that we're going after Enterprise.

Amagi, Jintsuu, and Takao were shocked about my answer while the Iron Blood shipgirls and Nanaki were giving me glances and said nothing.

Takao: We're going after Enterprise?

Arthur: Indeed, Takao. She was the one behind all of this. And taking her out is the only solution to solve-

Jintsuu interrupted me before I could finish my sentence.

Jintsuu: Hold on, before you finish that thought, there's something I need to talk about.

Takao: What are you implying, Jintsuu? Is there something wrong with Arthur's orders?

Jintsuu: It's not that. It's about Enterprise, her motive to be exact.

Arthur: Her motive?

Jintsuu: Let me explain so that Arthur can understand. Before you arrived here, Takao and I were examining some documents about her. The documents we took from the Iron Blood HQ.

Amagi: Why would there be documents about her in the Iron Blood HQ? It should've been here though.

Tirpitz: We kept documents of all of our allies back at the HQ. It happened before the breakup and we didn't bother to look through them.

Arthur: So what did you found out from reading them?

Jintsuu: From what I read, most of them are related to her relationships with her team. I found one that stood me out the most; it's about commanders trusting her as their assistant. I found out that she gets along well with the previous commanders; but then when something or someone has caught their attention, she felt betrayed and wanted to get rid of the person she trusted, including anyone that shattered her heart.

Arthur: She wasn't like that back then. When I was with you before the wedding, she didn't seem to care because you were my secretary.

Jintsuu: That's not it, Arthur. It was when Hornet and she took your virginity away. What did you say to her before she did it?

Arthur: I said I founded out her true colors and that she blackmailed you.

Jintsuu: And that's when you broke her heart despite she didn't let you breathe.

Arthur: But what about the time when she's at the old church? Enterprise could've taken my "waifus" out and took me away from them.

Jintsuu: She hesitated to do it. It was either she did that or she ended up taking them out. You lose either way no matter the situation was.

Arthur: 1 shipgirl is better than 17 shipgirls, why would I lose anyway?

Jintsuu raised her voice on me. It sounded like she wanted to choke me with pure hatred.

Jintsuu: You're putting your life at risk on a girl who committed genocide! Not only that, but she would also eliminate me and you are not doing anything to defend yourself at all!

Arthur: That is why I have to take Enterprise out if I wanted to redeem yourself, and I will do it whatever it takes to get it done! I know I have done nothing right at all, and this will be the last time you will see me redeem myself. I'm heading out in a few hours to finish my duty.

Jintsuu took a deep sigh.

Jintsuu: It's your choice, Arthur. I'll let you know that you have the option to resign and move on from this tragedy.

Arthur: I'm not resigning, Jintsuu. That's my final answer, no lies, no trick, only the truth.

Jintsuu: I hope so, Arthur. If you have to fulfill it, we'll be right behind you to help you out.

Arthur: It is so, Jintsuu. Thanks for-

Jintsuu: I should be thanking you, Arthur. Even if you are weak and I told harsh things that are correct, you're lucky that you survived this. I'm sorry if I was being rude to you.

Arthur: Rude or not, you spoke from your heart and being honest. For now, I need to talk to Nanaki.

Jintsuu: Alright then, Arthur. Takao, let's head out, we need to get the remaining survivors.

Takao: You got it.

Nanaki came to me slowly after I finished conversing with Jintsuu. Amagi was right behind Nanaki, adjusting her umbrella.

Nanaki: I see you're committing to fight Enterprise.

Arthur: Yes Nanaki. I'm leaving in a few hours to confront her.

Nanaki: If that's the case, I want you to have this then.

He handed me some kind of detonator that was for my rigging.

Nanaki: I forgot that I had this while you were fighting against The UnderTaker back there. If you thought that you can't win against Enterprise no matter what the situation is, then use it for your advantage. But I must warn you that you can use it once and that's it, so don't get reckless with it.

Arthur: Thanks, I'll be careful with it. How's Friedrich by the way?

Nanaki: Don't know if she's going to live or not.

Arthur: I'll see what I can do.

I slowly approach the Iron Blood shipgirls with Nanaki behind me. Friedrich der Große was laid on the floor, still unconscious.

Arthur: Please move out of the way.

Graf Zeppelin: You know what you're doing, right?

Arthur: I doing what's best for all of us.

Before I started to begin the process of waking Friedrich up, Nanaki told me something.

Nanaki: You better not kiss her on the lips or anywhere, it's disgusting.

Arthur: I'm not doing that, relax for a second Nanaki. Alright, withdrawal a couple of blueprints on Friedrich der Große.

A.I: Generating blueprints.

I removed the blueprints I received from my rigging and used it to enhance Friedrich.

Arthur: Here goes nothing.

The blueprints slowly vanish in thin air. I kept my eye on Friedrich to ensure that she has been successfully revived. She didn't respond after I used the blueprints.

Nanaki: It's not working. You would need 10 wisdom cubes if you want to revive her. Here, take these for now.

I received ten blue wisdom cubes from Nanaki. I placed them around Friedrich der Große and waited.

Arthur: Everyone needs to stay back a little bit, this can go wrong if not doing this right!

The wisdom cubes turned into misty blue clouds that surrounded Friedrich der Große. I couldn't see anything from the clouds but heard the roaring sounds from her riggings as they rise from cold sandy grounds.

Arthur: Arise Friedrich der Große, prototype H-class battleship of the Iron Blood Navy, for I have saved you from your vicious commander! With the offering of ten wisdom cubes and some blueprints, you are reborn!

A beacon of blue light came from the sky, beaming down on Friedrich der Große's body, reviving her from the dead. After a few seconds have passed, the blue light disappeared and the clouds drifted apart, revealing Friedrich der Große. Everything fell silent, no one said anything after the revival. Friedrich der Große slowly got herself up and looked around.

Friedrich der Große: Where am I?

Bismarck: You're in the Kommandant's base.

Friedrich der Große: What happened to me back then?

Arthur: Your evil side has taken control of your consciousness. You almost executed me with your shark riggings so I have to put you down. Now, you're cleansed from the hands of your Commander.

Friedrich der Große started to smile at me.

Friedrich der Große: My child, my restructure, my darling~♥ You came to save me!

She approached and hugged me. I looked at Nanaki and he started to cringe.

Arthur: Let go, please.

Friedrich der Große: Why not?

Arthur: I need to tell you something.

She stopped hugging me and released me from her grasp.

Friedrich der Große: What is it then?

Arthur: I'm leaving in a few hours to go after Enterprise. I need you to aid me in this fight.

Friedrich der Große: Why leaving so soon? But there's so much that we can do together with me and my comrades. We wanted to have some fun with you~

Arthur: This is no time for giving me kisses, chocolates, or any fun times! We are dealing with a psychopath whose name is Enterprise, and I ended up betraying her, and she's out for blood! Worse, she may be coming after you, or maybe me!

Friedrich der Große: That's horrifying, my child. But I don't understand why would Enterprise would do these cruel things.

Arthur: Because I ended someone she knew a lot and not only that, I shattered her heart, causing her to take extreme measures. This is why I need your help to assist me.

Friedrich nodded her head and kept smiling at me.

Friedrich der Große: *giggles* I can help you with that my child, after all, I do owe you a favor~

Arthur: Then it's settled. All of you need to get ready in a few hours because we're going during the evening.

Bismarck, Tirpitz, Graf Zeppelin, Admiral Graf Spee, Scharnhorst, Gnesieau, and Friedrich der Große: Ja, Kommandant! (Yes, Commander!)

Arthur: Also Bismarck, take these before the fight starts.

I gave her two spare wisdom cubes that I saved.

Arthur: If you want Prinz Eugen back, these will do the trick.

Bismarck: Danke. (Thanks.)

I let them do their things and I headed to my office to examine the damage that Enterprise did.

Timeskip (5 minutes later)

When I slowly opened the door, everything was in ashes. It stopped burning the remains of this place and filled with nothing but lies. I looked around and there was a letter sitting on top of the desk I used to work at, along with a box that contains a white bag with red stains on the bottom.

Arthur: What is this doing here?

I picked up the letter only and left the box untouched. The letters I received a long time ago comes from Zuikaku, but this time it was from Enterprise. With her present I received from that I dared myself not to open it and this unsettling letter, these were specifically for me.

Arthur: The letter should give me some context about this.

I started to open the letter cautiously and it was a death threat written from Enterprise. I read it carefully if there was anything in particular about Enterprise.

I know you've been up to lately, Commander. You decided to spend more time on your lovely girls and never me. Even if you try to deny it, it's useless anymore. It's okay though because I took care of them~That's why I left you a present if you happen to read this letter. I know you killed Helena, shattered my heart, taking out my friends, and getting more close with Jintsuu. I can never forgive you for this and this is your fault. The deaths from your "waifus" are in your hands and if you want this over... present yourself to me and we can live happily ever after~ But don't keep me waiting, I'm at the Midway Islands. -Enterprise.

Arthur: Midway islands? I believe that's where I got Akagi, Kaga, Souryuu, and Hiryuu. Well, time to go there.

I put the letter in my pocket and looked back at the office one more time before I closed the door. That box though, why would Enterprise give this to me? I felt like inside the bag is someone's severed head in there. And out of the possibilities I could think of, it's at least one of the girls that Enterprise executed. I then shut the door and removed my hand from the doorknob.

Arthur: I'm not opening that wretched thing.

I felt someone's hand on my shoulders after I took a deep sigh. I felt the nylon texture making contact on my uniform, and it's usually Amagi instead of anyone else.

Amagi: You seem off than usual, Shikikan. Why is that?

I looked at Amagi and pulled out the letter I received while keeping a blank expression.

Arthur: It's this.

I handed Enterprise's letter to Amagi. She skimmed it a little bit and handed back to me.

Amagi: We're not leaving in a few hours since we just got here about 45 minutes ago. Why rushing all of the sudden?

Arthur: I have to go after her, Amagi. I don't want anyone else to die in her hands. For that, I need to confront her alone, and she will kill me if anyone instead of her is near me.

Amagi: I understand that you have to confront her, but I think you should spend some time with me and the other girls first. You said you made a promise to visit them anyway.

Arthur: That promise no longer exists anymore since Enterprise eliminated half of them. I didn't even say goodbye to them before I was taken, hostage. I'll visit them once I finish handling Enterprise.

Amagi: Visit them first for me, please?

She's not buying my excuses anymore. It was pointless to make her understand what I'm dealing with right now.

Arthur: I said I will visit them- wait, what are you doing?!

Amagi giggled softly and grabbed my arm.

Amagi: You said you're going to visit them.

Arthur: I said later, not right now.

Amagi: Like it or not, you have no choice.

She pulled my arm slowly and started to leave the hallways with me.

Timeskip (15 minutes later)

Amagi took me to the center of the port, which was already destroyed. After Amagi and I stopped walking, she let go of my arm and looked at the fountain.

Arthur: Why are you taking me here? Jintsuu and Takao aren't even-

I paused for a second. I then saw Atago, Kaga, Shoukaku, Belfast, Neptune, Unicorn, Prince of Wales, and Duke of York. I slowly approached them and it was awkward for a second, but Atago saw me and gave me a bearhug, ruining the awkward moment and made the other girls joined in the hugging session. Amagi didn't seem interested in joining but only smiled.

Atago: Commander, we missed you!

Belfast and Neptune: Where were you all this time, master?

I was flooded with emotions from them. To them, they haven't seen me for like months.

Arthur: Can you like let go for a second?

Unicorn: We were worried about you, Onii-chan!

Atago burst into tears that made me feel bad for her.

Atago: *sniffs* I feel so lonely without you!

Shoukaku: We're glad that you came back for us, we thought you were dead!

It was too much to endure the despair they're going through.

Arthur: Girls, listen to me if you please.

I broke free from their hugging session and let them calm themselves down first.

Arthur: I'm going to the Midway Islands by myself in a few hours. Enterprise wants me to meet her there so I don't want anyone with me for this confrontation.

Belfast: Master, we're going with you. We also have a score to settle with Enterprise, so you're not the only one. It doesn't make any sense for you to be there by yourself.

Arthur: I'm not letting anyone die in Enterprise's hands, Belfast. I know that she's going after us.

Duke of York: We all kneweth yond already, Jintsuu toldeth us a few minutes ago bef're thee did get h're. (We all knew that already, Jintsuu told us a few minutes ago before you got here.)

Arthur: Still, I must take care of her. Here's some proof to show you why I'm going there alone.

I pulled out Enterprise's letter from my pocket and gave it to Belfast.

Arthur: Now do you see the reason why I need to do this.

Belfast tore the letter into pieces with no warning and smiled at me.

Arthur: You didn't have to do that Belfast, you could've just handed me the letter back.

Belfast: Who cares about the letter Master?

Unicorn: Unicorn doesn't want big brother to get concerned over a piece of paper. It's silly to think about it anyway.

Kaga: We said we'll protect you from Enterprise and her friends, just get to the point and allow us to go with you.

Arthur: *sighs* I hope all of you know what I'm dealing with.

Atago placed her hand on my shoulder before I look away from Kaga.

Atago: We've been in dark situations similar to these, don't worry about it, Commander.

With her soft tone, she removed her hand off of my shoulder and put it behind her back.

Amagi: We got some time to spare, Shikikan. Don't worry about Enterprise for a few hours, you will get to her later.

I looked back at the remaining girls.

Arthur: I'm sorry about not visiting all of you, I got taken away by the Iron Blood faction before I got the chance to.

Belfast: We forgive you Master, but if you ever do anything silly like spending time with anyone instead of us, we will kill you.

Arthur: But you better stay away from Jintsuu and Takao, Belfast. I need them as much they need me.

Belfast: No promises, Master. *giggles*

Arthur: Well then, we're going to shores to meet up with Jintsuu and the others.

Amagi, Atago, Kaga, Shoukaku, Prince of Wales, and Duke of York: Understood, Shikikan.

Belfast and Neptune: Yes, Master.

Unicorn: You got it, Onii-chan.

Timeskip (1 hour later...)

I headed to the shores to meet up with the Iron Blood shipgirls with Amagi, Belfast, Atago, Kaga, Shoukaku, Prince of Wales, Unicorn, Neptune, and Duke of York behind me. Jintsuu and Takao were there, staring at the sunset.

Arthur: Jintsuu, I need to talk to you.

She stopped admiring the sunset and looked at me.

Jintsuu: About time, I thought you were exploring somewhere else.

Arthur: It's about Enterprise's location. We're meeting her at the Midway Islands, her letter says it but Belfast ripped it into pieces.

Nanaki: Midway Islands... that horrifying place. But that makes me wonder why would we head there?

Nanaki scratched his head, baffled. I assumed he entered that place once and never returned there.

Arthur: That is where it all started, where I obtained Akagi, Kaga, Souryuu, and Hiryuu.

Takao nudged me on my shoulder with her elbow after staring at the waters.

Takao: Yeah, where they started to go crazy on you later on and murdered those people that once ruined your life!

Kaga: It was me and Akagi who did it, not the Second Carrier Division. But those people were pests to you, so we took care of them.

Arthur: How on earth did you get into my world anyway? There's no logic or explanation to that.

Kaga: Your place is connected to this world it seems.

Jintsuu: I have a possible explanation despite I was with him before Unicorn founded us. Perhaps once he first started becoming a Commander; he was transported here, including his world. Then, when he decided to escape to his world, you and Akagi followed his path of escaping. That's what I believed so far. And that's not all, when he logged off and decide to lay low for a little bit, it teleported him to that world, without him manually getting there. That's why we can get Arthur's world this way.

Arthur: It makes sense, for now.

Jintsuu: I doubt it though. But anyway, we now know where Enterprise is. It's up to all of us that can stop her. In her current state, we cannot allow her to live and perhaps terrorize everyone's lives. And as much it pains me to say... Enterprise has to die. However, she's not the only threat, the other Eagle Union girls are also a threat to us. We need to figure out how are we going to neutralize our threats.

Arthur: We split into two squads: I'll take care of Enterprise with the survivors while you and Takao go with Nanaki and the Iron Blood faction to deal with the other Eagle Union shipgirls.

Bismarck: And what do you suppose this accomplishes?

Arthur: It separates Enterprise from her friends and her sister. Otherwise, it won't work.

Bismarck: Separating Enterprise with her comrades is going to be complicated though, we don't know anyone within that faction.

Takao: Right, because they weren't involved in any fights with the Eagle Union. They go after the Royal Navy instead.

Arthur: I'll tell them who they are, Takao. Washington, South Dakota, Eldridge, Georgia, Hornet, North Carolina, and Honolulu are her friends. Be careful when dealing with them, they never back down from a fight.

Bismarck: Anyone else? It doesn't seem a lot though since we expected like a bunch of them.

Jintsuu: Cleveland might be there, but that's because of shipping reasons.

Nanaki: Don't forget about any possible Commanders who might be rebellious, just in case.

Bismarck: Danke, (Thanks,) we will be aware of them.

Nanaki: Well then, what are we waiting for?

He equipped his rigging with him. It was similar but better.

Jintsuu: We're ready when you are, Arthur.

I adjusted my cap and looked at the ocean with confidence.

Arthur: Let's go get that son of a biscuit.

I headed to the ocean and wisdom cubes started to form, activating my ship rigging. Jintsuu, Takao, Nanaki, Amagi, and the others were following me as I headed to the Midway Islands to take down Enterprise. 

Timeskip featuring Jintsuu firing her cannons.

We finally reached our destination which is the Midway Islands. There was something off about revisiting this place when I first been a Commander. It felt to me that it wasn't worth it to get Akagi and Kaga within a week now I think about it. I stopped all of a sudden to get a view of what was in front of me. I saw Enterprise standing a few meters away from me. Jintsuu and Takao caught up to me, and they saw her too. She was standing there and not looking at us.

Jintsuu: What's the holdup, Arthur?

Arthur: Enterprise's doing absolutely nothing. She's there by herself.

Takao: And what about the others?

Jintsuu: Mostly hidden in plain sight. All we know is that she's not alone.

Arthur: Of course, Enterprise didn't bring Hornet with her, but let's keep it that way.

Takao: Let's kill her properly this time.

Takao drew out her katana aggressively, but then I approached Enterprise with caution.

Takao: What are you doing?!

Arthur: Just follow my lead. I'll let you know if you hear a gun noise.

Takao: Oh, okay.

Belfast: Master, I'm coming with you!

I stopped to look behind my back. Belfast was catching up to me and grabbed my arm.

Arthur: Belfast, let go of me, please.

Belfast: I'm sorry Master, but I have to handle this situation too.

Arthur: Don't make her get the wrong idea if we're dealing with this.

I retracted my arm away from Belfast's gloved hands. I looked at Enterprise in bitterness.

Arthur: Enterprise, you wanted me to meet you here, so here I am!

Enterprise looked at me. She wasn't smiling but kept a blank stare.

Enterprise: You could not live with your own failure. Where did that bring you? Back to me.

I clenched my fists slowly.

Enterprise: I thought I would eliminate all of the girls you submit to, caused you to feel despair and grieve over them. But the others survived somehow, which makes it impossible.

Belfast: Miss Enterprise, taking these drastic measures is not necessary for yourself.

Enterprise: And as long there are those who remember what was, there will always be those who are unable to accept what can be. They will resist.

Arthur: Yep, we're all stubborn sometimes.

Enterprise: Revenge is sweet, Commander. Because you killed Helena and broke my heart, but I trusted you back then!

Arthur: It was temporary, and you just have to take my virginity away with your sister. Now, you will share the same fate as Helena's.

Belfast: He doesn't love you, Miss Enterprise.

Enterprise: Is that so? *giggles* How cute.

Belfast: He loves me, Miss Enterprise, and the other girls too.

She kissed me on the cheek and smiled at Enterprise.

Arthur: Just get to the point, what do you want from me?

Enterprise pointed her finger to me.

Enterprise: I want you, of course.

Belfast: He was mine, to begin with, Enterprise. I will force you to drink my body water if I have to.

I don't want to know about that, Belfast.

Arthur: Can we please cease these pointless death threats?!

Belfast: If it means for her to take my Master away...

Enterprise: But Belfast, revenge is in order... but the Commander and I can still be together though... right? I love you, Commander...

Arthur: Why do you love me if you wanted to kill me at the same time? The letter contradicts it already!

Enterprise's eye pupils started to shrink.

Enterprise: Because no one will get you if you're dead...

Arthur: I don't love you back, so beat it Enterprise.

Complete silence filled the battlefield. It ended when Enterprise started to giggle.

Enterprise: Ehehehe... Hahahah... AHHAHAHAHAH!

She stopped laughing and smiled at me like she felt that it was her victory.

Enterprise: Commander, even though you don't love me, I'm glad that I can see you one last time... but that's where you die like my victims for killing Helena!

(Music is not mine.)


She snapped her fingers, and her Eagle Union friends started to appear behind her, including the shipgirl she was with from the beginning who was questioning me with Takao's relationship, Cleveland. There wasn't only ten Eagle Union shipgirls, she brought in a couple of Commanders as well.

Arthur: You got to be kidding me, more Commanders?!

They were four Commanders that were with Enterprise: KingPEKKA, John Collins, Littorio, and Kusanagi Takeru. Littorio was a battleship girl from the Sardegna Empire, which was ironic for me that she's a Commander. KingPEKKA was with John Collins, who is 24 years old and Kusanagi Takeru, who was sixteen years old.

KingPEKKA: It's time to take out some yanderes, sounds best to you, John?

John Collins: Sounds good to me, let's shoot 'em down!

Arthur: This isn't good...

I pulled out one of my prototype cannon pistols and fired in the air. Jintsuu, Takao, Nanaki, and the others charged in to start attacking them. My eyes changed back to green, and the same aura surrounded myself again.

A.I: Combat mode engage all systems online.

Enterprise: Let's do this...

She unleashed a squadron of 8 Douglas SBD Dauntless Dive Bombers at me and pulled out her bow.

Arthur: Belfast, help out your Royal Navy comrades if you can!

Belfast: I refuse to go, Master.

Arthur: Just go, I'll take care of Enterprise!

Belfast nodded and quickly left, the battle has just begun. I fired four torpedos in the water towards Enterprise and pulled out the other prototype cannon pistol and fired bullets at her. She was rushing towards me and evaded my attacks.

Arthur: Release two fin funnels to take down all the dive bombers who are about to drop bombs on me.

A.I: Activate rapid-fire mode?

Arthur: Negative, just have them inflict piercing damage on them.

A.I: Affirmative, releasing two fin funnels.

Two fin funnels detached themselves, bent into a U-shape, and went straight to the dive bombers. Then Enterprise fired her bow to unleash a projectile that split into 7 shards in a split second. I couldn't dodge it and be forced to protect myself from her attack.

Arthur: Shields up!

I heard 6 fin funnels detached themselves and generated a shield together to absorb the bullets. However, it didn't last long as the 7 bullets shattered the shield into pieces and went towards my chest. The impact pushed me back and hit the floor violently. It deactivated the force field within ten seconds.

Enterprise: *laughs* You thought you could kill me with those gadgets of yours?! You're going against a carrier who never back down on any fights. I fight until the very end if it means for you to die!

Arthur: *coughs* You never see it coming...

Enterprise: Enough of the memes, you're dead!

Arthur: It wasn't any puns intended, Enterprise...

I slowly got up and saw the remaining two fin funnels coming straight towards Enterprise. She looked back and used her superstructure bow to destroy two of the fin funnels.

Arthur: Made you look.

I fired my cannons at Enterprise and used the six fin funnels to attack her. She was hit from the strong attack I delivered and got launched back away from me.

Arthur: *grunts* This is not good for me.

I was in a bad situation right now. The bullets pierced through me and I might not be able to keep fighting. I put away the pistols and covered one of the wounds with my hand.

Jintsuu: I got your back, Arthur!

Jintsuu arrived at the right time to assist me. She brought a couple of bandages to cover my wounds.

Arthur: I can apply these to myself, Jintsuu.

Jintsuu: You are in danger right now, and I'm not letting you go down like this.

She moved my hand and patched the remaining wounds quickly as she can.

Jintsuu: All set, and also take this as well.

She handed me a large case. I opened it, revealing two pairs of Gatling guns.

Arthur: Are you serious, Jintsuu?! These aren't used, and where do you get this stuff anyway?!

Jintsuu: It was from my weapon pile a long time ago. Just use them for your arms.

I equipped the weapons Jintsuu gave me.

Jintsuu: You can thank me later, I have to hold off Cleveland.

Arthur: She's behind you!

Jintsuu turned and saw Cleveland pulled an M1911 Pistol at her face. She smacked it with her fan and started to punch Cleveland a couple of times.

Jintsuu: Stay away from him!

Cleveland: He murdered my best girl! I will bring him to justice for shipping reasons!

Jintsuu: No one cares about your relationship with Helena! She's dead because she broke the fourth wall!

Then she fired her cannons rapidly at Cleveland, spray her a barrage of bullets instead of more fists to the face.

Jintsuu: Finish Enterprise off Arthur, I'll keep this tomboy occupied!

Arthur: It's unnecessary to call her that, but okay.

I went after Enterprise while Jintsuu continued to keep Cleveland at bay. I stopped when I saw Enterprise slowly getting up with one scar on her face. She took her finger to wipe the blood off of her wound.

Enterprise: All that for a drop of blood?

She fired her superstructure weapon, and I managed to evade it quickly. The projectile missed me and hit something else.

Arthur: This ends now, Enterprise!

Enterprise: Then so be it... Lucky E!

She released an airstrike consisting of F6F Hellcats, Douglas SBD Dauntlesses, and TBF Avengers. They dropped torpedos, bombs all over me.

Enterprise: Owari da! (It's over!)

She was ready to launch another projectile from her superstructure again. I pointed my cannons directly on Enterprise to stop her from releasing it at me.

Arthur: No, it's not over!


She was taking hits from somewhere else.

Enterprise: *grunts* Why you...

I looked to my left. Kaga, who launched her airplanes, had her eyes glowed icy blue in anger, and blue flames were spewing around her. She was getting pissed at Enterprise, with some tears pouring out through her eyes

Kaga: You took everything from me...

Enterprise: I don't even know who you are.

Kaga: You will.

She fired a preemptive strike towards Enterprise and rushed towards her with anger. I launched a few more magnetic torpedos, fired my Gatling guns, and launched the rest of the fin funnels to finish her off.

Enterprise: Ngh... what the?!

Arthur and Kaga: Burn in hell Enterprise, you're done for!

With my barrage attacks and Kaga's airplanes, we blew her up into pieces. Huge smokes appeared after we finished Enterprise off. Kaga's blue flames were getting smaller and vanished in thin air and her eyes weren't glowing anymore. I retracted the remaining fin funnels and stopped firing my weapons.

Kaga: It's over, victory is ours.

I took some deep breaths. The smoky clouds disappeared, revealing Enterprise, surviving the attack.

Kaga: This can't be! She was supposed to be defeated!

Arthur: All that... for nothing!

Enterprise fired her bow directly at my stomach. I started to bleed from my mouth, and not only that it went through my stomach, but it also damaged my rigging.


(You can stop the music if you happen to read fast.)

Jintsuu's POV

I heard Kaga's voice after taking care of Cleveland. She was unconscious, but I didn't kill her for now.

Jintsuu: Arthur...

Shoukaku landed next to me and Nanaki had just finished taking South Dakota out.

Nanaki: Jintsuu, what's happening? And why is there a helicopter shooting down our reinforcements?

Jintsuu: Arthur's in trouble; and not only that, she sent Commanders to take them out! Shoukaku, shoot the helicopter down with your planes, now!

Shoukaku: Is it because you want to help out your sweet "Arthur"? You forgot he's mine!

Jintsuu: I don't have any aviation power on me, so just kill them!

Shoukaku: Fine, fine...

She floated in midair and went after the helicopter to launch an airstrike. She started to play the flute and the airplanes went towards the helicopter, destroying it from the outside.

???: That's it, you're going down with us!

Shoukaku: No, just you three~ *giggles*

I looked at Nanaki after the helicopter exploded.

Jintsuu: How are we doing so far against the Eagle Union ships?

Nanaki: We're barely winning, so far we took care of half of them. Georgia is tough and Eldridge is the troublesome one because she's has electricity on her.

Jintsuu: Tell the others to keep their distance away from her, I need to go now.

Nanaki: On it!

I rushed towards Arthur as quickly as possible. I stumbled upon Littorio who was blocking in my way.

Jintsuu: Move aside, I don't have time for you!

Littorio: You wander here by mistake, so too bad for you. Arrivederci!

She fired a special barrage at me. I launch myself to go over Littorio's head and land on the water so that I can get to Arthur safely.

Littorio: Oi, I'm not done with you yet!

Jintsuu: Well I am!

I fired two torpedos towards her and she sunk into the water afterward. They were critical hits, so it did cause a lot of damage to her.

Timeskip (a few minutes later)

I caught up with Arthur, who was looking pale already. Meanwhile, the Iron Blood shipgirls were busy taking care of Georgia and North Carolina.

Jintsuu: Arthur!

Arthur: *coughs* Why... did you come back...here?

Jintsuu: I came here to finish Enterprise off!

Arthur: You... can't...

Jintsuu: Why not?

Arthur: she can... use her skill...Lucky E at any time...

He was bleeding already and not in a pleasant way.

Jintsuu: Luckily I heard your voice from far away, Kaga. And why is Enterprise still alive?

Kaga: We tried our best to defeat her... but she is unbeatable at this point.

Enterprise: That's right, you can never defeat me!

She whacked me and Kaga with her bow harshly and I fell on the watery surface. I slowly got up and then saw Enterprise grabbing me and covering my mouth.

Enterprise: It's over, you lost this battle. This was your fault from the start, you stole his heart away from me. And now, I have some fun with you~♥ *giggles*

She pulled a combat knife out of her pocket. It had a heart symbol on the steel blade and I was close to being dead. She then gave me a joyful grin while I was struggling to get out.

Jintsuu: *muffled* Let go of me, you crazed maniac!

Enterprise: I'm sorry Jintsuu... but you won't see your precious Commander anymore~ I loved him even if he doesn't love me...

All of a sudden she let go of me and I was released from her before she plunged the knife towards my stomach. I looked at Arthur, who stood up and shot her on her shoulder.

(Music is not mine by the way, but it gives a sad feeling to it.)


Jintsuu: I knew it...

Enterprise looked at Arthur and stopped smiling. He fired one of his cannons to release me from Enterprise.

Enterprise: How could you... do this to me?

Arthur: You said it already. You told me that you slaughtered the girls that want me to themselves. Even if half of them survived, I'm not letting you ruin my life. My duty is finally fulfilled.

Enterprise: You... can't defeat me still!

Arthur: Even if I can't defeat you... I'm using my life to destroy you...

Is he, ending his life?

Jintsuu: Arthur, what are you doing?!

Arthur: I'm doing what I told myself to do.

I quickly realize that he was going to destroy himself.

Jintsuu: Arthur, don't do this!

Arthur: It's okay Jintsuu, you don't need to worry anymore. You told me that I can finish off Enterprise.

Jintsuu: Arthur, you shouldn't end your life! Death is death no matter what your reason is!

Arthur: Please Jintsuu, don't worry about me... It's going to be okay. We won this fight, that's what matters. Guess my work is done, and that's why I'm now resigning from Azur Lane.

Jintsuu: You're going to lose everything if you do this! Your world, us, everything!

Arthur: That's why I'm risking my life to save everyone, and I won't let you die to anyone!

I started to tear up all of a sudden. I couldn't handle my emotions anymore.

Arthur: Jintsuu, even though I did nothing right, I'm lucky to have you on my side. You were there for me, and I can't thank you enough.

Jintsuu: Arthur...

Arthur: There's nothing I can do now. My rigging is damaged, weapons are fried, and I'm injured.

I didn't want him to die, and it impacts everyone who liked Arthur as a person.

Jintsuu: Arthur... I want to stand by your side instead of dealing with these disastrous events.

Arthur: I promise that I'll be on your side.

He removed the wedding ring from his right ring finger and slid it on my ring finger.

Arthur: You deserved this more than me, I have no use for it anyway. Consider it a little reminder about me.

Jintsuu: Arthur, I love you...

It was too much to handle this... departure. I can feel my heart was broken into tiny pieces of a candy jar, spilling candy on the floor.

Arthur: You too. Well then, farewell Jintsuu.

He grabbed Enterprise, pulled out a detonator from his pocket, and pushed the button. His rigging started to glow bright green as I step away from Arthur to not get in the blast radius. He looked at me one last time and smiled. I shut my eyes before I saw him explode into tiny little pieces.

Jintsuu: Goodbye, Arthur.

Side note: I'm so sorry for this huge delay. But now, it's completed. And my goodness, what a long chapter it was. Shout out to dunnowhatisurname, KingPEKKA, Jerzeyboy95, and WriterFox14 for the name suggestions on the other commanders. Don't worry, I'll get more screentime for them in the next chapter. 

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